pa9 (original) (raw)

18 September 2012 @ 05:14 pm

Bound hands and feet, headed for distruction
self- imposed, self- regulared harm.

Blinded by projections, rays of light pretending to be the sun.

Runing steady further into the dark.

Bound hands and feet headed for demolition.

You intervened.

Your light-love broke through!

"I am the light of the world, he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

Christ Jesus
John 8:12

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

13 September 2012 @ 05:18 pm

Hello luvs,

I ve been on lj for 4 years suffered with an Ed for over six years. And have been miserable with 3 attempted suicides completly blinded by the illusion of 'perfection' masked as an eating disorder.

I am finally free!

My luvs you can also be free of this illusion. Am sure most of you have at some point heared of Christ Jesus's saving power. He really does LOVE you personally, and wants you to be free. All you have to do is take a step toward Him, by asking him to help-save you. (even if it's a little whisper in your heart).

I'm posting this because I have been completly changed by Him. And want everyone of you to know there is true freedom in Christ Jesus.

I love y'all!!!


"it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe."

1 Cor. 1:21

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

Are any of the 'old members' still around here anymore?


13 January 2010 @ 10:01 pm

Hi folkes,
I have been away for 5 months now but am back... Just wanted to say hi and looking forward to chat.... I am 37 live in oxfordshire UK and have 3 children, going through a messy divorce which is feeding my ED's.... I say plural because I am over eating, no purging..... then binging and purging and then not eating.... I want to not eat and reduce my weight so I can feel good about myself whilst everything else around me is chaos. Somehow being thinner gives me a psycological boost to my self esteem.
My decree nisi was granted the day b4 xmas eve and we are still living under the same roof and its hell to be honest... I am normally bubbly and communicative but I feel like I cant chat to my friends as I still want them there at the end of the day and becoming a single parent to 3 kids I will need some support. If you read my past memories or diary entries wotever you call them you can see my mum is pretty controlling but doesnt live close and my hubby drinks... I am v lucky to have such good friends.
No-one except you guys know my eating habits though.. my control left me over xmas and now I feel huge.... you know when you dont feel comfy in your own clothes.... anyway, just wanna say hi folkes... xx c xx

23 December 2009 @ 07:02 pm


Our new home for people with Eating Disorders age 25+ is at "elder_ed" we have separated from the "proanorexia" community...just for independence not for any other reason :)

All support and laughs and love!
(Found under the interest Eating Disorders...not "pro ana")

I made it a moderated membership and I think all you have to do is post on the community journal to send a request to join...but we will see.
If anyone has trouble signing up let me know. I will be on "pa 9" checking in and posting our new address often.
PLEASE everyone spread the word!

24 November 2009 @ 11:05 am

hi ladies,

i have been away for a long time.. have been logging in every now and then to keep in touch but could not get myself to actually post anything. I have been on a roller coaster. trying to stay clean and recover and then crash...

I have recently started a new thing which I never though i would use.. doesn't help with my recovery either... lax... i tried it for the first time last night. wasn't going to but did... on empty stomach and then i binged... 30 minutes later.. nothing and i panicked so had to purge...


is it the way it is supposed to be or is my body irresponsive to it!!!

I have figured i dont want to go through the experience of purging.. it is just taking its toll on my body and how i am feeling... but i can't stop having sessions...

Current Location: work

Current Mood: anxiousanxious

Current Music: gotan project in the background

16 November 2009 @ 09:19 am

So I've decided to take weekly pics of my weight loss and use them as my user pic. CW:177 1st GW 140 height 5'11"

09 November 2009 @ 11:58 am

you can go to the "search bar" on the upper right corner of any LJ page
Type "Eating Disorders" and click "go"
then under "Modify your search" type "elder_ed" and click "show list"

or click on this link

09 November 2009 @ 09:22 am


Our new home is ready for people with Eating Disorders age 25+

All support and laughs and love!
(Found under the interest Eating Disorders...not "pro ana")

I made it a moderated membership and I think all you have to do is post on the community journal to send a request to join...but we will see.
If anyone has trouble signing up let me know. I will be on "pa 9" checking in and posting our new address often.
I will also be telling all my "friends" on LJ
PLEASE everyone spread the word!

07 November 2009 @ 05:32 pm

Real quick....Does anyone use MSN IM or Yahoo IM?? I am looking to add those of you who do to my IM list. I love to IM!!! :)

Has anyone signed up for the newest LJ IM?? I did but I don't see too many on there at all????

More later......

luv you all ((hugs))

Current Location: home

Current Mood: crappycrappy

Current Music: saturday football of course!!