L. Keele | Pennsylvania State University (original) (raw)

Papers by L. Keele

Research paper thumbnail of The Statistics of Causal Inference: The View from Political Methodology

Research paper thumbnail of The Discipline of Identification

Research paper thumbnail of 3-D Graphics in R

Research paper thumbnail of Conditioning on Post-treatment Quantities with Structural Mean Models

Research paper thumbnail of Smoothing and Semiparametric Regression for the Social Science

Research paper thumbnail of Macro Measures and Mechanics of Social Capital

Research paper thumbnail of Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards in Cox Models

Research paper thumbnail of Computing and Software 3-D Graphics in R

Research paper thumbnail of Ballot Initiatives and State Outcomes

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Presidential Power Through Campaign Visits

ABSTRACT Presidential campaign visits for members of the House are important events during cam- p... more ABSTRACT Presidential campaign visits for members of the House are important events during cam- paigns. The role of the president in House elections serves a dual purpose. First, it may increase the probability of the president being of the majority party in Congress. Second, it ensures that members of Congress owe some debt to the president. Assessing the eective- ness of such presidential interventions, however, is very dicult. Due to powerful selection eects and unobserved confounding, it is dicult to estimate the eectiveness of these pres- ident campaign visits. Both regression and matching based estimators are ill-suited to this context due to a weak set of observables predicting treatment. In the analysis that follows I use a Manski-type bounds analysis based on Bayesian treatment eects estimator to assess

Research paper thumbnail of Observational Studies with Group Level Treatments: The Case of Catholic Schools

Research paper thumbnail of Matching in randomized experiments

Randomization in experiments allows researchers to assume that the treatment and con-trol groups ... more Randomization in experiments allows researchers to assume that the treatment and con-trol groups are balanced with respect to all characteristics except the treatment. Random-ization, however, only makes balance probable, and accidental covariate imbalance can ...

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of rbounds: an R package for Rosenbaum bounds sensitivity analysis with matched data

Research paper thumbnail of What Can Be Learned from a Simple Table? Bayesian Inference and Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects from 2× 2 and 2× 2× K Tables in the Presence of Unmeasured Confounding

Research paper thumbnail of Social Capital and the Dynamics of Trust in Government

American Journal of Political Science, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of working paper

Research paper thumbnail of mediation : R Package for Causal Mediation Analysis

Journal of Statistical Software, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Causal Mediation Analysis Using R

Lecture Notes in Statistics, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Variable-ratio matching with fine balance in a study of the Peer Health Exchange

Statistics in Medicine, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Mechanisms behind Policy Interventions via Causal Mediation Analysis

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2015


Research paper thumbnail of The Statistics of Causal Inference: The View from Political Methodology

Research paper thumbnail of The Discipline of Identification

Research paper thumbnail of 3-D Graphics in R

Research paper thumbnail of Conditioning on Post-treatment Quantities with Structural Mean Models

Research paper thumbnail of Smoothing and Semiparametric Regression for the Social Science

Research paper thumbnail of Macro Measures and Mechanics of Social Capital

Research paper thumbnail of Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards in Cox Models

Research paper thumbnail of Computing and Software 3-D Graphics in R

Research paper thumbnail of Ballot Initiatives and State Outcomes

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Presidential Power Through Campaign Visits

ABSTRACT Presidential campaign visits for members of the House are important events during cam- p... more ABSTRACT Presidential campaign visits for members of the House are important events during cam- paigns. The role of the president in House elections serves a dual purpose. First, it may increase the probability of the president being of the majority party in Congress. Second, it ensures that members of Congress owe some debt to the president. Assessing the eective- ness of such presidential interventions, however, is very dicult. Due to powerful selection eects and unobserved confounding, it is dicult to estimate the eectiveness of these pres- ident campaign visits. Both regression and matching based estimators are ill-suited to this context due to a weak set of observables predicting treatment. In the analysis that follows I use a Manski-type bounds analysis based on Bayesian treatment eects estimator to assess

Research paper thumbnail of Observational Studies with Group Level Treatments: The Case of Catholic Schools

Research paper thumbnail of Matching in randomized experiments

Randomization in experiments allows researchers to assume that the treatment and con-trol groups ... more Randomization in experiments allows researchers to assume that the treatment and con-trol groups are balanced with respect to all characteristics except the treatment. Random-ization, however, only makes balance probable, and accidental covariate imbalance can ...

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of rbounds: an R package for Rosenbaum bounds sensitivity analysis with matched data

Research paper thumbnail of What Can Be Learned from a Simple Table? Bayesian Inference and Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects from 2× 2 and 2× 2× K Tables in the Presence of Unmeasured Confounding

Research paper thumbnail of Social Capital and the Dynamics of Trust in Government

American Journal of Political Science, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of working paper

Research paper thumbnail of mediation : R Package for Causal Mediation Analysis

Journal of Statistical Software, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Causal Mediation Analysis Using R

Lecture Notes in Statistics, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Variable-ratio matching with fine balance in a study of the Peer Health Exchange

Statistics in Medicine, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Mechanisms behind Policy Interventions via Causal Mediation Analysis

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2015