pc_gamer_chicks - Profile (original) (raw)

on 8 January 2004 (#1821963)

This is a community for gamer girls of all types, but specifically, PC gamer girls. You all know who I'm talking about, the girls who shock the hell out of all the boys by showing up for all the LAN parties, and pwning them all.

But not to forget the boys out there who DON'T get pissed off when schooled by a lady, they are more than welcome too. Show your love of a gaming chick!

We know who you are, come and play with us.

age of empires, alien vs predator, america's army, american mcgee's alice, anarchy online, battlefield 1942, black and white, bomberman, call of duty, carmageddon, counter-strike, dark ages of camelot, delta force, deus ex, diablo, diablo 2, everquest, giants, grand theft auto, half-life, halo, hitman, max payne, mechwarrior, medal of honor, natural selection, neverwinter nights, quake, rise of nations, rouge spear, savage, serious sam, soldier of fortune, star wars: jedi academy, starcraft, the sims, tribes, tron 2.0, unreal tournament 2003, vietcong, warcraft, wolfenstein