peter_elle - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 October 2007 (#14105440)

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Welcome to the Peter/Elle shippers community.Your Mods: babyfirefly, brokenlyric & runawaycherie
Rules & Guidelines.
+ NO BASHING. Do not bash another member, and be kind to other ships. Some people here are multiple shippers so please keep bashing of other ships to a minimum.+ If posting fanfictions, please post a rating.Here is a sample fic posting guideline:TITLE:AUTHOR:RATING:DISCLAIMER:SUMMARY:+ Allowed here: Fics, icons, blends/manips & graphics of all types. Music vids, character discussion, etc. Spoilers are allowed but please post behind a cut with a CLEAR spoiler warning.
Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollidestylesheet by: snubblyheader and user info banner by: brokenlyric