Galia Chimiak | Polish Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Books by Galia Chimiak

Research paper thumbnail of Polish and Irish Struggles for Self-Determination. Living near Dragons

Polish and Irish Struggles for Self-Determination. Living near Dragons, 2020

This book discusses little-known linkages between two seemingly distant peoples, the Polish and t... more This book discusses little-known linkages between two seemingly distant peoples, the Polish and the Irish, whose historical experiences share important similarities. Both Ireland and Poland have been subject to foreign rule, which they overturned in 1916 and 1918 respectively. Their predominantly Catholic societies were among the first to grant voting rights to women a century ago. This volume uses the centenary of both Ireland and Poland (re)gaining national independence and the political empowerment of women in these countries as a point of departure to analyse selected aspects of Polish and Irish people’s struggle for autonomy. Cases of mutual assistance, including the awareness-raising campaigns organized by Western women in support of the independence and suffragist movements in Poland, are presented along with examples of grassroots self-organization, foreign press coverage, and military and diplomatic efforts to empower the Poles and the Irish.

Research paper thumbnail of The Growth of Non-Governmental Development Organisations in Poland and Their Cooperation with Polish Aid

The study presented in this book aimed to answer the following research question: Which factors d... more The study presented in this book aimed to answer the following research question: Which factors determined the growth of NGDOs in Poland and what has been NGDOs’ role in the evolution of the Polish aid system? Supplementary research questions were presented in the beginning of each of the five chapters.
Chapter One deals with the supranational factors that impacted the growth of internationally-oriented civil society initiatives and organisations. In addition to examining the influence of exogenous factors – like globalisation and the spread of neoliberalism – the chapter discusses the theoretical approaches accounting for the ascendance of non-state actors in international affairs and the theories of motivations accounting for engagement in the civic sector. It also analyses the specific case of post-communist transformation and the justification of external support for indigenous civil societies.
Chapter Two focuses on the historical determinants of grassroots self-organisation in Poland and examines the roots of the idea of internationalisation of solidarity. The role foreign funding played in supporting the development of the civil society sector, especially after the toppling of the previous regime, is critically analysed. The actual impact of this support is then illustrated with an overview of selected aspects of the development of the NGO sector after 1989.
Chapter Three presents the history of the international cooperation of Polish NGOs. The evolution of this cooperation from transborder exchange of experiences to providing humanitarian aid, development assistance, and global education are discussed. The applicability of the development vs. democratising divide in the contemporary NGDO sector is then analysed. This chapter also juxtaposes the various views regarding the comparative advantage of Poland in development cooperation.
Chapter Four deals with the evolution of the Polish development cooperation system. Evidence is presented to the argument that the initially separate paths of engagement in development assistance taken by the state and civil society eventually started to converge in the beginning of the century. This change was facilitated by EU accession, which necessitated the creation of a governmental aid programme. The dynamics of the relationship between these two major stakeholders in development cooperation in Poland is then put forward.
Chapter Five focuses on NGDO activists themselves. It examines the social and cultural capital of aid professionals, their career paths and motivational underpinnings, and concludes with a discussion of the challenges and opportunities they face.
Conclusion: When solidarity is not enough. From solidarity to reflection and action

Research paper thumbnail of Krajobraz społecznościowy - Polska 2014 (Civic landscape - Poland 2014) edited by Galia Chimiak and Katarzyna Iwińska

Spis treści Galia Chimiak, Katarzyna Iwińska Wstęp Krajobraz społecznościowy Polska 2014 ........... more Spis treści
Galia Chimiak, Katarzyna Iwińska
Krajobraz społecznościowy Polska 2014 ......................................................................7
Dominika V. Polańska
Motywacje osób niezinstytucjonalizowanego
sektora społecznościowego ....................................................................................................27
Aleksandra Bilewicz
Odnowa etosu społecznikowskiego? O inteligenckim charakterze
niezinstytucjonalizowanych inicjatyw społecznych .............................................. 47
Katarzyna Górniak
Nieformalne inicjatywy społeczne w przestrzeni publicznej
– wykluczające czy inkluzywne ...................................................................................... 77
Dorota Jaworska-Matys
Tożsamościowe dyskursy społecznikostwa .............................................................. 93
Aneta Ostaszewska
Zaangażowanie i aktywność społeczna kobiet na przykładzie kół
gospodyń wiejskich oraz grup feministycznych ....................................................113
Filip Pazderski, Bartłomiej Walczak
Społecznicy, profesjonalni działacze czy obywatelscy malkontenci?
Formalna i nieformalna aktywność społeczna Polaków
w świetle badań ogólnopolskich ..................................................................................137
Noty o autorach ...................................................................................................................167

Research paper thumbnail of Obywatele wobec kryzysu: uśpieni czy innowatorzy? (Civic activity in times of crisis: subdued or innovative?)

Wskazany w tytule pracy zbiorowej problem – zachowawczość a innowacyjność – wzbudza zainteresowan... more Wskazany w tytule pracy zbiorowej problem – zachowawczość a innowacyjność – wzbudza zainteresowanie kolejnego pokolenia badaczy; innymi słowy, jako badacz historii socjologii jestem szczególnie rada, że problem złożonych i fascynujących powiązań między innowacyjnością, kryzysami a różnymi formami zachowawczości psychospołecznej, ekonomicznej i cywilizacyjnej uzyskał w recenzowanej pracy centralne miejsce i „zdobył” ważne dla tego klasycznego problemu nauk społecznych oraz humanistyki sformułowania teoretyczne i dokumentację empiryczną.
Pragnę podkreślić, że rekomendowany tom, jest kolejnym przygotowanym przez W. Misztala, A. Kościańskiego oraz G. Chimiak. Nie mam wątpliwości, że tom ten stanie się nie tylko przedmiotem studiów dla wielu środowisk, tak akademików, jak i społeczników, ale i źródłem bardzo poważnego namysłu i żywych dyskusji nad miejscem i rolą innowacyjności w sytuacjach, społecznych i politycznych, które da się opisać w kategoriach pasywności, bezpieczeństwa czy tradycji.

prof. dr hab. Joanna Kurczewska

Research paper thumbnail of Globalizacja a rozwój: szanse i wyzwania dla Polski (co-editor) (Globalisation and Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Poland )

O potrzebie poszerzenia socjologicznego dyskursu o globalizacji i rozwoju świadczy proces poszuki... more O potrzebie poszerzenia socjologicznego dyskursu o globalizacji i rozwoju świadczy proces poszukiwania sposobów mobilizowania polskiego potencjału modernizacyjnego. Z tej perspektywy zmiany zachodzące zarówno na poziomie instytucjonalnym, jak i indywidualnym zmuszają do ponownej refleksji nad dalszym kierunkiem rozwoju społeczeństwa polskiego. Zadaniem niniejszej publikacji jest włączenie się do tej debaty.

Research paper thumbnail of How Individualists Make Solidarity Work

Papers by Galia Chimiak

Research paper thumbnail of Civil Society and the Spread of Authoritarianism: Institutional Pressures and CSO Responses

VOLUNTAS virtual issue editorial, 2024

The debate on civil society and authoritarianism has gained prominence in academic and policy cir... more The debate on civil society and authoritarianism has gained prominence in academic and policy circles. Worldwide, civil society organizations (CSOs) have reported a deterioration of the political climate, limiting individual rights and freedoms, and growing policy restrictions for CSOs, hindering their everyday work. In the name of national security and sovereignty, CSOs have been confronted with a tightening of legal regulations and scrutiny across various political regimes and find it increasingly difficult to obtain funding and public support, a global trend which has become known as a shrinking or closing space for civil society (Carothers & Brechenmacher, 2014). CSOs’ pushback against this corroborates civil society’s “essential contribution” to democracy and human rights (Council of Europe, 2007); as a result, the outlined trend is not monodirectional. Moreover, states’ limited capacity to meet socioeconomic needs increases their readiness to seek the involvement of civil society in welfare provision, thereby shifting or even expanding opportunities for CSOs to access to state resources (Anheier et al., 2019). However, these opportunities are mainly open to organizations whose ideology aligns with that of governments using authoritarian methods (Korolczuk, 2023).

This virtual issue offers an overview of research generated by this debate on the pages of Voluntas within the past 5 years (2018–2023). It brings together ten single-country studies that capture a variation in state’s “strategies of institutional containment” of CSOs (Schedler, 2013, 69), and CSOs’ response strategies across different contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Being at the forefront: Polish CSOs’ contribution to public diplomacy and development cooperation efforts

Public Diplomacy and Civil Society Organisations (edited by Ibrahim Natil) Routledge Explorations in Development Studies, 2023

The aim of the paper is to discuss whether CSOs from countries which evolved from beneficiaries o... more The aim of the paper is to discuss whether CSOs from countries which evolved from beneficiaries of official aid into internationalised CSOs have comparative advantage over CSOs from established donor countries.

Research paper thumbnail of The Polish case: from darling to endangered species?

A Research Agenda for Civil Society. Elgar Research Agendas. Edited by Kees Biekart and Alan Fowler. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 The aim of this chapter... more

The aim of this chapter is to discuss the evolution of the studies on civil society using the example of Poland. Following the succinct definition whereby civil society is the “domain of social organization within which voluntary associative relations are dominant” (Warren, 2001, p. 57), it should be pointed out that “an authentic civil society must involve the poor and the weak gaining meaningful rights as citizens” (Pearce, 1993, p. 16). The Council of Europe highlights the “essential contribution” made by civil society to democracy and human rights (Council of Europe, 2007). Civil society does not exclude the promotion of antithetical ideas. However, liberticidal quasi-civil initiatives do not pertain to civil society (Chimiak, 2006, p. 26) as civility and respect for human rights set the normative boundaries of the freedom to associate.

Research paper thumbnail of Humane Resources? The People Behind Polish Civil Society Organizations.

Kravchenko, Z., Kings, L., Jezierska, K. (eds) Resourceful Civil Society. Palgrave Studies in Third Sector Research. , 2022

Te objective of this chapter is to discuss the evolution of the human resources of civil society ... more Te objective of this chapter is to discuss the evolution of the human resources of civil society organizations in Poland against the background of the changes that have been taking place in the country and its civil society since the 1980s. It was in 1980 that the Solidarity movement emerged in then-socialist Poland, and liberal Western scholars enthused over the “rebirth” or “revival” of its civil society (Pełczyński, 1988). This
chapter focuses on three broad changes in human resources in Polish civil society that have taken place since that time. First, it casts light on the dynamic development and gradual internationalization, aided by foreign donors, of Polish civil society after 1989. Te second trend is a donor-induced change in norms and practices that contributed to the ousting of communitarian values by individualist ones. Finally, the adverse effect of civil society organizations’ recent practices on their human resources is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Looking Ahead to Voluntas’ Contribution to Research on Civil Society

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of „Społeczeństwo równoległe”? Organizacje polonijne w Irlandii ("A parallel society"? Polish diaspora organizations in Ireland")

Zmiana społeczna, pandemia, kryzys. Konteksty empiryczne i teoretyczne, pod redakcją Katarzyny Andrejuk, Izabeli Grabowskiej, Marty Olcoń-Kubickiej, Iwony Taranowicz; Warszawa: IFiS PAN, 2021

Po rozszerzeniu Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku niektóre kraje otworzyły swoje rynki pracy dl... more Po rozszerzeniu Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku niektóre kraje otworzyły swoje rynki pracy dla obywateli Polski. Możliwość zatrudnienia się w tych krajach spowodowała, że z czasem Polonia stała się najliczniejszą grupą etniczną w Irlandii. Choć była to migracja ekonomiczna, część osób z Polski zaangażowała się społecznie, początkowo korzystając z zasobów oferowanych przez pierwsze organizacje polonijne oraz duszpasterstwo polskie. Obecnie znacznie liczniejszy sektor organizacji polonijnych w Irlandii cechuje stosunkowo wysoka dynamika wzrostu oraz różnorodności. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zbadanie, jaki model zaangażowania realizują te podmioty oraz czy odróżniają się od pozostałej społeczności polonijnej i innych podmiotów obywatelskich zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Irlandii. Artykuł powstał na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedmiotu oraz obserwacji uczestniczącej. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzam, że uczestniczenie w zinstytucjonalizowanej samoorganizacji społecznej w kraju docelowym migracji stanowi odrębny styl uczestnictwa obywatelskiego niż działalność w sektorze pozarządowym w kraju pochodzenia. Dochodzę także do wniosku, że organizacje polonijne w Irlandii pielęgnują diasporyjne zaangażowanie, czego nie można powiedzieć o społeczności polskiej w tym kraju

Research paper thumbnail of The internationalization of Polish civil society elites and their impact on development cooperation policy and practice

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy , 2021

The aim of this paper is to discuss the rise of internationalized civil society elites in Poland ... more The aim of this paper is to discuss the rise of internationalized civil society elites in Poland engaged in the fields of development cooperation, democratization assistance, humanitarian relief and global education in the framework of private international governance theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Women for civil society or civil society for women? The Polish story

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Sociologica, 2019

This paper presents evidence for the argument that in spite of the fact that after the toppling o... more This paper presents evidence for the argument that in spite of the fact that after the toppling of communism women’s rights-related issues were to a large extent imported and supported by external private and public donors, over time Polish civil society has developed its own capacity to represent women and advocate for their rights. At the same time, the institutionalised civil society sector still reproduces some of the structural limitations women face in the public and private sphere alike. Recent examples of mass mobilization protesting the attempts to further limit the already restrictive law on abortions in the country are however indicative of the continuous potential of self-organisation as a source and tool for exercising civil society oversight over the governance processes.

Research paper thumbnail of The Dynamics of Institutionalisation of Civic Initiatives in the Context of Former Communist Countries

Zmiana ram. Instytucje po 1989 roku w Europie środkowej i na Bałkanach, 2019

More than twenty five years after the toppling of communism, many societies in East-Central Europ... more More than twenty five years after the toppling of communism, many societies in East-Central Europe (ECE) and the Balkans can claim to have finalised the three-dimensional transformation towards democracy, market economy and civil society. Indeed, there still exists wide differentiation between these countries regarding the extent to which each of the three aspects of the transformation have been implemented. It is not the aim of this paper to dwell in detail on all relevant dimensions of the transformation. Suffice is to say that significant differences among countries persist. The dissimilar patterns of political and economic reforms have accordingly influenced, and been impacted by, the development of the respective civil societies. In spite of the unquestionable variability among the ECE and Balkan civil societies, this paper will focus on what are argued to be their common traits.

Research paper thumbnail of Globalizacja a rozwój. Szanse i wyzwania dla Polski\_p=2233

Research paper thumbnail of Polish citizens turn their back on NGOs and embrace community activism

Research paper thumbnail of Obywatelstwo a patriotyzm – synergia czy redukcjonizm? (Citizenship and patriotism - synergy or reductionism?)


Research paper thumbnail of From Solidarność to global solidarity? The Engagement of Polish Civil Society in Development Cooperation.

Abstract: The paper examines the factors which determined the emergence of non-governmental devel... more Abstract: The paper examines the factors which determined the emergence of non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs) in Poland and their impact on the appropriation of development norms and practices by the Polish aid system. These processes are understood as a natural continuation of, on the one hand, the international appeal of the trade union and mass movement Solidarność in the 1980s and, on the other hand, the participation of the country in the development assistance system dating back to the Cold War era. The contemporary development cooperation system has been shaped by geo-political factors. Polish aid, however, has also benefited from its cooperation with the NGDO sector, which willingly shared its hands-on experience and know-how in providing humanitarian aid, development cooperation and global education projects. The indirect influence of foreign donors on Polish development cooperation should likewise be acknowledged.

Key words: solidarity, civil society, development cooperation, Polish aid, Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Organizing without organizations: on informal social activism in Poland

Activism With(out) Organisation , 2016

Purpose The aim of this paper is to examine motivations of social activists in informal initiati... more Purpose

The aim of this paper is to examine motivations of social activists in informal initiatives and to understand why they opt for this more spontaneous and self-organized activism while openly defying the hitherto established way of founding non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


On the basis of a case study of Poland, which had one of the most vibrant civil societies in the then socialist region, it is argued that the characteristics ascribed to the functioning of civil society after the toppling of socialism are not reflected in its more recent state. A broader definition of civil society and social activism is suggested to include new types of informal activism, which tend to be over-looked and under-studied. The analysis is built on qualitative and quantitative data gathered in 2014-2015.


The argument put forward is that un-institutionalized engagement is qualitatively different from its formal and institutionalized counterpart. The recent growth of informal activism is indicative of a rebirth of communitarian engagement in Polish civil society and a reaction to the underside of its institutionalization.


In spite of the seminal role played by societal self-organization in the overturning of the socialist system in Eastern European countries, the development of civil society in the region after 1989 has been repeatedly described as passive and characterized by distrustful or individualist attitudes. However, these civil societies have been changing since, and these more recent developments have been neglected by scholars.

Research paper thumbnail of Polish and Irish Struggles for Self-Determination. Living near Dragons

Polish and Irish Struggles for Self-Determination. Living near Dragons, 2020

This book discusses little-known linkages between two seemingly distant peoples, the Polish and t... more This book discusses little-known linkages between two seemingly distant peoples, the Polish and the Irish, whose historical experiences share important similarities. Both Ireland and Poland have been subject to foreign rule, which they overturned in 1916 and 1918 respectively. Their predominantly Catholic societies were among the first to grant voting rights to women a century ago. This volume uses the centenary of both Ireland and Poland (re)gaining national independence and the political empowerment of women in these countries as a point of departure to analyse selected aspects of Polish and Irish people’s struggle for autonomy. Cases of mutual assistance, including the awareness-raising campaigns organized by Western women in support of the independence and suffragist movements in Poland, are presented along with examples of grassroots self-organization, foreign press coverage, and military and diplomatic efforts to empower the Poles and the Irish.

Research paper thumbnail of The Growth of Non-Governmental Development Organisations in Poland and Their Cooperation with Polish Aid

The study presented in this book aimed to answer the following research question: Which factors d... more The study presented in this book aimed to answer the following research question: Which factors determined the growth of NGDOs in Poland and what has been NGDOs’ role in the evolution of the Polish aid system? Supplementary research questions were presented in the beginning of each of the five chapters.
Chapter One deals with the supranational factors that impacted the growth of internationally-oriented civil society initiatives and organisations. In addition to examining the influence of exogenous factors – like globalisation and the spread of neoliberalism – the chapter discusses the theoretical approaches accounting for the ascendance of non-state actors in international affairs and the theories of motivations accounting for engagement in the civic sector. It also analyses the specific case of post-communist transformation and the justification of external support for indigenous civil societies.
Chapter Two focuses on the historical determinants of grassroots self-organisation in Poland and examines the roots of the idea of internationalisation of solidarity. The role foreign funding played in supporting the development of the civil society sector, especially after the toppling of the previous regime, is critically analysed. The actual impact of this support is then illustrated with an overview of selected aspects of the development of the NGO sector after 1989.
Chapter Three presents the history of the international cooperation of Polish NGOs. The evolution of this cooperation from transborder exchange of experiences to providing humanitarian aid, development assistance, and global education are discussed. The applicability of the development vs. democratising divide in the contemporary NGDO sector is then analysed. This chapter also juxtaposes the various views regarding the comparative advantage of Poland in development cooperation.
Chapter Four deals with the evolution of the Polish development cooperation system. Evidence is presented to the argument that the initially separate paths of engagement in development assistance taken by the state and civil society eventually started to converge in the beginning of the century. This change was facilitated by EU accession, which necessitated the creation of a governmental aid programme. The dynamics of the relationship between these two major stakeholders in development cooperation in Poland is then put forward.
Chapter Five focuses on NGDO activists themselves. It examines the social and cultural capital of aid professionals, their career paths and motivational underpinnings, and concludes with a discussion of the challenges and opportunities they face.
Conclusion: When solidarity is not enough. From solidarity to reflection and action

Research paper thumbnail of Krajobraz społecznościowy - Polska 2014 (Civic landscape - Poland 2014) edited by Galia Chimiak and Katarzyna Iwińska

Spis treści Galia Chimiak, Katarzyna Iwińska Wstęp Krajobraz społecznościowy Polska 2014 ........... more Spis treści
Galia Chimiak, Katarzyna Iwińska
Krajobraz społecznościowy Polska 2014 ......................................................................7
Dominika V. Polańska
Motywacje osób niezinstytucjonalizowanego
sektora społecznościowego ....................................................................................................27
Aleksandra Bilewicz
Odnowa etosu społecznikowskiego? O inteligenckim charakterze
niezinstytucjonalizowanych inicjatyw społecznych .............................................. 47
Katarzyna Górniak
Nieformalne inicjatywy społeczne w przestrzeni publicznej
– wykluczające czy inkluzywne ...................................................................................... 77
Dorota Jaworska-Matys
Tożsamościowe dyskursy społecznikostwa .............................................................. 93
Aneta Ostaszewska
Zaangażowanie i aktywność społeczna kobiet na przykładzie kół
gospodyń wiejskich oraz grup feministycznych ....................................................113
Filip Pazderski, Bartłomiej Walczak
Społecznicy, profesjonalni działacze czy obywatelscy malkontenci?
Formalna i nieformalna aktywność społeczna Polaków
w świetle badań ogólnopolskich ..................................................................................137
Noty o autorach ...................................................................................................................167

Research paper thumbnail of Obywatele wobec kryzysu: uśpieni czy innowatorzy? (Civic activity in times of crisis: subdued or innovative?)

Wskazany w tytule pracy zbiorowej problem – zachowawczość a innowacyjność – wzbudza zainteresowan... more Wskazany w tytule pracy zbiorowej problem – zachowawczość a innowacyjność – wzbudza zainteresowanie kolejnego pokolenia badaczy; innymi słowy, jako badacz historii socjologii jestem szczególnie rada, że problem złożonych i fascynujących powiązań między innowacyjnością, kryzysami a różnymi formami zachowawczości psychospołecznej, ekonomicznej i cywilizacyjnej uzyskał w recenzowanej pracy centralne miejsce i „zdobył” ważne dla tego klasycznego problemu nauk społecznych oraz humanistyki sformułowania teoretyczne i dokumentację empiryczną.
Pragnę podkreślić, że rekomendowany tom, jest kolejnym przygotowanym przez W. Misztala, A. Kościańskiego oraz G. Chimiak. Nie mam wątpliwości, że tom ten stanie się nie tylko przedmiotem studiów dla wielu środowisk, tak akademików, jak i społeczników, ale i źródłem bardzo poważnego namysłu i żywych dyskusji nad miejscem i rolą innowacyjności w sytuacjach, społecznych i politycznych, które da się opisać w kategoriach pasywności, bezpieczeństwa czy tradycji.

prof. dr hab. Joanna Kurczewska

Research paper thumbnail of Globalizacja a rozwój: szanse i wyzwania dla Polski (co-editor) (Globalisation and Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Poland )

O potrzebie poszerzenia socjologicznego dyskursu o globalizacji i rozwoju świadczy proces poszuki... more O potrzebie poszerzenia socjologicznego dyskursu o globalizacji i rozwoju świadczy proces poszukiwania sposobów mobilizowania polskiego potencjału modernizacyjnego. Z tej perspektywy zmiany zachodzące zarówno na poziomie instytucjonalnym, jak i indywidualnym zmuszają do ponownej refleksji nad dalszym kierunkiem rozwoju społeczeństwa polskiego. Zadaniem niniejszej publikacji jest włączenie się do tej debaty.

Research paper thumbnail of How Individualists Make Solidarity Work

Research paper thumbnail of Civil Society and the Spread of Authoritarianism: Institutional Pressures and CSO Responses

VOLUNTAS virtual issue editorial, 2024

The debate on civil society and authoritarianism has gained prominence in academic and policy cir... more The debate on civil society and authoritarianism has gained prominence in academic and policy circles. Worldwide, civil society organizations (CSOs) have reported a deterioration of the political climate, limiting individual rights and freedoms, and growing policy restrictions for CSOs, hindering their everyday work. In the name of national security and sovereignty, CSOs have been confronted with a tightening of legal regulations and scrutiny across various political regimes and find it increasingly difficult to obtain funding and public support, a global trend which has become known as a shrinking or closing space for civil society (Carothers & Brechenmacher, 2014). CSOs’ pushback against this corroborates civil society’s “essential contribution” to democracy and human rights (Council of Europe, 2007); as a result, the outlined trend is not monodirectional. Moreover, states’ limited capacity to meet socioeconomic needs increases their readiness to seek the involvement of civil society in welfare provision, thereby shifting or even expanding opportunities for CSOs to access to state resources (Anheier et al., 2019). However, these opportunities are mainly open to organizations whose ideology aligns with that of governments using authoritarian methods (Korolczuk, 2023).

This virtual issue offers an overview of research generated by this debate on the pages of Voluntas within the past 5 years (2018–2023). It brings together ten single-country studies that capture a variation in state’s “strategies of institutional containment” of CSOs (Schedler, 2013, 69), and CSOs’ response strategies across different contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Being at the forefront: Polish CSOs’ contribution to public diplomacy and development cooperation efforts

Public Diplomacy and Civil Society Organisations (edited by Ibrahim Natil) Routledge Explorations in Development Studies, 2023

The aim of the paper is to discuss whether CSOs from countries which evolved from beneficiaries o... more The aim of the paper is to discuss whether CSOs from countries which evolved from beneficiaries of official aid into internationalised CSOs have comparative advantage over CSOs from established donor countries.

Research paper thumbnail of The Polish case: from darling to endangered species?

A Research Agenda for Civil Society. Elgar Research Agendas. Edited by Kees Biekart and Alan Fowler. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 The aim of this chapter... more

The aim of this chapter is to discuss the evolution of the studies on civil society using the example of Poland. Following the succinct definition whereby civil society is the “domain of social organization within which voluntary associative relations are dominant” (Warren, 2001, p. 57), it should be pointed out that “an authentic civil society must involve the poor and the weak gaining meaningful rights as citizens” (Pearce, 1993, p. 16). The Council of Europe highlights the “essential contribution” made by civil society to democracy and human rights (Council of Europe, 2007). Civil society does not exclude the promotion of antithetical ideas. However, liberticidal quasi-civil initiatives do not pertain to civil society (Chimiak, 2006, p. 26) as civility and respect for human rights set the normative boundaries of the freedom to associate.

Research paper thumbnail of Humane Resources? The People Behind Polish Civil Society Organizations.

Kravchenko, Z., Kings, L., Jezierska, K. (eds) Resourceful Civil Society. Palgrave Studies in Third Sector Research. , 2022

Te objective of this chapter is to discuss the evolution of the human resources of civil society ... more Te objective of this chapter is to discuss the evolution of the human resources of civil society organizations in Poland against the background of the changes that have been taking place in the country and its civil society since the 1980s. It was in 1980 that the Solidarity movement emerged in then-socialist Poland, and liberal Western scholars enthused over the “rebirth” or “revival” of its civil society (Pełczyński, 1988). This
chapter focuses on three broad changes in human resources in Polish civil society that have taken place since that time. First, it casts light on the dynamic development and gradual internationalization, aided by foreign donors, of Polish civil society after 1989. Te second trend is a donor-induced change in norms and practices that contributed to the ousting of communitarian values by individualist ones. Finally, the adverse effect of civil society organizations’ recent practices on their human resources is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Looking Ahead to Voluntas’ Contribution to Research on Civil Society

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of „Społeczeństwo równoległe”? Organizacje polonijne w Irlandii ("A parallel society"? Polish diaspora organizations in Ireland")

Zmiana społeczna, pandemia, kryzys. Konteksty empiryczne i teoretyczne, pod redakcją Katarzyny Andrejuk, Izabeli Grabowskiej, Marty Olcoń-Kubickiej, Iwony Taranowicz; Warszawa: IFiS PAN, 2021

Po rozszerzeniu Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku niektóre kraje otworzyły swoje rynki pracy dl... more Po rozszerzeniu Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku niektóre kraje otworzyły swoje rynki pracy dla obywateli Polski. Możliwość zatrudnienia się w tych krajach spowodowała, że z czasem Polonia stała się najliczniejszą grupą etniczną w Irlandii. Choć była to migracja ekonomiczna, część osób z Polski zaangażowała się społecznie, początkowo korzystając z zasobów oferowanych przez pierwsze organizacje polonijne oraz duszpasterstwo polskie. Obecnie znacznie liczniejszy sektor organizacji polonijnych w Irlandii cechuje stosunkowo wysoka dynamika wzrostu oraz różnorodności. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zbadanie, jaki model zaangażowania realizują te podmioty oraz czy odróżniają się od pozostałej społeczności polonijnej i innych podmiotów obywatelskich zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Irlandii. Artykuł powstał na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedmiotu oraz obserwacji uczestniczącej. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzam, że uczestniczenie w zinstytucjonalizowanej samoorganizacji społecznej w kraju docelowym migracji stanowi odrębny styl uczestnictwa obywatelskiego niż działalność w sektorze pozarządowym w kraju pochodzenia. Dochodzę także do wniosku, że organizacje polonijne w Irlandii pielęgnują diasporyjne zaangażowanie, czego nie można powiedzieć o społeczności polskiej w tym kraju

Research paper thumbnail of The internationalization of Polish civil society elites and their impact on development cooperation policy and practice

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy , 2021

The aim of this paper is to discuss the rise of internationalized civil society elites in Poland ... more The aim of this paper is to discuss the rise of internationalized civil society elites in Poland engaged in the fields of development cooperation, democratization assistance, humanitarian relief and global education in the framework of private international governance theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Women for civil society or civil society for women? The Polish story

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Sociologica, 2019

This paper presents evidence for the argument that in spite of the fact that after the toppling o... more This paper presents evidence for the argument that in spite of the fact that after the toppling of communism women’s rights-related issues were to a large extent imported and supported by external private and public donors, over time Polish civil society has developed its own capacity to represent women and advocate for their rights. At the same time, the institutionalised civil society sector still reproduces some of the structural limitations women face in the public and private sphere alike. Recent examples of mass mobilization protesting the attempts to further limit the already restrictive law on abortions in the country are however indicative of the continuous potential of self-organisation as a source and tool for exercising civil society oversight over the governance processes.

Research paper thumbnail of The Dynamics of Institutionalisation of Civic Initiatives in the Context of Former Communist Countries

Zmiana ram. Instytucje po 1989 roku w Europie środkowej i na Bałkanach, 2019

More than twenty five years after the toppling of communism, many societies in East-Central Europ... more More than twenty five years after the toppling of communism, many societies in East-Central Europe (ECE) and the Balkans can claim to have finalised the three-dimensional transformation towards democracy, market economy and civil society. Indeed, there still exists wide differentiation between these countries regarding the extent to which each of the three aspects of the transformation have been implemented. It is not the aim of this paper to dwell in detail on all relevant dimensions of the transformation. Suffice is to say that significant differences among countries persist. The dissimilar patterns of political and economic reforms have accordingly influenced, and been impacted by, the development of the respective civil societies. In spite of the unquestionable variability among the ECE and Balkan civil societies, this paper will focus on what are argued to be their common traits.

Research paper thumbnail of Globalizacja a rozwój. Szanse i wyzwania dla Polski\_p=2233

Research paper thumbnail of Polish citizens turn their back on NGOs and embrace community activism

Research paper thumbnail of Obywatelstwo a patriotyzm – synergia czy redukcjonizm? (Citizenship and patriotism - synergy or reductionism?)


Research paper thumbnail of From Solidarność to global solidarity? The Engagement of Polish Civil Society in Development Cooperation.

Abstract: The paper examines the factors which determined the emergence of non-governmental devel... more Abstract: The paper examines the factors which determined the emergence of non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs) in Poland and their impact on the appropriation of development norms and practices by the Polish aid system. These processes are understood as a natural continuation of, on the one hand, the international appeal of the trade union and mass movement Solidarność in the 1980s and, on the other hand, the participation of the country in the development assistance system dating back to the Cold War era. The contemporary development cooperation system has been shaped by geo-political factors. Polish aid, however, has also benefited from its cooperation with the NGDO sector, which willingly shared its hands-on experience and know-how in providing humanitarian aid, development cooperation and global education projects. The indirect influence of foreign donors on Polish development cooperation should likewise be acknowledged.

Key words: solidarity, civil society, development cooperation, Polish aid, Poland

Research paper thumbnail of Organizing without organizations: on informal social activism in Poland

Activism With(out) Organisation , 2016

Purpose The aim of this paper is to examine motivations of social activists in informal initiati... more Purpose

The aim of this paper is to examine motivations of social activists in informal initiatives and to understand why they opt for this more spontaneous and self-organized activism while openly defying the hitherto established way of founding non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


On the basis of a case study of Poland, which had one of the most vibrant civil societies in the then socialist region, it is argued that the characteristics ascribed to the functioning of civil society after the toppling of socialism are not reflected in its more recent state. A broader definition of civil society and social activism is suggested to include new types of informal activism, which tend to be over-looked and under-studied. The analysis is built on qualitative and quantitative data gathered in 2014-2015.


The argument put forward is that un-institutionalized engagement is qualitatively different from its formal and institutionalized counterpart. The recent growth of informal activism is indicative of a rebirth of communitarian engagement in Polish civil society and a reaction to the underside of its institutionalization.


In spite of the seminal role played by societal self-organization in the overturning of the socialist system in Eastern European countries, the development of civil society in the region after 1989 has been repeatedly described as passive and characterized by distrustful or individualist attitudes. However, these civil societies have been changing since, and these more recent developments have been neglected by scholars.

Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ kwestii bezpieczeństwa na rolę organizacji pozarządowych w teorii i praktyce rozwojowej (The impact of aid securitization on the role of NGOs in theory and practice)

tekst odniesie się do następujących tez. Po pierwsze, rola organizacji pozarządowych, zwłaszcza t... more tekst odniesie się do następujących tez. Po pierwsze, rola organizacji pozarządowych, zwłaszcza tych działających na rzecz rozwoju, ewoluowała od marginalnej do głównej w drugiej połowie ubiegłego stulecia. W przypadku krajów biorców pomocy rozwojowej bądź pomocy oficjalnej, wsparcie dla organizacji pozarządowych pierwotnie wynikało z próby pominięcia sektora państwowego ze względu na postrzegane jako mało efektywne i podatne na korupcję instytucje państwowe tych krajów (Chimiak, 2014).
Po drugie, ataki terrorystyczne z 11 września 2001 roku wpłynęły także na działalność organizacji obywatelskich. Uznano, że istnieje potrzeba ich „zdyscyplinowania”
(United Nations, 2004, s. 28), co w rezultacie doprowadziło
między innymi do ich autocenzury (Bloodgood, Tremblay-Boire, 2011, s. 167). Mimo zaistnienia pewnych ograniczeń spowodowanych przyznawaniem priorytetu sprawom bezpieczeństwa wobec kwestii rozwojowych, (międzynarodowe)
organizacje pozarządowe wciąż są istotnymi uczestnikami polityk krajowych i międzynarodowej współpracy rozwojowej. Aby sprostać wyzwaniom wynikającym z kryzysu finansowego oraz ograniczonego zaufania do organizacji pozarządowych, potrzebne są nowe modele współpracy z tymi podmiotami,
w tym promowanie partnerstwa między instytucjami z różnych sektorów.

Research paper thumbnail of Nieodkryty wymiar III sektora: badania niezinstytucjonalizowanych przejawów społecznikostwa – przegląd literatury (The undiscovered dimension of the Third sector: literature overciew of studies of uninstitutionalised civic activism)

Nieodkryty wymiar III sektora Wprowadzenie do badań nad nowym społecznikostwem, ed. Stanisłąw Mocek, 2014

opracowanie dotyczy jednego z przejawów społecznikostwa, jaki stanowi niesformalizowana, niezinst... more opracowanie dotyczy jednego z przejawów społecznikostwa, jaki stanowi niesformalizowana, niezinstytucjonalizowana aktywność obywatelska. Aktywną postawę obywatelską zwykło się ujmować w kategoriach społecznikostwa bądź jako warunek powstania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Koncepcja społeczeństwa obywatelskiego zyskała rozgłos zwłaszcza na skutek protestów w byłych krajach komunistycznych
w Europie Środkowowschodniej, przede wszystkim za sprawą ruchu i związku zawodowego „Solidarność” na początku lat 80. w Polsce (Pełczyński 1988: 363). Zarówno społecznikostwo, jak i społeczeństwo obywatelskie stanowią obszerny, wciąż wzbogacany obszar dociekań badaczy z całego świata. Odzwierciedleniem prowadzonych badań jest równie bogata literatura. Niniejszy tekst nie stanowi jednak przeglądu literatury przedmiotu dotyczącego obydwu koncepcji. Obejmuje
on teorie i badania związane z jednym segmentem społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, a mianowicie najbardziej istotne charakterystyki stanowiącego jego niezbędny budulec
niezinstytucjonalizowanego społecznikostwa.

Research paper thumbnail of Nowe oblicza społecznikostwa w Polsce/ New modes of social activism in Poland

Ewa Draus, Paweł Trefler (red.) „Polska i Ukraina w dobie transformacji. Współpraca transgraniczna, innowacje, edukacja i rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy”, Przemyśl

Active citizenship determines the development of authentic civil society. The 25 anniversary of t... more Active citizenship determines the development of authentic civil society. The 25 anniversary of the onset of the democratic transformation in Poland calls for analyzing the evolution of civic activism in the country which witnessed the emergence of the Solidarity movement. The communitarian type of self-organization, which dominated the decade preceding 1989, was superseded by civic activism motivated by patriotic-positivistic values. At the onset of the XXI century, it was individualistic motivation that characterized social activism. The development of uninstitutionalised civic initiatives and the emergence of hybrid type of pro-social motivation has been observed over the last few years. Communitarianism resurfaces among the young generation of social activism; however, it is their immediate community they identify with. Therefore dynamism and complexity characterize social activism in Poland, thus reflecting the changes observed in other spheres of public life.

Research paper thumbnail of Między Zachodem a Globalnego Południa: Innowacje Odwrotne w Polsce = Between the West and the Global South: Reverse Innovations in Poland

This paper addresses the source of inspiration and justification for decisions taken in the proce... more This paper addresses the source of inspiration and justification for decisions taken in the process of planning and implementing social and economic reforms in Poland after the toppling of communism. The aim is to highlight the hidden assumptions and unintended consequences of systemic solutions put into effect in East-Central Europe. The reforms were namely modelled on the principles of the Washington consensus and the good governance concept, which have been originally worked out to solve the problems of developing countries. The article is based on desk research of relevant academic literature and selected strategic documents of international organizations. The research findings indicate the reversed nature of innovative systemic solutions applied in Poland, among other countries in East-Central Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of The Rise and Stall of NGOs in Development

Polish Sociological Review 2014/1, pp.25-44

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) role in development evolved from marginal to major over the... more Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) role in development evolved from marginal to major over the second half of the XX century. In the early 1990s the increase of support for NGOs in countries receiving foreign aid was an effect of donors’ attempts to circumvent the recipients’ state institutions as these were considered corrupt and/or ineffective. This support took place under the slogan of good governance. Both national and international NGOs remained the favored child of donor agencies up to 9/11, 2001. The superseding long war on terror had an impact on the strategy towards NGOs, too. Namely, it has been acknowledged that NGOs’ activities should undergo closer scrutiny. This approach tightened the control over NGOs and also resulted in national and international NGOs’ self-censorship.

Research paper thumbnail of The Evolution of the Vision of Civil Society in Poland