"I owe you one, Iron Man." (original) (raw)

(Credit to its owner)

I just posted this picsspam and then I found the most suitable community to share it :)
Yes, it's old but I think it haven't been posted here and I'm nostagic to the good times.

( Tony and Spidey )

Title: The Perks of Being an Avenger, or: How Peter Parker Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cock
Author: shellfish_dimes
Pairing & Characters: Tony Stark/Peter Parker, Steve Rogers
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Activities of a homosexual nature. First times, voyeurism, snowballing, feeble attempts at humour and geekery. Porn.
Summary: Tony thinks Peter should come live with the Avengers. He tries to persuade Peter to do this by buying him an expensive suit and sexually confusing him.

( What Tony Stark doesn't do is common decency. )

Artist: kain-was-here (<-my dA)
Pairing: Extremis!Tony/Spider-Man (normal, not iron spider)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Buttsex. Tony's topping.
A/N: UHH. I was actually trying to study calculus. But this happened. So, sorry for the lined paper, I hope the sketch itself makes up for it.

( the goodsCollapse )

Title: Opportunity
Rating: PG- PG13
Character(s): Tony/Peter in later chapters.
Spoilers: AU/Movieverse
Word Count: 1,196
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, the plot is. I just do it for the fun of it. :)
Author's Notes/Warnings: I posted this up on my FF.net account so drop me a review or two. ;)
Summary: Peter meets Tony in person for the first time after his Physics class with Dr. Connors.

“Follow the fake cut.”

Hello everyone! It's my first time posting here, I hope you enjoy.

Title: Daddy's Home
Rating: NC-17
Character(s): Tony/Peter, implied Tony/Steve, possible Steve/Peter later on.
Spoilers: AU
Word Count: 1,497
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, the plot is. I just do it for all you fans. :)
Author's Notes/Warnings: I posted this up on my FF.net account so drop me a review or two. ;)
Summary: This is my first atempt at Tony/Peter, we need more fics for this fandom dammit! Tony and Peter have an established relationship but what happens when Steve comes back after years from breaking Tony's heart?

Follow the fake cut...

You know, I was looking at the Tony Stark Kink meme and I figured, we need one for Peter...

Now I'm not sure how to do one of these, and I'd love it if people helped me advertise this, but...

All prompts and responses can be anonymous, but don't have to be. All pairings, kinks, ideas are allowed, nothing's really forbidden, the only rule is, Peter Parker has to be a part of the pairing.

So who wants to play?

Directions to the Peter Parker kink meme

Title: In his daddy's eyes
Author: Lore
Date: August 29th, 2008
Universe: 616
Character(s)/team(s): Tony Stark (Iron Man), Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Genre: Gen
Prompt: "Don't you know you've got your daddy's eyes/Daddy was an alcoholic" -- or: Tony and Peter both have daddy issues.
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 1130
Summery: Tony's father never approved of him, Peter lacked a father, why did this make it way too easy for Tony to slip into that role?
Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Marvel universe, no matter how much I would love too. This was written completely for entertainment purposes only, and maybe because I'm insane. Take your pick.
Author Note: I tried to make this slash, but somehow it kept stuck just before it hit that point.

( Because if your father can’t be proud of you, then who better to do so instead than your son?Collapse )

FRIENDS, ROMANS, COUNTRYMEN! Go see Tropic Thunder right now! Right now! Other than, you know, it being a pretty hilarious movie, there are reasons to see it that are entirely relevant to this community.