Do what I want cause I can. (original) (raw)

[24 Jun 2014|09:58am]
walk 1.65 miles, 26 min, 106 cal
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[23 Jun 2014|08:09am]
Precor 20 min 1.62 mi 177 calBike 10 min 2.33 mi 68 calStretching ♥
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[02 May 2014|09:32pm]
walk 1.24 miles, 18:00, 90 cal
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31st one! [31 Mar 2014|10:48am]
walk 1.13 miles, 15:50, 85 calThe one-per-day experiment has been great! I am now considering doing a two-per-day during the month of April, although it will be hard to accomplish on teaching-heavy days.
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[28 May 2008|12:11am]
Once round green park , 1 mile - 30 mins? Really must remember to time.In other news I can now run for three quarters of a mile, easily and without stopping. This is a very big achievement and I never would have believed it. I must put the credit soley with my mate Liz (uber sport queen) who showed me that jogging and sprinting are actually different.
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[17 Apr 2008|02:45pm]
Jogging - 45 minutes 1.8 miles 454 caloriesWalking about the place 30 minutes 150 calories
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I'VE GONE MAD [14 Apr 2008|07:27pm]
welllllllllllllllllllllll Somehow or other I appear to have agreed to train for next years London marathon. WHAT? WHAT? WHAT DID I JUST SAY?? I can't possibly do that! I'd need to lose 6 stone! Panic! Arrgh! Run away! I can't run for more that 5 minutes!!!!!!!Anyway in the sprit of "I can't possibly do that" I've just spent £32 on applying for a place and yesterday....JOGGING from the end of the road and round the park - about 10 minutes??. Well stopping and starting really. I'm quite proud!On Wednesday My two pals and I are meeting up to jog round Green Park. Pal C works in Buckingham Palace and we shall get to get changed in the staff quarters! Cool!Not sure where else to start - I'll sign up to my calorie counting website again (waving credit card as we speak - for an unemployed person I'm spend DA CASH rather freely) I also need DECENT BLOODY RUNNING SHOES. The "free" ones are really not upto it! AND I also need at least one very good sports bra! (There's a good idea! Get Bravissimo to sponsor me!) I want to build up fitness before running too far. I need a new bicycle as well. Sigh. This Marathon running is expensive!I probably ought to get checked out at the doctors too.... On Wednesday I'll draw up a proper training plan! Any input gratefully received!
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[03 Jun 2007|09:09pm]
Jog to park, Fri and Sunday Cycle home form work Friday, 7 miles
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[24 May 2007|01:23pm]
Jogging to the park and back - Monday and Wednesday (Though what I'm doing is apparently interval training, to be known here after as)Cycled to work this working - 7 miles
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[16 May 2007|05:31pm]
Jogging 20 minutes (stopping and starting - I hear that people can run continuously for 20 minutes but I, as yet, decline to believe it. )
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[14 Apr 2006|10:36am]
Oh yes, I'd almost forgotten. I finally went to the gym again on Wednesday! EFX 35 minutes - 385 cals 60 crunches and a bit on the thigh machine. Felt great! MUST go back today before leaving town. MUST!
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[19 Mar 2006|01:31pm]
EFX 30 min, 3.03 miles, 356 cala lot of weights: abs, back, wings
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Gym check-in [15 Mar 2006|08:32pm]
[ **mood** | euphoric ] The gym, oh the gym. ♥ the gym. I have been sick, so I haven't gone in nearly a week (again!). I missed it! I feel sooooo good. I did 10 mins on the EFX for 113 cals, a weight circuit (they say it's 300+ cals the way we do it), 25/25/25/25 crunches (front, sides, lower), and then 15 mins on the EFX for 130 (or was it 160?...) cals. I got home feeling so oomphy that I did a round of DDRE. Would have done more, but the baby was tres fussy. ♥ the gym. On a similar note, I think I'm beginning to understand runner's euphoria. I've always sought it, but have never been able to run long enough or hard enough to get it. On the EFX, my excess weight isn't crashing down on all my bones and joints every time I step, and I can keep a much faster pace for a much longer time. I close my eyes and sink into my music and I feel like I'm running on clouds. It's so fabulous. I wish I had more time to spend at the gym because I hate to sacrifice my weight circuit ever, but I'd love to spend more time on the EFX sometimes. I guess once a week or so I'll have to forgo my weights and just do the EFX. ♥
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[20 Feb 2006|11:10pm]
Gym! 25 mins combined on the EFX (warm-up and cool-down), I guesstimate somewhere in the vicinity of 270 calories there, plus one circuit on the weight machines, which the workers claim = 360 calories. Total: 1 bowl of ice cream? :-D I gotta quit buying the buy 1 get 1 free quarts. :(But I feel good, so that's good. :)
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[18 Feb 2006|10:17am]
[ **mood** | exhausted ] 20 minutes Cardio class (that's all I could take!) 30 minutes (+5 cool-down) exercise bike. 6.23 miles 132(?) cals. *dies* Glad tomorrow's sunday.
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[17 Feb 2006|06:57pm]
[ **mood** | achy ] Kickboxing/Pilates: 1 hour class, 30 min each. Whew, my legs feel like lead.
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[17 Feb 2006|11:44am]
Did 45 mins on the bike last night. 8.5 miles, 231 calories. I'm trying to work up my endurance to exercise at a heart rate of around 10 (supposedly my peak efficiency). I ave a resting HR of around 80-85, and was around 120 my first trip to the gym (during my warm-up). I stuck around 130-140 last night, which was still pretty good. Taking cardio kickboxing tonight, which will probably kick my ass. :)
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[16 Feb 2006|09:53pm]
[ **mood** | bouncy ] Due to the mysterious disappearance of trousers from Gym bag I went swimming! Yey!I was so good too. I did 50 lengths, a third of which were front crawl. Oh yes, feel my swimming vibes. Oh yes oh yes oh yes oh.AND I spelt mysterious right. On such a role!
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Gym part 2 [15 Feb 2006|08:54pm]
[ **mood** | energetic ] This is what I've been missing. GODdess it felt good to go to the gym tonight. I was on the bike for 10 minutes and then did the weight circuit with Amy (my 'trainer'), then back on the elliptical for 10 minutes. When I left, I was bouncing of the walls, nearly literally. I could easily have stayed longer, done a class, or come home and done tae bo or DDR. I had so much energy. And despite the fact that I skipped lunch (though I did have 'brunch'), and hadn't yet had dinner, I wasn't the least bit hungry. Of course when I sat down for dinner (cause you gotta eat!), I WOLFED my food. I was just on fast-forward and that wasn't any different for dinner! But I ate probably 1/2 as much white chili as I normally would have. This adrenaline is so what I've been missing. I remember it, and god it feels good to have it back. I think Luke's going to get mad at me cause i'm going to want to go all the time. I think I'm going to find out if the daycare around the block has an hourly rate. x-posted (to my personal journal), sorry
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Fitzone for Women [14 Feb 2006|02:30pm]
[ **mood** | ecstatic ] The gym, the gym, YAY the gym! I went last night for a kind of test-run, and it was great. It felt so good to be back in a gym. It's small and women-only, which is nice when you're my size. You feel self conscious around all the teeny-bopper girls and ripped men. Mostly older women at this place. There are cardio machines - the bikes ROCK and each have their own flat TV attached - and weight machines, and classes. and.. Luke said I can join. It's 78tosignupand78 to sign up and 78tosignupand39 per month for a 1-year membership. ♥ him for letting me do this. I need it. And it's my Vday present, so. :)I'm going to plan to go Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Luke's late nights are MW, so that's basically out unless I want to go late, and they're only open till 8 right now. Unfortunately they open at 8am, so I can't go before he goes to work, either. But, you play the hand dealt to you, right? I might go to the Cardio Kickboxing class on Wednesday nights once in awhile, though, that sounds fun. They have a yoga class on Tuesday nights, a kickboxing/pilates class on Friday nights, and a cardio class Saturday morning and Hatha Yoga late Saturday morning. I'll probably alternate, doing one or two classes per week, switching days so I can do the different classes. That's only their Feb. schedule, though, so we'll see how it changes next month. Anyway, I'm thrilled about getting to do this, and I'm determined to do it. I'd appreciate some hassling to help me remember. ;)x-posted to my personal journal
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