Asmaa Abdullah | Alexandria University ,Egypt (original) (raw)
Papers by Asmaa Abdullah
Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University,74, 115, 2024
الملخص: لم نحصل من الكتابات الكلاسيكية على معلومات كثيرة عن الجبانة الغربية إلا بشكل مختصر في وصف... more الملخص: لم نحصل من الكتابات الكلاسيكية على معلومات كثيرة عن الجبانة الغربية إلا بشكل مختصر في وصف استرابون للإسكندرية. وقد ساعدت الحفائر والاكتشافات في ثمانينات وتسعينات القرن الماضي على إيضاح الرؤية من خلال حفائر طابية صالح والمفروزة، وجبل الزيتون، وكوبري القبارى. وكان أحدث هذه الحفائر ما تم في ورش السكة الحديد بالقبارى شارع جبل الزيتون. واستمرت حفائر جبل الزيتون خمس سنوات متتالية من ٢٠١٦ حتى ٢٠٢١، وعلى الرغم من ان تم نهب الجبانة الغربية في الماضي فلدينا قدر لا بأس به من المعلومات عن تخطيط المقابر وأساليب الدفن. كما ساعدتنا الفحوص المعملية للبقايا الآدمية من العظام البشرية على توصيف لطبيعة أفراد المجتمع السكندري وعاداته الغذائية التي كانت شائعة في تلك الفترة. وكشفت الدراسة الأنثروبولوجية التي تمت على البقايا العظمية البشرية عن الوعاء الجيني وأصل سكان المجتمع السكندري في تلك الفترة. فتتميز كل مجموعة سكانية بخصائص جينية ومورفولوجية للعظام والأسنان. وقد تم استخدام مورفولوجيا العظام والأسنان لاستكشاف التباين البشري على نطاق عالمي. واستخدمت هذه التحليلات كذلك لاستخلاص استنتاجات حول هجرة السكان على نطاق واسع. وبشكل عام تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى محاولة إعادة بناء بعض أنماط حياة المجتمع السكندري. الذي يعكس اندماج المجتمع المصري واليوناني من خلال الكشف عن عادات الدفن وتحديد السمات المورفولوجية للبقايا الآدمية.
Abstract: Except for a brief mention in Strabon's description of Alexandria, we didn't find much information about the western cemetery in classical writings. Excavations and discoveries in the 1980s and 1990s, such as Tabiyat Saleh and Al-Mafrouza, Gabel El-Zatoon, and Gabbari Bridge, aided in clarifying the vision. The most recent of these excavations took place in the railway workshops on Gabel El-Zatoon Street in Al-Qabbari. Gabel El-Zatoon excavations continued for five years, from 2016 to 2021. During this time, we were able to gather information regarding the construction of tombs and burial practices. Laboratory examinations of human remains also assisted us in characterising the Alexandrian society's members and their dietary habits, which were prevalent during the period. The anthropological study of human skeletal remains clarified the genetic pool and origins of Alexandrian society during that time. The genetic and morphological characteristics of bones and teeth distinguish each population. Human variation has been studied on a global scale using bone and dental morphology. These analyses were also used to make generalisations about large-scale population migration. In general, the current research aims to reconstruct some Alexandrian lifestyles. This reflects Egyptian and Greek society's incorporation through the disclosure of burial customs and the identification of morphological features of human remains.
Keywords: physical anthropology | racial affiliation | cultural affiliation
Revista Elite - Criminology without Borders (Halloween Edition - special edition), 2021
Death and the afterlife are the two peculiar subjects of anthropological discussion. Anthropology... more Death and the afterlife are the two peculiar subjects of anthropological discussion. Anthropology seeks to understand the universal process of death ritual and how different cultures deal with death differently. The ancient Egyptians believed that life did not stop when you died. What you did when you died was move away to another place, a place the ancient Egyptians called the afterlife. The Egyptians were likely the first to believe in an afterlife. At least they were the first to record their thoughts about the afterlife in such great detail. And, they went to great lengths to make sure that one's passage to the afterlife and existence there was pleasant. In addition, the deceased's spirit would have to contend with gods, strange creatures, and gatekeepers throughout the underworld journey
Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University, 2018
In Arabic language تزداد أهمية الأسنان في الدراسات المتعلقة بالباليو-أنثروبولوجيا Palaeo-Anthrop... more In Arabic language
تزداد أهمية الأسنان في الدراسات المتعلقة بالباليو-أنثروبولوجيا Palaeo-Anthropology ؛ لأنها تعتبر الجزء المعمر من الهيكل العظمى والباقي من الجهاز الهضمي الكاشف عن أنماط الغذاء، والجزء المعرض للبيئة مباشرة وشديد التأثر بها. فيمكن أن تمدنا أمراض الأسنان القديمة Dental Palaeo-Pathology بنظرة ثاقبة عن تكوين الغذاء والكشف عن الاختلافات الغذائية على أساس العمر والجنس والحالة الاجتماعية. وتهدف الدراسة إلي وصف أسنان عينة من سكان الطبقة العليا (كهنة آمون) فى مصر القديمة خلال الفترة الإنتقالية الثالثة، وإعادة صياغة نمط الحياة الثقافية ، والاجتماعية، والاقتصادية ، والبيئية ، والوعاء الجيني في تلك الحقبة الزمنية من خلال خلال الكشف عن أمراض الأسنان ومورفولوجيا الأسنان. وتم فحص٦۰جمجمة تنتمي إلى مقبرة كهنة وكاهنات آمون(مقبرة باب الجُسس) المكتشفة بالأقصر تعود إلى الأسرة الحادية والعشرين. والتى تم حفظها في مخازن المتحف المصري بالقاهرة.
In English language
Teeth are especially important for Palaeo-anthropological studies since they are the perennial part of the skeleton. In addition, they are considered to be the remaining part of the digestive system that gives indicators on food patterns. Moreover, they form the digestive part which is directly exposed to environmental factors and highly affected by them.
Dental Palaeopathology has the potential to provide insight into the composition of the diet and to reveal dietary differences based on age, sex and social status.
The aims of the present study are to describe the teeth of a sample of the upper-class population in ancient Egypt during the Third Intermediate Period and to reformulate the cultural, social, economic, environmental and genetic patterns of life in this period. Through detection Dental Pathology and Morphology. The study examined 60 skulls preserved at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The skulls belong to priests and priestesses of Amun from Bab al-Gasus tomb in Luxor, south Egypt which dates back to 21st Dynasty.
PRESERVATION Complete skeleton (>75%) Partial skeleton (25-75% present) Fragmentary skeleton (<25... more PRESERVATION Complete skeleton (>75%) Partial skeleton (25-75% present) Fragmentary skeleton (<25% present, includes at least one complete element) Fragments of bone (small amount of fragmented bone; <<25% is present) Skull (only cranial remains present and partially preserved) Teeth (only loose teeth are present) Cremated bone (burned remains of any quantity; excludes cases of incidental charring of otherwise unburned skeleton)
Archaeological discoveries of teeth provide remarkable information on humans, animals and the hea... more Archaeological discoveries of teeth provide remarkable information on humans, animals and the health, hygiene and diet of ancient communities. In this fully revised and updated edition of his seminal text Simon Hillson draws together a mass of material from archaeology, anthropology and related disciplines to provide a comprehensive manual on the study of teeth. The range of mammals examined has been extended to include descriptions and line drawings for 325 mammal genera from Europe, North Africa, western, central and northeastern Asia, and North America. The book also introduces dental anatomy and the microscopic structure of dental tissues, explores how the age or season of death is estimated and looks at variations in tooth size and shape. With its detailed descriptions of the techniques and equipment used and its provision of tables and charts, this book is essential reading for students of archaeology, zoology and dental science.
Conference Presentations by Asmaa Abdullah
Conference: Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt & The International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt, 2019
Studying teeth is an important factor in anthropological and health studies, but their importance... more Studying teeth is an important factor in anthropological and health studies, but their importance increases with studying that of ancient Egyptians who are the creators of one of the greatest civilizations in the world. Dental Paleopathology can provide an insight into food composition and the detection of dietary differences based on age, gender and social status. Many dental diseases exist since thousands of years and didn't change, but their rates of infection vary greatly with the changing ecological factors, eating habits, food preparation, and cultural behaviours. Dental paleopathology helps in rebuilding the lifestyle of the past. In this regard, this research will present a detailed view of the health status of the priests and priestesses of Amun who took over the throne in Upper Egypt in Thebes during the 21 st Dynasty. The sample of study belongs to Bub El-Gasus cache, discovered in 1891 in Luxor. This cache contains 153 burial for all classes of Amun priests and their families. The cache and its mummies and antiquities are considered an important treasure in which the mystery of one of the most mysterious periods of the Egyptian civilization can be revealed
Conference: Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt & The International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt, 2019
This paper is a part of the author’s masters’ thesis entitled Dental Morphology and Pathology in ... more This paper is a part of the author’s masters’ thesis entitled Dental Morphology and Pathology in some Upper-class Egyptian population from the Third Intermediate Period.The current research focuses on studying the dental health and pathology of Amun priests and priestesses at Bab El-Gasus ancient Egyptian tomb. Some of these ailments are of genetic origin with morphological features and skeletal symptoms, while others are caused by cultural and nutritional behaviours, in addition to a number of environmental-based diseases.
Drafts by Asmaa Abdullah
Thesis Chapters by Asmaa Abdullah
The current study conducted on 62 skulls belonging to the priests and priestess of Amun from Theb... more The current study conducted on 62 skulls belonging to the priests and priestess of Amun from Thebes during the third transition period (1070-713 BC). This specimen was a part of Bab El-Gasus cache which discovered in 1891 in Luxor. The teeth were examined to reveal dental morphology and pathology to provide insight into the components of the pattern of eating habits and cultural behaviours, the state of health of the teeth, and genetic traits of the priests and priests of Amun who had their own customs and rituals inside the temple.
The teeth were examined to reconstruct the state of health of the priests and priests of Amun. Dental health is often a sign of general health. Pathological conditions such as tooth decay, tartar layer, erosion and gum disease can be considered a semi-specific indicator of signs of dental stress because they are all a result of food consumption, and provides information on the types and characteristics of the consumed food style (smooth, hard, meat, sugars, or starches). It also reveals the degree of pre-treatment that occurs before consumption (such as grinding, grinding, crushing, or cooking).
Moreover, the study showed that there is homogeneity in dentition shape among the priests and priestess of Amun, and the examination revealed many similar frequencies in the features, with some clear exceptions for morphological features. Dental morphology is generally a good way to know biological origins of Population groups and their biological relationships.
Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University,74, 115, 2024
الملخص: لم نحصل من الكتابات الكلاسيكية على معلومات كثيرة عن الجبانة الغربية إلا بشكل مختصر في وصف... more الملخص: لم نحصل من الكتابات الكلاسيكية على معلومات كثيرة عن الجبانة الغربية إلا بشكل مختصر في وصف استرابون للإسكندرية. وقد ساعدت الحفائر والاكتشافات في ثمانينات وتسعينات القرن الماضي على إيضاح الرؤية من خلال حفائر طابية صالح والمفروزة، وجبل الزيتون، وكوبري القبارى. وكان أحدث هذه الحفائر ما تم في ورش السكة الحديد بالقبارى شارع جبل الزيتون. واستمرت حفائر جبل الزيتون خمس سنوات متتالية من ٢٠١٦ حتى ٢٠٢١، وعلى الرغم من ان تم نهب الجبانة الغربية في الماضي فلدينا قدر لا بأس به من المعلومات عن تخطيط المقابر وأساليب الدفن. كما ساعدتنا الفحوص المعملية للبقايا الآدمية من العظام البشرية على توصيف لطبيعة أفراد المجتمع السكندري وعاداته الغذائية التي كانت شائعة في تلك الفترة. وكشفت الدراسة الأنثروبولوجية التي تمت على البقايا العظمية البشرية عن الوعاء الجيني وأصل سكان المجتمع السكندري في تلك الفترة. فتتميز كل مجموعة سكانية بخصائص جينية ومورفولوجية للعظام والأسنان. وقد تم استخدام مورفولوجيا العظام والأسنان لاستكشاف التباين البشري على نطاق عالمي. واستخدمت هذه التحليلات كذلك لاستخلاص استنتاجات حول هجرة السكان على نطاق واسع. وبشكل عام تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى محاولة إعادة بناء بعض أنماط حياة المجتمع السكندري. الذي يعكس اندماج المجتمع المصري واليوناني من خلال الكشف عن عادات الدفن وتحديد السمات المورفولوجية للبقايا الآدمية.
Abstract: Except for a brief mention in Strabon's description of Alexandria, we didn't find much information about the western cemetery in classical writings. Excavations and discoveries in the 1980s and 1990s, such as Tabiyat Saleh and Al-Mafrouza, Gabel El-Zatoon, and Gabbari Bridge, aided in clarifying the vision. The most recent of these excavations took place in the railway workshops on Gabel El-Zatoon Street in Al-Qabbari. Gabel El-Zatoon excavations continued for five years, from 2016 to 2021. During this time, we were able to gather information regarding the construction of tombs and burial practices. Laboratory examinations of human remains also assisted us in characterising the Alexandrian society's members and their dietary habits, which were prevalent during the period. The anthropological study of human skeletal remains clarified the genetic pool and origins of Alexandrian society during that time. The genetic and morphological characteristics of bones and teeth distinguish each population. Human variation has been studied on a global scale using bone and dental morphology. These analyses were also used to make generalisations about large-scale population migration. In general, the current research aims to reconstruct some Alexandrian lifestyles. This reflects Egyptian and Greek society's incorporation through the disclosure of burial customs and the identification of morphological features of human remains.
Keywords: physical anthropology | racial affiliation | cultural affiliation
Revista Elite - Criminology without Borders (Halloween Edition - special edition), 2021
Death and the afterlife are the two peculiar subjects of anthropological discussion. Anthropology... more Death and the afterlife are the two peculiar subjects of anthropological discussion. Anthropology seeks to understand the universal process of death ritual and how different cultures deal with death differently. The ancient Egyptians believed that life did not stop when you died. What you did when you died was move away to another place, a place the ancient Egyptians called the afterlife. The Egyptians were likely the first to believe in an afterlife. At least they were the first to record their thoughts about the afterlife in such great detail. And, they went to great lengths to make sure that one's passage to the afterlife and existence there was pleasant. In addition, the deceased's spirit would have to contend with gods, strange creatures, and gatekeepers throughout the underworld journey
Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University, 2018
In Arabic language تزداد أهمية الأسنان في الدراسات المتعلقة بالباليو-أنثروبولوجيا Palaeo-Anthrop... more In Arabic language
تزداد أهمية الأسنان في الدراسات المتعلقة بالباليو-أنثروبولوجيا Palaeo-Anthropology ؛ لأنها تعتبر الجزء المعمر من الهيكل العظمى والباقي من الجهاز الهضمي الكاشف عن أنماط الغذاء، والجزء المعرض للبيئة مباشرة وشديد التأثر بها. فيمكن أن تمدنا أمراض الأسنان القديمة Dental Palaeo-Pathology بنظرة ثاقبة عن تكوين الغذاء والكشف عن الاختلافات الغذائية على أساس العمر والجنس والحالة الاجتماعية. وتهدف الدراسة إلي وصف أسنان عينة من سكان الطبقة العليا (كهنة آمون) فى مصر القديمة خلال الفترة الإنتقالية الثالثة، وإعادة صياغة نمط الحياة الثقافية ، والاجتماعية، والاقتصادية ، والبيئية ، والوعاء الجيني في تلك الحقبة الزمنية من خلال خلال الكشف عن أمراض الأسنان ومورفولوجيا الأسنان. وتم فحص٦۰جمجمة تنتمي إلى مقبرة كهنة وكاهنات آمون(مقبرة باب الجُسس) المكتشفة بالأقصر تعود إلى الأسرة الحادية والعشرين. والتى تم حفظها في مخازن المتحف المصري بالقاهرة.
In English language
Teeth are especially important for Palaeo-anthropological studies since they are the perennial part of the skeleton. In addition, they are considered to be the remaining part of the digestive system that gives indicators on food patterns. Moreover, they form the digestive part which is directly exposed to environmental factors and highly affected by them.
Dental Palaeopathology has the potential to provide insight into the composition of the diet and to reveal dietary differences based on age, sex and social status.
The aims of the present study are to describe the teeth of a sample of the upper-class population in ancient Egypt during the Third Intermediate Period and to reformulate the cultural, social, economic, environmental and genetic patterns of life in this period. Through detection Dental Pathology and Morphology. The study examined 60 skulls preserved at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The skulls belong to priests and priestesses of Amun from Bab al-Gasus tomb in Luxor, south Egypt which dates back to 21st Dynasty.
PRESERVATION Complete skeleton (>75%) Partial skeleton (25-75% present) Fragmentary skeleton (<25... more PRESERVATION Complete skeleton (>75%) Partial skeleton (25-75% present) Fragmentary skeleton (<25% present, includes at least one complete element) Fragments of bone (small amount of fragmented bone; <<25% is present) Skull (only cranial remains present and partially preserved) Teeth (only loose teeth are present) Cremated bone (burned remains of any quantity; excludes cases of incidental charring of otherwise unburned skeleton)
Archaeological discoveries of teeth provide remarkable information on humans, animals and the hea... more Archaeological discoveries of teeth provide remarkable information on humans, animals and the health, hygiene and diet of ancient communities. In this fully revised and updated edition of his seminal text Simon Hillson draws together a mass of material from archaeology, anthropology and related disciplines to provide a comprehensive manual on the study of teeth. The range of mammals examined has been extended to include descriptions and line drawings for 325 mammal genera from Europe, North Africa, western, central and northeastern Asia, and North America. The book also introduces dental anatomy and the microscopic structure of dental tissues, explores how the age or season of death is estimated and looks at variations in tooth size and shape. With its detailed descriptions of the techniques and equipment used and its provision of tables and charts, this book is essential reading for students of archaeology, zoology and dental science.
Conference: Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt & The International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt, 2019
Studying teeth is an important factor in anthropological and health studies, but their importance... more Studying teeth is an important factor in anthropological and health studies, but their importance increases with studying that of ancient Egyptians who are the creators of one of the greatest civilizations in the world. Dental Paleopathology can provide an insight into food composition and the detection of dietary differences based on age, gender and social status. Many dental diseases exist since thousands of years and didn't change, but their rates of infection vary greatly with the changing ecological factors, eating habits, food preparation, and cultural behaviours. Dental paleopathology helps in rebuilding the lifestyle of the past. In this regard, this research will present a detailed view of the health status of the priests and priestesses of Amun who took over the throne in Upper Egypt in Thebes during the 21 st Dynasty. The sample of study belongs to Bub El-Gasus cache, discovered in 1891 in Luxor. This cache contains 153 burial for all classes of Amun priests and their families. The cache and its mummies and antiquities are considered an important treasure in which the mystery of one of the most mysterious periods of the Egyptian civilization can be revealed
Conference: Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt & The International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt, 2019
This paper is a part of the author’s masters’ thesis entitled Dental Morphology and Pathology in ... more This paper is a part of the author’s masters’ thesis entitled Dental Morphology and Pathology in some Upper-class Egyptian population from the Third Intermediate Period.The current research focuses on studying the dental health and pathology of Amun priests and priestesses at Bab El-Gasus ancient Egyptian tomb. Some of these ailments are of genetic origin with morphological features and skeletal symptoms, while others are caused by cultural and nutritional behaviours, in addition to a number of environmental-based diseases.
The current study conducted on 62 skulls belonging to the priests and priestess of Amun from Theb... more The current study conducted on 62 skulls belonging to the priests and priestess of Amun from Thebes during the third transition period (1070-713 BC). This specimen was a part of Bab El-Gasus cache which discovered in 1891 in Luxor. The teeth were examined to reveal dental morphology and pathology to provide insight into the components of the pattern of eating habits and cultural behaviours, the state of health of the teeth, and genetic traits of the priests and priests of Amun who had their own customs and rituals inside the temple.
The teeth were examined to reconstruct the state of health of the priests and priests of Amun. Dental health is often a sign of general health. Pathological conditions such as tooth decay, tartar layer, erosion and gum disease can be considered a semi-specific indicator of signs of dental stress because they are all a result of food consumption, and provides information on the types and characteristics of the consumed food style (smooth, hard, meat, sugars, or starches). It also reveals the degree of pre-treatment that occurs before consumption (such as grinding, grinding, crushing, or cooking).
Moreover, the study showed that there is homogeneity in dentition shape among the priests and priestess of Amun, and the examination revealed many similar frequencies in the features, with some clear exceptions for morphological features. Dental morphology is generally a good way to know biological origins of Population groups and their biological relationships.