Thomas Gregory | Ohio State University (original) (raw)

GREGORY, THOMAS BRADFORD, mathematics professor; b. Traverse City, Mich., Dec. 13, 1944; s. Philip Henry and Rhoda Winslow (Hathaway) G.; m. Deirdre Dianne Mason, July 15, 1995. BA, Oberlin Coll., Ohio, 1967; MA, Yale U., 1969, M of Philosophy, 1975, PhD, 1977. Lic. Grades K-12 resident educator Ohio State Dept. Edn. Lectr. Ohio State U., Mansfield, 1977–78, asst. prof. math., 1978–84, assoc. prof. math., 1984–2009, prof. math., 2009–11, pres. faculty, 2001–02, 2008, emeritus prof., dept. math., 2011–; tchr. St. Peter's HS, Mansfield, Ohio, 2014–15. Reviewer: Math. Revs., 1984–; contbr. articles to profl. jours. Active Mansfield Symphony Chorus, Ohio, 1977–, Presbytery Youth Ministries Com., New Philadelphia, Ohio, 1980-87, U. Chorus (formerly Ohio State U. Cmty. Singers), Mansfield, 1985–; mem. Presbytery Bibl. Authority task force, 1994-95; bd. dirs. Lay Acad. Religion, Wooster Coll., Ohio 1997–; commd. lay min. Presbytery of Muskingum Valley, New Philadelphia, Ohio, 1998–; mem. Presbytery Com. on Ministry, 2004-09; pres. MOAA Satellite chpt. Comdr. USNR, 1969-96. Served with USN, 1969–72, drilling reservist, 1979–96. Fellow NSF, Washington, 1967, Oberlin Coll. Soc. Luminary; hon. fellow U. Wis., Madison, 1987-88, 92, Tchg. Excellence award Ohio State U., 2009 Fellow Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Am. Math. Soc. (translator 1974-82), Ohio Coun. Tchrs. Math., Am. Soc. Naval Engrs., Res. Officers Assn. (pres. Dept. Ohio 2012-13, v.p. Naval Svcs., Dept. Ohio, 2011-12), Naval Res. Assn., Navy League, Sigma Xi. Democrat. Presbyterian. Avocations: classical piano, singing. Home: 411 Overlook Rd Mansfield OH 44907-1533 Office: Ohio State University 1760 University Dr O-15 Mansfield OH 44906-1547 Office Phone: 419-755-4236. Business E-Mail:
Supervisors: George B. Seligman
