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12th May 2006
moronicabbage @ 4:58pm: The first issue of my mini comic, Crabdance issue 1: 'Loss in 2 dimensions', is out now!
If you would like a copy, just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope and £1.50 to: Crabdance, 40 Greenway, Crewe, Cheshire, ENGLAND, CW1 4JN.
Make the envelope A5 if you don't want your comic bending.
If anyone is in the Manchester area soon, I reccommend you go into Travelling man and buy a copy! It's on the counter, you can't miss it.
It's a short b/w tale of heartbreak, fans of Jeffrey brown, Craig Thompson, David b, Jason might be interested.
(x-posted like yo' mama)
20th April 2006
enodiamond @ 1:22am: Friday April 21 $5 8:30
Come celebrate the comic book release of "Not so Funny Funnies v.5 HAROLD" by Corey Ruffin aka Eno Diamond.
Also Eno's birthday bash with Eno and the Dead Faces, Grrropolis and the Orisha Drum Ensemble.
We have great coffee too.
18th March 2006
chidder @ 3:58pm: King Kong (1933) I like your site. This morning I posted my thoughts on the original King Kong, as well as a recent book on the subject, Kong Unbound, over at my blog Mere Words. Your comments are invited. Enjoy!
Current Mood: anxious
30th November 2005
fodor @ 9:31am: FREE DOCUMENTARY TONIGHT non-comic related... but i thought i should post it anyways.
FREE TONIGHT (Wed Nov 30th) at GVSU at 7:30pm the documentary 'Dear Francis' will be screened in the Kirkhof Center (215/216) to take part of HIV/AIDS Awareness week.
This is a 63 minute film that I helped with the production of in Swaziland, Africa. I hope some of you can make it!
visit dearfrancis.org to view the trailer.
dvds will also be for sale and the a good portion of the dvd profits will go to help build 6 foster homes in Swaziland. or if you have your own idea about where else it can be screened let me know... we can set something up. it's been accepted into different festivals around the country so come one come all tonight.
Dear Francis puts a face to the AIDS pandemic as it chronicles the personal stories of two strangers and the Swazis they befriend. After the UN officially declared the small African kingdom of Swaziland to be the world's most HIV-infected nation, Lance and Kelly, two Texas college students with high ideals, great hopes, and a bit of naiveté, embark on a most unconventional AIDS prevention program. Developing relationships with their students, they discover that the causes of this plague are much more disturbing and complex than they could have ever imagined. Through this unique story and interviews with Swaziland's leading experts, the film highlights the hope of a nation's future against seemingly insurmountable odds... one life at a time.
10th November 2005
enodiamond @ 1:41am:
December 9th shall mark the first public showing of our workshop and studio; a performance of improvised music and Butoh followed by Eno Diamond with Dr. Toledo's Undead Ensemble featuring the Bat Boy playing a bunch of new tunes to chill your soul!! All are invited but be sure to show up between 8 and 8:30 cause we shut the doors when the performance starts.
20th October 2005
enodiamond @ 3:08pm: This friday, oct 21 at the DAAC 8pm
Eno Diamond is a multi instrumentalist and artist adept at the art of Tuvan throat singing and Circular Breathing; which he does while playing 2 or 3 horns simotaneously, and incorporates theater, dance, and free improv into his performances. In addition he works as an illustrator under Tom Richmond of Mad magazine and self publishes his own comic books. He will be performing works from his newest album and releasing his new comic to the public at the DAAC this Friday at 8pm along with Chance Jones and some other people whose names he didn't get off of the DAAC site:
6th October 2005
enodiamond @ 1:48pm: Come see me
Hear Music! Buy Comics! All Local! All ME!
one last sample from the comic, not so funny funnies issue 4, debuting at the show!!
1st June 2005
enodiamond @ 8:44pm:
This will be my farewell show in Grand Rapids! I am returning to Minneapolis to work my second season as a caricaturist for Tom Richmond, of MAD magazine. My set will feature an improvisational ensemble of Hugo Claudin (cabildo) on drum kit and percussion, Matthew Clifford on upright bass, and myself on flute, clarinet, and alto sax. The other fine bands Grropolis, Corrosive Kids, and Oni Gosen will be on hand as well. There will be a host of mini comics and zines for sale.
30th May 2005
12th May 2005
ten_lines @ 10:00pm: Hiya...new here Hey, all!
I've been posting this webcomic on LJ, and I would love it if you guys could take a look. It's called Ten Lines, and it's based entirely on submitted IM conversations. A complete description of how it works is on the userinfo page.
So stop by, have some mojitos and cereal. Stay a while.
6th May 2005
enodiamond @ 2:54pm: Hey folks.
I (corey ruffin) am playing a solo show this saturday night at the DAAC along with the LSDudes and another band I am a member of, Cabildo. I play first and will have CDs and my four minicomics on hand and for sale. I wish I had a flyer to put up here. Show starts at 8pm sharp.
18th April 2005
fodor @ 7:05pm: sequential art-art-ART! hey sequential artists--
i was wondering if any of you had a comic or some other type of artsy work to donate to the jenefit? what is the jeneift you ask!? tis a concert series to help send, me jen, off to rwanda, africa to care for AIDS patients. but i have to raise some monies to go... so i'm having 3 different benefit's around GR and at 2 of them am having an art sale. so if you have something up your sleeve please reply! check out this website if you want more info...
or there's always myspace
april 23rd founders + raffle [low light, the sleepiing tribune, david beaman, the gruv unit]
may 7th morningstar 75 + art sale [bunkbed nights, happy hour, rai, starling electric]
may 13th hungry heart cafe + art sale [brie stoner, rachel leep, ikaik]
13th April 2005
enodiamond @ 1:31pm: a comic for you
hey all here is a sample of my work. if you like this i will be selling my mini comics at vertigo, morningstar75 (monday nights) and hungry heart cafe this friday april 15 9pm, free show. i will also be playing music at both these venues. thanks!
( conclusion behind the cutCollapse )
5th April 2005
timmy_s @ 7:40pm: anybody going to APE this weekend should stop by the Minneapolis College of Art and Design table to say hello!
sorry for cross-posting
24th February 2005
mandapandarawks @ 7:14pm: Crit O RAMA Check this guy out ya'll:
He's coming to GVSU and the UICA for Crit O Rama on March 23-25 (I'm pretty sure those are the dates. Don't quote me on it though.) I'm supposed to be one of the art students who hangs out with him and shows him around town when he's not critting or doing any talks, and since he's a comic artists, I figured that it might be cool to get SAS involved . . . I'll talk about it more tomorrow at the meeting. Lemme know if you guys got any ideas and stuff. I just think it's cool that we have the opportunity to meet a real life comic man.
20th February 2005
14th February 2005
fodor @ 10:50am: there's a NPR comic book craz... so i was listening to npr this weekend. i heard 2 comic stories... one about french comics and the other this morning about how scientists are using comic books to explain different subjects. npr and their comic books.
9th February 2005
rumblestrip @ 1:00pm: Bake sale tomorrow and Friday 11-4pm in Kirkhof, if you can make something or sit in at the table you will become a SAS legend of sorts. Well maybe.
28th January 2005
21st January 2005
profmetal @ 8:20pm: SAS 2 news and things I mailed Troma entertainment an envelope with a letter, some sample art, and Book Book 1 today. The letter of course asks Lloyd Kaufman to come to GVSU. Plus I talked to Underground Film Organization who support us. Plus, we'll have some proffesor and we'll have WCKS' support as well. The program we hope will include a presentation on Troma films and independent art in general, perhaps show a Troma film in the theater area and then do a Q and A session. Otherwise, if we can't show a Troma film in the Kirkhof theater, Lloyd probably will do a presentation with Q and A as he has done at other book stores and universities.
In other news, Book Book 3 will come out soon. In two weeks, we want SAS 2 members to submit a drawing the size of a 3x5 note card to add to a collage for a silk screened t shirt. We will then have a silk screening party at my appartment, GVA Lake 6 and print them for members in the group and a few extras to try to sell at the Feb 10 and Feb 11 bake sale. At that bake sale we will have Book Book 3 to sell (plus 1 and 2) and a few t shirts to see if people will buy them. Also feel free to present and sell your individual art and other stuff at the bake sale. We should try to so we can print and get money for comic cons in Detroit and Chicago. Also, we probably will have a couple other movie nights and on April 23 (I think) we will have 24 comic making day.
16th January 2005
profmetal @ 4:14pm: Lloyd Kaufman at GVSU? Thanks to everyone who came yesterday Jan.15 to my and Zach's appartment for the wonderful Sequential Art Society event of watching every Planet of the Apes movie. It started at about 2:30 and ended at about 11:30. Brilliant! After a trip to the coffee shop, Zach, Joseph and I watched The Toxic Avenger Part II! Speaking of wich...
If you were at the last club meeting, you know that I suggested we try to contact Lloyd Kaufman, Troma Films president and creator of The Toxic Avenger, to come to GVSU to do a lecture on independent art and films. All we need is to meet some of his demands (not many) and get some cash from Student Senate (not hard) and we have a pretty damn neat guest speaking at GVSU! So I wrote him this email. Tell me watcha think.
Dear Troma Entertainment,
My name is Edwin Oslan and I am a student at Grand Valley State University located west of Grand Rapids, MI in a small town called Allendale. I am an active member of the GVSU comic book club, known better as the Sequential Art Society and would like to have Lloyd Kaufman come to our school and do a presentation on independent art and movies. Our organization prints our own comic books featuring the art of various talented and not so talented artists such as myself. We are completely independent. We raise our own money for printing using bake sales and we use guerilla tactics such as stealing paper from the computer lab.
Our organization feels that our ideas reflect the same independent "for the art" beliefs that Lloyd Kaufman believes when he works at Troma and would love to have him come to our school and do a presentation on the history of Troma films, talk about his two books and answer questions. We also have support from my other student-run organization, WCKS radio and another student organization which I am not part of called UFO (Underground Film Organization).
Please send a list of prices and needs for Lloyd to come to our university and in response, we will mail a letter with our comic and some other samples from our group.
We need Lloyd to talk at GVSU!
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