alessandra aloisi | University of Oxford (original) (raw)

Papers by alessandra aloisi

Research paper thumbnail of Coenesthesia or the Immediate Feeling of Existence: Maine de Biran and the Problem of the Unconscious between Physiology and Philosophy

Perspectives on Science, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Elogio dell’inoperosità: Agamben e Leopardi

Italian Studies, 2017

È un dato significativo che alcuni tra i maggiori rappresentanti della filosofia italiana contemp... more È un dato significativo che alcuni tra i maggiori rappresentanti della filosofia italiana contemporanea abbiano sentito l'esigenza di confrontarsi con Leopardi. Basti pensare, in primo luogo, a Emanuele Severino, Antonio Negri e Massimo Cacciari, che a Leopardi hanno tutti dedicato almeno un saggio o una monografia. È indubbio quindi che Leopardi giochi ancora oggi un ruolo centrale all'interno del panorama filosofico italiano. Muovendo da recenti studi, in particolare da quello di Roberto Esposito (2010), l'articolo si propone di mettere a fuoco la presenza e la permanenza di Leopardi nella filosofia italiana contemporanea prendendo in considerazione il filosofo che meno espressamente sembra essersi interessato a questo autore, vale a dire Giorgio Agamben. Agamben nomina Leopardi in pochissime occasioni, ma la sua teoria dell'inoperosità presenta significativi punti di tangenza con la forma di vita, né umana né animale, che Leopardi descrive in una delle Operette morali, l''Elogio degli uccelli'. Normalmente associati agli angeli, gli uccelli leopardiani vengono invece letti in questo saggio come una versione secolarizzata dei beati, che Agamben stesso considera paradigma dell'inoperosità. In fine, siccome Anacreonte desiderava potersi trasformare in ispecchio per esser mirato continuamente da quella che egli amava, o in gonnellino per coprirla, o in unguento per ungerla, o in acqua per lavarla, o in fascia, che essa se lo stringesse al seno, o in perla da portare al collo, o in calzare, che almeno ella lo premesse col piede; similmente io vorrei, per un poco di tempo essere convertito in uccello, per provare quella contentezza e letizia della loro vita. G. L., alias Amelio È un dato piuttosto eloquente che alcuni tra i maggiori rappresentanti della filosofia italiana contemporanea abbiano sentito l' esigenza di confrontarsi con Leopardi. Basti pensare, in primo luogo, a Emanuele Severino, Antonio Negri e Massimo Cacciari, che a Leopardi hanno tutti dedicato vari studi o monografie. 1 Altrettanto significativo è il fatto che ciascuno di questi autori abbia immancabilmente 1

Research paper thumbnail of The Melancholy of the Revolution: Maine de Biran Facing Napoleon’s Hundred Days

Napoleon's Hundred Days and the Politics of Legitimacy, 2018

This essay will examine the reaction by French élites to Napoleon's Hundred Days by focusing on o... more This essay will examine the reaction by French élites to Napoleon's Hundred Days by focusing on one specific case: that of Marie-François-Pierre-Gonthier de Biran, better known as Maine de Biran (Bergerac 1766-Paris 1824). The case of Maine de Biran can be seen as emblematic for a series of reasons. Biran is known today as the philosopher of will and effort, but he was known amongst his contemporaries above all as a politician and statesman. A royalist all his life, Biran was part of the King's life guards until their dissolution in 1792. After 1795, he embarked on a political and administrative career; notably, he was appointed administrator to

Research paper thumbnail of "Maine de Biran and the Afterlives of Biranism".

Perspectives on Science, Special Issue (forthcoming), 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Proust e noi

La Biblioteca di via del Senato, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Vie de Henry Brulard as an Essay on Moral Geology: Character, Habit, and Disposition in Rousseau and Stendhal

The article shows that Rousseau and Stendhal attributed entirely different functions to autobiogr... more The article shows that Rousseau and Stendhal attributed entirely different functions to autobiography, and addresses this difference by taking into consideration the philosophical and psychological notion of caractère, which is not conceived of in the same way by the two authors. For Rousseau character is unique, hidden inside and partly innate. For Stendhal it is nothing but the habitual disposition which results from acquired habits. Whereas Rousseau composes Les Confessions to disclose his true character to his readers, Stendhal, on the contrary, writes the Vie de Henry de Brulard to discover his own character, which can only be revealed through a geological examination of his way of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of the Unconscious

In reconstructing the birth and development of the notion of ‘unconscious’, historians of ideas h... more In reconstructing the birth and development of the notion of ‘unconscious’, historians of ideas have heavily relied on the Freudian concept of Unbewussten, retroactively projecting the psychoanalytic unconscious over a constellation of diverse cultural experiences taking place in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries between France and Germany. Archaeology of the Unconscious aims to challenge this perspective by adopting an unusual and thought-provoking viewpoint as the one offered by the Italian case from the 1770s to the immediate aftermath of WWI, when Italo Svevo’s La coscienza di Zeno provides Italy with the first example of a ‘psychoanalytic novel’. Italy’s vibrant culture of the long nineteenth century, characterised by the sedimentation, circulation, intersection, and synergy of different cultural, philosophical, and literary traditions, proves itself to be a privileged object of inquiry for an archaeological study of the unconscious; a study whose object is not the allege...

Research paper thumbnail of The Wandering Mind

It is commonplace to consider mind-wandering as a secondary, useless activity of our mind to whic... more It is commonplace to consider mind-wandering as a secondary, useless activity of our mind to which we guiltily abandon ourselves for laziness or distraction. The aim of the book is to show that, far from being the slaves of a blamable indolence, every time we are absent-minded or lost in thought, we are involved in an essential mental activity. Not only is mind-wandering a fundamental component of our life (whether we want it or not, our mind meanders at night and for half the time during the day), but it also has a constructive and adaptive function that is crucial for facing the contingencies of a complex world. Without a wandering mind we would be stuck in the present, unable to invent stories and to escape the here and now through mental time travel. Mind-wandering takes us into unexplored regions of the unconscious mind that are inaccessible to the conscious will. Not only does this capacity allows us to build and consolidate the sense of our personality but it also helps to multiply our self into imagined possible selves and to expand the range of our experience. Creativity, too, lies in the randomness of mind-wandering, which makes possible unpredictable connections of ideas. The book therefore takes into account different forms of mind-wandering. Mental traveling depends on memory, which provides the material that feeds our imagination. Memory is so important to mind-wandering that some syndromes, such as amnesia and hyperthymesia, can impair the ability to mindtravel. While the amnesic mind, having no access to the past, has nothing to nourish its mental meandering (as the author says, it has 'lost the luxury of nostalgia', p. 24), a mind that remembers everything, on the other hand, is unable to see relations, to make connections and to form abstractions. A mind of this kind (which reminds us of Borges's famous character, Funes) can not only never indulge in distraction, but is also incapable of delving into a wandering mental activity as simple as reading a novel, as each situation is conceived in such precise details that it's impossible to make sense of the totality. In other words, for mind-wandering, remembering is as important as forgetfulness. Mental time travels into the past and future are possible precisely

Research paper thumbnail of La Moda e la Morte. Invenzione di una genealogia mitica

Le mythe repensé de Giacomo Leopardi , 2016

Aix-en-Provence cedex 1 Tél. 33 (0)4 13 55 31 91 -Catalogue complet sur http://pr...[ more ](;)Aix-en-Provence cedex 1 Tél. 33 (0)4 13 55 31 91 -Catalogue complet sur diFFusion LibrAiries : AFPu diFFusiondistribution sodis Actes du colloque international d'Aix-en-Provence 5-8 février 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Melancholy of the Revolution: Maine de Biran Facing Napoleon's Hundred Days

Napoleon's 100 Days and the Struggle for Legitimacy, edited by K. Astbury and M. Philp, London: Palgrave, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Una macchina dal nome infernale in arrivo da un paese romantico

In the 'Discourse of an Italian on Romantic Poetry' (1818), one of the most representative texts ... more In the 'Discourse of an Italian on Romantic Poetry' (1818), one of the most representative texts of the Italian Classicist/Romantic quarrel, Leopardi accuses Romantic poetry of operating like a machine that produces nothing but a passive imitation of reality. By proposing some hypotheses concerning the nature of that mysterious device, this article analyses the importance of such a negative analogy between Romantic poetry and a machine. This analogy sums up the very essence of the aesthetic revolution that took place between the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries: a revolution that, with Jacques Rancière, we can define as a shift from the regime of representation to the aesthetic regime of art.

Research paper thumbnail of Memoria e attenzione involontaria nello Zibaldone

memoria e attenzione involontaria nello zibaldone ] 83 [ risl -rivista internazionale di studi le... more memoria e attenzione involontaria nello zibaldone ] 83 [ risl -rivista internazionale di studi leopardiani -7, 2011 ] 1. Per quanto riguarda lo Zibaldone (d'ora in avanti Zib. seguito dal numero di pagina e dalla data), la mia edizione di riferimento è quella a cura di Giuseppe Pacella, Milano, Garzanti, 1991. Per tutte le altre opere cui farò riferimento seguo invece: Giacomo Leopardi, Tutte le poesie e tutte le prose, a cura di Lucio Felici e Emanuele Trevi, Roma, Newton Compton, 1997. 2. Cfr. in partic. Zib. 1370-2, 22 luglio 1821. 3. Opera questa di cui Leopardi disponeva in duplice copia nelle biblioteca paterna, sia nella traduzione francese di P. Costet, Essai philosophique concernant l'entendement humain, Amsterdam 1723, sia nella versione italiana, tradotta e commentata da F. Soave, Saggio filosofico di Gio: Locke su l'umano intelletto, compendiato dal Dr. Winne, 3 tomi, Venezia 1801. 4. Cfr. ad esempio Zib. 1737, 19 settembre 1821. Una concezione analoga si trova espressa ad esempio nelle voce «imagination» dell'Encyclopédie scritta da Voltaire, in cui questa facoltà, che si fonda essenzialmente sulla me-alessandra aloisi memoria e attenzione involontaria nello zibaldone

Research paper thumbnail of Esperienza del sublime e dinamica del desiderio in G. Leopardi


Research paper thumbnail of Memoria e infanzia in Agostino

Books by alessandra aloisi

Research paper thumbnail of Desiderio e assuefazione. Studio sul pensiero di Leopardi

Appunti leopardiani - rivista semestrale by alessandra aloisi

Research paper thumbnail of Appunti Leopardiani (7) 1, 2014

Appunti Leopardiani (7) 1, 2014

Events by alessandra aloisi

Research paper thumbnail of Reframing Maine de Biran Readings, Effects, Resonances

University of Oxford, Wadham College (Knowles Room), Friday 23 June 2023. This is an in-person e... more University of Oxford, Wadham College (Knowles Room), Friday 23 June 2023.

This is an in-person event open to the public. Online attendance is also possible. To receive the link to attend online please email the conference organizer:

Research paper thumbnail of "Maine de Biran et le biranisme : enjeux d’une histoire complexe entre physiologie, psychologie, philosophie et littérature". ENS de Lyon/Université d'Oxford (Oriel College)/Université de Roma 3. Webminar, 22 janvier 2021.

Cette journée d’étude se propose d’explorer les origines et dimensions philosophiques, psychologi... more Cette journée d’étude se propose d’explorer les origines et dimensions philosophiques, psychologiques et physiologiques du Biranisme, aussi bien que les enjeux de son héritage – direct et indirect, philosophique et littéraire – entre la fin du XIXe et le début du XXe siècles.

Il s’agit de la première étape d’un projet plus vaste et pluridisciplinaire se proposant, d’un côté, d’identifier des « philosophèmes » proprement « biraniens » et les traces de leurs médiations et, de l’autre côté, de réévaluer le rôle central, bien que souvent souterrain, de Maine de Biran et du Biranisme dans la pensée européenne moderne et contemporaine.

En tant que prise de position essentiellement hétérodoxe par rapport à la médecine et
entre philosophie, psychologie et littérature, au cours du XIXe siècle and beyond, le biranisme se révèle notamment être le laboratoire idéal pour la mise en place et la théorisation de conceptions de l’inconscient qui résistent à la systématisation psychanalytique. C’est justement grâce à leur hétérogénéité par rapport au paradigme freudien que ces conceptions, jusqu’à présent laissées de côté, peuvent de manière singulière relever le défi que les sciences cognitives lancent aujourd'hui aux savoirs psychanalytiques et aux sciences humaines.

Research paper thumbnail of Warwick Mesmerized! 5-12 May 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Mesmerized! A Demonstration in Recreational Physics and Animal Magnetism

A show by Mariano Tomatis, part of the Mesmerized! project at the University of Warwick

Research paper thumbnail of Coenesthesia or the Immediate Feeling of Existence: Maine de Biran and the Problem of the Unconscious between Physiology and Philosophy

Perspectives on Science, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Elogio dell’inoperosità: Agamben e Leopardi

Italian Studies, 2017

È un dato significativo che alcuni tra i maggiori rappresentanti della filosofia italiana contemp... more È un dato significativo che alcuni tra i maggiori rappresentanti della filosofia italiana contemporanea abbiano sentito l'esigenza di confrontarsi con Leopardi. Basti pensare, in primo luogo, a Emanuele Severino, Antonio Negri e Massimo Cacciari, che a Leopardi hanno tutti dedicato almeno un saggio o una monografia. È indubbio quindi che Leopardi giochi ancora oggi un ruolo centrale all'interno del panorama filosofico italiano. Muovendo da recenti studi, in particolare da quello di Roberto Esposito (2010), l'articolo si propone di mettere a fuoco la presenza e la permanenza di Leopardi nella filosofia italiana contemporanea prendendo in considerazione il filosofo che meno espressamente sembra essersi interessato a questo autore, vale a dire Giorgio Agamben. Agamben nomina Leopardi in pochissime occasioni, ma la sua teoria dell'inoperosità presenta significativi punti di tangenza con la forma di vita, né umana né animale, che Leopardi descrive in una delle Operette morali, l''Elogio degli uccelli'. Normalmente associati agli angeli, gli uccelli leopardiani vengono invece letti in questo saggio come una versione secolarizzata dei beati, che Agamben stesso considera paradigma dell'inoperosità. In fine, siccome Anacreonte desiderava potersi trasformare in ispecchio per esser mirato continuamente da quella che egli amava, o in gonnellino per coprirla, o in unguento per ungerla, o in acqua per lavarla, o in fascia, che essa se lo stringesse al seno, o in perla da portare al collo, o in calzare, che almeno ella lo premesse col piede; similmente io vorrei, per un poco di tempo essere convertito in uccello, per provare quella contentezza e letizia della loro vita. G. L., alias Amelio È un dato piuttosto eloquente che alcuni tra i maggiori rappresentanti della filosofia italiana contemporanea abbiano sentito l' esigenza di confrontarsi con Leopardi. Basti pensare, in primo luogo, a Emanuele Severino, Antonio Negri e Massimo Cacciari, che a Leopardi hanno tutti dedicato vari studi o monografie. 1 Altrettanto significativo è il fatto che ciascuno di questi autori abbia immancabilmente 1

Research paper thumbnail of The Melancholy of the Revolution: Maine de Biran Facing Napoleon’s Hundred Days

Napoleon's Hundred Days and the Politics of Legitimacy, 2018

This essay will examine the reaction by French élites to Napoleon's Hundred Days by focusing on o... more This essay will examine the reaction by French élites to Napoleon's Hundred Days by focusing on one specific case: that of Marie-François-Pierre-Gonthier de Biran, better known as Maine de Biran (Bergerac 1766-Paris 1824). The case of Maine de Biran can be seen as emblematic for a series of reasons. Biran is known today as the philosopher of will and effort, but he was known amongst his contemporaries above all as a politician and statesman. A royalist all his life, Biran was part of the King's life guards until their dissolution in 1792. After 1795, he embarked on a political and administrative career; notably, he was appointed administrator to

Research paper thumbnail of "Maine de Biran and the Afterlives of Biranism".

Perspectives on Science, Special Issue (forthcoming), 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Proust e noi

La Biblioteca di via del Senato, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Vie de Henry Brulard as an Essay on Moral Geology: Character, Habit, and Disposition in Rousseau and Stendhal

The article shows that Rousseau and Stendhal attributed entirely different functions to autobiogr... more The article shows that Rousseau and Stendhal attributed entirely different functions to autobiography, and addresses this difference by taking into consideration the philosophical and psychological notion of caractère, which is not conceived of in the same way by the two authors. For Rousseau character is unique, hidden inside and partly innate. For Stendhal it is nothing but the habitual disposition which results from acquired habits. Whereas Rousseau composes Les Confessions to disclose his true character to his readers, Stendhal, on the contrary, writes the Vie de Henry de Brulard to discover his own character, which can only be revealed through a geological examination of his way of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of the Unconscious

In reconstructing the birth and development of the notion of ‘unconscious’, historians of ideas h... more In reconstructing the birth and development of the notion of ‘unconscious’, historians of ideas have heavily relied on the Freudian concept of Unbewussten, retroactively projecting the psychoanalytic unconscious over a constellation of diverse cultural experiences taking place in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries between France and Germany. Archaeology of the Unconscious aims to challenge this perspective by adopting an unusual and thought-provoking viewpoint as the one offered by the Italian case from the 1770s to the immediate aftermath of WWI, when Italo Svevo’s La coscienza di Zeno provides Italy with the first example of a ‘psychoanalytic novel’. Italy’s vibrant culture of the long nineteenth century, characterised by the sedimentation, circulation, intersection, and synergy of different cultural, philosophical, and literary traditions, proves itself to be a privileged object of inquiry for an archaeological study of the unconscious; a study whose object is not the allege...

Research paper thumbnail of The Wandering Mind

It is commonplace to consider mind-wandering as a secondary, useless activity of our mind to whic... more It is commonplace to consider mind-wandering as a secondary, useless activity of our mind to which we guiltily abandon ourselves for laziness or distraction. The aim of the book is to show that, far from being the slaves of a blamable indolence, every time we are absent-minded or lost in thought, we are involved in an essential mental activity. Not only is mind-wandering a fundamental component of our life (whether we want it or not, our mind meanders at night and for half the time during the day), but it also has a constructive and adaptive function that is crucial for facing the contingencies of a complex world. Without a wandering mind we would be stuck in the present, unable to invent stories and to escape the here and now through mental time travel. Mind-wandering takes us into unexplored regions of the unconscious mind that are inaccessible to the conscious will. Not only does this capacity allows us to build and consolidate the sense of our personality but it also helps to multiply our self into imagined possible selves and to expand the range of our experience. Creativity, too, lies in the randomness of mind-wandering, which makes possible unpredictable connections of ideas. The book therefore takes into account different forms of mind-wandering. Mental traveling depends on memory, which provides the material that feeds our imagination. Memory is so important to mind-wandering that some syndromes, such as amnesia and hyperthymesia, can impair the ability to mindtravel. While the amnesic mind, having no access to the past, has nothing to nourish its mental meandering (as the author says, it has 'lost the luxury of nostalgia', p. 24), a mind that remembers everything, on the other hand, is unable to see relations, to make connections and to form abstractions. A mind of this kind (which reminds us of Borges's famous character, Funes) can not only never indulge in distraction, but is also incapable of delving into a wandering mental activity as simple as reading a novel, as each situation is conceived in such precise details that it's impossible to make sense of the totality. In other words, for mind-wandering, remembering is as important as forgetfulness. Mental time travels into the past and future are possible precisely

Research paper thumbnail of La Moda e la Morte. Invenzione di una genealogia mitica

Le mythe repensé de Giacomo Leopardi , 2016

Aix-en-Provence cedex 1 Tél. 33 (0)4 13 55 31 91 -Catalogue complet sur http://pr...[ more ](;)Aix-en-Provence cedex 1 Tél. 33 (0)4 13 55 31 91 -Catalogue complet sur diFFusion LibrAiries : AFPu diFFusiondistribution sodis Actes du colloque international d'Aix-en-Provence 5-8 février 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Melancholy of the Revolution: Maine de Biran Facing Napoleon's Hundred Days

Napoleon's 100 Days and the Struggle for Legitimacy, edited by K. Astbury and M. Philp, London: Palgrave, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Una macchina dal nome infernale in arrivo da un paese romantico

In the 'Discourse of an Italian on Romantic Poetry' (1818), one of the most representative texts ... more In the 'Discourse of an Italian on Romantic Poetry' (1818), one of the most representative texts of the Italian Classicist/Romantic quarrel, Leopardi accuses Romantic poetry of operating like a machine that produces nothing but a passive imitation of reality. By proposing some hypotheses concerning the nature of that mysterious device, this article analyses the importance of such a negative analogy between Romantic poetry and a machine. This analogy sums up the very essence of the aesthetic revolution that took place between the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries: a revolution that, with Jacques Rancière, we can define as a shift from the regime of representation to the aesthetic regime of art.

Research paper thumbnail of Memoria e attenzione involontaria nello Zibaldone

memoria e attenzione involontaria nello zibaldone ] 83 [ risl -rivista internazionale di studi le... more memoria e attenzione involontaria nello zibaldone ] 83 [ risl -rivista internazionale di studi leopardiani -7, 2011 ] 1. Per quanto riguarda lo Zibaldone (d'ora in avanti Zib. seguito dal numero di pagina e dalla data), la mia edizione di riferimento è quella a cura di Giuseppe Pacella, Milano, Garzanti, 1991. Per tutte le altre opere cui farò riferimento seguo invece: Giacomo Leopardi, Tutte le poesie e tutte le prose, a cura di Lucio Felici e Emanuele Trevi, Roma, Newton Compton, 1997. 2. Cfr. in partic. Zib. 1370-2, 22 luglio 1821. 3. Opera questa di cui Leopardi disponeva in duplice copia nelle biblioteca paterna, sia nella traduzione francese di P. Costet, Essai philosophique concernant l'entendement humain, Amsterdam 1723, sia nella versione italiana, tradotta e commentata da F. Soave, Saggio filosofico di Gio: Locke su l'umano intelletto, compendiato dal Dr. Winne, 3 tomi, Venezia 1801. 4. Cfr. ad esempio Zib. 1737, 19 settembre 1821. Una concezione analoga si trova espressa ad esempio nelle voce «imagination» dell'Encyclopédie scritta da Voltaire, in cui questa facoltà, che si fonda essenzialmente sulla me-alessandra aloisi memoria e attenzione involontaria nello zibaldone

Research paper thumbnail of Esperienza del sublime e dinamica del desiderio in G. Leopardi


Research paper thumbnail of Memoria e infanzia in Agostino

Research paper thumbnail of Reframing Maine de Biran Readings, Effects, Resonances

University of Oxford, Wadham College (Knowles Room), Friday 23 June 2023. This is an in-person e... more University of Oxford, Wadham College (Knowles Room), Friday 23 June 2023.

This is an in-person event open to the public. Online attendance is also possible. To receive the link to attend online please email the conference organizer:

Research paper thumbnail of "Maine de Biran et le biranisme : enjeux d’une histoire complexe entre physiologie, psychologie, philosophie et littérature". ENS de Lyon/Université d'Oxford (Oriel College)/Université de Roma 3. Webminar, 22 janvier 2021.

Cette journée d’étude se propose d’explorer les origines et dimensions philosophiques, psychologi... more Cette journée d’étude se propose d’explorer les origines et dimensions philosophiques, psychologiques et physiologiques du Biranisme, aussi bien que les enjeux de son héritage – direct et indirect, philosophique et littéraire – entre la fin du XIXe et le début du XXe siècles.

Il s’agit de la première étape d’un projet plus vaste et pluridisciplinaire se proposant, d’un côté, d’identifier des « philosophèmes » proprement « biraniens » et les traces de leurs médiations et, de l’autre côté, de réévaluer le rôle central, bien que souvent souterrain, de Maine de Biran et du Biranisme dans la pensée européenne moderne et contemporaine.

En tant que prise de position essentiellement hétérodoxe par rapport à la médecine et
entre philosophie, psychologie et littérature, au cours du XIXe siècle and beyond, le biranisme se révèle notamment être le laboratoire idéal pour la mise en place et la théorisation de conceptions de l’inconscient qui résistent à la systématisation psychanalytique. C’est justement grâce à leur hétérogénéité par rapport au paradigme freudien que ces conceptions, jusqu’à présent laissées de côté, peuvent de manière singulière relever le défi que les sciences cognitives lancent aujourd'hui aux savoirs psychanalytiques et aux sciences humaines.

Research paper thumbnail of Warwick Mesmerized! 5-12 May 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Mesmerized! A Demonstration in Recreational Physics and Animal Magnetism

A show by Mariano Tomatis, part of the Mesmerized! project at the University of Warwick

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeology of the Unconscious: Italian Perspectives

Routledge, 2020

In reconstructing the birth and development of the notion of ‘unconscious’, historians of ideas h... more In reconstructing the birth and development of the notion of ‘unconscious’, historians of ideas have heavily relied on the Freudian concept of Unbewussten, retroactively projecting the psychoanalytic unconscious over a constellation of diverse cultural experiences taking place in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries between France and Germany. Archaeology of the Unconscious aims to challenge this perspective by adopting an unusual and thought-provoking viewpoint as the one offered by the Italian case from the 1770s to the immediate aftermath of WWI, when Italo Svevo’s La coscienza di Zeno provides Italy with the first example of a ‘psychoanalytic novel’. Italy’s vibrant culture of the long nineteenth century, characterised by the sedimentation, circulation, intersection, and synergy of different cultural, philosophical, and literary traditions, proves itself to be a privileged object of inquiry for an archaeological study of the unconscious; a study whose object is not the alleged ‘origin’ of a pre-made theoretical construct, but rather the stratifications by which that specific construct was assembled. In line with Michel Foucault’s Archéologie du savoir (1969), this volume will analyze the formation and the circulation, across different authors and texts, of a network of ideas and discourses on interconnected themes, including dreams, memory, recollection, desire, imagination, fantasy, madness, creativity, inspiration, magnetism, and somnambulism. Alongside questioning pre-given narratives of the ‘history of the unconscious’, this book will employ the Italian ‘difference’ as a powerful perspective from whence to address the undeveloped potentialities of the pre-Freudian unconscious, beyond uniquely psychoanalytical viewpoints.

Research paper thumbnail of La fabbrica dell'inconscio e l'industria dell'alienazione

13 Settembre 2020 - Nell'anniversario della scomparsa di Italo Svevo, il Museo Sveviano, in colla... more 13 Settembre 2020 - Nell'anniversario della scomparsa di Italo Svevo, il Museo Sveviano, in collaborazione con le Università di Warwick (GB), Udine e Trieste, organizza la presentazione di due volumi recenti dedicati a tematiche affini. Il primo si intitola "Arhaeology of the Unconscious. Italian Perspectives" ( Routledge, 2019) e investiga l'emergere e lo sviluppo della nozione di inconscio in autori ben precedenti gli scritti di Freud, da Pietro Verri a Leopardi fino ad arrivare a Svevo. Silvia Contarini dell'Università di Udine ne parla con i curatori, Alessandra Aloisi e Fabio Camilletti e con Olmo Calzolari (Università di Oxford) che firma uno dei contributi. Il secondo volume, "The Years of Alienation in Italy : Asylum and Factory from the Economic Miracle to theYears of Lead" (Palmgrave Macmillan, 2019) sposta l'attenzione verso tempi più recenti e mette a tema il concetto di alienazione, onnipresente nella discussione politica degli anni '60 e '70 e oggetto di rappresentazione letteraria e cinematografica. Sergia Adamo (Università di Trieste) ne discuterà con i curatori Alessandra Diazzi e Alvise Sforza Tarabochia (in collegamento via Internet). L'evento è a ingresso libero fino a esaurimento dei posti e si svolgerà in lingua italiana. E' prevista la diretta streaming sulla pagina Facebook MuseoSvevoJoyce.