Senate committee adopts AOA’s language to expand the use and coverage of OMT (original) (raw)

On Aug. 1, 2024, the Senate Appropriations Committee held a markup of its FY25 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies funding. The bill and accompanying report include language encouraging the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to expand the use and coverage of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). The AOA is grateful for the Committee’s support for non-pharmacologic treatments for pain management, such as OMT. The report language states:

Non-Pharmacologic Treatments for Pain – Non-pharmacologic treatments for pain management have shown to be effective in reducing pain and reliance on prescription opioids. The Committee encourages CMS to consider ways to expand the use and coverage of non-pharmacologic treatments, such as osteopathic manipulative treatment and other alternative treatments as appropriate, for back and other pain.”

The AOA will leverage this support to assist affiliates in encouraging state Medicaid programs that do not provide coverage/payment for OMT to do so; to promote the expanded use of OMT for patients in federal health programs as a non-pharmacologic treatment for pain; and to advocate for appropriate payment with federal agencies.