Paper Flower (original) (raw)
Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inpaperflower86's LiveJournal:
Monday, December 1st, 2014
5:40 pm
Christmas Cards? A little late this year, so they might just be new year's cards. Please comment with your full address (country included) if you'd like to receive a handmade lino-print card from me. Comments are screened of course and I will ship pretty much anywhere. Also please comment again even if I sent you a card in previous years, it's just easier for me to keep track of all the addresses if I have them in one place. Thanks :)
Thursday, December 26th, 2013
9:58 am
Sunday, February 10th, 2013
6:44 pm
*dusts journal off* It's been a while since I've posted any fanart here but I don't want to give up lj for tumblr completely (if only for the sake of nostalgia) so here's some new papercut Hobbit fanart for any who's still clinging on to lj like me.
( Bombur and Radagast invite you in...Collapse )
Monday, December 24th, 2012
12:05 pm
Friday, October 26th, 2012
10:04 pm
I'm offering my handmade Thor and Loki prints for sale (printed with Schmincke ink on 80g sketchbook paper). All information and bigger pictures behind the cut:
Friday, July 13th, 2012
6:27 pm
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012
12:08 am
Art dump *dusts journal off* I'm still alive, but I tumblr has basically eaten my soul and I'm not really all that much on lj any more, sorry. I haven't had all that much time for fandom in general lately but here are some new pics form the past weeks, enjoy :)
( On to the art (Avengers/XMFC/Prometheus)Collapse )
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012
9:02 pm
Tuesday, February 14th, 2012
6:38 pm
Monday, January 30th, 2012
12:01 am
Unbound fanart New fanart for Helen78’s and Cesare’s wonderful fic 'Unbound', a soulbonding D/s AU that fills me with all the feelings. I did a bit of paper embroidery for this one and I quite like how it turned out, I managed not to tear anything this time. I've drawn fanart for this fic before but it turned out pretty sappy and didn't really do the fic justice so this one is more of an angsty take on it.
Thursday, January 19th, 2012
11:39 pm
Monday, January 2nd, 2012
5:01 pm
Back again... A happy new year everyone! I'm back online again with a shiny new desktop :D I'm still in the process of data transferring and getting to grips with everything but I have online access again and that's the most important thing. I also finally gave up all resistance and signed up to tumblr:
Not that I need to waste even more time online but whatever, it's a more fanart friendly environment and everyone else is doing it and that's all the excuses that I need XD Soooo, who can I follow?
Oh and before I forget, thank you very much to all the lovely people who sent me holiday cards this year <3
Saturday, December 24th, 2011
2:08 pm
I hope you have a lovely day whether you're celebrating or not <3
Monday, December 19th, 2011
9:25 pm
Some new xmfc art I'm back home with my parents for christmas and have internet access again at least for the next ten days :D After that I don't know yet, I've taken my old desktop to the repair guy and I'm waiting to hear from him within the week, hopefully it can still be salvaged and I won't need to buy a new one.
In the meantime have some xmfc that I made last week while I was sad and computer-deprived. I had a small lino tile left and wanted to take another crack at reduction printing so I turned one of the xmfc promo shots into a dual-tone print and I'm pleased to report that my print registration worked much better this time than it did the first time with my Arthur and Eames prints. Only one print misregistered out of eleven, I think that's pretty good.
I also made a little papercut for Subtilior's fic 'Nine Eleven Ten' which is seriously amazing, it's sort of a Beauty and the Beast AU that fills me with all the feelings.
( On to the papercutCollapse )
Monday, December 12th, 2011
5:19 pm
Computer woes So yesterday my trusty old desktop died. I can't say that it came as a total surprise since it's over six years old now and has been kind of slow lately but I had really hoped that it might hold out for a while yet until I'v found a proper job and scraped some funds together :/ I'm going home for christmas soon anyway where I will have access to my parents' computer and then we'll see... maybe I'll just steal theirs XD
*sigh* This is so annoying and just happened at the worst possible time.
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011
12:31 am
Random things... So I finally got to see Warrior tonight and OMG, ALL THE CREYS ;_________; I think I'm going to need a few days to recover from the awesomeness of this movie.
Some other awesome things:
- Absolutely stunning hand-embroidered book covers for the new Penguin Threads Deluxe Classics series by illustrators Jilian Tamaki and Rachel Sumpter
- A beautiful and creepy papercut 'Totentanz' from 1922 by German artist Walter Draesner found via BibliOdyssey, the Nr. 1 blog for all your vintage illustration needs
- The cutest, pettable owl ever. In fact it's so cute that it's hard to believe it's real and all the other owls are jealous XD
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011
8:32 pm
Papercut Mutants Yesterday while I was cleaning and organizing my art supplies I found an unused exacto knife still in it's package. Naturally I took that as an excuse to stop working immediately and make an x-men papercut instead. I also finished all my christmas cards a solid two month ahead of christmas. This is what unemployment does to a person. In other news my life is boring so on to the art aleady:
( groovy mutants invite you inCollapse )
Also the lovely mad_musing has written an adorable penguin fic that you should all read because it is amazing and has sweater-wearing penguin!Eames and penguin!Arthur :D
Friday, October 28th, 2011
1:11 am
Saturday, October 22nd, 2011
8:38 pm
Saturday, September 24th, 2011
8:21 pm