Hanifi Sever | Turkish National Police Academy (original) (raw)

Papers by Hanifi Sever

Research paper thumbnail of Illegal migration and refugee paradox of the European Union and Turkey: What happened after the domino effect?

Göçün günümüzde dünyanın en büyük sorunlarından biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek çok etken bu... more Göçün günümüzde dünyanın en büyük sorunlarından biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek çok etken bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan en önemlileri; ekonomik eşitsizlik, devletlerin vatandaşlarının can güvenliğini sağlayamaması, siyasi çalkantılar ve şiddet eylemleri olarak sayılabilir. Kaynak veya hedef ülke olsun ya da olmasın, tüm devletleri zor durumda bırakan yasadışı göç sorunlarına hem ulusal, hem de uluslararası alanda çözüm arayışları sürmektedir. Avrupa Birliği, özellikle 2000’den sonra göç ve iltica konuları ile yakından ilgilenmektedir. Önceleri bir gereklilik olarak görülen göçmenlerin, artık bir sorun haline dönüştüğünü AB içerisindeki yasal düzenlemelere bakarak söyleyebiliriz. 2010’un sonlarında patlak veren Arap isyanlarıyla ülkelerinden kaçan binlerce insanın Avrupa sınırına dayanmış olması Avrupa Birliği’nin yeni bir krizle imtihanı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yine benzer şekilde Avrupa Birliğine üye olmak için bekleyen Türkiye’nin de bu krize yaklaşımı söz konusu Arap ülkeleri...

Research paper thumbnail of Elektronik Pazarlarlarda Güven Problemi ve Kriminal Faaliyetler

Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 2012

Guven, internet ticaretinde oldukca onemli bir konudur ve ozellikle onemli kararlar hakkindaki so... more Guven, internet ticaretinde oldukca onemli bir konudur ve ozellikle onemli kararlar hakkindaki sosyal davranisin bir onkosuludur. Genellikle internet ticaretinin tehlikeli oldugu ve musterilerin kisisel bilgilerini, kredi kartlarinin bilgilerini ve diger varliklarini tehlikeye attiklari siklikla ifade edilmektedir. Ote yandan, internet ticaretinin kullaniminin arttirilmasi icin cok sayida proje ve uygulama vardir. Internet kullanicilarinin sayisi gun gectikce artmaktadir ancak cogu, internet uzerinden ticarete guvenmedigi icin Web sitelerine kisisel bilgilerini paylasmaya gonulsuz olmaktadirlar. Bu calismada, ziyaretcilerin Web sitelerine olan guven duygusunun arttirilmasi icin kullanilan anahtar elementlerin tartisilmasi yapilacaktir. Bunun icin, ilk olarak literaturdeki guven kavraminin cesitli tanimlarinin tahlili yapilacaktir. Ikinci olarak, kriminal faaliyetler ve internetteki kriminal tehditlerin varligi tanimlanmaya calisilacaktir

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇vi̇l Havacilik Hi̇zmetleri̇nde Moti̇vasyon Araçlarinin İş Performansina Etki̇si̇

the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparison of Glass Ceiling Perception of Employees Working in Public and Private Enterprises

American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2016

Glass ceiling syndrome can be described as invisible and unbreakable barriers that keep a special... more Glass ceiling syndrome can be described as invisible and unbreakable barriers that keep a special group, such as women or any minorities, from progressing in their professional career, regardless of their ability or qualifications. Unseen barriers prevent women from promotion and, workforce. Gender-based discrimination in promotions is more intense at higher levels, but it is felt in every stage of business life. In this study, the glass ceiling perception of men and women employees working in public and private sectors was targeted by evaluating some variables. As a result of the study, it is expressed that women confront the glass ceiling syndrome much more than men. The factors affecting the glass ceiling were identified as gender, age, marital status, promotion, working in public or private sector and additional income.

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Suicide Attempts: Zonguldak Case

Sociology Mind, 2016

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Nonetheless not all suicide attempts... more Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Nonetheless not all suicide attempts result in death and studying the motives of these attempts poses great importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation and differences between suicidal behaviors and suicidal ideation in Zonguldak city with regard to sociodemographic variables. Within this scope, "Suicide Ideation Scale", "Suicidal Behavior Scale" and descriptive methods were used on a sample including 439 individuals. The results of the study have shown that the relation among gender, suicidal behavior and suicide ideation is quite significant; women choose more attention-grabbing methods in their suicide attempts. In addition, age was seen as an important determinant. As one of the most remarkable results of the study, it can be concluded that due to rise in the rates of suicidal behavior, recurrent suicide attempt risk increases 19 times.

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign Workers without Work Permit in Istanbul: A Sociological Study

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2012

Economic inequality is one of the major reasons for current migration issues for both individuals... more Economic inequality is one of the major reasons for current migration issues for both individuals and nations. Other significant reasons are threatening environment, natural disasters (drought, scarce resources, earthquake, etc.) and epidemic illnesses. Countries try to achieve their large-scale development plans and service plans so that international capital flows and service and goods are imported and exported as well as information exchange and migration of workforce are experienced. Certain crime types have gained a global character as a result of new world order accompained by globalisation and it moves between countries. Both illegal migration and international workers without work permit are among such crime types. This study aims to identify the reasons for foreign people who came Istanbul, leading to have their profiles. Another aim of the study is to analyse the position of people from the former Communist countries that are relatively new established as a result of new world order of 1990's and that are experiencing a process of adoptation to the capitalist economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign Juvenile Delinquency: The Case of Istanbul

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2012

There are many factors that make "illegal migration" become one of the greatest problems of the c... more There are many factors that make "illegal migration" become one of the greatest problems of the contemporary world. The most significant ones of these factors are economic inequality, states' incompetence in securing their peoples' lives, political turmoils and acts of violence. No matter they are the source or target countries, all nations are in search of possible national and multinational solutions against the issue of illegal migration, illegal immigrant and refugee that chronically deliver great deal of problems. In conjunction with illegal immigration, another problematic phonemenon is revelaed: Foreign juvenile delinquency. Both illegally entered a country and involved in criminality, foreign juvenile delinquency is like a double edged dagger stabbed in the very heart of metropolitan areas. In this regard, foreign juvenile delinquency can be defined as a social problem which is affected by large-scale social events and transformations such as economic crisis, wars and political conflicts. The aim of this study is to introduce a general profile of the foreign juveniles that entered Turkey either legally or illegally and committed a crime and arrested by law enforcers in Istanbul. Files of 1130 juveniles who committed judicial or administrative crimes are compiled and examined from 2007 to the first four months of 2009.

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Domestic Violence: The Case of Zonguldak

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2014

Domestic violence in general terms, refers to incidents in which one of the family members violen... more Domestic violence in general terms, refers to incidents in which one of the family members violently acts against to another member. It may occur between spouses, between parents and children, between children or between children and grandparents. However, the most frequent type of domestic violence is between male and female partners. Since "family" is the fundamental element of society, the reasons of domestic violence must be well-understood in order to implement correct precautions against it. The aim of this study is to provide an evaluation of domestic violence in the city of Zonguldak. In this respect, some important previous studies, and some remarkable statistics on Zonguldak are reviewed firstly. Upon that, domestic violence cases in Zonguldak city between 2009 and 2011 are investigated retrospectively.

Research paper thumbnail of A Survey Study on the Profile of Human Smugglers in Turkey

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2015

Illegal migration is an impalpable phenomenon with complicated dimensions. Thousands of people le... more Illegal migration is an impalpable phenomenon with complicated dimensions. Thousands of people leave their homelands every year due to a number of reasons such as civil wars, terrorism, economic difficulties, and social oppressions. With their flexible modus operandi, migrant smugglers benefit from individuals or groups that wish to immigrate for a more comfortable life. In order to reach a complete perception of illegal migration one needs to draw an accurate profile of migrant smugglers. At this end, data collection from both smugglers as perpetrators and illegal migrants as the object of the smuggling process provides important information for a holistic definition of "smugglers". In this study researchers interviewed 262 illegal migrants and 174 smugglers captured in Istanbul from 2007 to 2013 in order to identify and develop a profile of migrant smugglers and understand the operating methods of illegal migration organizations. The collected data were analyzed and important results on illegal migrant smugglers were reached.

Research paper thumbnail of İnsansız Hava Aracı Sistemlerinde Stratejik Yönetim ve SWOT Analizi

İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, Jun 30, 2021

Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. / This a... more Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. / This article has been reviewed by at least two referees and confirmed to include no plagiarism.

Research paper thumbnail of Ergonomi̇ Ve Teknostresi̇n Si̇vi̇l Havacilik Sektöründeki̇ Etki̇si̇

Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 2017

Is nedeni ile meydana gelen hastaliklar bireyin genel yasam standartlarini da derinden etkilemekt... more Is nedeni ile meydana gelen hastaliklar bireyin genel yasam standartlarini da derinden etkilemektedir. Ergonomi ve teknostres, calisanlarin is yasamlarindaki kaliteyi etkileyen onemli faktorlerdir. Is hayatinda karsilasilan bu sorunlar nedeniyle uretim ve hizmetlerin olumsuz etkilendigi degerlendirilmektedir. Bu calismada ergonomi ve teknostres veri toplama araclari ile sivil havacilik sektorunde calismakta olan bireyler arasindaki iliskiler incelenmistir. Istanbul Ataturk Havalimaninda yer hizmetleri saglayan calisanlara insan kaynaklari departmani sorumlulari vasitasiyla gonderilen anketlere 825 kisinin geri donus yaptigi gorulmustur. Elde edilen veriler SPSS ver.20 paket programi vasitasiyla analiz edilmistir. Bu calismanin sonuclarina gore, sivil havacilik sektorunde calisanlarin ergonomi sekilleri cok cesitli zararli unsur icermektedir. Bas, boyun ya da sirt agrisi ve goz hastaliklari siklikla sikayet edilen rahatsizliklardir. Teknostres cinsiyete gore farklilik gosterirken, e...

Research paper thumbnail of Adli Nitelikli Polis Hizmetlerinde Kriz Yönetimi Süreci

Adli nitelikli polis hizmetlerinde basarili olmanin ilk ve en onemli yolu iyi bir olay yeri incel... more Adli nitelikli polis hizmetlerinde basarili olmanin ilk ve en onemli yolu iyi bir olay yeri incelemesinden gecmektedir. Olay yeri inceleme sureclerini goz onunde bulundurdugumuzda gerek olaydan dogrudan ya da dolayli zarar gormus kisilerin gerekse olay yeri incelemesiyle gorevli olanlarin davranislarindan dolayi muhtemel bir kriz ortami dogabilir. Bu krizin beraberinde getirecegi kaos ortami olay yeri incelemesinin ozunde bulunan soguk kanlilik ve duzenlilik ile bagdasmaz. Bu calisma, olay yeri incelemesinin kriz ortamlarinda en saglikli sekilde nasil gerceklestirilebilecegini vurgulamaktadir. Bu baglamda kriz yonetimi ve olay yeri inceleme surecleri aciklanarak birbirleriyle olan iliskileri irdelenmis ve konuyla baglantili olarak haberlesmeye, koordinasyona, psikolojik yapilandirmaya, motivasyona, tatbikatlarin gerekliligine, panik yonetimine ve kitle yonetimine deginilmis ve bunlar Istanbul Paralel Patlamalari (Sinagoglar, HSBC Bankasi ve Ingiltere Konsoloslugu) orneklerindeki kri...

Research paper thumbnail of Meritokrasi ve Örgütsel Adalet İlişkisinin Kamu Çalışanları Açısından İncelenmesi (An Examination of the Relationship Between Meritocracy and Organizational Justice from the Perspective of Public Employees)

Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2021

Purpose – Meritocracy is a fundamental theory of equality, regardless of the innate or acquired a... more Purpose – Meritocracy is a fundamental theory of equality, regardless of the innate or acquired attainment of any person, such as origin, religion, language. This is a system where there is equal opportunity, no discrimination and everyone is evaluated according to their abilities and skills. Organizational justice, on the other hand, focuses on the equity and justice in attitudes and behaviors towards oneself or others within the organization. In this study, the relationship between meritocracy and organizational justice is examined. In this context, it is aimed to determine the perceptions of meritocracy and organizational justice of public employees. Design/methodology/approach – A 3-stage questionnaire and scale were applied with random selection sampling method to 447 employees working in public institutions and organizations. The sample constitutes 40% of the population depicted. The questionnaire was applied to the participants in order to determine the demographic situation,...

Research paper thumbnail of Avrupa Bi̇rli̇ği̇ Ve Türki̇ye Ekseni̇nde Yasadişi Göç Ve İlti̇ca Paradoksu: Domi̇no Etki̇si̇ Sonrasi Yaşananlar

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Öğrenme Teori̇leri̇ Işiğinda Yasadişi Göç Ve Etki̇leri̇

Gocun gunumuzde dunyanin en buyuk sorunlarindan biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek cok etken bu... more Gocun gunumuzde dunyanin en buyuk sorunlarindan biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek cok etken bulunmaktadir. Bunlardan en onemlileri; ekonomik esitsizlik, devletlerin vatandaslarinin can guvenliligini saglayamamasi, siyasi calkantilar ve siddet eylemleri olarak sayilabilir. Kaynak veya hedef ulke olsun ya da olmasin, tum devletleri zor durumda birakan yasadisi goc, yasadisi gocmen ve multeci sorunlarina hem ulusal, hem de uluslararasi alanda cozum arayislari surmektedir. Bu calismada, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti topraklarina yasadisi yollardan giris yapan ve Istanbul ilinde yakalanan Asyali yabanci uyruklu sahislarin sosyo-ekonomik profillerinin ortaya konulmasina gayret edilmistir. Bu kapsamda, Istanbul Emniyet Mudurlugu Yabancilar Şube Mudurlugu Takip Kontrol Buro Amirligi’nde sinir disi edilmek uzere bekletilen 18-50 yaslari arasindaki Afganistan, Banglades ve Pakistan uyruklu yasadisi gocmenlere yari yapilandirilmis bir anket uygulanarak, soz konusu kisileri goce iten nedenler ve gidil...

Research paper thumbnail of Yasadışı göçmenlerin profili:İstanbul ili örneği

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Organizational Culture and Organizational Alienation Behaviors of Aviators


Research paper thumbnail of Asayi̇ş Poli̇si̇ni̇n Bi̇lgi̇ Yöneti̇mi̇ Performansinin İncelenmesi̇

Teknolojinin kullanilmasi sucun onlenmesinde ve azaltilmasinda oldukca onemlidir. Bu nedenle bilg... more Teknolojinin kullanilmasi sucun onlenmesinde ve azaltilmasinda oldukca onemlidir. Bu nedenle bilgi yonetimi, orgutlerin hedeflerine ulasmak icin basvurdugu en onemli sureclerinden biridir. Bilgi, kelimelerle tarif edilmesi ve aciklanmasi zor ve karmasik bir olgudur ancak etkin bir sekilde kullanilmasi orgutlere yarar saglayabilir. Bilginin yonetiminin polis teskilatinda kullanilmasi, entelektuel sermayenin gelistirilmesine yardimci olur. Bu calisma, polis memurlarinin uygulamalarinin bir parcasi olan bilginin degisik tiplerinin siniflamasini ve tanimlamasini hedeflemektedir. Ancak, polis memurlarinin mesleki bilgisinin genis bir kisminin da sozcuklerle ifade edilmesi ve tanimlanmasi zor ve karmasiktir. Asayis polisinin bilgi yonetiminde iki faktor bulunmaktadir: teorik bilgi ve sokak seviyesinde bilgi. Bu calismada, bilgi yonetiminin polis acisindan uygulanmasi ve bilgi yonetimi surecine katilim durumu incelenmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafikte Risk Alma Davranişi: Emniyet Kemeri Kullaniminin Simülasyon Araci Vasitasiyla Karşilaştirilmasi Risk-Taking Behavior In Traffic: Comparing The Safety Belt Usage Via Simulation Vehicle

Traffic accidents are significant social problems that should be addressed at the global scale. O... more Traffic accidents are significant social problems that should be addressed at the global scale. One of the most important security features that enable people to survive after a traffic accident is seat belt. In this study; the habit of using safety belts were compared with practical methods. First, using of seat belts attitudes was measured of a survey. After, Seat Belt Simulation Vehicle (SBSV) was introduced and provided to be used by samples. In the final stage, samples experienced SBSV were analyzed by seatbelt attitude scale.

Research paper thumbnail of Havacılık Sektöründe Kadın Çalışanların Cam Tavan Sendromu ve Örgütsel Sessizlik İlişkisi

Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute

Research paper thumbnail of Illegal migration and refugee paradox of the European Union and Turkey: What happened after the domino effect?

Göçün günümüzde dünyanın en büyük sorunlarından biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek çok etken bu... more Göçün günümüzde dünyanın en büyük sorunlarından biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek çok etken bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan en önemlileri; ekonomik eşitsizlik, devletlerin vatandaşlarının can güvenliğini sağlayamaması, siyasi çalkantılar ve şiddet eylemleri olarak sayılabilir. Kaynak veya hedef ülke olsun ya da olmasın, tüm devletleri zor durumda bırakan yasadışı göç sorunlarına hem ulusal, hem de uluslararası alanda çözüm arayışları sürmektedir. Avrupa Birliği, özellikle 2000’den sonra göç ve iltica konuları ile yakından ilgilenmektedir. Önceleri bir gereklilik olarak görülen göçmenlerin, artık bir sorun haline dönüştüğünü AB içerisindeki yasal düzenlemelere bakarak söyleyebiliriz. 2010’un sonlarında patlak veren Arap isyanlarıyla ülkelerinden kaçan binlerce insanın Avrupa sınırına dayanmış olması Avrupa Birliği’nin yeni bir krizle imtihanı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yine benzer şekilde Avrupa Birliğine üye olmak için bekleyen Türkiye’nin de bu krize yaklaşımı söz konusu Arap ülkeleri...

Research paper thumbnail of Elektronik Pazarlarlarda Güven Problemi ve Kriminal Faaliyetler

Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 2012

Guven, internet ticaretinde oldukca onemli bir konudur ve ozellikle onemli kararlar hakkindaki so... more Guven, internet ticaretinde oldukca onemli bir konudur ve ozellikle onemli kararlar hakkindaki sosyal davranisin bir onkosuludur. Genellikle internet ticaretinin tehlikeli oldugu ve musterilerin kisisel bilgilerini, kredi kartlarinin bilgilerini ve diger varliklarini tehlikeye attiklari siklikla ifade edilmektedir. Ote yandan, internet ticaretinin kullaniminin arttirilmasi icin cok sayida proje ve uygulama vardir. Internet kullanicilarinin sayisi gun gectikce artmaktadir ancak cogu, internet uzerinden ticarete guvenmedigi icin Web sitelerine kisisel bilgilerini paylasmaya gonulsuz olmaktadirlar. Bu calismada, ziyaretcilerin Web sitelerine olan guven duygusunun arttirilmasi icin kullanilan anahtar elementlerin tartisilmasi yapilacaktir. Bunun icin, ilk olarak literaturdeki guven kavraminin cesitli tanimlarinin tahlili yapilacaktir. Ikinci olarak, kriminal faaliyetler ve internetteki kriminal tehditlerin varligi tanimlanmaya calisilacaktir

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇vi̇l Havacilik Hi̇zmetleri̇nde Moti̇vasyon Araçlarinin İş Performansina Etki̇si̇

the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparison of Glass Ceiling Perception of Employees Working in Public and Private Enterprises

American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2016

Glass ceiling syndrome can be described as invisible and unbreakable barriers that keep a special... more Glass ceiling syndrome can be described as invisible and unbreakable barriers that keep a special group, such as women or any minorities, from progressing in their professional career, regardless of their ability or qualifications. Unseen barriers prevent women from promotion and, workforce. Gender-based discrimination in promotions is more intense at higher levels, but it is felt in every stage of business life. In this study, the glass ceiling perception of men and women employees working in public and private sectors was targeted by evaluating some variables. As a result of the study, it is expressed that women confront the glass ceiling syndrome much more than men. The factors affecting the glass ceiling were identified as gender, age, marital status, promotion, working in public or private sector and additional income.

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Suicide Attempts: Zonguldak Case

Sociology Mind, 2016

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Nonetheless not all suicide attempts... more Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Nonetheless not all suicide attempts result in death and studying the motives of these attempts poses great importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation and differences between suicidal behaviors and suicidal ideation in Zonguldak city with regard to sociodemographic variables. Within this scope, "Suicide Ideation Scale", "Suicidal Behavior Scale" and descriptive methods were used on a sample including 439 individuals. The results of the study have shown that the relation among gender, suicidal behavior and suicide ideation is quite significant; women choose more attention-grabbing methods in their suicide attempts. In addition, age was seen as an important determinant. As one of the most remarkable results of the study, it can be concluded that due to rise in the rates of suicidal behavior, recurrent suicide attempt risk increases 19 times.

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign Workers without Work Permit in Istanbul: A Sociological Study

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2012

Economic inequality is one of the major reasons for current migration issues for both individuals... more Economic inequality is one of the major reasons for current migration issues for both individuals and nations. Other significant reasons are threatening environment, natural disasters (drought, scarce resources, earthquake, etc.) and epidemic illnesses. Countries try to achieve their large-scale development plans and service plans so that international capital flows and service and goods are imported and exported as well as information exchange and migration of workforce are experienced. Certain crime types have gained a global character as a result of new world order accompained by globalisation and it moves between countries. Both illegal migration and international workers without work permit are among such crime types. This study aims to identify the reasons for foreign people who came Istanbul, leading to have their profiles. Another aim of the study is to analyse the position of people from the former Communist countries that are relatively new established as a result of new world order of 1990's and that are experiencing a process of adoptation to the capitalist economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign Juvenile Delinquency: The Case of Istanbul

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2012

There are many factors that make "illegal migration" become one of the greatest problems of the c... more There are many factors that make "illegal migration" become one of the greatest problems of the contemporary world. The most significant ones of these factors are economic inequality, states' incompetence in securing their peoples' lives, political turmoils and acts of violence. No matter they are the source or target countries, all nations are in search of possible national and multinational solutions against the issue of illegal migration, illegal immigrant and refugee that chronically deliver great deal of problems. In conjunction with illegal immigration, another problematic phonemenon is revelaed: Foreign juvenile delinquency. Both illegally entered a country and involved in criminality, foreign juvenile delinquency is like a double edged dagger stabbed in the very heart of metropolitan areas. In this regard, foreign juvenile delinquency can be defined as a social problem which is affected by large-scale social events and transformations such as economic crisis, wars and political conflicts. The aim of this study is to introduce a general profile of the foreign juveniles that entered Turkey either legally or illegally and committed a crime and arrested by law enforcers in Istanbul. Files of 1130 juveniles who committed judicial or administrative crimes are compiled and examined from 2007 to the first four months of 2009.

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Domestic Violence: The Case of Zonguldak

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2014

Domestic violence in general terms, refers to incidents in which one of the family members violen... more Domestic violence in general terms, refers to incidents in which one of the family members violently acts against to another member. It may occur between spouses, between parents and children, between children or between children and grandparents. However, the most frequent type of domestic violence is between male and female partners. Since "family" is the fundamental element of society, the reasons of domestic violence must be well-understood in order to implement correct precautions against it. The aim of this study is to provide an evaluation of domestic violence in the city of Zonguldak. In this respect, some important previous studies, and some remarkable statistics on Zonguldak are reviewed firstly. Upon that, domestic violence cases in Zonguldak city between 2009 and 2011 are investigated retrospectively.

Research paper thumbnail of A Survey Study on the Profile of Human Smugglers in Turkey

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2015

Illegal migration is an impalpable phenomenon with complicated dimensions. Thousands of people le... more Illegal migration is an impalpable phenomenon with complicated dimensions. Thousands of people leave their homelands every year due to a number of reasons such as civil wars, terrorism, economic difficulties, and social oppressions. With their flexible modus operandi, migrant smugglers benefit from individuals or groups that wish to immigrate for a more comfortable life. In order to reach a complete perception of illegal migration one needs to draw an accurate profile of migrant smugglers. At this end, data collection from both smugglers as perpetrators and illegal migrants as the object of the smuggling process provides important information for a holistic definition of "smugglers". In this study researchers interviewed 262 illegal migrants and 174 smugglers captured in Istanbul from 2007 to 2013 in order to identify and develop a profile of migrant smugglers and understand the operating methods of illegal migration organizations. The collected data were analyzed and important results on illegal migrant smugglers were reached.

Research paper thumbnail of İnsansız Hava Aracı Sistemlerinde Stratejik Yönetim ve SWOT Analizi

İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, Jun 30, 2021

Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. / This a... more Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelenmiş ve intihal içermediği teyit edilmiştir. / This article has been reviewed by at least two referees and confirmed to include no plagiarism.

Research paper thumbnail of Ergonomi̇ Ve Teknostresi̇n Si̇vi̇l Havacilik Sektöründeki̇ Etki̇si̇

Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 2017

Is nedeni ile meydana gelen hastaliklar bireyin genel yasam standartlarini da derinden etkilemekt... more Is nedeni ile meydana gelen hastaliklar bireyin genel yasam standartlarini da derinden etkilemektedir. Ergonomi ve teknostres, calisanlarin is yasamlarindaki kaliteyi etkileyen onemli faktorlerdir. Is hayatinda karsilasilan bu sorunlar nedeniyle uretim ve hizmetlerin olumsuz etkilendigi degerlendirilmektedir. Bu calismada ergonomi ve teknostres veri toplama araclari ile sivil havacilik sektorunde calismakta olan bireyler arasindaki iliskiler incelenmistir. Istanbul Ataturk Havalimaninda yer hizmetleri saglayan calisanlara insan kaynaklari departmani sorumlulari vasitasiyla gonderilen anketlere 825 kisinin geri donus yaptigi gorulmustur. Elde edilen veriler SPSS ver.20 paket programi vasitasiyla analiz edilmistir. Bu calismanin sonuclarina gore, sivil havacilik sektorunde calisanlarin ergonomi sekilleri cok cesitli zararli unsur icermektedir. Bas, boyun ya da sirt agrisi ve goz hastaliklari siklikla sikayet edilen rahatsizliklardir. Teknostres cinsiyete gore farklilik gosterirken, e...

Research paper thumbnail of Adli Nitelikli Polis Hizmetlerinde Kriz Yönetimi Süreci

Adli nitelikli polis hizmetlerinde basarili olmanin ilk ve en onemli yolu iyi bir olay yeri incel... more Adli nitelikli polis hizmetlerinde basarili olmanin ilk ve en onemli yolu iyi bir olay yeri incelemesinden gecmektedir. Olay yeri inceleme sureclerini goz onunde bulundurdugumuzda gerek olaydan dogrudan ya da dolayli zarar gormus kisilerin gerekse olay yeri incelemesiyle gorevli olanlarin davranislarindan dolayi muhtemel bir kriz ortami dogabilir. Bu krizin beraberinde getirecegi kaos ortami olay yeri incelemesinin ozunde bulunan soguk kanlilik ve duzenlilik ile bagdasmaz. Bu calisma, olay yeri incelemesinin kriz ortamlarinda en saglikli sekilde nasil gerceklestirilebilecegini vurgulamaktadir. Bu baglamda kriz yonetimi ve olay yeri inceleme surecleri aciklanarak birbirleriyle olan iliskileri irdelenmis ve konuyla baglantili olarak haberlesmeye, koordinasyona, psikolojik yapilandirmaya, motivasyona, tatbikatlarin gerekliligine, panik yonetimine ve kitle yonetimine deginilmis ve bunlar Istanbul Paralel Patlamalari (Sinagoglar, HSBC Bankasi ve Ingiltere Konsoloslugu) orneklerindeki kri...

Research paper thumbnail of Meritokrasi ve Örgütsel Adalet İlişkisinin Kamu Çalışanları Açısından İncelenmesi (An Examination of the Relationship Between Meritocracy and Organizational Justice from the Perspective of Public Employees)

Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2021

Purpose – Meritocracy is a fundamental theory of equality, regardless of the innate or acquired a... more Purpose – Meritocracy is a fundamental theory of equality, regardless of the innate or acquired attainment of any person, such as origin, religion, language. This is a system where there is equal opportunity, no discrimination and everyone is evaluated according to their abilities and skills. Organizational justice, on the other hand, focuses on the equity and justice in attitudes and behaviors towards oneself or others within the organization. In this study, the relationship between meritocracy and organizational justice is examined. In this context, it is aimed to determine the perceptions of meritocracy and organizational justice of public employees. Design/methodology/approach – A 3-stage questionnaire and scale were applied with random selection sampling method to 447 employees working in public institutions and organizations. The sample constitutes 40% of the population depicted. The questionnaire was applied to the participants in order to determine the demographic situation,...

Research paper thumbnail of Avrupa Bi̇rli̇ği̇ Ve Türki̇ye Ekseni̇nde Yasadişi Göç Ve İlti̇ca Paradoksu: Domi̇no Etki̇si̇ Sonrasi Yaşananlar

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Öğrenme Teori̇leri̇ Işiğinda Yasadişi Göç Ve Etki̇leri̇

Gocun gunumuzde dunyanin en buyuk sorunlarindan biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek cok etken bu... more Gocun gunumuzde dunyanin en buyuk sorunlarindan biri haline gelmesine neden olan pek cok etken bulunmaktadir. Bunlardan en onemlileri; ekonomik esitsizlik, devletlerin vatandaslarinin can guvenliligini saglayamamasi, siyasi calkantilar ve siddet eylemleri olarak sayilabilir. Kaynak veya hedef ulke olsun ya da olmasin, tum devletleri zor durumda birakan yasadisi goc, yasadisi gocmen ve multeci sorunlarina hem ulusal, hem de uluslararasi alanda cozum arayislari surmektedir. Bu calismada, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti topraklarina yasadisi yollardan giris yapan ve Istanbul ilinde yakalanan Asyali yabanci uyruklu sahislarin sosyo-ekonomik profillerinin ortaya konulmasina gayret edilmistir. Bu kapsamda, Istanbul Emniyet Mudurlugu Yabancilar Şube Mudurlugu Takip Kontrol Buro Amirligi’nde sinir disi edilmek uzere bekletilen 18-50 yaslari arasindaki Afganistan, Banglades ve Pakistan uyruklu yasadisi gocmenlere yari yapilandirilmis bir anket uygulanarak, soz konusu kisileri goce iten nedenler ve gidil...

Research paper thumbnail of Yasadışı göçmenlerin profili:İstanbul ili örneği

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Organizational Culture and Organizational Alienation Behaviors of Aviators


Research paper thumbnail of Asayi̇ş Poli̇si̇ni̇n Bi̇lgi̇ Yöneti̇mi̇ Performansinin İncelenmesi̇

Teknolojinin kullanilmasi sucun onlenmesinde ve azaltilmasinda oldukca onemlidir. Bu nedenle bilg... more Teknolojinin kullanilmasi sucun onlenmesinde ve azaltilmasinda oldukca onemlidir. Bu nedenle bilgi yonetimi, orgutlerin hedeflerine ulasmak icin basvurdugu en onemli sureclerinden biridir. Bilgi, kelimelerle tarif edilmesi ve aciklanmasi zor ve karmasik bir olgudur ancak etkin bir sekilde kullanilmasi orgutlere yarar saglayabilir. Bilginin yonetiminin polis teskilatinda kullanilmasi, entelektuel sermayenin gelistirilmesine yardimci olur. Bu calisma, polis memurlarinin uygulamalarinin bir parcasi olan bilginin degisik tiplerinin siniflamasini ve tanimlamasini hedeflemektedir. Ancak, polis memurlarinin mesleki bilgisinin genis bir kisminin da sozcuklerle ifade edilmesi ve tanimlanmasi zor ve karmasiktir. Asayis polisinin bilgi yonetiminde iki faktor bulunmaktadir: teorik bilgi ve sokak seviyesinde bilgi. Bu calismada, bilgi yonetiminin polis acisindan uygulanmasi ve bilgi yonetimi surecine katilim durumu incelenmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafikte Risk Alma Davranişi: Emniyet Kemeri Kullaniminin Simülasyon Araci Vasitasiyla Karşilaştirilmasi Risk-Taking Behavior In Traffic: Comparing The Safety Belt Usage Via Simulation Vehicle

Traffic accidents are significant social problems that should be addressed at the global scale. O... more Traffic accidents are significant social problems that should be addressed at the global scale. One of the most important security features that enable people to survive after a traffic accident is seat belt. In this study; the habit of using safety belts were compared with practical methods. First, using of seat belts attitudes was measured of a survey. After, Seat Belt Simulation Vehicle (SBSV) was introduced and provided to be used by samples. In the final stage, samples experienced SBSV were analyzed by seatbelt attitude scale.

Research paper thumbnail of Havacılık Sektöründe Kadın Çalışanların Cam Tavan Sendromu ve Örgütsel Sessizlik İlişkisi

Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute