RSVP FORM - You're Doing Too Much: Prioritization that Sticks (original) (raw)
RSVP FORM - You're Doing Too Much: Prioritization that Sticks
Join our Executive HR Women's Network on January 23rd for our first event of the new year! Learn from Lisa Zarick, Founder & Principal Consultant, One Team at a Time for an exclusive workshop on You're Doing Too Much: Prioritization That Sticks
The event will begin with 30 minutes of networking and light refreshments followed by the interactive workshop.
Event Timing: January 23rd, 2025 from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Event Address: 6450 Rockside Woods Blvd South (LL Amphitheater)
Independence, OH, 44131
Questions? Contact Victoria at
Hosted by Staffing Solutions Enterprises
Your Name (first and last) *
Your Title/Position at Company *
Are you able to attend? *
Is this your first EHRWN event? *
Would you like to join our Executive HR Women's Network group on LinkedIn for special updates, opportunities, events & more? *
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