if you were a hat, you'd be a top hat (original) (raw)


Friends Only

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currently adding | selectively adding | not adding

What Do I Talk About? Adam Scott, incessantly, so if you vehemently hate him and/or are wildly indifferent on the subject I may or may not bore you to tears. A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones. Parks & Rec and how much I love it. New Girl and how much I love it. Baking and how I enjoy it but sometimes accidentally make cakes that dissolve into puddles of foam. My nieces because they are adorable and way cuter than any of the little kids you know, sorry, thems the facts. Sam Winchester, not as much as I used to, but that’s still a thing that happens. I rarely ever talk about Dean unless it’s FMM time and I’m plotting his untimely demise. Writing and how it’s hard. Awesome ladies, of which there are many. My career woes which can be summed up as I don’t have one and that makes me mad. Tv because I watch a lot. Ships. Dude, I am such a shipper, you don’t even know. There are a lot of memes too, I often do the same one 41 times just because I can. Oh and occasionally I talk about movies, but mostly just the ones that star Adam Scott.

What Do I Watch? Parks & Rec. Game of Thrones. Bunheads. Being Human UK. New Girl. Community. Justified. Shameless. Sherlock. Breaking Bad. Happy Endings. 30 Rock. Parenthood. Miranda. Downton Abbey. Misfits. Supernatural. 2 Broke Girls. Cougar Town. Doctor Who. Mad Men. The Killing. The Walking Dead. Warehouse 13. Haven. Up All Night. Psych. The Hour. How I Met Your Mother. Bob's Burgers. Once Upon a Time. Borgen. Girls. Veep. Gravity Falls.

What Did I Watch Previously In My Life And Still Occasionally Talk About? Lost. The Office. Party Down. Spaced. Deadwood. Freaks & Geeks. Terriers. Gilmore Girls. All things Whedon. The X-Files. The Fades. The Vampire Diaries. Fringe.

Please comment before adding. If you’re just here for the fic, it’s always unlocked.


"I can already tell you think I'm the dragon, that would be so like me, but I'm not. I'm not the dragon. I'm not the princess either. Who am I? I'm just a writer. I write things down."
---Richard Siken, "Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out"

*updated 7/31/11*

( Here Be FicsCollapse )

( DrabblesCollapse )


Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative


16 February 2013 @ 11:08 pm

Dear rarewomen author,

Hi! I want to start out by saying thank you so much for writing a story for me (and apologizing for the delay in getting my letter posted). Whatever you come up with I'm going to love, so don't stress on the details. I'm going to leave a few ideas/likes & dislikes below, but if you already have a plot bunny of your own, by all means, go with that. Any story featuring one of these awesome ladies is going to delight me.

Very generally, here are a few things I love: slice of life stories, banter, coming of age tales, adventure stories, introspective character studies, gothic/horror undertones, romance, smartasses, people who are uber confident and people who are uber insecure, and dark, complicated adult relationships—all good. I also have a huge thing for travel themes, family dynamics (including found families), and all manner of tropes (forced to share a bed, etc.). I don't have a preference when it comes to tone: fluff, angst, humor, something in between—whatever direction your muse takes you in, go for it. Likewise, I enjoy het, friendship fics and, in the cases where noted, femslash. I'm not a fan of total AUs (everyone lives on a space station now!), but that being said, if you want to break out a zombie apocalypse AU for any of these fandoms, I am cool with that. ;)

Things I'm not a fan of: non-con/dub-con, self harm, character/ship bashing, super kinky sex (sex is awesome, but if it includes accessories, I tend to turn red and bail), and crackiness (bodyswapping, etc.).

Now onwards to the fandoms:

( Bunheads, Switched at Birth, Shameless, Downton Abbey, James Bond, and MarvelCollapse )

Current Mood: excitedexcited


01 January 2013 @ 11:34 pm


28 November 2012 @ 11:51 pm

1.Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks/themes/tropes. Check out this list if you need inspiration. At the bottom add your fandoms/pairings.

2. Go here and post a link to your list. Then check out other people's lists at the masterlist.

3. Post comment-fic (or longer pieces) based off of other people's lists.

( 5 Acts & FandomsCollapse )

Current Mood: excitedexcited


15 October 2012 @ 11:33 pm

Dear Yuletide author,

Hi! <3 I’d like to start off by saying that you are amazing and clearly have flawless taste in fandoms. I am so excited to get fic for any of these fandoms, so you seriously don’t need to stress. The one good thing about me is I’m ridiculously easy to please.

In that spirit, please don’t fret too much about my prompts, if nothing below pings with you, by all means follow your muse. I’m of the firm belief that a fic that someone wants to write always comes out better than one they’re trying to force themselves to write. Follow your plotbunnies wherever they may lead, is what I’m saying. I know some guidance is helpful though (yuletide panic, I’ve been there), so below I’ve listed a few fandom-specific prompts and my likes/dislikes for your perusal. Before we get into all of that though: thank you in advance for writing a fic for me during this crazy busy time of year. Whatever you write, I’m going to love.

( Likes, Dislikes, and PromptsCollapse )

Current Mood: thankfulthankful


Title: Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives
Pairings/Characters: Dean/Cas, Sam
Genre: Fluff/Romance/Humor
Warnings: Mild sexual content.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Dean educates Castiel in the joys of road food.
A/N: Written for pann_cake for the dc_summerlovin exchange. The setting is sort of an indefinite, weirdly happy time period where Cas is just an accepted part of the team.

( If you’re going to ride with us, you’re going to have to eat like usCollapse )


Title: the leaving kind
Character: Ronan (past Ronan/Christine)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: He named himself Ronan Malloy.

( He wants to ask Nina what she would have named him.Collapse )


I tried really hard to stretch the season out for as long as possible. Which for me meant twelve episodes over four days, but I couldn’t make it last a second longer, especially after 2x11. I love this show. The only thing I don’t love about it is the part where there aren’t six seasons for me to devour immediately. Because I would. Fucking Gallaghers. They get under your skin. My thoughts are going to be a tangled mess of capslock and emotions, but then, what else is new, right?

(I was going to try to break up the insane amount of text below the cut with gifs, but it’s too late for gif hunting. So sorry guys, all I have are a billion words. Many of which may not make sense because its almost two in the morning.)

( Shameless Season TwoCollapse )

Current Mood: sleepysleepy