pensnest - Profile (original) (raw)

Not new to fannishness, but a newcomer to the crack-filled world that is popslash, I signed up for LiveJournal in 2005 as a result of reading so much fun fanfic. It's addictive... As a result, I find myself writing slash, which I'd done only once before - some of which is quite explicit. If that turns you on, yay! If not - or if you don't know what slash *is* - please treat all story posts with extreme caution. I don't warn for explicitness, on the assumption that anyone reading my journal is a grown-up and can cope with it if it comes along. Neither, moohaha, do I warn for Lamp fic, though the userpic attached to the post will probably give a hint. On the vanishingly rare occasions when I might post rape or death stories, I will provide some kind of warning in the cut tag or wherever.

In a fit of ficwriting lust, I signed up for the fanfic100 challenge - one hundred stories featuring Lance Bass. Yum. The big table with all the prompt links to completed fics is here. And because the crack is so addictive, I also signed up for the wtf27 crackfic challenge. The table for that is here, although I don't think that one is ever going to be completed.

If you happen across a story in one of my entries, and would like to read more, the best place to find them is probably my website, where pretty much everything will be posted, sooner or later. My fic entries are tagged, but I also post stories to other LJ locations. The website also holds the venerable stuff I wrote when I was a Trekkie and Dataphile, and a few oddities, plus some English essays. In addition I have both a Dreamwidth account (now my primary journal) and an AO3 account as pensnest.

It seems to me that there are not enough DRAGONS in popslash, I therefore opened a Dragon Challenge in 2006. See this entry for details, and this page for the index of all Dragon Challenge stories. The popslash Dragon Challenge ran from 2006 to 2010.

My userpics tend to be things that amuse me or are important to me in some unspecified way, but there'll occasionally be something in the collection that's just Pretty! I try to put the appropriate credits with each icon; if you see something you like and want to know where it came from, do ask. There are icon giveaways, mostly but not always of my beautiful pop boys, use the icon giveaways tag if you're interested.

If I'm using the layout that features the adorable Lance Bass and a peach theme, it's the work of the wonderful turlough. A sea theme, or anything else I use that's basically Flexible Squares, is graphics-by-me but uses turlough's coding, yay!

I'm not posting to LJ any more, just mirroring my DreamWidth posts in case anyone who wants to read about me is not on that journal site. So if you friend me, etc, I probably won't notice.

Finally, I hereby give permission to any fan who wants to remix, record, illustrate or otherwise transform any of my stories. I'd be delighted if you'd let me have a link to the resulting work.