Martin Kasarda | Paneuropska vysoka škola (original) (raw)

Papers by Martin Kasarda



Internet marketing has introduced new marketing tools to book marketing. Apart from direct advert... more Internet marketing has introduced new marketing tools to book marketing. Apart from direct advertising, it mainly involves shaping opinions through influencers and people who influence others through their active communication. But is book marketing truly a beneficial component for publishing and book promotion? This study examines the specifics of the online environment and influencers in the world of books.

Research paper thumbnail of The Media Environment and Anti-Vaccination Movements

European Scientific Journal, ESJ, Jul 9, 2013

The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partial... more The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partially fictional information at an unprecedented rate. Anti-vaccination movements across the globe currently use the most modern available communications technology to promote their ideology, to attack the public and to attack systematic solutions that individual governments use as parts of their national vaccination programs. This paper wishes to focus on the issue of freedom of information, yet at the same time point out a rift that exists between factual data and factually incorrect reports that are being spread via the internet, a rift that may be the cause of serious public health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Fate, Death and Marketing. Is a Book the Same Product as Yogurt or a Car?

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023

Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in... more Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in the field of book sales. Today, the book is not only an object of social and cultural events but also a product of industry and trade. A book as a product has its own specifics, which must be respected when offering and selling it. It is not a fast-moving product, nor an object of long-term consumption. The book is a specific product, therefore, when selling it, it is necessary to work with it also taking into account the context of culture, not only direct trade. Our study will deal with some of the background necessary for an awareness of the specificities of the book as a product of the cultural industry and, consequently, its successful placement on the market and sale. Keywords: Book, Marketing, Creative Industry, Media, Culture

Research paper thumbnail of Praktická príručka písania pre profesionálov


MEGATRENDS AND MEDIA: Digital Universe , 2019

Virtual space as a free, open playground infantilizes us emotionally and decivilizes us. The dep... more Virtual space as a free, open playground infantilizes us emotionally and
decivilizes us. The deposition of cultural habits, conversational correctness and the need for argumentation in dialogue is lost and is replaced by the affectability of expression and the simplistic abbreviation of aggression. The emptiness of vocabulary, the spreading of absurd lies, unverified information and non-facts in social networks, becomes the source of information in the public media space. The professional and deliberate dissemination of information - prepared in the grey zone of pre-media professionals (from PR agencies through press services
and secretariats of political parties or domestic and foreign segments of so far hardly identified, “secret” services and vaguely funded “alternative” media components) - causes the public space destruction, erosion of democracy and its institutions, the rise of extremism, populism, and the victory of marketing over responsibility.

Research paper thumbnail of Médiá v ruinách: Sociálne siete a oficiálna verejná komunikácia Media in ruins: Social networks and official public communication

Otázky žurnalistiky, 2022

Komunikácia štátnych orgánov, predstaviteľov vlády, poslancov parlamentu či reprezentantov štátne... more Komunikácia štátnych orgánov, predstaviteľov vlády, poslancov parlamentu či reprezentantov štátnej správy na rôznych úrovniach sa presunula z štandardných komunikačných modelov do prostredia sociálnych sietí. Sledujeme tak deštrukcia tradičného mediálneho priestoru, keď verejná správa nekomunikuje s verejnosťou prostredníctvom oficiálnych mediálnych kanálov-vrátane nevyužívania médií verejnej služby-ale prostredníctvom sociálnych sietí. Vyhlásenia na sociálnych sieťach sa následne legitimizujú v mediálnom priestore, čím sa vlastne legitimizuje aj samotný nosič (sociálna sieť) ako seriózna informačná báza. Verejná správa pokročila v komunikácii s verejnosťou až tak, že oficiálne stanoviská, informácie inštitúcií a vyhlásenia k situácii sprostredkúvajú práve platformy, ktoré zjavne a opakovane boli v medzinárodnom kontexte označené ako manipulatívne, neobjektívne, postavené na princípe hromadenia zisku a algoritmov nastavených na zdieľanie populárneho obsahu. Výrazný nástup sociálnych sietí vo verejnom politickom diskurze môžeme sledovať v ostatných rokoch najmä s nárastom populistickej i extrémistickej komunikácie.

Research paper thumbnail of Fate, Death and Marketing. Is a Book the Same Product as Yogurt or a Car?

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023

Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in the fie... more Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in the field of book sales. Today, the book is not only an object of social and cultural events but also a product of industry and trade. A book as a product has its own specifics, which must be respected when offering and selling it. It is not a fast-moving product, nor an object of long-term consumption. The book is a specific product, therefore, when selling it, it is necessary to work with it also taking into account the context of culture, not only direct trade. Our study will deal with some of the background necessary for an awareness of the specificities of the book as a product of the cultural industry and, consequently, its successful placement on the market and sale.
Keywords: Book, Marketing, Creative Industry, Media, Culture

Research paper thumbnail of Synaesthesia Sound Design in Virtual Reality

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of 重黎“绝地天通”与上古历法改革

人们一直从宗教学的角度理解著名的重黎“绝地天通”神话,认为它反映了专制帝王对祭祀权和通天权的垄断。实际上,这一神话应该在上古历法学和天文学的语境下进行理解,它反映了上古时代用天文历取代原始的物候... more 人们一直从宗教学的角度理解著名的重黎“绝地天通”神话,认为它反映了专制帝王对祭祀权和通天权的垄断。实际上,这一神话应该在上古历法学和天文学的语境下进行理解,它反映了上古时代用天文历取代原始的物候历的历法改革运动,而重、黎之工作则系辨方正位,为天文观测确定正确的方位基准。

Research paper thumbnail of Martin Kasarda Shocking in Popular Music: Commodification by Eccentricity

European Journal Of Media, Art & Photography, 2022

Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the ... more Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the time of the emerging modern bourgeois society, exalted artistic eccentricity, bohemianism, has been a regular and significant part of social discourse. Dandy was a hero who needed to be distinguished from the petty-bourgeois lowness. Eccentricity as a working method has been a typical characteristic for radical modernistic art movements such as Dada, Futurism or Surrealism. Popular music has involved eccentricities since the early 1950s, however Elvis or later the Beatles may seem very polite to us today. It is a question of cultural context and pushing boundaries. Eccentricity has become a recognizable brand, identifier and attraction, which should arouse the interest of the audience, attract spectacular visuals or deliberate gossip. However, sometimes it is not clear whether the shock is just a promotional strategy or an artistic intention. Thus, eccentricity plays a huge role in the popularization and commodification of pop-cultural products as a marketing tool that helps build the artist's image, product-recognizable differences and create different ways of linking audiences, with music production itself and its visual presentation often the result of a non-authorial but culturally industrial approach to music.

Research paper thumbnail of Martin Kasarda Shocking in Popular Music: Commodification by Eccentricity

European Journal of Media, Art & Photography, 2022

Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the ... more Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the time of the emerging modern bourgeois society, exalted artistic eccentricity, bohemianism, has been a regular and significant part of social discourse. Dandy was a hero who needed to be distinguished from the petty-bourgeois lowness. Eccentricity as a working method has been a typical characteristic for radical modernistic art movements such as Dada, Futurism or Surrealism. Popular music has involved eccentricities since the early 1950s, however Elvis or later the Beatles may seem very polite to us today. It is a question of cultural context and pushing boundaries. Eccentricity has become a recognizable brand, identifier and attraction, which should arouse the interest of the audience, attract spectacular visuals or deliberate gossip. However, sometimes it is not clear whether the shock is just a promotional strategy or an artistic intention. Thus, eccentricity plays a huge role in the popularization and commodification of pop-cultural products as a marketing tool that helps build the artist's image, product-recognizable differences and create different ways of linking audiences, with music production itself and its visual presentation often the result of a non-authorial but culturally industrial approach to music.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet a očkovanie. Nástroj pozitívnej komunikácie ajinformačno-teroristickej dezinformácie

Research paper thumbnail of Praktická príručka písania pre profesionálov

Research paper thumbnail of WHY WE LOVE BOXES OF METAL

Global existencial risk, 2012

Automobily sú stále symbolom statusu. Napriek deklarovanej kríze neprestávajú prichádzať nové mod... more Automobily sú stále symbolom statusu. Napriek deklarovanej kríze neprestávajú prichádzať nové modely. Štúdia sa je analýzou spoločenskej hodnoty automobilu, ktorá je v rozpore s etickou, ekologickou i ekonomickou logikou. Automobil predstavuje zvrátenú logiku hyperkonzumnej spoločnosti.
The automobile is still a status symbol. Despite the declared crisis new models never stop coming. The study is an analysis of
the social value of car that makes no ethical, ecological or economical sense. Automobile represents the sick logic of the
hyperconsumerism society.
Key words: automobile industry, hyperconsumerism society, hedonism, consumption

Research paper thumbnail of The Media Environment and Anti-Vaccination Movements

European Scientific Journal, Jul 9, 2013

The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partial... more The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partially fictional information at an unprecedented rate. Anti-vaccination movements across the globe currently use the most modern available communications technology to promote their ideology, to attack the public and to attack systematic solutions that individual governments use as parts of their national vaccination programs. This paper wishes to focus on the issue of freedom of information, yet at the same time point out a rift that exists between factual data and factually incorrect reports that are being spread via the internet, a rift that may be the cause of serious public health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Sloboda slova a sloboda prejavu ako osvietenský koncept

Pravda, lož a sloboda slova, 2020

Ako sa zmenilo vnímanie slobody slova a slobody prejavu 30 rokov po novembrových udalostiach v ro... more Ako sa zmenilo vnímanie slobody slova a slobody prejavu 30 rokov po novembrových udalostiach v roku 1989? Aký je rozdiel medzi romantickým a osvietenským konceptom slobody?

Research paper thumbnail of Šport ako ozdoba mocných

Médiá - moc Manipulácia, 2016

Sport is not only popular and fun way to spend free time. It is also representative of the ideolo... more Sport is not only popular and fun way to spend free time. It is also representative of the ideological values of the country, while its interpretation can be seen in totalitarian and democratic state apparatus in a way identical. The analysis deals with the relationship of
political representation and appropriation of the achievements of athletes as a form of media manipulation with the audience and creating a positive image of politicians in the eyes of the public.

Research paper thumbnail of Pravdivé, fiktívne, klamlivé: mediálna sloboda neznamená možnosť tvrdiť čokoľvek

Abstrakt: Digitálne prostredie zmenilo svet médií snahou o otvorenú, neregulovanú ko-munikáciu. O... more Abstrakt: Digitálne prostredie zmenilo svet médií snahou o otvorenú, neregulovanú ko-munikáciu. Oproti regulatívom médií, ktoré zabezpečovali kontrolnými mechaniz-mami dôveryhodnosť médií sa dnes všadeprítomné sociálne siete a webové stránky správajú akopriestor, kde je možné tvrdiť čokoľvek. Zároveň sa pravda, lož a fikcia môžu slobodne pohybovať ako rovnocenné informácie vo virtuálnom priestore a ovplyvňovať aj činnosť ľudí v realite. Konšpiračné teórie a hoaxy môžu zasiahnuť celú spoločnosť – od politiky až po očkovanie a zdravie verejnosti. Ako sa má správať spoločnosť v tomto deregulovanom informačnom priestore? Kľúčové slová: médiá, digitálne prostredie, pravda, lož, sociálne siete True, fictitious, deceptive: Media freedom does not mean to declare whatever Abstract: The digital environment has changed the media world by aspiration to form open and unregulated communication. To compare supervised media that provide the certain level of trustworthiness, current social networks and web pages are the space where is possible to declare whatever. The lie and fiction can move freely in the virtual space as equal source of information and they can influence the activities of people in real lives. Conspiracy theories and hoaxes can affect the whole society – from politics to vaccination and public health. How should society behave in this deregulated information area? Do začiatku deväťdesiatych rokov minulého storočia ovládali oficiálne informácie organizované skupiny – nemyslíme tým len na nejakú oficiálnu cenzúru štátu, činnosť tajných služieb alebo propagandu, ale aj na profesionálnu prácu médií. Mediálna ko-munikácia sa považovala za regulárnu prácu vykonávanú profesionálmi v profesionál-nych inštitúciách. (Kunczik, M., 1995, s. 17). Tieto inštitúcie – mediálne vydavateľské domy, televízie a rádiá – zodpovedali a zodpovedajú dodnes zásadnej legislatívnej

Research paper thumbnail of Od počiatku do konca a zasa odznova

Our perception of the past is not unambiguous. Nostalgia and retromania are an expression of the ... more Our perception of the past is not unambiguous. Nostalgia and retromania are an expression of the desire for the safety of the past. In culture, we return to a proven pattern, we do not look for new ones. Traditional media repeat and recycle cultural values that have already been verified. Vnímanie histórie kultúrnych artefaktov ako kontinua, ktoré sa vyvíja, je vlastné nášmu pre‑ svedčeniu o smerovaní " ľudstva " , civilizácie odniekiaľ niekam. Históriu vnímame ako entitu, ktorá sa udiala a zapísala do našej pamäte najmä externej formou literatúry, zápisov, kroník, artefaktov a uchovávaná v múzeách, archívoch. Z nej vznikajúce príbehy sa stávajú osobnou pamäťou každého z nás. Jazyková narácia nás navyše vedie k prerozprávaniu minulosti ako príbehu: veď jednotlivé diela vznikajú v toku času, nadväzujú na seba, mutujú sa umelecké prostriedky využité v tom či onom diele. Životy umelcov rozprávame ako príbehy, ktoré mali nejaké smerovanie. Kontinuita príbehu je nám vštepovaná ako jedna zo základných paradigiem tvorby histó‑ rie – a to zdôrazňujeme slovo tvorba, vytváranie. Pretože históriu si rekonštuujeme a vytvá‑ rame spájaním udalostí a čímsi, čo môžeme nazvať kauzalizácia udalostí na základe časovej postupnosti, prelínania miesta a predpokladanej vedomej i nevedomej vzájomnej inšpirácie. Je to zvláštne, keďže individualizácia a snaha odlíšiť sa patrí k umeleckej tvorbe, skúmanie kultúrnej minulosti akoby hovorilo o tom, že jednotliví tvorcovia si navzájom prepožičiavali skúsenosti, objavy, postupy nielen tie technologické, ale aj inšpiratívne. Takýto pohľad na kultúru je vývojovou paradigmou. Ak sa však pozrieme na vnímanie kultúrnej histórie prostredníctvom médií, prijímanie artefaktov minulosti spotrebiteľmi kultúry (filmu, hudby, divadla, literatúry) ale aj na opaku‑ júce sa vlny retrománie a nostalgického marketingu, objaví sa pred nami aj odlišná schéma ako je vývojová paradigma. Zdá sa, akoby sa občas (a často) kultúra pohybovala v cyklickom

Books by Martin Kasarda

Research paper thumbnail of Kupele KNIHA final

Kúpele, 2020

Today, there are 21 spa towns in Slovakia with 30 spa businesses, which the state officially gran... more Today, there are 21 spa towns in Slovakia with 30 spa businesses, which the state officially grants the opportunity to operate spa care, which is part of health care. However, you can also find thermal and mineral waters in many other locations. Legislation in our country is relatively strict in relation to the operation of natural healing spas. Slovak spas are in the best condition they have been able to achieve in the last thirty years. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in shorter wellness stays with the possibility of medical advice and stays focused on disease prevention. This change in the offer is a reaction to the behavior of health insurance companies. However, medical spas are not charitable organizations, but if they want to develop and provide quality services, they must supplement classic spa treatment in this way. This book is a guide to today's spa places in Slovakia. Not only the spa itself, treatment or rehabilitation programs, but also spas as interesting tourist destinations of health tourism. Because Slovakia is a country where there is living water.



Internet marketing has introduced new marketing tools to book marketing. Apart from direct advert... more Internet marketing has introduced new marketing tools to book marketing. Apart from direct advertising, it mainly involves shaping opinions through influencers and people who influence others through their active communication. But is book marketing truly a beneficial component for publishing and book promotion? This study examines the specifics of the online environment and influencers in the world of books.

Research paper thumbnail of The Media Environment and Anti-Vaccination Movements

European Scientific Journal, ESJ, Jul 9, 2013

The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partial... more The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partially fictional information at an unprecedented rate. Anti-vaccination movements across the globe currently use the most modern available communications technology to promote their ideology, to attack the public and to attack systematic solutions that individual governments use as parts of their national vaccination programs. This paper wishes to focus on the issue of freedom of information, yet at the same time point out a rift that exists between factual data and factually incorrect reports that are being spread via the internet, a rift that may be the cause of serious public health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Fate, Death and Marketing. Is a Book the Same Product as Yogurt or a Car?

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023

Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in... more Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in the field of book sales. Today, the book is not only an object of social and cultural events but also a product of industry and trade. A book as a product has its own specifics, which must be respected when offering and selling it. It is not a fast-moving product, nor an object of long-term consumption. The book is a specific product, therefore, when selling it, it is necessary to work with it also taking into account the context of culture, not only direct trade. Our study will deal with some of the background necessary for an awareness of the specificities of the book as a product of the cultural industry and, consequently, its successful placement on the market and sale. Keywords: Book, Marketing, Creative Industry, Media, Culture

Research paper thumbnail of Praktická príručka písania pre profesionálov


MEGATRENDS AND MEDIA: Digital Universe , 2019

Virtual space as a free, open playground infantilizes us emotionally and decivilizes us. The dep... more Virtual space as a free, open playground infantilizes us emotionally and
decivilizes us. The deposition of cultural habits, conversational correctness and the need for argumentation in dialogue is lost and is replaced by the affectability of expression and the simplistic abbreviation of aggression. The emptiness of vocabulary, the spreading of absurd lies, unverified information and non-facts in social networks, becomes the source of information in the public media space. The professional and deliberate dissemination of information - prepared in the grey zone of pre-media professionals (from PR agencies through press services
and secretariats of political parties or domestic and foreign segments of so far hardly identified, “secret” services and vaguely funded “alternative” media components) - causes the public space destruction, erosion of democracy and its institutions, the rise of extremism, populism, and the victory of marketing over responsibility.

Research paper thumbnail of Médiá v ruinách: Sociálne siete a oficiálna verejná komunikácia Media in ruins: Social networks and official public communication

Otázky žurnalistiky, 2022

Komunikácia štátnych orgánov, predstaviteľov vlády, poslancov parlamentu či reprezentantov štátne... more Komunikácia štátnych orgánov, predstaviteľov vlády, poslancov parlamentu či reprezentantov štátnej správy na rôznych úrovniach sa presunula z štandardných komunikačných modelov do prostredia sociálnych sietí. Sledujeme tak deštrukcia tradičného mediálneho priestoru, keď verejná správa nekomunikuje s verejnosťou prostredníctvom oficiálnych mediálnych kanálov-vrátane nevyužívania médií verejnej služby-ale prostredníctvom sociálnych sietí. Vyhlásenia na sociálnych sieťach sa následne legitimizujú v mediálnom priestore, čím sa vlastne legitimizuje aj samotný nosič (sociálna sieť) ako seriózna informačná báza. Verejná správa pokročila v komunikácii s verejnosťou až tak, že oficiálne stanoviská, informácie inštitúcií a vyhlásenia k situácii sprostredkúvajú práve platformy, ktoré zjavne a opakovane boli v medzinárodnom kontexte označené ako manipulatívne, neobjektívne, postavené na princípe hromadenia zisku a algoritmov nastavených na zdieľanie populárneho obsahu. Výrazný nástup sociálnych sietí vo verejnom politickom diskurze môžeme sledovať v ostatných rokoch najmä s nárastom populistickej i extrémistickej komunikácie.

Research paper thumbnail of Fate, Death and Marketing. Is a Book the Same Product as Yogurt or a Car?

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023

Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in the fie... more Today's book overproduction means that we cannot rely on tradition and recommendations in the field of book sales. Today, the book is not only an object of social and cultural events but also a product of industry and trade. A book as a product has its own specifics, which must be respected when offering and selling it. It is not a fast-moving product, nor an object of long-term consumption. The book is a specific product, therefore, when selling it, it is necessary to work with it also taking into account the context of culture, not only direct trade. Our study will deal with some of the background necessary for an awareness of the specificities of the book as a product of the cultural industry and, consequently, its successful placement on the market and sale.
Keywords: Book, Marketing, Creative Industry, Media, Culture

Research paper thumbnail of Synaesthesia Sound Design in Virtual Reality

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of 重黎“绝地天通”与上古历法改革

人们一直从宗教学的角度理解著名的重黎“绝地天通”神话,认为它反映了专制帝王对祭祀权和通天权的垄断。实际上,这一神话应该在上古历法学和天文学的语境下进行理解,它反映了上古时代用天文历取代原始的物候... more 人们一直从宗教学的角度理解著名的重黎“绝地天通”神话,认为它反映了专制帝王对祭祀权和通天权的垄断。实际上,这一神话应该在上古历法学和天文学的语境下进行理解,它反映了上古时代用天文历取代原始的物候历的历法改革运动,而重、黎之工作则系辨方正位,为天文观测确定正确的方位基准。

Research paper thumbnail of Martin Kasarda Shocking in Popular Music: Commodification by Eccentricity

European Journal Of Media, Art & Photography, 2022

Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the ... more Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the time of the emerging modern bourgeois society, exalted artistic eccentricity, bohemianism, has been a regular and significant part of social discourse. Dandy was a hero who needed to be distinguished from the petty-bourgeois lowness. Eccentricity as a working method has been a typical characteristic for radical modernistic art movements such as Dada, Futurism or Surrealism. Popular music has involved eccentricities since the early 1950s, however Elvis or later the Beatles may seem very polite to us today. It is a question of cultural context and pushing boundaries. Eccentricity has become a recognizable brand, identifier and attraction, which should arouse the interest of the audience, attract spectacular visuals or deliberate gossip. However, sometimes it is not clear whether the shock is just a promotional strategy or an artistic intention. Thus, eccentricity plays a huge role in the popularization and commodification of pop-cultural products as a marketing tool that helps build the artist's image, product-recognizable differences and create different ways of linking audiences, with music production itself and its visual presentation often the result of a non-authorial but culturally industrial approach to music.

Research paper thumbnail of Martin Kasarda Shocking in Popular Music: Commodification by Eccentricity

European Journal of Media, Art & Photography, 2022

Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the ... more Intentional eccentricity is a strategy targeted at how to capture publicity and media. Since the time of the emerging modern bourgeois society, exalted artistic eccentricity, bohemianism, has been a regular and significant part of social discourse. Dandy was a hero who needed to be distinguished from the petty-bourgeois lowness. Eccentricity as a working method has been a typical characteristic for radical modernistic art movements such as Dada, Futurism or Surrealism. Popular music has involved eccentricities since the early 1950s, however Elvis or later the Beatles may seem very polite to us today. It is a question of cultural context and pushing boundaries. Eccentricity has become a recognizable brand, identifier and attraction, which should arouse the interest of the audience, attract spectacular visuals or deliberate gossip. However, sometimes it is not clear whether the shock is just a promotional strategy or an artistic intention. Thus, eccentricity plays a huge role in the popularization and commodification of pop-cultural products as a marketing tool that helps build the artist's image, product-recognizable differences and create different ways of linking audiences, with music production itself and its visual presentation often the result of a non-authorial but culturally industrial approach to music.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet a očkovanie. Nástroj pozitívnej komunikácie ajinformačno-teroristickej dezinformácie

Research paper thumbnail of Praktická príručka písania pre profesionálov

Research paper thumbnail of WHY WE LOVE BOXES OF METAL

Global existencial risk, 2012

Automobily sú stále symbolom statusu. Napriek deklarovanej kríze neprestávajú prichádzať nové mod... more Automobily sú stále symbolom statusu. Napriek deklarovanej kríze neprestávajú prichádzať nové modely. Štúdia sa je analýzou spoločenskej hodnoty automobilu, ktorá je v rozpore s etickou, ekologickou i ekonomickou logikou. Automobil predstavuje zvrátenú logiku hyperkonzumnej spoločnosti.
The automobile is still a status symbol. Despite the declared crisis new models never stop coming. The study is an analysis of
the social value of car that makes no ethical, ecological or economical sense. Automobile represents the sick logic of the
hyperconsumerism society.
Key words: automobile industry, hyperconsumerism society, hedonism, consumption

Research paper thumbnail of The Media Environment and Anti-Vaccination Movements

European Scientific Journal, Jul 9, 2013

The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partial... more The newest media (e.g. the internet) allow the spread of conspiracy theories, entirely or partially fictional information at an unprecedented rate. Anti-vaccination movements across the globe currently use the most modern available communications technology to promote their ideology, to attack the public and to attack systematic solutions that individual governments use as parts of their national vaccination programs. This paper wishes to focus on the issue of freedom of information, yet at the same time point out a rift that exists between factual data and factually incorrect reports that are being spread via the internet, a rift that may be the cause of serious public health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Sloboda slova a sloboda prejavu ako osvietenský koncept

Pravda, lož a sloboda slova, 2020

Ako sa zmenilo vnímanie slobody slova a slobody prejavu 30 rokov po novembrových udalostiach v ro... more Ako sa zmenilo vnímanie slobody slova a slobody prejavu 30 rokov po novembrových udalostiach v roku 1989? Aký je rozdiel medzi romantickým a osvietenským konceptom slobody?

Research paper thumbnail of Šport ako ozdoba mocných

Médiá - moc Manipulácia, 2016

Sport is not only popular and fun way to spend free time. It is also representative of the ideolo... more Sport is not only popular and fun way to spend free time. It is also representative of the ideological values of the country, while its interpretation can be seen in totalitarian and democratic state apparatus in a way identical. The analysis deals with the relationship of
political representation and appropriation of the achievements of athletes as a form of media manipulation with the audience and creating a positive image of politicians in the eyes of the public.

Research paper thumbnail of Pravdivé, fiktívne, klamlivé: mediálna sloboda neznamená možnosť tvrdiť čokoľvek

Abstrakt: Digitálne prostredie zmenilo svet médií snahou o otvorenú, neregulovanú ko-munikáciu. O... more Abstrakt: Digitálne prostredie zmenilo svet médií snahou o otvorenú, neregulovanú ko-munikáciu. Oproti regulatívom médií, ktoré zabezpečovali kontrolnými mechaniz-mami dôveryhodnosť médií sa dnes všadeprítomné sociálne siete a webové stránky správajú akopriestor, kde je možné tvrdiť čokoľvek. Zároveň sa pravda, lož a fikcia môžu slobodne pohybovať ako rovnocenné informácie vo virtuálnom priestore a ovplyvňovať aj činnosť ľudí v realite. Konšpiračné teórie a hoaxy môžu zasiahnuť celú spoločnosť – od politiky až po očkovanie a zdravie verejnosti. Ako sa má správať spoločnosť v tomto deregulovanom informačnom priestore? Kľúčové slová: médiá, digitálne prostredie, pravda, lož, sociálne siete True, fictitious, deceptive: Media freedom does not mean to declare whatever Abstract: The digital environment has changed the media world by aspiration to form open and unregulated communication. To compare supervised media that provide the certain level of trustworthiness, current social networks and web pages are the space where is possible to declare whatever. The lie and fiction can move freely in the virtual space as equal source of information and they can influence the activities of people in real lives. Conspiracy theories and hoaxes can affect the whole society – from politics to vaccination and public health. How should society behave in this deregulated information area? Do začiatku deväťdesiatych rokov minulého storočia ovládali oficiálne informácie organizované skupiny – nemyslíme tým len na nejakú oficiálnu cenzúru štátu, činnosť tajných služieb alebo propagandu, ale aj na profesionálnu prácu médií. Mediálna ko-munikácia sa považovala za regulárnu prácu vykonávanú profesionálmi v profesionál-nych inštitúciách. (Kunczik, M., 1995, s. 17). Tieto inštitúcie – mediálne vydavateľské domy, televízie a rádiá – zodpovedali a zodpovedajú dodnes zásadnej legislatívnej

Research paper thumbnail of Od počiatku do konca a zasa odznova

Our perception of the past is not unambiguous. Nostalgia and retromania are an expression of the ... more Our perception of the past is not unambiguous. Nostalgia and retromania are an expression of the desire for the safety of the past. In culture, we return to a proven pattern, we do not look for new ones. Traditional media repeat and recycle cultural values that have already been verified. Vnímanie histórie kultúrnych artefaktov ako kontinua, ktoré sa vyvíja, je vlastné nášmu pre‑ svedčeniu o smerovaní " ľudstva " , civilizácie odniekiaľ niekam. Históriu vnímame ako entitu, ktorá sa udiala a zapísala do našej pamäte najmä externej formou literatúry, zápisov, kroník, artefaktov a uchovávaná v múzeách, archívoch. Z nej vznikajúce príbehy sa stávajú osobnou pamäťou každého z nás. Jazyková narácia nás navyše vedie k prerozprávaniu minulosti ako príbehu: veď jednotlivé diela vznikajú v toku času, nadväzujú na seba, mutujú sa umelecké prostriedky využité v tom či onom diele. Životy umelcov rozprávame ako príbehy, ktoré mali nejaké smerovanie. Kontinuita príbehu je nám vštepovaná ako jedna zo základných paradigiem tvorby histó‑ rie – a to zdôrazňujeme slovo tvorba, vytváranie. Pretože históriu si rekonštuujeme a vytvá‑ rame spájaním udalostí a čímsi, čo môžeme nazvať kauzalizácia udalostí na základe časovej postupnosti, prelínania miesta a predpokladanej vedomej i nevedomej vzájomnej inšpirácie. Je to zvláštne, keďže individualizácia a snaha odlíšiť sa patrí k umeleckej tvorbe, skúmanie kultúrnej minulosti akoby hovorilo o tom, že jednotliví tvorcovia si navzájom prepožičiavali skúsenosti, objavy, postupy nielen tie technologické, ale aj inšpiratívne. Takýto pohľad na kultúru je vývojovou paradigmou. Ak sa však pozrieme na vnímanie kultúrnej histórie prostredníctvom médií, prijímanie artefaktov minulosti spotrebiteľmi kultúry (filmu, hudby, divadla, literatúry) ale aj na opaku‑ júce sa vlny retrománie a nostalgického marketingu, objaví sa pred nami aj odlišná schéma ako je vývojová paradigma. Zdá sa, akoby sa občas (a často) kultúra pohybovala v cyklickom

Research paper thumbnail of Kupele KNIHA final

Kúpele, 2020

Today, there are 21 spa towns in Slovakia with 30 spa businesses, which the state officially gran... more Today, there are 21 spa towns in Slovakia with 30 spa businesses, which the state officially grants the opportunity to operate spa care, which is part of health care. However, you can also find thermal and mineral waters in many other locations. Legislation in our country is relatively strict in relation to the operation of natural healing spas. Slovak spas are in the best condition they have been able to achieve in the last thirty years. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in shorter wellness stays with the possibility of medical advice and stays focused on disease prevention. This change in the offer is a reaction to the behavior of health insurance companies. However, medical spas are not charitable organizations, but if they want to develop and provide quality services, they must supplement classic spa treatment in this way. This book is a guide to today's spa places in Slovakia. Not only the spa itself, treatment or rehabilitation programs, but also spas as interesting tourist destinations of health tourism. Because Slovakia is a country where there is living water.