Prof. Dr. MUTLU YUKSEL AVCILAR | Osmaniye Korkut Ata University (original) (raw)
Service quality is the major strategic tool for business sustainability in today’s competitive gl... more Service quality is the major strategic tool for business sustainability in today’s competitive global market place. Enterprises which provide high service quality can increase their profitability with increasing their customer’s satisfaction. Service quality and customer satisfaction have an increasing importance in modern retailing which is shaped by intense competition. Retailer firms which operate in this market have to focus on service quality and customer satisfaction in order to continue to their business activities. The aim of this study is to determine the dimensions of supermarket services quality and explore the relationship between perceived supermarket service quality and customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. It was empirically examined the relationship among perceived services quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention to supermarket by using structural equation modeling approach. The results of the study show the validity the five dimensional str...
European Journal of Business and Management, 2016
The global market value of the halal food industry was estimated at US$1.1 trillion in 2013. The ... more The global market value of the halal food industry was estimated at US$1.1 trillion in 2013. The halal food industry is growing in a number of markets, mainly in countries in the Middle East, North Africa and the South East Asia region. Indonesia is the biggest halal food market with a market value of 197billion;Turkeyisthesecondlargestmarketwithanestimatedmarketvalueof197 billion; Turkey is the second largest market with an estimated market value of 197billion;Turkeyisthesecondlargestmarketwithanestimatedmarketvalueof100 billion. The halal food sector has great potential to drive the global economy. Despite the halal food industry having a significant share in the global economy, the number of empirical studies that have been conducted on the consumer purchase behavior of halal food is quite limited. In order to fill this gap, we aimed to investigate the factors influencing intention to purchase halal certified products among Muslim consumers in Turkey. The data were collected by means of self-administered questionnaires from consumers and the study was conducted in Kayseri, Turkey. The convenience sampling method ...
Bir sehrin markalasmasinda, sehirde yasayan nitelikli insan sermayesi (entelektuel sermaye) duzey... more Bir sehrin markalasmasinda, sehirde yasayan nitelikli insan sermayesi (entelektuel sermaye) duzeyinin artirilmasi oldukca onemlidir. Universitede calismak ve egitim almak icin sehirde yasamaya karar veren akademisyen ve ogrencilerin, onlara ev sahipligi yapan sehirlerin ekonomik, sosyal ve kulturel yonden gelismesine olumlu katkilar sagladigi bilinmektedir. Ayrica, sehirde yasayan akademisyenler ve ogrencilerin, gerek sehirde yasamaktan ve gerekse, universitede egitim almaktan algiladiklari memnuniyet duzeylerinin tespiti, sehir pazarlama ve markalasma stratejilerinin gelistirilmesinde karar alicilara yol gostermektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, Osmaniye Korkut Ata Universitesinde calisan akademisyenler ve egitim alan ogrencilerin Osmaniye’de yasamaktan duyduklari memnuniyet duzeyini olcerek, sehir memnuniyet indeksi hesaplamaktir. Arastirma icin gerekli olan veriler, yuz yuze anket yontemi ile Osmaniye Korkut Ata Universitesi’nde gorev yapan akademik personel ve ogrencilerden kolayda o...
Sahiplik etkisi kavrami, kayiptan kacinma ekseninde aciklanan bir kavram olup herhangi bir nesned... more Sahiplik etkisi kavrami, kayiptan kacinma ekseninde aciklanan bir kavram olup herhangi bir nesneden vazgecmenin yarattigi dezavantaj duzeyinin, o nesneye sahip olmanin yarattigi avantaj duzeyinden yuksek olmasi seklinde tanimlanmistir. Alanyazindaki arastirmalarda kayiptan kacinma kavraminin, bireylerin urun sahipligini kaybetmeleri durumunu, urune erisim saglama durumuna kiyasla daha kolay bir sekilde hatirlamalari ile iliskili oldugu ve bu kavramin sahiplik etkisinin tetikleyicisi oldugu belirtilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, sahiplik etkisinin arac paylasimina yonelik tutum ve niyet uzerindeki etkisini tespit etmektir. Bu dogrultuda, arac paylasimina yonelik tutum ve niyet uzerinde sahiplik etkisi duzeyi, cinsiyet ve sahiplik etkisi duzeyi-cinsiyet etkilesiminin etkileri incelenmistir. Analiz icin gerekli olan veriler, kolayda ornekleme ile arastirmaya gonullu katilan ve arac paylasimi uygulamalarini kullanan 400 kullanicidan yuz yuze anket yontemi kullanilarak elde edilmistir. V...
Recently, a number of researchers have sought to determine variables that may affect the ethical ... more Recently, a number of researchers have sought to determine variables that may affect the ethical decision-making process. One of these variables is personal values that are guidelines for doing the ethical behavior. Personal values play an important role in the ethical decision-making process. In this study, we examined the effects of business students’ terminal and instrumental values on the ethical decision-making process. We considered ethical decision-making process as an ethical awareness, ethical orientation, and ethical intention. In order to measure ethical awareness, we tested whether a particular action was ethical/unethical based on ethical theories like justice, deontology, utilitarianism, relativism. Students’ intentions to perform ethical behaviors were measured by the probability of doing questionable action. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of personal values on the students’ ethical decision-making criteria and intention to perfo...
International Journal of Business Administration, 2017
The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existi... more The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existing customer. Thus, companies tend to be more concerned with customer retention. Keeping their current market share is one of the important tasks for companies. Understanding why customers complain and switch from one company to another help companies to retain their customers. One of the reasons consumers engage in negative responses can result from dissonance experienced after purchase. The concept cognitive dissonance has been studied widely in the literature of consumer behavior. However, there are few studies discussing the relation between cognitive dissonance (its dimensions) and consumers’ complaint responses. This study adopts the 22-item scale of Sweeney et al. (2000) in order to evaluate consumers’ level of cognitive dissonance after purchasing a smartphone. This study offers three dimensions of cognitive dissonance –emotion, wisdom of purchase and concern over deal- as the pre...
International Journal of Business and Management, 2017
In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their ... more In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their mobile shopping transactions. Mobile retailers are forcing themselves to impact consumers’ mobile shopping attitude and behavior by generating new shopping experiences on the purpose of their business life cycle under the threat of destructive competitive factors between retailers operating both in conventional and online stores. Considering the destructive competitive business conditions, it is crucial for mobile retailers to understand mobile shoppers’ beliefs, attitudes mobile shopping intentions, and behavior related to mobile shopping. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Consumer Perceived Value and Flow theory that will ensure eloquent comprehension of making purchases via mobile devices. Indeed, utilitarian and hedonic value, perceived enjoyment and flow dimensions are added into the research model.In data collection phase, c...
International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2015
Research Journal of Business Management, 2009
Günümüzün yoğun rekabet ortamında, tüketici temelli marka değerinin ölçülmesi ve zaman içerisinde... more Günümüzün yoğun rekabet ortamında, tüketici temelli marka değerinin ölçülmesi ve zaman içerisinde bu değerin izlenmesi işletmeler için oldukça önemlidir. Bireysel tüketici perspektifinden marka değer yapısının kavramsallaştırılması ve ölçülmesine yönelik literatürde çok sayıda araştırma bulunmasına rağmen tüketici temelli marka değerinin kavramsal yapısının ne olduğu ve bu değerin nasıl ölçüleceği konusunda tam bir görüş birliği bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, pazarlama literatüründe yer alan tüketici temelli marka değerini oluşturan boyutları incelemek ve bu boyutların geçerliliğini tespit etmektir. Bu çalışmada tüketici temelli marka değeri, Aaker'in (1991) marka değer modeli, temel alınarak marka farkındalığı, markadan algılanan kalite, marka çağrışımları ve marka sadakati boyutlarından oluşan dört boyutlu bir yapı olarak kavramsallaştırılmıştır. Tüketici temelli marka değerini oluşturan boyutları incelemek ve bu boyutların geçerliliğini test etmek için Niğde Üniversitesi öğrencilerine yönelik bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tüketici temelli marka değerini oluşturan boyutların geçerliliğini test etmek için doğrulayıcı faktör analizi kullanılmış, önerilen model iki farklı ulusal çikolata markası için test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçları dört boyuttan oluşan tüketici temelli marka değeri yapısının geçerli olduğunu doğrulamaktadır.
International Business Research, 2016
Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment ... more Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment in order to enhance their green brand equity, because of consumers’ increasing environmental concern. Companies have reacted to increasing environmental consciousness of consumers by introducing and developing eco-friendly products. However, there are still consumers being suspicious about the environmental performance of companies and their products. Greenwash or disclosure of deceptive green claims decreases the popularity of the real green product and decreases the effectiveness of green marketing.This study proposed four constructs -greenwashing, green perceived risk, green confusion and green trust- as the predictors of the green brand equity of gas station companies. The study offers a negative relationship between greenwash perception and green brand equity. Besides, the effects of green confusion, green perceived risk and green trust on green brand equity are tested. The study al...
Dagitim kanallarinin cesitlenmesiyle beraber, birden fazla dagitim kanalini ayni anda kullanmak i... more Dagitim kanallarinin cesitlenmesiyle beraber, birden fazla dagitim kanalini ayni anda kullanmak isteyen perakendecilerin cok kanalli perakendecilik stratejilerine yonelmesi ve deneyimsel perakendecilik uygulamalariyla, musterilerin akis deneyimi yasamalarini saglamasi, musteri satin alma niyetinin ve memnuniyetinin saglanmasinda onem tasimaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci, uc farkli perakende satis kanali dikkate alindiginda tuketicilerin magazadan algiladigi deneyimsel deger ve akis deneyimini olusturan boyutlarin ortalama duzeyleri arasinda istatistiki olarak anlamli bir farklilik bulunup bulunmadigini tespit etmektir. Belirlenen amac dogrultusunda, Ankara’da yasayan ve ZARA’nin cevrimici, mobil ve fiziksel magazasindan alisveris yapan 1204 tuketiciye yuz yuze anket uygulanarak elde edilen verilere MANOVA analizi uygulanmistir. MANOVA analizi gruplar arasi fark testi sonucunda, kanallar arasinda magaza ve akis deneyimi boyutlari acisindan istatistiki olarak anlamli bir fark bulunmustur...
Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 2017
İletişim teknolojisindeki gelişmeler, işletmelere ürün ve hizmetlerin tutundurulmasında yeni fırs... more İletişim teknolojisindeki gelişmeler, işletmelere ürün ve hizmetlerin tutundurulmasında yeni fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Mobil reklamcılık bu fırsatlardan birisidir. Akıllı telefonların yaygınlaşması ile birlikte mobil reklamların kullanım alanları da artmıştır. Mobil reklamcılığın etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi için hedef müşterilerin, reklamı kabullenme durumlarının değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada akıllı telefon kullanıcılarının, MMS ve SMS türündeki mobil reklamları kabullenme durumları, reklamdan algılanan değer ve akış deneyimi kapsamında değerlendirilmektedir. Buna göre mobil reklam mesajlarının içeriği ile ilgili özellikler, reklamdan algılanan değer, bireyin kendisini tamamen karşılaştığı olaya verdiği zihinsel bir durumu ifade eden akış deneyimi ve mobil reklamı kabullenme arasındaki ilişkileri gösteren bir model sunulmaktadır. Söz konusu modelde mobil reklamların eğlendirme, bilgilendirme, kişiselleştirme, rahatsız etme, teşvik etme ve güvenilirlik özelliklerinin; reklamın algılanan değeri, akış deneyimi ve reklamı kabullenme üzerindeki etkileri değerlendirilmektedir. Araştırmanın örneklemini Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören 392 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Anket formu ile elde edilen veriler, Kısmı En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (Partial Least Square-Path Modelling/PLS-SEM) Yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre reklamdan algılanan değer ve akış deneyimi, mobil reklamı kabullenmeyi olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Reklamın içerik özelliklerinden bilgilendirme, reklamdan algılanan değer üzerinde en etkili özellik olurken; akış deneyimi üzerinde en yüksek etkiye sahip içerik özelliği, eğlendirme olmaktadır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, tüketicilerin mobil reklamları kabullenmelerinde etkili olan faktörleri değerlendirmeleri ve buna uygun reklam stratejileri geliştirmeleri yönünde işletmelere yol gösterebilecektir.
Business and Economics Research Journal
Journal of Business Research
Pressacademia, 2016
Social media is an Internet-based application built on the technological foundations of Web 2.0, ... more Social media is an Internet-based application built on the technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. This computer mediated communication mediums allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, view and traverse their list of connections within the system. Individuals use this medium to share thoughts, ideas, experiments, information, and experiences. Therefore, individuals can generate and exchange content via social media. In recent years, more and more individuals have adopted and used social media applications more rapidly, due to the widespread use of the internet-connected smart phones. Thus, why usage level of social media has grown rapidly and what specific factors motivate individuals to use these applications has become an important research subject. This study focuses on the motivations of individuals for using social media in accordance with personality traits. The study examines the relationships between Five Factor Personality Traits and motivations for using social media. The analysis results reveal that personality traits have important effects on motivations for using social media. Especially, extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness dimensions have statistically significant effects on all motivations for using social media.
In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their mobi... more In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their mobile shopping transactions. Mobile retailers are forcing themselves to impact consumers' mobile shopping attitude and behavior by generating new shopping experiences on the purpose of their business life cycle under the threat of destructive competitive factors between retailers operating both in conventional and online stores. Considering the destructive competitive business conditions, it is crucial for mobile retailers to understand mobile shoppers' beliefs, attitudes mobile shopping intentions, and behavior related to mobile shopping. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Consumer Perceived Value and Flow theory that will ensure eloquent comprehension of making purchases via mobile devices. Indeed, utilitarian and hedonic value, perceived enjoyment and flow dimensions are added into the research model. In data collection phase, convenience sampling method was used and face-to-face interviews methods were exercised. The 400 valid questionnaires were collected from the mobile shoppers who willingly participate with our research in Adana, Turkey. In order to test the research model, we used Partial Least Squares (PLS-PM) analysis method. The study results enable significant support for the proposed research model. Analysis result reveals that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, mobile shopping flow experience, mobile shopping attitude, mobile shopping satisfaction, perceived utilitarian value, and hedonic value dimensions positively affect mobile repurchase intentions.
The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existi... more The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existing customer. Thus, companies tend to be more concerned with customer retention. Keeping their current market share is one of the important tasks for companies. Understanding why customers complain and switch from one company to another help companies to retain their customers. One of the reasons consumers engage in negative responses can result from dissonance experienced after purchase. The concept cognitive dissonance has been studied widely in the literature of consumer behavior. However, there are few studies discussing the relation between cognitive dissonance (its dimensions) and consumers' complaint responses. This study adopts the 22-item scale of Sweeney et al. (2000) in order to evaluate consumers' level of cognitive dissonance after purchasing a smartphone. This study offers three dimensions of cognitive dissonance –emotion, wisdom of purchase and concern over deal-as the predictors of external information search and consumer complaint responses. This study tests whether cognitive dissonance has significant effects on consumers' search for external information, and in turn, on consumers' complaint and switching intention. The empirical analysis was carried out based on the data gathered by 400 smartphone users, living in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. The survey result was analyzed by using Partial Least Squares (PLS-PM) analysis method. The results reveal that when consumers feel emotional and rational inconsistencies after smartphone purchasing, they need information from external sources (such as asking friends, relatives, other stores), and this information search behavior leads to negative consumer responses as complaint and switching intention.
Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment ... more Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment in order to enhance their green brand equity, because of consumers " increasing environmental concern. Companies have reacted to increasing environmental consciousness of consumers by introducing and developing eco-friendly products. However, there are still consumers being suspicious about the environmental performance of companies and their products. Greenwash or disclosure of deceptive green claims decreases the popularity of the real green product and decreases the effectiveness of green marketing. This study proposed four constructs-greenwashing, green perceived risk, green confusion and green trust-as the predictors of the green brand equity of gas station companies. The study offers a negative relationship between greenwash perception and green brand equity. Besides, the effects of green confusion, green perceived risk and green trust on green brand equity are tested. The study also develops perceived greenwash index, so that it reveals a direct effect of greenwash on green brand equity. The empirical analysis was carried out based on the data obtained from 400 customers of the gas station companies, which are located in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. The survey result was analyzed by using Partial Least Squares (PLS-PM) analysis method. The results reveal that consumer " s greenwash perception has a positive effect on green confusion and green perceived risk, whereas green confusion and green perceived risk have negative effects on green trust. Expectedly, green trust has a positive effect on green brand equity. The result also indicates that consumer " s greenwash perception negatively and directly affects green brand equity.
Service quality is the major strategic tool for business sustainability in today’s competitive gl... more Service quality is the major strategic tool for business sustainability in today’s competitive global market place. Enterprises which provide high service quality can increase their profitability with increasing their customer’s satisfaction. Service quality and customer satisfaction have an increasing importance in modern retailing which is shaped by intense competition. Retailer firms which operate in this market have to focus on service quality and customer satisfaction in order to continue to their business activities. The aim of this study is to determine the dimensions of supermarket services quality and explore the relationship between perceived supermarket service quality and customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. It was empirically examined the relationship among perceived services quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention to supermarket by using structural equation modeling approach. The results of the study show the validity the five dimensional str...
European Journal of Business and Management, 2016
The global market value of the halal food industry was estimated at US$1.1 trillion in 2013. The ... more The global market value of the halal food industry was estimated at US$1.1 trillion in 2013. The halal food industry is growing in a number of markets, mainly in countries in the Middle East, North Africa and the South East Asia region. Indonesia is the biggest halal food market with a market value of 197billion;Turkeyisthesecondlargestmarketwithanestimatedmarketvalueof197 billion; Turkey is the second largest market with an estimated market value of 197billion;Turkeyisthesecondlargestmarketwithanestimatedmarketvalueof100 billion. The halal food sector has great potential to drive the global economy. Despite the halal food industry having a significant share in the global economy, the number of empirical studies that have been conducted on the consumer purchase behavior of halal food is quite limited. In order to fill this gap, we aimed to investigate the factors influencing intention to purchase halal certified products among Muslim consumers in Turkey. The data were collected by means of self-administered questionnaires from consumers and the study was conducted in Kayseri, Turkey. The convenience sampling method ...
Bir sehrin markalasmasinda, sehirde yasayan nitelikli insan sermayesi (entelektuel sermaye) duzey... more Bir sehrin markalasmasinda, sehirde yasayan nitelikli insan sermayesi (entelektuel sermaye) duzeyinin artirilmasi oldukca onemlidir. Universitede calismak ve egitim almak icin sehirde yasamaya karar veren akademisyen ve ogrencilerin, onlara ev sahipligi yapan sehirlerin ekonomik, sosyal ve kulturel yonden gelismesine olumlu katkilar sagladigi bilinmektedir. Ayrica, sehirde yasayan akademisyenler ve ogrencilerin, gerek sehirde yasamaktan ve gerekse, universitede egitim almaktan algiladiklari memnuniyet duzeylerinin tespiti, sehir pazarlama ve markalasma stratejilerinin gelistirilmesinde karar alicilara yol gostermektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, Osmaniye Korkut Ata Universitesinde calisan akademisyenler ve egitim alan ogrencilerin Osmaniye’de yasamaktan duyduklari memnuniyet duzeyini olcerek, sehir memnuniyet indeksi hesaplamaktir. Arastirma icin gerekli olan veriler, yuz yuze anket yontemi ile Osmaniye Korkut Ata Universitesi’nde gorev yapan akademik personel ve ogrencilerden kolayda o...
Sahiplik etkisi kavrami, kayiptan kacinma ekseninde aciklanan bir kavram olup herhangi bir nesned... more Sahiplik etkisi kavrami, kayiptan kacinma ekseninde aciklanan bir kavram olup herhangi bir nesneden vazgecmenin yarattigi dezavantaj duzeyinin, o nesneye sahip olmanin yarattigi avantaj duzeyinden yuksek olmasi seklinde tanimlanmistir. Alanyazindaki arastirmalarda kayiptan kacinma kavraminin, bireylerin urun sahipligini kaybetmeleri durumunu, urune erisim saglama durumuna kiyasla daha kolay bir sekilde hatirlamalari ile iliskili oldugu ve bu kavramin sahiplik etkisinin tetikleyicisi oldugu belirtilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, sahiplik etkisinin arac paylasimina yonelik tutum ve niyet uzerindeki etkisini tespit etmektir. Bu dogrultuda, arac paylasimina yonelik tutum ve niyet uzerinde sahiplik etkisi duzeyi, cinsiyet ve sahiplik etkisi duzeyi-cinsiyet etkilesiminin etkileri incelenmistir. Analiz icin gerekli olan veriler, kolayda ornekleme ile arastirmaya gonullu katilan ve arac paylasimi uygulamalarini kullanan 400 kullanicidan yuz yuze anket yontemi kullanilarak elde edilmistir. V...
Recently, a number of researchers have sought to determine variables that may affect the ethical ... more Recently, a number of researchers have sought to determine variables that may affect the ethical decision-making process. One of these variables is personal values that are guidelines for doing the ethical behavior. Personal values play an important role in the ethical decision-making process. In this study, we examined the effects of business students’ terminal and instrumental values on the ethical decision-making process. We considered ethical decision-making process as an ethical awareness, ethical orientation, and ethical intention. In order to measure ethical awareness, we tested whether a particular action was ethical/unethical based on ethical theories like justice, deontology, utilitarianism, relativism. Students’ intentions to perform ethical behaviors were measured by the probability of doing questionable action. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of personal values on the students’ ethical decision-making criteria and intention to perfo...
International Journal of Business Administration, 2017
The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existi... more The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existing customer. Thus, companies tend to be more concerned with customer retention. Keeping their current market share is one of the important tasks for companies. Understanding why customers complain and switch from one company to another help companies to retain their customers. One of the reasons consumers engage in negative responses can result from dissonance experienced after purchase. The concept cognitive dissonance has been studied widely in the literature of consumer behavior. However, there are few studies discussing the relation between cognitive dissonance (its dimensions) and consumers’ complaint responses. This study adopts the 22-item scale of Sweeney et al. (2000) in order to evaluate consumers’ level of cognitive dissonance after purchasing a smartphone. This study offers three dimensions of cognitive dissonance –emotion, wisdom of purchase and concern over deal- as the pre...
International Journal of Business and Management, 2017
In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their ... more In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their mobile shopping transactions. Mobile retailers are forcing themselves to impact consumers’ mobile shopping attitude and behavior by generating new shopping experiences on the purpose of their business life cycle under the threat of destructive competitive factors between retailers operating both in conventional and online stores. Considering the destructive competitive business conditions, it is crucial for mobile retailers to understand mobile shoppers’ beliefs, attitudes mobile shopping intentions, and behavior related to mobile shopping. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Consumer Perceived Value and Flow theory that will ensure eloquent comprehension of making purchases via mobile devices. Indeed, utilitarian and hedonic value, perceived enjoyment and flow dimensions are added into the research model.In data collection phase, c...
International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2015
Research Journal of Business Management, 2009
Günümüzün yoğun rekabet ortamında, tüketici temelli marka değerinin ölçülmesi ve zaman içerisinde... more Günümüzün yoğun rekabet ortamında, tüketici temelli marka değerinin ölçülmesi ve zaman içerisinde bu değerin izlenmesi işletmeler için oldukça önemlidir. Bireysel tüketici perspektifinden marka değer yapısının kavramsallaştırılması ve ölçülmesine yönelik literatürde çok sayıda araştırma bulunmasına rağmen tüketici temelli marka değerinin kavramsal yapısının ne olduğu ve bu değerin nasıl ölçüleceği konusunda tam bir görüş birliği bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, pazarlama literatüründe yer alan tüketici temelli marka değerini oluşturan boyutları incelemek ve bu boyutların geçerliliğini tespit etmektir. Bu çalışmada tüketici temelli marka değeri, Aaker'in (1991) marka değer modeli, temel alınarak marka farkındalığı, markadan algılanan kalite, marka çağrışımları ve marka sadakati boyutlarından oluşan dört boyutlu bir yapı olarak kavramsallaştırılmıştır. Tüketici temelli marka değerini oluşturan boyutları incelemek ve bu boyutların geçerliliğini test etmek için Niğde Üniversitesi öğrencilerine yönelik bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tüketici temelli marka değerini oluşturan boyutların geçerliliğini test etmek için doğrulayıcı faktör analizi kullanılmış, önerilen model iki farklı ulusal çikolata markası için test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçları dört boyuttan oluşan tüketici temelli marka değeri yapısının geçerli olduğunu doğrulamaktadır.
International Business Research, 2016
Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment ... more Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment in order to enhance their green brand equity, because of consumers’ increasing environmental concern. Companies have reacted to increasing environmental consciousness of consumers by introducing and developing eco-friendly products. However, there are still consumers being suspicious about the environmental performance of companies and their products. Greenwash or disclosure of deceptive green claims decreases the popularity of the real green product and decreases the effectiveness of green marketing.This study proposed four constructs -greenwashing, green perceived risk, green confusion and green trust- as the predictors of the green brand equity of gas station companies. The study offers a negative relationship between greenwash perception and green brand equity. Besides, the effects of green confusion, green perceived risk and green trust on green brand equity are tested. The study al...
Dagitim kanallarinin cesitlenmesiyle beraber, birden fazla dagitim kanalini ayni anda kullanmak i... more Dagitim kanallarinin cesitlenmesiyle beraber, birden fazla dagitim kanalini ayni anda kullanmak isteyen perakendecilerin cok kanalli perakendecilik stratejilerine yonelmesi ve deneyimsel perakendecilik uygulamalariyla, musterilerin akis deneyimi yasamalarini saglamasi, musteri satin alma niyetinin ve memnuniyetinin saglanmasinda onem tasimaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci, uc farkli perakende satis kanali dikkate alindiginda tuketicilerin magazadan algiladigi deneyimsel deger ve akis deneyimini olusturan boyutlarin ortalama duzeyleri arasinda istatistiki olarak anlamli bir farklilik bulunup bulunmadigini tespit etmektir. Belirlenen amac dogrultusunda, Ankara’da yasayan ve ZARA’nin cevrimici, mobil ve fiziksel magazasindan alisveris yapan 1204 tuketiciye yuz yuze anket uygulanarak elde edilen verilere MANOVA analizi uygulanmistir. MANOVA analizi gruplar arasi fark testi sonucunda, kanallar arasinda magaza ve akis deneyimi boyutlari acisindan istatistiki olarak anlamli bir fark bulunmustur...
Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 2017
İletişim teknolojisindeki gelişmeler, işletmelere ürün ve hizmetlerin tutundurulmasında yeni fırs... more İletişim teknolojisindeki gelişmeler, işletmelere ürün ve hizmetlerin tutundurulmasında yeni fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Mobil reklamcılık bu fırsatlardan birisidir. Akıllı telefonların yaygınlaşması ile birlikte mobil reklamların kullanım alanları da artmıştır. Mobil reklamcılığın etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi için hedef müşterilerin, reklamı kabullenme durumlarının değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada akıllı telefon kullanıcılarının, MMS ve SMS türündeki mobil reklamları kabullenme durumları, reklamdan algılanan değer ve akış deneyimi kapsamında değerlendirilmektedir. Buna göre mobil reklam mesajlarının içeriği ile ilgili özellikler, reklamdan algılanan değer, bireyin kendisini tamamen karşılaştığı olaya verdiği zihinsel bir durumu ifade eden akış deneyimi ve mobil reklamı kabullenme arasındaki ilişkileri gösteren bir model sunulmaktadır. Söz konusu modelde mobil reklamların eğlendirme, bilgilendirme, kişiselleştirme, rahatsız etme, teşvik etme ve güvenilirlik özelliklerinin; reklamın algılanan değeri, akış deneyimi ve reklamı kabullenme üzerindeki etkileri değerlendirilmektedir. Araştırmanın örneklemini Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören 392 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Anket formu ile elde edilen veriler, Kısmı En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (Partial Least Square-Path Modelling/PLS-SEM) Yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre reklamdan algılanan değer ve akış deneyimi, mobil reklamı kabullenmeyi olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Reklamın içerik özelliklerinden bilgilendirme, reklamdan algılanan değer üzerinde en etkili özellik olurken; akış deneyimi üzerinde en yüksek etkiye sahip içerik özelliği, eğlendirme olmaktadır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, tüketicilerin mobil reklamları kabullenmelerinde etkili olan faktörleri değerlendirmeleri ve buna uygun reklam stratejileri geliştirmeleri yönünde işletmelere yol gösterebilecektir.
Business and Economics Research Journal
Journal of Business Research
Pressacademia, 2016
Social media is an Internet-based application built on the technological foundations of Web 2.0, ... more Social media is an Internet-based application built on the technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. This computer mediated communication mediums allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, view and traverse their list of connections within the system. Individuals use this medium to share thoughts, ideas, experiments, information, and experiences. Therefore, individuals can generate and exchange content via social media. In recent years, more and more individuals have adopted and used social media applications more rapidly, due to the widespread use of the internet-connected smart phones. Thus, why usage level of social media has grown rapidly and what specific factors motivate individuals to use these applications has become an important research subject. This study focuses on the motivations of individuals for using social media in accordance with personality traits. The study examines the relationships between Five Factor Personality Traits and motivations for using social media. The analysis results reveal that personality traits have important effects on motivations for using social media. Especially, extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness dimensions have statistically significant effects on all motivations for using social media.
In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their mobi... more In today's digital world, consumers have progressively utilized the mobile Internet in their mobile shopping transactions. Mobile retailers are forcing themselves to impact consumers' mobile shopping attitude and behavior by generating new shopping experiences on the purpose of their business life cycle under the threat of destructive competitive factors between retailers operating both in conventional and online stores. Considering the destructive competitive business conditions, it is crucial for mobile retailers to understand mobile shoppers' beliefs, attitudes mobile shopping intentions, and behavior related to mobile shopping. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Consumer Perceived Value and Flow theory that will ensure eloquent comprehension of making purchases via mobile devices. Indeed, utilitarian and hedonic value, perceived enjoyment and flow dimensions are added into the research model. In data collection phase, convenience sampling method was used and face-to-face interviews methods were exercised. The 400 valid questionnaires were collected from the mobile shoppers who willingly participate with our research in Adana, Turkey. In order to test the research model, we used Partial Least Squares (PLS-PM) analysis method. The study results enable significant support for the proposed research model. Analysis result reveals that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, mobile shopping flow experience, mobile shopping attitude, mobile shopping satisfaction, perceived utilitarian value, and hedonic value dimensions positively affect mobile repurchase intentions.
The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existi... more The cost of influencing a new customer rapidly increases and exceeds the cost of retaining existing customer. Thus, companies tend to be more concerned with customer retention. Keeping their current market share is one of the important tasks for companies. Understanding why customers complain and switch from one company to another help companies to retain their customers. One of the reasons consumers engage in negative responses can result from dissonance experienced after purchase. The concept cognitive dissonance has been studied widely in the literature of consumer behavior. However, there are few studies discussing the relation between cognitive dissonance (its dimensions) and consumers' complaint responses. This study adopts the 22-item scale of Sweeney et al. (2000) in order to evaluate consumers' level of cognitive dissonance after purchasing a smartphone. This study offers three dimensions of cognitive dissonance –emotion, wisdom of purchase and concern over deal-as the predictors of external information search and consumer complaint responses. This study tests whether cognitive dissonance has significant effects on consumers' search for external information, and in turn, on consumers' complaint and switching intention. The empirical analysis was carried out based on the data gathered by 400 smartphone users, living in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. The survey result was analyzed by using Partial Least Squares (PLS-PM) analysis method. The results reveal that when consumers feel emotional and rational inconsistencies after smartphone purchasing, they need information from external sources (such as asking friends, relatives, other stores), and this information search behavior leads to negative consumer responses as complaint and switching intention.
Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment ... more Today, companies are searching for the ways to be perceived as more sensitive to the environment in order to enhance their green brand equity, because of consumers " increasing environmental concern. Companies have reacted to increasing environmental consciousness of consumers by introducing and developing eco-friendly products. However, there are still consumers being suspicious about the environmental performance of companies and their products. Greenwash or disclosure of deceptive green claims decreases the popularity of the real green product and decreases the effectiveness of green marketing. This study proposed four constructs-greenwashing, green perceived risk, green confusion and green trust-as the predictors of the green brand equity of gas station companies. The study offers a negative relationship between greenwash perception and green brand equity. Besides, the effects of green confusion, green perceived risk and green trust on green brand equity are tested. The study also develops perceived greenwash index, so that it reveals a direct effect of greenwash on green brand equity. The empirical analysis was carried out based on the data obtained from 400 customers of the gas station companies, which are located in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. The survey result was analyzed by using Partial Least Squares (PLS-PM) analysis method. The results reveal that consumer " s greenwash perception has a positive effect on green confusion and green perceived risk, whereas green confusion and green perceived risk have negative effects on green trust. Expectedly, green trust has a positive effect on green brand equity. The result also indicates that consumer " s greenwash perception negatively and directly affects green brand equity.