paganality's Journal (original) (raw)

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
7:48 pm - Azphodel Video featuring dance troupe - Apsara
azphodelmusick Yuletide greetings pagans far and wide :)Musick video with premier electronique old world fusion Azphodel, intertwined with Portland's premier dance troupe - Apsara, recently seen with Le Serpent Rouge. Just thought I'd post for a bit of ritualistic inspiration.Please comment if you love it. Also free music for download at: current mood: artistic (1 comment | comment on this)
Friday, November 19th, 2010
11:27 am - The Merry Meet... please forgive the journal x posting!
ele_eternal My name is El and I wanted to invite you all to join in a brand new world wide pagan community project.The Merry Meet!www.themerrymeet.comCreated by the Pagan Community, for the Pagan Community.Where pagans, psychics and alternative spiritual types connect from around the globe!Create your profile, make a group and forum for your coven, join other pagans and spiritual folk in intelligent conversation on our forums, share images, music and stories or simply connect with new and old friends.You can even create and promote your events or your pagan related business!The Merry Meet is here to bring together our community with Love, Joy and Wisdom. We're still brand new and slowly ironing out the kinks so please be patient with us cross-posted on LJ. Apologies!) (comment on this)
Thursday, March 26th, 2009
10:48 am - Event Annoucement: Fertile Ground Gathering in Dumfries, VA
Friday, February 20th, 2009
11:30 pm - Ephemeral mists "moon ritual"
yogagirlie Ephemeral Mists is a new musical project by composer Brett Branning (also the composer for The synthetic dream foundation & Abandoned Toys). "Moon Ritual" is the debut cd, out now on Mythical records. The sound of the project is best described as downtempo ambient new age music mixed with ethnic world musics in the vein of "Karma" era Delerium, Amethystium, and Dead Can Dance. Its really a an incredibly beautiful creation to be used as yoga music or Reiki music. and I sincerely recommend it to anyone into newage music styles. I'm looking forward to further releases by this project. (comment on this)
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
12:35 pm - Ashes Of Eve - Pagan friendly music
ashesofeve Apologies for the cross posting and blatant rudeness barging in on your community. We're just trying to get our music out there to the people that we think might appreciate it. No disrespect intended.Ashes of Eve are a new, dark pop/rock group with a splash of mysticism and a strong pagan/'kin flavour. We've just released our first single "When i'm Sleeping" which can be downloaded free from from the TripleJ Unearthed Website. you have the time and inclination, you can rate and review it here. This means a whole lot to us as it can help us get the the chance for some mainstream radio airplay. We love making creative, likeminded livejournal/myspace friends and can be found Here on Myspace andHere on LivejournalLet us know what you think.Blessings In Light!Elva (1 comment | comment on this)
Monday, February 9th, 2009
11:05 am - May 7-10, 2009: Fertile Ground Gathering (Beltane) in NOVA
sunrising Last year's FGG was amazing! We received so many compliments along with several great suggestions to make this year's gathering even better. We listened! It's now 4 days instead of just 2, and we've built in more workshops! Workshops, cabin camping, rituals, drumming circles, and meals are included with registration. There's also an option for day passes for folks who prefer the comfort of their own bed at night.Registration is now open for FGG 2009! I hope some of you will be able to join us this year!xposted (comment on this)
Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
4:16 am - Blues4Kali~ A Cult Classic for the End Times
indiriverflow What will Winter Solstice bring in 2012? instant of Karma? ethereal spiral dance of the collective soul? ... cosmic judgment leveled against civilization's expanse? ...destruction of the world as we know it? ...a chance for a new start? ...the rise and the revenge of the Goddess? or simply another day in the life of paranoia?These are the false prophesies that your pastor warned you about!Reality Exchange Program "Makes DMT seem like a whip-it."Crazy Bear said there'd be days like this. As usual, no one believed him. Now, all I want to know is: where IS that lifeboat, and how DO I ditch this ship of fools, without any of these bliss ninnies noticing that I'm already gone?Captain, my ass. We are equal in this sea of madness.That iceberg is looking awfully big.Amana Mission is on a quest to save the world, and the only problem is, she can't remember why she got involved with such an obvious scam in the first place. Jesus saves. Christ. What a loser.Kali kills first, and recycles later.Hitchhikers, load up for a ride to the Other Side. You may wish you had gone Greyhound.**"What the...?"*A cranky band of prankster peace warriors who absolutely cannot resist messing with each other's minds, no matter the cost.*Cocky alchemy-dabbling quantum surfers, navigating the Ethersphere with hand-held computers, switching timelines to find a better party vibe and swap tips about the best temporary toilets for use as interdimensional portals.*A burnt-out visionary hippie millionaire on a mission from Gaia to build a better "communitopia" by underwriting a convoy carrying telepathic priestesses.*A wheelchair-bound mindpilot propelling a crystal-powered Seed Bank toward the post-Apocalyptic Garden, with psychic precision...and a predilection for high-velocity extreme driving.*Hermaphrodite time-jumper fleeing a fate worse than death.*Anarchist ghettoes where anything goes-except escape.*Ancient Principals vying like sweatsoaked carpetbaggers for our loyalty as the Final Vote is tallied.*Long-haired security patrols collecting a cannabis tribute tax from all pilgrims to the Valley of Fun.*And an underground meat mafia bringing a black magic revival to a bloodless dreamworld gone bland.All brought together by a secret psychedelic superdrug that tunes users in to reality through the eyes of another archetypal avatar inhabiting a different state of space and time. Mahayana made easy. Budding Buddha natures are running amuck on a virtual superhighway where all roads lead to the Bo tree and singularity.Twenty-first century Tantra is about more than sex, drugs, and rock and roll.Confronting the Karma of every wasted breath is only the first step.Welcome to the End Times. Kali awaits. She already knows who you are.Do you?The 21st century counterculture is even weirder than it appears on the surface. This is not your mommy’s MTV Road Rules.Ride along on this mesmerizing, metaphor-packed bus trip toward ecstasy and enlightenment, as three real-time guides-Amana, Sissy, and Deva, let you in on what they learned when they asked what It was really all about, after all.Become** them for a multilevel metafictional tour of infinity and awaken yourself to the miracle-a-minute magic of mighty Mother Kali!Read Online Novel Blues 4 Kali at www.blues4kali.com2012 Prophecies current mood: creative (comment on this)
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007
1:59 pm
muir_larteach unfortunately i do not know who created this beautiful piece of art.if anyone can educate me as to who created this, please e-mail me and let me know.goddessiansplease join :)
Sunday, November 19th, 2006
4:41 pm - Eniology
ainuedhilien A good Sunday evening to all the community!I was suddenly puzzled myself and decided to ask for your experience. There’s a developing science of Eniology in Europe dealing with the energy and information exchange and balance in the Universe. It seems to be mostly represented in Russia on the level of organized state research institutes. In the western world it is discussed, but its issues are mostly studied by parapsychology, bioenergetics and the likes which are narrower in subject matter. My witch-friends back in Ukraine used to talk respectfully of the science of Eniology in general and of the book published by Victor Rogozhkin ( ) in particular. The author gives a good perspective of the multi-layered structure and the laws of the Universe, he also discusses mistakes humankind made in its development, uncovers the wrong direction of the modern civilization and states possibilities of correction.So, basically, I wanted your opinion about either, and how witches treat the unconventional sciences that deal with “supernatural”.Many blessings. (comment on this)
3:33 am - Questionnaire
ainuedhilien Merry meet! I am a beginner on the path of the Craft, going through theoretical staff. As a student at the University of Oregon, I am doing a small project on the personal and social appeal of the Craft and Neo-Pagan ideas. Please, be helpful and answer my questions (just put the # and the answer) ASAP! In fact, I'd be glad to get the responses within 1-2 weeks. For the sake of privacy the commentaries will be hidden. I promise to post the outcome of this survey!! May the Goddess bless You.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. Do you belong to any particular Religion? (Christian, Jewish, Wiccan, Pagan, Non-religious, etc.) 2. How did you join the Craft? (through interest in occultism, or mythology, or …; reading books; went to a festival; stumbled into a group; as a rejection of sth., etc.) Please, specify all possible ways and reasons. How long have you participated? 3. How do you call yourself (witch, wiccan, pagan, etc.) and for what reason? 4. What is your current profession/ occupation in the mundane world? Does it interfere with the practice? 5. What is your aim of practicing the Craft, what do you mean to achieve, bring or tell to the world? 6. In your opinion, what roles does the Craft perform in the society, what spheres does it influence (political, social, ecological, household) and in what way? 7. What does the Craft mean to you, give you personally? ***MANY THANKIES!!!*** current mood: cheerful (comment on this)
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006
5:23 pm
Monday, June 5th, 2006
6:29 pm - New Community for Wiccans, Pagans, Neo-Pagans
tinga13 Hi all, I hope this is allowed here. If it's not, I apologize.I've created a new community for those In The Broom Closet. For whatever reason, you're in the Broom Closet, come and discuss your reasons, your hopes for the future, and your ideal conditions for coming out.Visit us at Be (comment on this)
Friday, April 7th, 2006
1:18 pm - New Articles Posted on our site!
chaneecat Rituals for Springtime Soul CleansingSpring is the time for each of us to usher in new growth and possibilities. It is a time to be more open to love and joy. In ancient times, the New Year started at the Spring Equinox. In fact, astrologically it still does. In many traditions, this is the start of the New Year. The Roman year began on the ides of March (15th). The astrological year begins on the equinox when the moon moves into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, the ram. The Greek god Ares is equivalent to the Roman Mars for whom the month of March is named. This is also the festival of Nawruz, Persian New Year, which falls on the spring equinox.**( Read more...Collapse )**Please do check us out at current mood: cheerful (comment on this)
Saturday, March 18th, 2006
3:35 am - Esoteric/Spiritual forum and chatrooms
soulsspirit I have a new site, consisting of forums and chatrooms. It has been up for 11 days now,and covers a wide range if areas, including spiritual development, the paranormal, astrology, tarot as well as a support forum, pagan section and fun and games section. My intention is to bring together people of all beliefs and from all countries(British myself) in a place to share freely. Hope some of you might join us...especially those who like sharing lots :) as a very nice little community is building up. It is all free, and this is in no way designed to take members from here...rather just offering an extra place to hangout. (2 comments | comment on this)
Wednesday, March 15th, 2006
11:55 am - Will you be wearing the right color for St Patty's Day?
chaneecat "There are three colors which are represented on this day - Green, Orange and White. Most know about the Green, some know about the Orange and very few know about the White colors represented for Ireland.Green is for Catholics, Orange is for Protestants, White is for the rest of us Heritics (Pagan, Wiccan, Druid and the sort). So I suggest you choose your color(s) wisely. ;-)Now if you would like a bit of history on the Green and the Orange, please take the time to read the history lession which the lovely Meaghan was sweet enough to write up for me 2 years ago ~~Okay - here's the deal with the Green and the Orange.On the surface, Green is for Catholics, and Orange is for Protestants.The North of Ireland (I will explain about this term in a second) is held currently by the English government, and populated largely by Protestants. The Irish are largely a Catholic people. When the English came in and raided - they outlawed the practice of Catholicism and also patriotic songs about Ireland (not to mention the pagan practices that were still taking place in some parts of Ireland. They also burned Monastaries that had been preserving the books of old, and a lot of the history and heritage of Ireland from before Christianity came to Ireland. When they tried to take out the Catholics, they wound up taking out a lot more than that. They didn't succeed in stomping out Catholicism in Ireland, and destroyed a lot of valuable things in the meantime). So the "wearing of the Green" was to symbolize that you didn't support English rule and/or were Catholic. Those who converted to Church Of England, supported English rule, or moved over from England were the Orange - where the color came from I am not sure. There are songs about the "Wearing of the Green" and songs that seem to be about women, but these are songs about Irish patriotism. Catholics would put candles in thier windows to let folks know that they were Catholic and performed Mass in the home. (Any Catholic male head-of-household can perform Mass in the situation where a priest is not available and will not be for some time.) When the Irish gained footing and started taking back the land, the Protestants wound up moving North as the large majority of the Irish population viewed them as a threat. Different neighborhoods in the "larger" cities of Ireland wound up with barbed wire fence around them to keep the Catholics and Protestants off of each other. This is where you start getting into the different factions of the IRA and S.F. (I can't spell it with this keyboard - I will have to point you to somewhere that has it spelled properly)... I can go on and on about this particular topic - my family is pretty new to this country, and we still have the habits of passing on the traditions...This is why when John F. Kennedy showed up to visit Ireland wearing Orange as a Catholic, it pissed off so many Irish and so many Irish Catholics in America. It was not a well-recieved gesture. To say the least.*Northern Ireland - The North of Ireland: The Irish who live in the Republic refer to this as the North of Ireland, as they do not recognize the hold that England has on it, and refuse to refer to it as a separate country. Once us stubborn folks get something in our head, it is a rough time getting it out! :) ** and this tidbit is from Dani last year ~~ The white represents peace and unity between the green and the orange. The orange comes from William of Orange, a Dutch Protestant whose army defeated the army of James, the Catholic former king of England, at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. The North is largely Protestant because the English government took most of the land of its Catholic residents and gave it to Protestant settlers from Scotland and England in the 1600s and 1700s.*** and this is from Alan last year ~~ First off, I would never, ever, ever, EVER go there wearing green or orange. At least not the bright green or bright orange that is. That's the quickest way to get messed with or just flat out shot. Northern Ireland is a pretty good mix of both Protestant and Catholic. And it's kind of like you said. There are neighborhoods of either one or the other and normally separated by some form of barrier. The place is overrun by "paramilitaries", which are basically gangs from what I learned and saw. It really is pointless though. It's a stupid controversy over religion and a war that should never be fought. Let anyone believe in what they want to and let anyone wear whatever color they want(Except pastels. I think those are the people that should be shot on sight). It's really sad to see my home away from home like that. Especially since I want to live there someday. I'll probably end up living in the South first.Oh, and just another lovely tidbit gathered from the host family I was staying with. Don't ever speak Gaelic in Northern Ireland. The "paramilitaries" have taken it for their own gang talk. You'll start trouble with one of them if they catch you speaking it. It's just sad that their original language can't be spoken because it's considered gang talk."* So there you have your history lesson about colors for St Patty's day! I just had to forward this article, thanks to the lovely sm101. I hope that you enjoy it too. *~R~current mood: excited (5 comments | comment on this)
Thursday, February 16th, 2006
12:00 pm - Hey there.
Sunday, January 8th, 2006
11:19 am - visualization issues
aztek207 i seem to have the biggest issue visualizing even simple things lines and dots. it's not that i can't "see" them, but that they refuse to stay still and even a line will flip and jump and prove spectacular at acrobatics, but not any good old "sit still and let me concentrate on you" time-out. any suggestions?sorry, cross-posted.current mood: frustrated (1 comment | comment on this)
Friday, January 6th, 2006
10:39 pm - Birthday party
zazesmom I'm having my birthday at Odin's (celebrating his too) place in Bremerton (shuttle for walk ons *smile*). It's Saturday the 7th. BYOB (no one can afford to drink us all), let me know if you can make it or need directions. Brandy the (comment on this)
Thursday, November 3rd, 2005
6:35 pm - Wow...
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005
1:16 pm - A woman on a quest...
kathymonster Over the last year or so, I've been taking stock of my spirituality...don't know why, just felt that I had to. The following is some essential "truths" that I've found in my studies.Truth is the absolute; that which reveals and is in accord with the will of the Goddess as the governing principle of life. Truth is eternal, the same today as yesterday. The fullness of truth related to the Goddess exists at the core of every living being. The basic principle of truth is that the mind of every individual is unified with the Divine Mind eternally. As individual awareness expands and embraces the concept of Divine Truth, understanding unfolds.I: The Goddess is Life. The Goddess is Spirit. The Goddess is Mind. The Goddess is the only power that is in control of life, spirit and mind.II: The Goddess is within you and every living thing. Translated, this means that every living thing is a unique representation of the Goddess' identity -- Mind, Spirit, Life.III: We've got nothing but time, and it is on our side. This is why we continue to be provided with the opportunity to repeat and re-create in our lives.IV: The Goddess or any other divine being does not punish us. We punish ourselves with guilt, shame and fear when we choose not to act in concert with our own inherently divine nature.V: There is a divine order to everything in life. It is for this reason that exactly where you are at any given time in life is exactly where you should be...according to the blessed unfolding of your consciousness and life.VI: Life is the unfolding of experiences designed to bring to our awareness the impersonal operation of the universal principles sometimes called natural laws. When we are aware that the principles are operating and govern ourselves to live in harmony with them, it becomes easy to understand the experiences we have in life.VII: The Goddess does not bless people. We receive the grace of her divinity as abundance, pride, joy, well-being, and love as a function of what we think, feel, and believe about life, ourselves and the Goddess.VIII: Our lives are a reflection of our conscious and subconscious choices. When we do not choose, we live by default.IX: Every one is born to fulfill a divine purpose, and the Goddess has given us everything we will ever need to fulfill that purpose.The above is just the beginning of the "truths" I've ferretted out so far. I'm sure I'll find more along the way, and if I do, I will share them, just as I have just done.I'm not saying I'm right, or absolute...just thinking out loud, as I am wont to do.~K~ (comment on this)