Artur Obłuski (original) (raw)


2022 Obłuski A., Dzierzbicka D. (eds.), Old Dongola: Development, Heritage, Archaeology. Fieldwork in 2018–2019. Vol. 2: Material Studies (=Polish Publications in Mediterranean Archaeology 6), Leuven–Paris–Bristol: Peeters Publishers DOI 10.2143/9789042948037

2021 Obłuski A., Dzierzbicka D. (eds.), Old Dongola: Development, Heritage, Archaeology. Fieldwork in 2018–2019. Vol. 1, (=Polish Publications in Mediterranean Archaeology 1), Leuven–Paris–Bristol: Peeters Publishers DOI 10.2143/9789042945418

2021 Obłuski A., H. Paner, M. Masojć (eds.), Bayuda and its Neighbours, Nubia: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Northeast Africa, 1, Brepols Publishers

2019 Obłuski, A., The Monasteries and Monks of Nubia, (=Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement 36), Warszawa

2016 Łajtar, A., Obłuski, A., Zych, I. (eds.), Aegyptus and Nubia Christiana. The Włodzimierz Godlewski Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, Warszawa: PCMA

2014 Obłuski, A., The Rise of Nobadia. Social Changes in Northern Nubia in Late Antiquity (=Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement Series 20), Warszawa: Fundacja im. Rafała Taubenszlaga

Artykuły naukowe i rozdziały w książkach

w przygotowaniu Obłuski, A., “Qasr el-Wizz monastery”, Volume XIV, Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition

2023Ciesielska, J.A., Stark, R.J., Obłuski, A., Boivin, N.,Lucas, M., Le Roux, P., Roberts, P., Multi-Isotopic Investigation of Population Dynamics and Mobility among Rural Medieval Christian Communities at Ghazali, Northern Sudan, Journal of African Archaeology, 1-23, doi:

2022 Obłuski A., Herbich T., Ryndziewicz R. (eds.). Shedding light on the Sudanese Dark Ages: Geophysical research of Old Dongola, a city-state in the Funj period (16th–19th centuries). Archaeological Prospection, 1–15

2022 Stark R., Ciesielska J.A., Obłuski A. Monks on the move? An assessment of mobility at the medieval Nubian monastery of Ghazali, Sudan (ca. 680-1275 CE)., Archaeometry,

2021 Obłuski, A., & Maczuga, J., Pictorial Graffiti from the Ghazali Northern Church, Sudan: An Overview, Journal of African Archaeology (published online ahead of print 2021).

2021 Obłuski, A., Wipszycka E., Monasticism, Nile Valley in: Potts D.T., Harkness, E., Neelis, J., McIntosh R., J., The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa, Wiley,

2021 Ciesielska, J.A., Stark, R.J., Obłuski, A., Boivin, N., Roberts, P., Multi-isotope analysis of dietary variation among the early Christian communities of northern Sudan, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 37,

2021 Stark, R.J., Ciesielska, J.A., and Obłuski, A., An Isotopic Assessment of Makurian Monastic Diet at the Medieval Nubian Monastery of Ghazali, Sudan (Ca. 680–1,275 CE). Archaeometry,

2020 Obłuski, A., The Archaeology of Medieval Nubian Kingdoms, In G. Emberling & B. Williams (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia, Oxford University Press

2020 Obłuski, A. and Dzierzbicka, D., Starting a new at Old Dongola, Sudan & Nubia, 25, 67-8

2019 Obłuski, A., Economy of Nubian monasticism. A preliminary assessment, In I. Jonveaux, T. Quartier, B. Sawicki, P. Trianni (eds), Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty, Acts of the Fourth International Symposium, Rome, June 7–10, 2016, Study Days promoted and organised be the Monastic Institute of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum S.Anselmo, (= Studia Anselmiana), Roma, 124–142

2018 Obłuski, A., El-Ghazali – a royal monastery in Northern Sudan, Sudan & Nubia, 22, 155-166.

2018 Obłuski, A., Ciesielska, J., Stark, R., Chlebowski, A., Misiurny, A., Żelechowski-Stoń, M., el-Din Mahmoud, Z., Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project: Excavations at the Ghazali monastery from 2014 to 2016, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 27/1, 245–271 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.2003

2017 Obłuski, A., Ochała, G., Calaforra-Rzepka, C., Korzeniowska, M., Maślak, S., Zaki ed-Din, M., The winter seasons of 2013 and 2014 in the Ghazali monastery, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 26/1, 367–398 [DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.1795](http://DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.1795)

2017 Obłuski, A., hasła “Nobadia”, “Makuria”, “Alwa”. In S. Aderinto (ed.), African Kingdoms: An Encyclopedia of Empires and Civilizations, ABC-CLIO

2016 Obłuski, A., Ochała, G., La redécouverte d’un monastère nubien: premiers résultats des fouilles polonaises à Ouadi el-Ghazali, Actes de la seizième Journée d’études coptes, Genève 19–21 juin 2013 (=Études coptes XIV), 63–80

2016 Obłuski, A., hasło “Christianization of Nubia”. In F. Curta, A. Holt (eds.), Great Events Religion: An Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History, ABC-CLIO

2016 Obłuski, A., Nobadian and Makurian church architecture. Qasr el-Wizz, a case study. In A. Łajtar, A. Obłuski, I. Zych (eds.), Aegyptus and Nubia Christiana. The Włodzimierz Godlewski Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, Warszawa, 449–480

2015 Obłuski, A., Ochała, G., Bogacki, M., Małkowski, W., Maślak, S., Zaki ed-Din, M., Ghazali 2012, preliminary report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1, 431–442

2014 Obłuski, A., Excavations at site C.01 on the citadel of Tungul (Old Dongola), Sudan: preliminary report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 23/1, 296–310

2014 Obłuski, A., Ghazali Site Presentation Project preliminary results, Der Antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V, 25, 197–205

2014 Obłuski, A., Rank-size Rule in Nubian Settlement Systems. In J.R. Anderson, D.A. Welsby (eds.), The Fourth Cataract and Beyond. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies (=British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan 1), 867–873

2013 Williams, B., Danys-Lasek, K., Heidorn, L., Obłuski, A., Then-Obłuska, J., Reshetnikova, N., Tsakos, A., Zielińska, D., Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition (OINE), Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2012–2013, 98–104

2013 Obłuski, A., Dodekaschoinos in Late Antiquity. Ethnic Blemmyes vs. Political Blemmyes and the Arrival of Nobades, Der Antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V, 24, 141–147

2013 Obłuski, A., Godlewski, W., Kołątaj, W., Medeksza, S., Calaforra-Rzepka, C., The Mosque Building in Old Dongola. Conservation and revitalization project, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22, 248–272

2012 Obłuski, A., Heidorn, L. Reshetnikova, N., Williams, B., Fulfilling the Rescue. Publication of materials from the Nubian Salvage Campaign, 1960–68, Oriental Institute News and Notes 214, 3–11

2010 Obłuski, A., The formation of the Nobadian State. Social changes in Lower Nubia in Late Antiquity. In Between the Cataracts. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference for Nubian Studies, (=Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Supplement Series 2.2/2), 607–617

2010 Obłuski, A., Tomb building tradition in Lower Nubia from the Meroitic age to after Christianization, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 20, 525–540

2009 Obłuski, A., Zych, I., Wicenciak, U., Marina El-Alamein Site Presentation Project (ARCE/EAP). Preliminary archaeological report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 18, 83–100

2005 Obłuski, A., Klimaszewska-Drabot, E., Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project. Excavations on Saffi Island sites 7, 48 and 32, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16, 329–337

2005 Obłuski, A., Godlewski, W., Zielińska, D., Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project. Excavations on Uli Island. Preliminary report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16, 339–368

2005 Obłuski, A., Early Makuria Research Project. Remarks on a survey of the tumuli field at ez-Zuma, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16, 400–403


2022 Paner H., Obłuski A., El-Tayeb M. (eds.), From Faras to Soba. 60 years of Sudanese–Polish cooperation in saving the heritage of Sudan, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw

2003 Obłuski, A., Practice of access to public information. Confidential information” (raport do projektu European Union Policy Advice Programme. Administration Reform: On Public Access to Information. Russia Action Programme 2000 prowadzonego przez Nicolaas Witsen Foundation)

2001 Obłuski, A., Derdziuk, Z., Rządzić efektywnie. Pięć strumieni sprawowania władzy, Służba Cywilna, Wiosna–Lato 2001, 2

2001 Obłuski, A., Zasady techniczne i logistyczne udostępniania informacji publicznej. In H. Izdebski (ed.) Dostęp do informacji publicznej. Wdrażanie ustawy, Warszawa, Urząd Służby Cywilnej

2001 Obłuski, A., Raport w ramach programu ONZ Umbrella „Standardy usług publicznych. Miara oczekiwań obywateli i narzędzie pomiaru efektywności działań administracji”