people_are_dumb - Profile (original) (raw)

on 16 June 2003 (#1122694)

Do people piss you off?

People online with their inane questions... "A/S/L?" "will you host me?" "wanna chat?" "wanna cyber?"

The boss, your mother, your in-laws? Your siblings? The guy next door who walks around nude?

I hate them all.

Share your rants in an all-new community designed for one thing - the mutual dislike of vapid dumbasses.

Maintained by rachcam Co-Maintained by ruca226

a/s/l, aim, annoying, bitch, bitches, bitching, biters, boss, bosses, chat, chat logs, complaining, complaints, copiers, cunts, dickheads, dicks, disgruntled, dumbasses, flamers, frustration, hate, icq, idiot, idiots, im, in laws, instant message, jerk, log, losers, losers on aim, lurkers, making fun, mean, mock, mockery, moron, moronic, morons, msn, narcs, nerds, pervs, players, rants, retards, shit talkers, sluts, stupid, stupid celebritites, stupid politicians, stupidity, teasing, teenyboppers, the boss, trash, trolls, tryhards, twats, vapid, venting, wanna cyber, wannabes, whores, yahoo, yahoo messenger