Ottawa Furries' Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inOttawa Furries' LiveJournal:

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Friday, April 24th, 2015
_8:36 pm_[felinaeus] What The Fur April News Time ticks away. One second per second, moving forward and not stopping. It's a drawback to not actually having a time machine. And as time moves forward, the future becomes the present, and then the past. But when something is coming on the temporal horizon, you have to get yourself ready to seize the moment. And the time for seizing is now. Or will be now. Or will have has to be...What The Fur? Time Travellin' FurriesMay 22-24 2015Montreal, Quebec, Canadawww.whatthefur.caIn Tomorrow's News Today:Pre-registration DeadlineHotel DeadlineProgramming UpdateConbook SubmissionsCharity AuctionDealers Update temps s’écoule... Seconde par seconde, allant de l’avant sans pouvoir être arrêté. Il est problématique de ne pas avoir de machine à voyager dans le temps. Avec le temps qui s’écoule, le futur devient le présent, puis le passé. Mais quand un événement apparaît sur l’horizon temporel, il faut être prêt à l’accueillir. Et il est maintenant temps. Ou il sera maintenant temps. Ou il était temps plus tard…What The Fur? _Time Travellin' Furries_22 au 24 mai 2015Montreal, Quebec,**Les nouvelles de demain, aujourd’hui:**Fin de la période de préinscriptionPériode de réservation pour l’hôtelNouvelles de la programmationSoumissions pour le Livre de ConventionEncan de CharitéNouvelles des Vendeurs
Friday, May 9th, 2014
_9:37 am_[felinaeus] The time is almost here! What The Fur kicks off in 2 weeks! That's 14 days! That's... umm... not a lot of hours (relatively)!Tonight at midnight we close pre-registration so we can get to work putting together the envelopes for everyone. So if you haven't yet registered, go and do it now! Otherwise you'll have to wait until the convention itself to register.
Saturday, April 20th, 2013
_9:41 pm_[felinaeus] News! What The Fur? Fairy TalesMay 17-19 2013Montreal, Quebec,**How can we let a good thing end so soon?**The answer: We can't. The masses have spoken, and so the decision has been made to keep pre-registration open for another 2 weeks! Well, nearly. We will be keeping pre-registration going until Friday, May 3rd at Midnight. But this will be your final chance to pre-register.This also means the last few tables in the Dealers Den are up for grabs too**And the good news keeps on coming!**The Hotel has informed us that it will continue to accept room reservations at our convention rate so long as they have the rooms available in the hotel! So if you're still doing the math, or just about missed the deadline, don't worry! There's still room! But the offer is subject to change without notice, so don't delay too long**Looking for something to do?**Do you want to be on programming at What The Fur? It's not too late to suggest a panel or workshop.Or you can look at our current panel listings - what we already have planned - and sign up for a panel or two.
Saturday, February 9th, 2013
_3:39 pm_[felinaeus] Are you getting anxious? We might be a few weeks late, but fairy tales don't tend to take place in the winter months. Despite the snow, ice, and storms, we're hard at work prepping for the best What The Fur ever So enjoy your mug of cocoa, put on your favourite slippers (ruby are allowed), and read on, my friends **In this newsletter:**-Registration News-Hotel Reservations-Panelists and Presenters-Hey, we hear you like games-Writers! We want your words!-Conbook GoodnessClick here to read it all!What The Fur: Fairy TalesMay 17-19 2013,
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
_4:03 pm_[felinaeus] WTFur 2013 Registration is now open! Bradley_purpleWe are pleased to announce that registration for What The Fur 2013 is now officially open!Our Early Bird registration rates will be available from now until November 31st. On December 1st, the prices will change. Visit our Registration Page for details, and for the link to register for the convention.All memberships are available! Regular, Sponsor, our new Patron level (which includes a meal in the Tour de Ville restaurant), and even our extremely-limited Lifetime Membership levels are all open!And Dealers, you can also now register for your tables!Just go to
Saturday, August 25th, 2012
_4:09 pm_[felinaeus] Once upon a time… …there was a mountain. But this wasn’t just any mountain. This mountain was royal. It’s wooded slopes were the home to all manner of creatures. After many years, the trees gave way to the expansion of a kingdom. Giant buildings made of shining glass were erected, roads and causeways were created to aid in the delivering of goods and services. But the animals still remained, and thrived. Annually, folk from other kingdoms come to visit the Royal Mountain. They come from lands near and far for one purpose: To celebrate.The pumpkin carriages are parked, the orchestra has struck the first note, and the banquet is awaiting. What The Fur 2013 is ready to receive you to our Fairy Tale kingdom! We’re pleased to announce that our fourth convention is building up nicely, with the staff rallying their elves and fairy godmothers to help.What The Fur? Fairy TalesMay 17-19 2013Montreal, QC, Canadawww.whatthefur.caIn this issue:Our New DatesOur New HotelGuest of Honour!Enough with the new, where’s the stuff we like?We need your help to make this happenClick here to read the whole thingCurrent Mood: anxious
Sunday, May 20th, 2012
_7:48 pm_[felinaeus] It's almost here! There's less than a week left to pre-register for What The Fur, so what are you waiting for? We've even decided to keep the Pre-Registration open until the 25th. Why? Because we like you all that much!So pre-register now, because as of midnight on Friday the 25th of May, we close the door to pre-registering on the website, and you'll have to register at the door. We won't turn you away as we have plenty of room, but the price will be a little higher. So be sure to register now! There are also rooms left at the hotel! So long as you register at the hotel using the What The Fur code (which is, easily enough, What The Fur), you're guaranteed to get the convention room rate. We'll try and have everyone on the same floors, so if you haven't, book your room soon.=====Il reste moins d'une semaine pour vous préinscrire pour What The Fur, alors qu'attendez-vous? Nous avons décidé de garder la pré-inscription ouverte jusqu'au 25. Pourquoi? Parce-que nous vous aimons tous autant que ça!Alors préinscrivez-vous maintenant, parce qu'après minuit le vendredi 25 mai, nous fermons les portes de la préinscription sur le site web, et vous devrez vous inscrire au guichet. Nous n'allons pas vous refuser puisque nous avons plein de place, mais le prix sera un peu plus haut. Alors assurez-vous de vous inscrire maintenant!Il reste également des chambres à l'Hôtel! Tant que vous vous inscrivez à l'Hôtel, en utilisant le code What The Fur (qui est, facilement, What The Fur), Il vous est garanti d'avoir le tarif de convention pour la chambre. Nous allons tenter d'avoir tout le monde au même étage, alors si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait, réservez votre chambre prochainement.
Thursday, March 29th, 2012
_9:23 am_[felinaeus]
Sunday, November 20th, 2011
_5:16 pm_[felinaeus] WTF? November News What The FurJune 1-3 2012Montreal, Quebec, Canadawww.whatthefur.caIt has been a little while since we’ve posted an update, but now is the time.We hope that everyone is looking forward to June, with anticipation building and the excitement levels rising.The crew of What The Fur is hard at work, planning what is expected to be the best event yet.In this edition:Hotel is open for reservations!Early Bird Pre-Registration is still on!Dealers and Artists and Vendors, oh my!Do you have something to contribute to the convention book?Programming, programming, programming.DJs! Make us moveCLICK HERE TO READ
Saturday, October 8th, 2011
_9:34 pm_[takatha] Halloween Dance Party! [Near Syracuse NY] OK, so you were going to do something lame this year... OR the same ol thing you do every year... WELL get excited! Because There is going to be an EPIC Dance Party in my new barn on Saturday the 29th, rain or shine, or even snow!There will also be a Bonfire!It is totally private, and we can be as loud and crazy as we want for as long as we want. Maybe you remember the August party a year ago? this is going to be better!! SO your coming right? Same rules apply : everyone is welcomeNO DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (someone didn't get this last year) No weaponsIf you have dogs, let me know way in advanceNo dramaBring a sleeping bag and your bathroom stuff if your going to stay. I have crash space for maybe 12 comfortably, but we could accommodate more. Be advised: I don't have internet, and I get pretty bad cell reception. It is a party about being with friends, having a good time, and being completely free to express yourself any way you want (except for the drugs and weapons parts...) AND DANCING to Electronica, house, trance, jump style. Oh did I mention DANCING in Fursuit? We have over 1000W of audio power! - I'll have some big fansThere may be a Mall fursuit run doing the day also, If we get interest, I will take my 40' Class A RV down there, so we have a 'stylin place to change. I will provide drinks and food, donations will be appreciated though! Please RSVP! I will provide directions etc. The place is 1 hour travel time north of Syracuse NY a few miles off of Rt 81.
Tuesday, July 26th, 2011
_8:53 pm_[kallisti] CAN-CON 2011The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature**Ottawa's Premire Science Fiction ConventionWe are Furry Friendly!!! Fur Suits Encouraged!**Sept. 9-11, 2011 • Ottawa Ontario Travelodge Ottawa Hotel & Conference Centre Featuring a galaxy of stars from throughout Confederation! Julie Czerneda Author Guest of Honour Liana K & Ed the Sock Media Guests of Honour Leonard Kirk Comics Guest of Honour Special Guests: Marie Bilodeau J. M. Frey Heather Dale
Monday, May 9th, 2011
_10:09 am_[felinaeus] What The Fur May News What The FurJune 3-5 So it’s just under a month until What The Fur lands, once again, on Montreal. Just under a month before one of the best furry events takes place, and just under a month until the fun begins. Hold onto your tails, folks, the hordes are coming! In this edition: 1) Dealers Den is nearly sold out! 2) Pre-registration deadline is almost here! 3) DJs! We want your music! 4) Last call for con-book contents 5) Coming in early? We have stuff for you to do! 6) The zombie are coming! Grab your guns! (but follow the rules)Click here for the full news!
Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
_8:27 am_[felinaeus] Spring News - Nouvelles de Printemps What The Fur Presents... _Zombie Apocalypse: Night of the Furry Dead_June 3-5 2011Montreal, QCwww.whatthefur.caA month ago we had a communication from our programming team. It covered many topics, but not everything was includedNow we present you with the rest of the news. The rest of the vital information that you all need to know. As the date that our scientists have predicted would be the launch of the apocalypse gets closer, we at What The Fur realize that many bits of information may get lost, or misconstrued. Have no fear: We know. We assure you that the Zombie Apocalypse is real, and is happening. The undead furries will take over the island of Montreal… if you let them.In this briefing:1) Is chocolate a cure?2) Can music soothe the souls of the undead?3) Dealer Room and Art Show Status4) How to distract Zombies! (or How I Ran A Panel at WTFur)5) State of the hotel6) Registration newsClick here for the English newsletterIl y a de cela un mois, notre équipe de programmation a fait un communiqué. Il couvrait de nombreux sujets, mais tout n'y figurait pas.A présent, nous vous faisons part des nouvelles restantes. Les dernières informations qu'il vous est vital de connaître.. Puisque nos scientifiques prévoient que la date du lancement de l'apocalypse s'approche, nous réalisons à What The Fur que plein d'informations peuvent se perdre ou être mal interprétée.N'ayez crainte: Nous le savons. Nous vous assurons que l'Apocalypse des Zombie est réelle et qu'elle va se produire. Les morts-vivants furries vont s'emparer de l'île de Montréal... Si vous les laissez faire.**Dans ce communiqué:**1) Est-ce que le chocolat est un remède?2) Est-ce que la musique peut apaiser les âmes des morts-vivants?3) La salle des marchands et le statut de la galerie d'art.4) Comment distraire les zombies! (ou Comment J'Organise Une Présentation à WTFur).5) Statut de l'hôtel.6) Nouveautés sur l'adhésion.Cliquez ici pour le bulletin français
Monday, February 14th, 2011
_9:06 am_[felinaeus]
Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
_1:39 pm_[felinaeus] What The Fur: November News What The Fur June 3-5, 2011 The infection is spreading. It starts with a vague hunger, something is missing deep inside. Something is needed. After that comes the longing, the deep want for something to fill the void. Twitching sets in eventually, muscles moving of their own accord. Soon, those infected begin to move, infecting others and spreading the desire, the hunger. Soon a few of the infected gather together. And then a few more. Soon a hoard descends on the city, spreading the infection to anyone they come into contact with. And that, boys and girls, is how a convention is started. Welcome to 2011; the year of the Apocalypse. The year that Montreal will fall under the teeming masses of furries. What The Fur is proud to present: Zombie Apocalypse: Night of the Furry Dead In This Issue: 1. Guests Of Honour 2. Hotel Info 3. Pitch in and run something! 4. Artwork & Stories Wanted! 5. Register Cheap Before March 13th! 6. Dealers! Artists! Have we got a deal for you! ( Click here to read the english versionCollapse ) ============================================================== What The Fur _3 au 5 juin 2011http://whatthefur.ca_L’infection se propage. Elle commence avec une faim étrange, quelque-chose manque, à l’intérieur de soit. On ressent le besoin de quelque-chose. Cet après que s’en vient la lancinante, profonde envie de quelque-chose pour combler ce vide. On ressent alors des spasmes, les muscles bougent d’eux mêmes. Bientôt, ceux qui sont infectés commencent à bouger, infectant les autres et propageant ce désir, cette faim. C’est alors qu’une poignée d’infectés se réunissent... et d’autres se joignent à eux. Sous peu, une horde envahi la ville, développant l’infection sur quiconque qui entre en contact avec eux. Et ceci, Mesdames et Messieurs, est comment une convention débute. Bienvenue à WTF 2011: l’année de l’apocalypse. L’année où Montréal va tomber sous les masses de furries. What The Fur est fière de présenter l’Apocalypse des Zombies: La Nuit des Morts Furries Dans cet article : 1. Invité d’honneur 2. Information sur l’hôtel 3. Participez et organisez quelque-chose! 4. Recherche œuvre d’art et écrites! 5. Enregistrez-vous pas cher avant le 13 mars! 6. Marchands! Artistes! Faisons-nous affaire avec vous? ( Cliquez ici pour lire la version françaiseCollapse )
Sunday, November 7th, 2010
_6:30 pm_[fuzyfoxkit]
Monday, August 9th, 2010
_9:24 pm_[takatha] Dance party / bonfire BE THERE!!! Saturday night/ Sunday, Mannsville NY - about 1 hour south of Kingston PandraPowered / mixes from by BBF! Party like Tim Duru! High probability of fursuit dancing (at least I will be!) I'll have some big fans to keep cool. 16 x 24 mostly enclosed dance floor! I plan to put cardboard over the whole shop area...Lots of wood to have a very large bonfire also. Costumes / fursuits of any kind are encouraged!Crash space in the house, on the dance floor if we actually stop... or in my 40' RV. Food/drink will be provided - post with special requirements. Anticipating Dinner/ breakfast / snacks. I will try to find a hoard of glowsticks also.My place is VERY private and anything goes except: No violence, No drugs, no alchohol, no smokes (smokes outside only) If you have dj lights, speakers amps etc - bring it! I have basic stuff, but should have enough power to make it VERY loud. I have a fenced guest dog yard available - please notify if you plan on bringing your dog / pets. email for directions and phone number.EVERYONE is welcome!
Tuesday, May 25th, 2010
_1:25 pm_[felinaeus] 10 days to What The Fur! It’s almost here!Happily, you no longer have to count the time until What The Fur in Months. Weeks don’t work either. We’re now down to days. 10 full days to be exact. And it is promising to be a fast 10 days. We know you want to come to What The Fur. We know you’ve been waiting anxiously for it. And we’ve been working hard to make sure that you, our guests, will have more to do than you have time to do it in. What have we got in store for you now? **( Click here for details!Collapse )**A few reminders: -Registration will open at 2:30 PM on Friday. We ask that all those who have preregistered for the convention have their confirmation code and/or email confirmation with them to help speed up your registration experience. -All registrants will need to provide some form of valid ID (such as driver’s license or passport) -Registration rates: 40weekendpass,40 weekend pass, 40weekendpass,90 Sponsor, $20 Child (under 15). Day pass rates are available as well, on our website. Upgrading your membership will only cost the difference between the levels. -Any and all donations that are collected for the charity, whether in the buckets available around the convention or in the charity auction itself will be donated to the St. Lawrence Valley Natural History Ecomuseum.See you all in 10 days!
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010
_11:16 am_[felinaeus] WTF: 3 days left to preregister! We're getting down to the wire now, and the secrets are slowly being revealed! Just remember that you have until this Thursday (May 6th) at midnight to pre-register for What The Fur at the nice rate of only $35! And so long as you register, you can pay at the door, keeping your rate locked in! So if you're coming, pre-register! The schedules are starting to be posted, so keep your eyes peeled. The room times for the Dealers and Art Show are up, as well as the Games room (which opens, but will never close). And we need your input for our Iron Artist competition! So visit our forums and let us know what you think! http://whatthefur.caLooking forward to seeing everyone in a month, Feli
Friday, October 23rd, 2009
_12:38 am_[da_fox_qc]

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