pagan_shop - Profile (original) (raw)
on 17 May 2006 (#10260721)
The Pagan Marketplace on LJ!
Are you a crafty witch? A talented pagan? Own an on-line shop or sell from e-Bay or Etsy? Then advertize your wares here! While this community prefers hand-made items, we will allow for other shops as well. Just please keep in mind the rules below when posting:
The Rules:
Please keep your promotions to twice a week, particularly for auctions. Post once when the auction goes up, and again before it closes.
Please keep your posts pagan or alternative religion related. While I understand that many of our members create things that don't have anything to do with paganism or other religions, this is more of a place to post about items that help assist pagan practices. There are plenty of communities in LJ to sell things that aren't religous specific. If too many posts start to become general merchandise and don't have anything to do with paganism or alternate religions, I will start deleting posts. If there is an item you aren't sure if it fits, contact ladyazure and she'll let you know! :)
The moderator of this community is not responsible for deals gone wrong. The internet is a risky place so get to know the person/people you are purchasing from before you purchase. If buying through auction, use that site's requirements to take care of bad transactions. This community is just for ads and to showcase what is up for sale.
Please keep un-cut entries with pictures to a minimum to allow our dial up users some repreive from crashing computers. Post two to whet the appetite, then lj-cut please for any others.
Keep all NSFW or objectionable materials under an lj-cut with the tag of "Not safe for work" or "Nudity under here" or something so that clickers don't click and discover too late.
Be polite. If you don't like the items offered, don't comment. There's no need to be rude if it doesn't suit your taste. If you've had a bad experience with a seller here, don't take it out in the comments. We aren't here so you can air your differences. Anyone caught violating this rule will be removed and banned from the community.
If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact ladyazure.
And if you enjoy the community, please spread the word!
Feel free to use the banners here, or make your own!
alters, art, artistic, bracelets, cafepress, candles, charms, circle, coven, crafts, crafty, creative, creativity, crystals, divination, diy, do-it-yourself, e-bay, equinox, etsy, fae, faeries, fairies, goblins, hand-made, incense, jewlery, journals, medalions, meditations, moon, music, necklaces, new age, oils, pagan, paganism, pentagrams, readings, rings, ritual items, runes, sale, samhain, scrolls, sculpture, seasons, selling, solictice, spellbooks, spells, spiritual, talismans, tarot cards, tokens, totem, totems, warlock, warlocks, wicca, witch, witches