Comments from the Stakeholder Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices (original) (raw)

Comments from the Stakeholder Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices

The report by the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee ‘Measuring Inflation’, published on January 17th 2019 made reference to the work of the Advisory Panels and there was an implication that the views of the Panels on the Committee’s recommendations should be made known. Consequently, I am writing on behalf of the Stakeholder Panel, following our meeting on January 25th.

At that meeting there was a good discussion of the House of Lords Report – although this was inevitably preliminary as some issues would need detailed debate. The Panel intends to consider these further, recognising that the Report covered a wide range of important issues and raised challenges to the status quo. We also look to the ONS, UKSA and Government for full responses, as appropriate. While the ONS, Bank of England and HM Treasury were represented at that meeting, they have refrained from commenting on, or endorsing, the contents of the letter, to avoid pre-empting any formal responses to the report.

It will not be a surprise to you that there were many areas of disagreement, but there were also some strong areas of agreement, and in what follows I aim to set out the balance of the arguments as fairly as possible. Much of this will be familiar reading.

The great majority of members agreed that:

There was less agreement on some of the other comments in the Economic Affairs Committee Report. Taking the summary of conclusions and recommendations in the Report and using the Committee’s numbering:

1-3 There are very different views on the Panel about the Carli formula. Some Panel members would support a wider piece of work on the merits of different formulae in different sectors of the inflation indices. However a majority of members argued that the open conclusion of the Report on the Carli did not reflect the balance of expert opinion.

4-8 The Panel agree that the clothing issue needs to be addressed – though members appreciate this may not be an easy or quick ‘fix’ and do not have a single view about how this should be done. Our request that the Technical Panel should work with the ONS on this was reiterated. The Panel agreed with the Report’s comment that the requirement to have the good statistics was more important than any adverse impact on some users of those statistics.

9-11 The Panel agree that the Government should use the most appropriate inflation measure for each purpose that is required, avoid the impression of ‘inflation shopping’, and welcome the Government’s steps in this direction. A clear majority of the Panel did not support the suggestion of moving to one inflation index. There are legitimate different purposes – an uprating index may not be the same as an inflation index used by the Bank of England for inflation targeting. Others considered that the conceptual justification for different types of indices was unclear, and that the public found the existing range of measures confusing.

12-14 This section provoked most disagreement. A significant minority of the Panel believe that the RPI is a candidate to be a good measure of inflation, and that work should be done to enable it to regain National Statistics status. Equally a majority do not and would prefer to start from CPI or CPIH – recognising the considerable consultation on CPIH in recent years.

There was also a division of opinion on the measurement of housing costs – with considerable support for rental equivalence. Those supporting it point to the very considerable work carried on for the Consumer Prices Advisory Committee, and the subsequent ONS consultation including with the two Panels, from which majority support for rental equivalence emerged. The way in which housing prices and costs are included in the RPI is also problematic. Those opposing rental equivalence point in particular to the risk that it is not understood by the ‘person in the street’ and so might reduce public confidence in the inflation statistics. It has a significant weight in the CPIH, but is an imputed series.

15-16 These points were not discussed.

17-18 The Panel supported the issuance of CPI-linked gilts, for which there is clear demand. A Debt Management Office consultation on this would be welcomed, given some concern as there is not yet a settled view on the future of the main inflation indices. This consultation should also consider whether there would be a preference for a legal framework for the CPI analogous (but probably not identical) to that for the RPI. It has been argued that CPIH in particular can be developed to suit UK specific issues – but if this were to be used for index-linked gilts care would need to be taken about future changes to any aspect of its construction.

19-21 The Panel supports the suggestion that there needs to be a long-term process to resolve the present shortcomings and uncertainties about the future of inflation measurement, while (as above) not all supporting the single inflation rate goal. They would expect HMT and the Bank of England to give their support to a major programme of work to determine how to resolve the many issues discussed in the House of Lords report. Key private sector representatives would also be needed, not least to discuss the legal questions arising.

Finally on the Report, there was disappointment with the brevity of the discussion on the Household Cost Indices, presently under development, which are supported by the Stakeholder Panel as a welcome addition.

There are two general points the great majority of the Panel wanted to air in this letter:

I am copying this letter to Sir David Norgrove, and the Panel would expect it to be made available on the UKSA website as soon as possible.

Dame Kate Barker

Chairman, ONS Stakeholder Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices

Related Links:

Press Notice: UKSA Statement on RPI

Authority Response to LEAC report ‘Measuring Inflation’ – (September 2019)

Sir David Norgrove to Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Chancellor (September 2019)

Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Chancellor to Sir David Norgrove (September 2019)

Sir David Norgrove to Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean (September 2019)

Sir David Norgrove to Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Chancellor (Sect. 21) (July 2019)

Sir David Norgrove to Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, Chancellor (Sect. 21) (March 2019)

Bank of England to Sir David Norgrove (March 2019)

National Statistician to UKSA Board (February 2019)

Dame Kate Barker (APCP-S) to the National Statistician (February 2019)

Sir David Norgrove to the Governor (Sect. 21) (February 2019)