p1nkaliciou5 - Profile (original) (raw)
on 15 August 2004 (#4203565)
Sacramento, California, United States
♥ You must post an application within 24 hours of joining this community. MODs will remind you. If you cannot post an application, then leave the community and rejoin once you can. If you don't, you will be banned.
♥ You must use an LJ cut on all applications and entries posting pictures. If it's not behind an LJ cut, we will delete it. We already put an LJ cut for you in the copy and paste version of the application below. If you still mess up, you'll be automatically rejected.
♥ To make sure that you read the rules, where it asks in the application, Why do you want to be in this community, you can write your reasons BUT you must also add "To see if I'm pink enough." If it's not there, you'll get automatically rejected.
♥ You must post at least 3 pictures. If you don't, your application will be automatically rejected.
♥ Guys are allowed.
♥ Keep the age limit to 15. People will be more harsh towards you if you're younger, so know that when you're applying. We will check your age and if you get caught lying, you will be automatically rejected.
♥ Please, be honest in your opinions.
♥ Do not vote or post any entries (besides your app.) unless you've been accepted. If you do, you will be automatically rejected. If the comments and/or entries are inappopriate, you will be banned.
♥ Promote us to at least 2 livejournal communities or users and post the link. We will check.
♥ Do not delete your comments, they get emailed to us anyway. You will be banned.
♥ Bold the questions or answers. Just make it easy on us to read your application.
♥ Don't post your application more than once. It will be rejected. If you mess up, edit the original one.
♥ If you delete your application, you will be banned.
♥ Do not harass members through AIM or their LJ or you will be banned.
♥ If you are easily offended, don't bother applying. Members will be honest. If you can't handle it- don't apply. Easy as that.
♥ If you are rejected, you can reapply again. However if you are rejected once more, please get the hint.
♥ If you get rejected, you can also challenge a member for their spot. See rules below.
♥ You will be stamped as soon as the MOD(s) think there have been enough votes.
[Boyfriend or Girlfriend? If so post a picture if you have one]
*Laughter is the Best Form of Medicine*
[Make us laugh via picture, joke, or story]
[Favorite Movie(s)]
[Favorite Band(s)/Singer(s)]
[Favorite Song(s)]
[Favorite Quote(s)]
[Favorite Actor(s)]
[Favorite Actress(es)]
[Favorite Book(s)]
[What are you wearing right now?]
[Favorite store(s)]
[Favorite makeup brand(s)]
[Describe your favorite PINK outfit or post a picture of it]
[Gay Marriages]
[Cheating in Relationships]
*A Few Random Questions*
[Why do you want to be in this community?]
[Tell us how you'll contribute to the community]
[How'd you hear about us?]
[Promote us to at least 2 LJ users or communities]
[Promote us in your own LJ]
[Post at least 3 pictures of yourself and a 100x100. If you cannot resize it- DON'T TRY. A MOD will do it]
Copy and paste application:
Member Rules
♥ When making posts, write in subject line: STAMPED.
♥ Remember when rating, it is both on LOOKS and PERSONALITY.
♥ Feel free to post pictures of yourself or whatever you want after you've been stamped, but remember: Always LJ cut. :)
♥ Stay active and if you plan on leaving, tell us.
♥ Put yes or no in the subect line when voting. It makes it easier.
♥ Promote us as much as possible.
♥ NO PROMOTIONS! They used to be allowed, but no one followed the Promotion Rules so I took away the ability to promote other communities. If you promote without it being "ok"ed by ninaner, you will be kicked out of the community and have to reapply.
♥ Don't be afraid to be honest. If they can't handle it, they shouldn't have applied.
♥ Go ahead and give us any ideas you have about improving the community.
♥ When voting, try to give reasons why, rather than just a yes or no.
♥ If you're going to be gone, let us know. Put "away" in the subject. When you come back, put "back" in the subject so that we know you're there.
♥ Banners are greatly appreciated.
1. You may not challenge a mod.
2. Put "Challenge" in subject line.
3. Post at least 3 pictures. One of them has to be differnt from the ones you applied with.
4. Put the username of the person you are challenging.
5. If they don't reply to the challenge in 3 days (72 hours) you automatically get their spot and they have to reapply.
6. If they do reply in time, one of the MODs will take the pictures and put them up as a challenge.
7. Members will vote on them.
8. If you are challenging a member and lose- you must reapply with an actual application. If you get rejected then, you'll get banned.
9. If you are a member getting challenged and lose, you will need to reapply.
_____letgo Chloe
___breathe0nme Melissa
_imdutch Yvonne
fabulousness Matt
all_about_words Carrie
amanda6988 Amanda
barbiebabe1231 Anna
bebiteeny Christine
beeachblondee Alicia
bloodlessbattle Abby
times_lke_these Cindy
breathe_mein Amanda
buildngbrdges Ali
coldas_ice_kiss Abbey
colie986 Nicole
crazy__dinosaur Emily
crazyjordy876 Jordan
curls__ Kris
toxikandy Jamie
enchantingpixie Stephanie
eda062 Emily
frenchxkitten89 Ashley
foggywindowlove Brittany
givinitalllaway Torre
gofwyyn Amanda
h8_shit_happens Christina
headbanginbyker Blake
ilovey0urkizzez Alexandria
imalovesong Mandi
ive_just_begunx Francesca
jimmy_dipp Becka
kbaby569 Kelli
lipsmackrz04 Brooke
loveme_please_x Becca
maui_style Katie
mocha__ Eri
mordath1 Deran
bacio_di_estate Amy
sami53 Sami
satc_addict Nicole
seductixe Nina
shattered__past Katie
silencekissed PJ
simple_kat_soda Kat
skallelujah Christina
tinyblusher06 Jennifer
twistedxkitten Megan
wanna_be_in_luv Christine
xquisitedoll Sonia
xxbebe626 Ileana
Promotion Banners:
(Copy the code in the box)
Click here for Promotion Codes to promote this awesome community
adorable, barbie, bathing suits, beautiful people, beauty, being girly, being online, being pretty, best-friends, bikini's, bitches, blondes, bodies, boobs, booty-shorts, boy-bands, boyfriends, boys, breasts, britney spears, bronzer, brunettes, brutally honest, cheerleader skirts, cheerleading, chick-flicks, clothes, clothing, clueless, communities, confidence, cosmetics, cute, cuteness, dancing, eyeliner, eyes, eyeshadow, faces, fashion, flip-flops, flowers, french manicures, friends, fugly, fun, girl talks, girls, glitter, good looks, gorgeous, guys, hair products, hairstyles, handbags, happiness, hearts, heels, high heels, homecoming, honesty, hot, hot guys, hotties, jewelry, joking, laughter, lingirie, lipgloss, lips, long hair, looks, lotion, love, magazines, make-up, makeup, malls, manicures, mini skirts, money, mystic tanning, nailpolish, panties, parties, pedicures, phones, photos, pictures, pink, pink shirts, platforms, posting pictures, pretty pretty princess, prom, promoting, promotion, push-up bra's, rating, rating communities, redheads, romance, sandals, scarfs, secrets, sex, sexy, sexy bodies, sexy outfits, shoes, shopping, short skirts, sleepovers, smiles, smiling, sparkles, spas, stars, straighteners, sun, tanning, the mall, thongs, tight jeans, tweezers, uniqueness, updo's, waxing, ♥