Canoe Polo - Paddle Australia (original) (raw)

Get Involved

Polo is played across Australia, from Perth to Alice Springs and Nowra. Players of all levels are welcome, whether you’re eager to try the sport or may have played elsewhere, there are supportive Canoe Polo communities located in all the capital cities, as well as regionally. To find out more, contact one of the state coordinators below.

Canoe Polo is also on social media, with clubs having pages on Facebook and Instagram. You can find the Australian Canoe Polo Facebook page here.

State Representatives

State Representative Name Email Address
VIC James DuBose
NSW Craig Hutchinson
QLD Don Steel
ACT Laura Kleinrahm
TAS Jethro & Chris Bates
SA Noel Holmes
WA Wing Lau

Rules and Refereeing- State Coordinators

Chief Referee (Donald Leigh):

State Representative Name Email
VIC Dale Tomlinson dale13.tomlinson
NSW Sam McLeod
QLD Siobhan Goble
ACT Adam Hofmeyer
TAS Simon Barnes
SA Ricky Belisle
WA Wing Lau


Canoe Polo Oceania Championships

The 2023 Canoe Polo Oceania Championships will be held in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand from the 7th – 10th of December 2023, hosted by the New Zealand Canoe Polo Association

Nominations for the 2023 Canoe Polo Oceania Championships have been extended until 31 May 2023 for athletes nominating for U18 Women, U18 Men, O35 or O45 age categories. For those wishing to be considered for selection, please submit your nomination via JustGo by 31 May 2023 and refer to the Selection Criteria Supplement and PA Selection Procedures Policy below:

Please note: Athletes nominating for selection to any Australian Canoe Polo Team must provide relevant documentation HERE by 31 May 2023 below in line with the PA Selection Procedures Policy. Should documentation not be received by the due date above, the nomination may not be considered.

Coaching nominations for the 2023 Oceania Championships are also now open, and any questions and queries for further information should be directed to

Athlete Profiles

2018 Australian Canoe Polo Women’s Team

2018 Australian Canoe Polo Men’s Team



Over thirty-five countries now compete at the ICF World Canoe Polo Championships. Australia has competed since the inaugural championships in 1994. Australian men took gold in 1994, 1996 and 1998. Australian men are set to compete again in Canada 2018.

2018, Welland

Placing: 12th

Coach: Matthew Moore

Manager: John Moore


Matthew Perrin
Adam Hofmeyer
Luke Holmes
Nathan Rosaguti
Mark Huang
Stephen Hubbard
Jay Burgess
Ben Stark

2016, Syracuse

Placing: 15th

Coach: Matthew Moore

Manager: John Moore


Robert Sims
Andrew Merrifield
Louie Wu
Nathan Rosaguti
Stephen Porter
Ian McIntosh
Rowan Holt
James Deakin
Salim Alijunied

2014, Thury-Harcourt

Placing: 13th

Coach: Brett Houghton and Matthew Moore

Manager: John Moore


Robert Sims
Andrew Merrifield
Craig Hutchinson
Jay Burgess
Stephan Hubbard
Joshua Holmes
Ian McIntosh
Luke Holmes

2012, Poznan

Placing: 4th

Coach: Duncan Cochrane and Ian McIntosh

Manager: Ken Sullivan


Robert Sims
Nathan Moore
Matthew Moore
Craig Hutchinson (C)
Anton Holmes
Stephan Hubbard
Ian McIntosh
Luke Holmes

2010, Milan

Placing: 8th

Coach: Stephen Gibson

Manager: John Moore


Robert Sims
Matthew Perrin
Matthew Moore
Craig Hutchinson
Ian McIntosh
Anton Holmes
Luke Holmes
Chris Heard
Matthew Schar

2008, Edmonton

Placing: 4th

Coach: Carolyn Cochrane

Manager: John Moore


Steven Porter
Nathan Moore (C)
Craig Hutchinson
Anton Holmes
Matthew Schar
Joshua Holmes
Chris Heard
Ian McIntosh
Luke Holmes

2006, Amsterdam

Placing: 6th

Coach: Mark Henwood

Manager: Ken Sullivan


Robert Sims
Craig Hutchinson
Joshua Holmes (C)
Anton Holmes
Chris Heard
Matthew Schar
Steve Harmer

2004, Miyoshi

Placing: 6th

Coach: Duncan Cochrane

Manager: Colin Hutchinson


Graham Bayne (C)
Chris Heard
Mark Henwood
Anton Holmes
Andrew Kennedy
Ian Plummer
Craig Hutchinson

2002, Essen

Placing: 5th

Coach: Paul Carter


Brad Baker (C)
Trent Baker
Graham Bayne
Duncan Cochrane
Mark Henwood
Alan Lawson
Dean McIntosh
Matthew Moore
Nathan Moore

2000, Sao Paulo

Placing: 5th

Coach: Brett Houghton

Manager: Margot Rosser


Stephen Gibson (C)
James Deakin
Brad Baker
Trent Baker
Richard Coates
Duncan Cochrane
Jason Downey
Anton Holmes
Alan Lawson

1998, Aveiro

Placing: Gold, World Champions

Coach: Paul Carter

Manager: Marg Smith


Brad Baker
Trent Baker
Duncan Cochrane (C)
Stephen Gibson
Brett Houghton
Andrew Kennedy
Keith McChlery
Andrew Waters

1996, Adelaide

Placing: Gold, World Champions

Coach: Paul Carter and Megan Bramich

Manager: Corey Gray


Luke Ariston
Damien Armstrong
Brad Baker
Trent Baker
Duncan Cochrane (C)
Steve Hemsley
Brett Houghton
Keith McChlery

1994, Sheffield

Placing: Gold, World Champions

Coach: Stephen Bath

Manager: Marianne Cochrane


Aaron Fleet
Paul Carter
Brett Houghton
Steve Hemsley
Keith McChlery
Duncan Cochrane
Scott Makin
Chris Van Genderen (C)

The World Games are the pinnacle event in the canoe polo calendar. Only six countries qualify to compete in canoe polo at the multi-sport games. Australia first competed at the inaugural 2005 games. Australian men took bronze in 2009.

2017, Wroclaw

Did not compete

2013, Cali

Placing: 5th

Coach: Nathan Moore

Manager: Noel Holmes and John Moore


Robert Sims
Matthew Moore
Craig Hutchinson (C)
Anton Holmes
Stephen Hubbard
Josh Holmes
Ian McIntosh
Luke Holmes

2009, Kaohsiung

Placing: Bronze

Manager: John Moore


Duncan Cochrane
Craig Hutchinson
Anton Holmes
Joshua Holmes
Chris Heard
Ian McIntosh
Matthew Moore
Nathan Moore

2005, Duisburg

Placing: 6th

Coach: Steve Hemsley


Robert Sims
Nathan Moore
Craig Hutchinson
Anton Holmes (C)
Ian Plummer
Joshua Holmes
Angelo Della-Noce


Over thirty-five countries now compete at the ICF World Canoe Polo Championships. Australia has competed since the inaugural championships in 1994. Australian women took gold in 1994 and 1998, silver in 1996, bronze in 2002 and 2012. Australian women are set to compete in Canada 2018.

2018, Syracuse

Placing: 16th

Coach: Rebecca Jennings

Manager: John Moore


Carley Goodwin
Stacey Goodwin
Jennifer Stevens
Brigit Doyle
Anna Thompson
Alana Pacholke
Laura Kleinrahm

2018, Syracuse

Did not compete

2014, Thury-Harcourt

Did not compete

2012, Poznan

Placing: Bronze

Coach: Matthew Heard and Chris Heard

Manager: Ken Sullivan


Louise McIntosh
Siobhan Goble
Alisa Enting-Hawke
Nikky Lee
Sarah Heard (C)
Rebecca Jennings
Stephanie Agnew

2010, Milan

Placing: 5th

Coach: Mathew Heard

Manager: Ken Sullivan


Cassandra Caldwell
Louise McIntosh
Siobhan Goble
Alisa Enting-Hawke
Nikky Lee
Sarah Cartwright
Libby Le Coultre
Stephanie Agnew

2008, Edmonton

Placing: 5th

Coach: Joanne Vartanian

Manager: Brenda Stork


Megan Holmes
Siobhan Goble
Alisa Enting-Hawke
Kate Abbey (C)
Sarah Cartwright
Stephanie Sullivan
Libby Anderson
Rebecca Jennings

2006, Amsterdam

Placing: 6th

Coach: Kate Abbey

Manager: Ken Sullivan


Cassandra Caldwell (C)
Louise McIntosh
Kate Graham
Alisa Enting-Hawke
Amy Gluyas
Sarah Cartwirght
Stephanie Sullivan

2004, Miyoshi

Placing: 5th

Coach: Joanne Vartanian

Manager: Margot Rosser


Kate Abbey (C)
Trish Butler
Amy Dawes
Sarah Moore
Heidi Philpott
Anne Rosser
Michelle Springall
Briony Turner

2002, Essen

Placing: Bronze

Coach: Joanne Vartanian


Kate Abbey
Sarah Alexander
Carolyn Cochrane (C)
Megan Holmes
Alison Hughes
Jo Patrick
Juliette Makin
Anne Rosser
Gail Songberg
Briony Turner

2000, Sao Paulo

Placing: 5th

Coach:Duncan Cochrane

Manager: Margot Rosser


Gail Songberg (C)
Carolyn Cochrane
Kate Abbey
Jacquie Cools
Liza Holmes
Megan Holmes
Joanna Patrick
Anne Rosser

1998, Aveiro

Placing: Gold, World Champions

Coach: Chris van Genderen

Manager: Marg Smith


Carolyn Cochrane
Celia Coote
Janet Hummerstone
Juliette Makin
Belinda Ness
Gail Songberg
Anne Roser
Joanne Vartanian (C)

1996, Adelaide

Placing: Silver

Coach: Phil Doddridge and Kevin Crowe

Manager: Corey Gray


Carolyn Cochrane
Anne Duncan
Morwena Griffiths
Jenny Hourigan
Antonia Keiran
Juliette Makin (C)
Belinda Ness
Gail Songberg
Kaye Truscott
Joanne Vartanian

1994, Sheffield

Placing: Gold, World Champions

Coach: Duncan Cochrane

Manager: Marianne Cochrane


Anne Duncan
Nerilee Flint
Joanne Hemsley (C)
Caroline Houghton
Janet Hummerston
Julie Keast
Juliette Makin
Caroline Ninnes
Elizabeth Shem
Kaye Truscott

The World Games are the pinnacle event in the canoe polo calendar. Only six countries qualify to compete in canoe polo at the multi-sport games. Australia first competed at the inaugural 2005 games.

2017, Wroclaw

Did not compete

2013, Cali

Placing: 5th

Coach: Matthew Heard

Manager: Noel Holmes and John Moore


Brooke Honeyman
Siobhan Goble
Ailsa Enting-Hawke
Nikky Lee
Sarah Heard (C)
Rebecca Jennings
Laren Ljiljak

2009, Kaohsiung

Placing: 6th

Coach: Kate Abbey

Manager: John Moore


Cassandra Sims
Libby Anderson
Siobhan Goble
Ailsa Enting-Hawke
Amy Dawes
Sarah Cartwright
Rebecca Jennings

2005, Duisburg

Placing: 6th

Coach: Carolyn Cochrane


Cassandra Caldwell
Celia Challender
Amy Dawes
Megan Holmes
Kate Abbey (C)
Sarah Cartwright
Joanne Vartanian (C)
Michelle Springall


Over thirty-five countries now compete at the ICF World Canoe Polo Championships. Australia has competed since the inaugural championships in 1994. The U21 category was introduced in 2002 at Miyoshi. Australia U21 has competed at only two championships.

2010, Milan

Placing: 6th

Coach: CJ van Genderen

Manager: Rob Watson and Gaylene Watson


Matt Greaves
Jeremy Lee
Andrew Goodison
Sam Holt
Nathan Watson
Steven Hubbard
Andrew Merrifield

2008, Edmonton

Placing: 8th

Coach: Matthew Moore

Manager: Bob Stork


Tom Stork (C)
Matt Perrin
Sam Holt
Stephen Hubbard
Matt Greaves
Adrian Porter
Ben Stark
Michael Taylor

Rules and Refereeing

Find a Referee

Introduction to Canoe polo Rules

The “Introduction to Canoe Polo Rules” is to be completed by player, coach or official as an awareness requirement prior to taking part in the first national competition in the national calendar year.

Note: this is not a formal refereeing qualification required to officiate at any level

This program is regarded as a prerequisite for completing training and assessment within the Australian Canoe Polo Referee Qualification Program.

On completion of the program, please email your results along with your name and contact number to:

The FREE program can be found by clicking the button below


The PA Canoe Polo Coaching program is currently under review, and will be updated in 2023.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan for Canoe Polo in Australia

Technical Committee

Paddle Australia Canoe Polo Technical Committee (PACPTC)