Edina Zsupán | Hungarian National Library (original) (raw)
Papers by Edina Zsupán
Enyészetnek örvénnyéből ki ragadtam. Jankovich Miklós és kora, szerk. Csörsz Rumen István, 2023
A részletes kódexleírás integrálja a kódexet a Vitéz János környezetében készült kéziratok körébe... more A részletes kódexleírás integrálja a kódexet a Vitéz János környezetében készült kéziratok körébe, tisztázza a készítés menetét, és megállapítja a díszítés ikonográfiai programját. Egyben azonosítja a margókon található csillagászati ábrák alkotóját is Mátyás udvari csillagásza, Marcin Bylica z Olusza személyében
A tanulmány az uralkodólaudációba ágyazott könyvtárlaudáció különleges műfajának eredetével fogla... more A tanulmány az uralkodólaudációba ágyazott könyvtárlaudáció különleges műfajának eredetével foglalkozik. Ez a műfaj minden bizonnyal a Corvina könyvtár kapcsán született meg a későközépkori és kora újkori irodalomban
A munka részletes kódexleírás, amely teljes egészében feltárja a Cod. 24 jelezetű bécsi corvinát,... more A munka részletes kódexleírás, amely teljes egészében feltárja a Cod. 24 jelezetű bécsi corvinát, amely Ptolemaios Almagestjének Georgius Trapezuntius, bizánci származású humanista által készített latin fordítását tartalmazza. A szerző bizonyítja, hogy a másolat, amely később a Corvina könyvtárba került eredetileg Vitéz János és Johannes Regiomontanus környezetében készült. A munka egyben részletesen foglalkozik a Corvina könyvtár kialakításának, fejlesztésének alapkérdéseivel
The Renaissance Studiolo in Europe ...m ed. Sabine Frommel, Mária Prokopp, Zsuzsanna Wierdl, Budapest, Hungarian National Museum, Aug 25, 2022
A tanulmány arra a két híres levélre fókuszál, amelyben az ifjabbik Plinius Laurentumban találhat... more A tanulmány arra a két híres levélre fókuszál, amelyben az ifjabbik Plinius Laurentumban található villáját mutatja be. A leveleket ugyanis Vitéz János sűrű jegyzetekkel látta el saját kódexében (Cod. 141) A kirajzolódó kép Vitéz saját studiolo-felfogásának megismeréséhez visz közelebb
Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Müvészettörténeti Értesitö, 2010
Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues, 2019
From 6 November 2018 until 10 February 2019, the National Széchényi Library organized an exhibiti... more From 6 November 2018 until 10 February 2019, the National Széchényi Library organized an exhibition of surviving items from the Bibliotheca Corviniana under the title The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop. The exhibition, as its title suggests, focused on a single scholarly issue, the book production workshop established at the royal court. It showed how the purposeful process of library building (including the commissioning of books from Italy) was directed from Buda and which methods were used for the systematic development of the library. The exhibition had a monographic character and can be regarded the first survey of the subject. Therefore, the intention was to present not only the results of the research involved but also the process of reasoning and reaching the conclusions presented in the narrative. As a result, at the time of the exhibition and during its preparation, information transfer was happening at both cognitive and emotional levels. The nature of this information transfer was determined by the role certain pieces of information played in the story, depending on whether these were of primary or secondary character, explicitly communicated and centrally positioned, or used as a 'supporting act', making peripheral statements, acting as an emotionally charged but figurative account. Information was communicated explicitly through the detailed texts (object labels and summaries) and audiovisual displays accessible on screens, which demonstrated the process of research that went into the exhibition. The accompanying 62 renaissance luxury codices, showed the power of homogeneity in a special way. The cultural and artistic aspect of the exhibition was exceptionaly intensive, which enriched the visitors' reception of it, creating a sence of completeness.
Csillag a holló árnyékában. Vitéz János és a humanizmus kezdetei Magyarországon. Kiállítási katalógus, szerk. Földesi Ferenc, Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 2008
A Star in the Raven's Shadow: János Vitéz and the Beginnings of Humanism in Hungary, exhibition catalogue, ed. by Ferenc Földesi, Budapest, National Széchényi Library, 2008
Museikon, 2020
rezumat: Studiul de faţă analizează o miniatură din breviarul lui Domonkos Kálmáncsehi (Országos ... more rezumat: Studiul de faţă analizează o miniatură din breviarul lui Domonkos Kálmáncsehi (Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Cod. Lat. 446), datat în jurul anului 1481 și redactat la curtea regelui Matia Corvin. O imagine decorativă și surprinzătoare a fost inserată într-o serie de ilustraţii dedicate Fecioarei la f. 88v: două cupluri nude fac dragoste în jurul unei fântâni. Autoarea consideră că nu poate fi vorba despre dragostea vulgară și păcătoasă (nuditas criminalis) și nici de o reprezentare pur ornamentală. Întrucât curtea din Buda era influenţată de módele Renașterii florentine, în special de neoplatonismul lui Ficino, s-ar cuveni ca imaginea să fie descifrată în cheia de lectură aplicată de Panovsky difuzării concepţiei lui Ficino despre dragoste în mediile umaniste. Unul dintre prietenii lui Ficino, Francesco Bandini, ajunsese de altfel la curtea din Buda în 1476. În acest caz, cele două cupluri îmbrăţișate nu ar reprezenta iubirea trupească, deci un păcat, ci forţa care generează dragostea pe pământ. În interpretarea Banchetului, Ficino consideră că iubirea este expresia emanaţiei puterii divine, care creează lumea în toată splendoarea ei.
Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 2020
Plutarchos Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum (Királyok és hadvezérek bölcs mondásai) című munkáj... more Plutarchos Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum (Királyok és hadvezérek bölcs mondásai) című munkáját Janus Pannonius görögről latinra fordította. A tanulmány annak a kutatásnak az első eredményeit foglalja össze, amely a fordítás szisztematikus elemzését tűzte ki célul, s arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy milyen elvek és milyen módszerek jellemezték Janus fordítói műhelyét. Az első megfigyelések alapján az általa választott út meglehetősen egyedi volt, a kapott végeredmény pedig páratlan a maga nemében. A dolgozat egyben áttekinti a mű valamennyi 15. és 16. századi fordítását, vizsgálja azok egymáshoz való viszonyát, s bizonyítja, hogy saját ellenkező tartalmú állítása ellenére Janus ismerte, sőt felhasználta Francesco Filelfo Apophtehgmata-fordítását.
"Mestereknek gyengyének." Ünnepi kötet Madas Edit hetvenedik születésnapjára, szerk. Hende Fanni, Kisdi Klára, Korondi Ágnes, Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Szent István Társulat, 2020
The paper reconstructs the scriptorium activating at the Buda court in the last years of King Mat... more The paper reconstructs the scriptorium activating at the Buda court in the last years of King Matthias' (1458-1490) reign. Based on the evidence of manuscripts, their paleographical and codicological features, it identifies the codices, which could have been written in Buda within the stock of the royal Corvina Library - unlike the ones purchased from Italy. The paper summarizes the paleographical characteristics of the manuscripts produced by the Buda scriptorium also outlining the figure of an important scribe active in the workshop. The difficulties of acquiring adequate manuscripts to be copied are pointed out and details are revealed about the way in which the development of the library was influenced by the King's Austrian conquests and the stay of the Hungarian court in Vienna.
Erdély reneszánsza. A 2008. október 8-11. között tartott konferencia előadásai, 2 kötet, Szerk. Gábor Csilla, Luffy Katalin, Sipos Gábor, 2009
In the codex of the Austrian National Library bearing the shelfmark Cod. 431, which contains Joha... more In the codex of the Austrian National Library bearing the shelfmark Cod. 431, which contains Johannes Vitéz de Zredna's book of letters, there are different notes made by Vitéz himself. Consequently: 1. it has been proven that the codex is the original copy made in Várad (Oradea), Vitéz's own copy, a fact only suspected by researchers so far; 2. it became clear, that Vitéz shold be considered not only the author of the letters, but also as the author of the whole Book od Letters, seen as an independent, compact work; he had a greater role in the creation of the book, than it has been previously assumed; 3. the codex was by all means, for a while used by Vitéz. Further signs (annotations, exlibris) indicate that the codex was then used in the royal chancery. From there it was transferred to Vienna. At the end of the 16th century a librarian of the Hofbibliothek, Sebastian Tengnagel put some notes on the margins referring to Bonfini's Rerum Hungaricarum Decades and to the Greek Ptolemy Corvina (ÖNB, Hist. gr. 1).
Századok, 2019
The paper summarizes the results of the exhibition held in the Hungarian National Széchényi Libra... more The paper summarizes the results of the exhibition held in the Hungarian National Széchényi Library under the title of "The Atelier of the Corvina Librar at Buda" between November 6, 2018 and February 9, 2019. (See the 3D digital version of the exhibition: https://exhibitioncorvina2018.oszk.hu/) It answers several questions with regard to the emergence and functioning of the royal book-making atelier od Buda during the reign of Matthias Corvinus, and thus offers a fresh and more detailed view of the Corvina Library itself. It stresses that the establishment of the honorary library called Bibliotheca Corvina was the result of a conscious decision and took place in the last years of the king's reign. Alongside periodisation, it also examines the entire process of the acquisition, creation, and unification of the collection of books, and points to the importance of earlier Hungarian collections in this respect. It also deals with the more important illuminators, styles, and changes of style. It regards the imitation of style as one of the chief characteristics of the Buda atelier, which stemmed from the popularity of a library and atelier of Italian type, yet one located far from Italy itself.
Exhibitions (Curatorship) by Edina Zsupán
Enyészetnek örvénnyéből ki ragadtam. Jankovich Miklós és kora, szerk. Csörsz Rumen István, 2023
A részletes kódexleírás integrálja a kódexet a Vitéz János környezetében készült kéziratok körébe... more A részletes kódexleírás integrálja a kódexet a Vitéz János környezetében készült kéziratok körébe, tisztázza a készítés menetét, és megállapítja a díszítés ikonográfiai programját. Egyben azonosítja a margókon található csillagászati ábrák alkotóját is Mátyás udvari csillagásza, Marcin Bylica z Olusza személyében
A tanulmány az uralkodólaudációba ágyazott könyvtárlaudáció különleges műfajának eredetével fogla... more A tanulmány az uralkodólaudációba ágyazott könyvtárlaudáció különleges műfajának eredetével foglalkozik. Ez a műfaj minden bizonnyal a Corvina könyvtár kapcsán született meg a későközépkori és kora újkori irodalomban
A munka részletes kódexleírás, amely teljes egészében feltárja a Cod. 24 jelezetű bécsi corvinát,... more A munka részletes kódexleírás, amely teljes egészében feltárja a Cod. 24 jelezetű bécsi corvinát, amely Ptolemaios Almagestjének Georgius Trapezuntius, bizánci származású humanista által készített latin fordítását tartalmazza. A szerző bizonyítja, hogy a másolat, amely később a Corvina könyvtárba került eredetileg Vitéz János és Johannes Regiomontanus környezetében készült. A munka egyben részletesen foglalkozik a Corvina könyvtár kialakításának, fejlesztésének alapkérdéseivel
The Renaissance Studiolo in Europe ...m ed. Sabine Frommel, Mária Prokopp, Zsuzsanna Wierdl, Budapest, Hungarian National Museum, Aug 25, 2022
A tanulmány arra a két híres levélre fókuszál, amelyben az ifjabbik Plinius Laurentumban találhat... more A tanulmány arra a két híres levélre fókuszál, amelyben az ifjabbik Plinius Laurentumban található villáját mutatja be. A leveleket ugyanis Vitéz János sűrű jegyzetekkel látta el saját kódexében (Cod. 141) A kirajzolódó kép Vitéz saját studiolo-felfogásának megismeréséhez visz közelebb
Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Müvészettörténeti Értesitö, 2010
Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues, 2019
From 6 November 2018 until 10 February 2019, the National Széchényi Library organized an exhibiti... more From 6 November 2018 until 10 February 2019, the National Széchényi Library organized an exhibition of surviving items from the Bibliotheca Corviniana under the title The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop. The exhibition, as its title suggests, focused on a single scholarly issue, the book production workshop established at the royal court. It showed how the purposeful process of library building (including the commissioning of books from Italy) was directed from Buda and which methods were used for the systematic development of the library. The exhibition had a monographic character and can be regarded the first survey of the subject. Therefore, the intention was to present not only the results of the research involved but also the process of reasoning and reaching the conclusions presented in the narrative. As a result, at the time of the exhibition and during its preparation, information transfer was happening at both cognitive and emotional levels. The nature of this information transfer was determined by the role certain pieces of information played in the story, depending on whether these were of primary or secondary character, explicitly communicated and centrally positioned, or used as a 'supporting act', making peripheral statements, acting as an emotionally charged but figurative account. Information was communicated explicitly through the detailed texts (object labels and summaries) and audiovisual displays accessible on screens, which demonstrated the process of research that went into the exhibition. The accompanying 62 renaissance luxury codices, showed the power of homogeneity in a special way. The cultural and artistic aspect of the exhibition was exceptionaly intensive, which enriched the visitors' reception of it, creating a sence of completeness.
Csillag a holló árnyékában. Vitéz János és a humanizmus kezdetei Magyarországon. Kiállítási katalógus, szerk. Földesi Ferenc, Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, 2008
A Star in the Raven's Shadow: János Vitéz and the Beginnings of Humanism in Hungary, exhibition catalogue, ed. by Ferenc Földesi, Budapest, National Széchényi Library, 2008
Museikon, 2020
rezumat: Studiul de faţă analizează o miniatură din breviarul lui Domonkos Kálmáncsehi (Országos ... more rezumat: Studiul de faţă analizează o miniatură din breviarul lui Domonkos Kálmáncsehi (Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Cod. Lat. 446), datat în jurul anului 1481 și redactat la curtea regelui Matia Corvin. O imagine decorativă și surprinzătoare a fost inserată într-o serie de ilustraţii dedicate Fecioarei la f. 88v: două cupluri nude fac dragoste în jurul unei fântâni. Autoarea consideră că nu poate fi vorba despre dragostea vulgară și păcătoasă (nuditas criminalis) și nici de o reprezentare pur ornamentală. Întrucât curtea din Buda era influenţată de módele Renașterii florentine, în special de neoplatonismul lui Ficino, s-ar cuveni ca imaginea să fie descifrată în cheia de lectură aplicată de Panovsky difuzării concepţiei lui Ficino despre dragoste în mediile umaniste. Unul dintre prietenii lui Ficino, Francesco Bandini, ajunsese de altfel la curtea din Buda în 1476. În acest caz, cele două cupluri îmbrăţișate nu ar reprezenta iubirea trupească, deci un păcat, ci forţa care generează dragostea pe pământ. În interpretarea Banchetului, Ficino consideră că iubirea este expresia emanaţiei puterii divine, care creează lumea în toată splendoarea ei.
Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 2020
Plutarchos Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum (Királyok és hadvezérek bölcs mondásai) című munkáj... more Plutarchos Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum (Királyok és hadvezérek bölcs mondásai) című munkáját Janus Pannonius görögről latinra fordította. A tanulmány annak a kutatásnak az első eredményeit foglalja össze, amely a fordítás szisztematikus elemzését tűzte ki célul, s arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy milyen elvek és milyen módszerek jellemezték Janus fordítói műhelyét. Az első megfigyelések alapján az általa választott út meglehetősen egyedi volt, a kapott végeredmény pedig páratlan a maga nemében. A dolgozat egyben áttekinti a mű valamennyi 15. és 16. századi fordítását, vizsgálja azok egymáshoz való viszonyát, s bizonyítja, hogy saját ellenkező tartalmú állítása ellenére Janus ismerte, sőt felhasználta Francesco Filelfo Apophtehgmata-fordítását.
"Mestereknek gyengyének." Ünnepi kötet Madas Edit hetvenedik születésnapjára, szerk. Hende Fanni, Kisdi Klára, Korondi Ágnes, Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Szent István Társulat, 2020
The paper reconstructs the scriptorium activating at the Buda court in the last years of King Mat... more The paper reconstructs the scriptorium activating at the Buda court in the last years of King Matthias' (1458-1490) reign. Based on the evidence of manuscripts, their paleographical and codicological features, it identifies the codices, which could have been written in Buda within the stock of the royal Corvina Library - unlike the ones purchased from Italy. The paper summarizes the paleographical characteristics of the manuscripts produced by the Buda scriptorium also outlining the figure of an important scribe active in the workshop. The difficulties of acquiring adequate manuscripts to be copied are pointed out and details are revealed about the way in which the development of the library was influenced by the King's Austrian conquests and the stay of the Hungarian court in Vienna.
Erdély reneszánsza. A 2008. október 8-11. között tartott konferencia előadásai, 2 kötet, Szerk. Gábor Csilla, Luffy Katalin, Sipos Gábor, 2009
In the codex of the Austrian National Library bearing the shelfmark Cod. 431, which contains Joha... more In the codex of the Austrian National Library bearing the shelfmark Cod. 431, which contains Johannes Vitéz de Zredna's book of letters, there are different notes made by Vitéz himself. Consequently: 1. it has been proven that the codex is the original copy made in Várad (Oradea), Vitéz's own copy, a fact only suspected by researchers so far; 2. it became clear, that Vitéz shold be considered not only the author of the letters, but also as the author of the whole Book od Letters, seen as an independent, compact work; he had a greater role in the creation of the book, than it has been previously assumed; 3. the codex was by all means, for a while used by Vitéz. Further signs (annotations, exlibris) indicate that the codex was then used in the royal chancery. From there it was transferred to Vienna. At the end of the 16th century a librarian of the Hofbibliothek, Sebastian Tengnagel put some notes on the margins referring to Bonfini's Rerum Hungaricarum Decades and to the Greek Ptolemy Corvina (ÖNB, Hist. gr. 1).
Századok, 2019
The paper summarizes the results of the exhibition held in the Hungarian National Széchényi Libra... more The paper summarizes the results of the exhibition held in the Hungarian National Széchényi Library under the title of "The Atelier of the Corvina Librar at Buda" between November 6, 2018 and February 9, 2019. (See the 3D digital version of the exhibition: https://exhibitioncorvina2018.oszk.hu/) It answers several questions with regard to the emergence and functioning of the royal book-making atelier od Buda during the reign of Matthias Corvinus, and thus offers a fresh and more detailed view of the Corvina Library itself. It stresses that the establishment of the honorary library called Bibliotheca Corvina was the result of a conscious decision and took place in the last years of the king's reign. Alongside periodisation, it also examines the entire process of the acquisition, creation, and unification of the collection of books, and points to the importance of earlier Hungarian collections in this respect. It also deals with the more important illuminators, styles, and changes of style. It regards the imitation of style as one of the chief characteristics of the Buda atelier, which stemmed from the popularity of a library and atelier of Italian type, yet one located far from Italy itself.