_2:01 pm_[mystickyarchive] |
Hi Mods and members-- I hope I am not breaking too many rules by doing this, if I am, please kill the post.I just joined this community so I can spread the word--there is a bandslash awards thingy going on at the moment, over in bandom_awards. There are lots of different categories, lot for "best of ----" band fic--and several have no nominations! Searched for comms that might be interested, found this one, thought I'd share. Despite being a mainly MCR/FOB author/reader myself, I'd love to see something other than just MCR/Panic!/FOB being nominated for the other categories too!!!And the original ad as it was posted in some of the other comms:Ever come across fic that truly warmed your heart? Read a fic that was so sad, it made you burst into tears? Experience a tale told so well, you thought you'd temporarily gone to live in it?Ever thought 'This fic deserves an award!'? Here's your chance to make it happen (Click the banner for more info) (Comment on this) |
Sunday, September 30th, 2007 |
_1:29 pm_[crash_it_yo] |
Hi everyone!so i was looking at pictures of all our lovely bandom boys, and came across this one: i thought to my self "man, it looks like they are college buddies." so i went sifting through picspams and the like, and came up with a bunch of other ones that made me think the same. a sort of college town au started forming in my head. it involves pretty much any band in bandom. it's gonna be mostly pictures with a ficlet inspired by each one.SO. what i need you guys to do for me is find pics of you favorite bandom boys looking college-y or college town-y. think quad cities and augustana, (illinois) the town around saint olaf, blah blah blah. anything. also, i'm not so familiar with alot of the bands so if you could point me to primers or give me some tips on personalities i would love you. also, feel free to write on your own, mostly i'm doing this to inspire you guys to write college town au's. thank you so much. i'm pretty sure this is okay to post here, even though it's only jon and pete because it involves every bandom boy and girl. :)-i love you in the fall, always forever. (Comment on this) |
_12:45 am_[letos_mod] |
Leto's RP: NOW LOOKING FOR MEMBERS OF FOB ( Welcome to Leto's!Collapse ) (Comment on this) |
Friday, June 15th, 2007 |
_1:02 pm_[rawrwarped] |
Warped RP Promo. Various Fueled By Ramen/Decaydance Slash RPers Needed. Over 80 characters!Characters Needed: Dir En Grey minus Kaoru, Die, & Toshiya Thirty Seconds to Mars minus Jared & TomoAFI minus Jade & DaveyEscape the Fate minus Max & RonnieGym Class Heroes minus Travis & MattMUCC minus Miya & Tatsurou underOATH minus Spencer & AaronYellowcard minus Ryan & SeanAlkaline Trio minus MattA Skylit Drive minus NickThe Birthday Massacre minus OwenBlesstheFall minus MichaelBrand New minus JesseBring Me the Horizon minus OliBullet For My Valentine minus MattBullets and Octane minus GeneGreen Day minus TreHellogoodbye minus ForrestKaizer's Orchestra minus GeirMarina's Trench minus JoshOK Go minus Damian Placebo minus BrianThis Providence minus DavidTaking Back Sunday minus AdamTool minus MaynardSimple Plan minus DavidSmile Empty Soul minus SeanRyland & Alex from Cobra StarshipNao from Alice NineJohnny from Avenged SevenfoldTom from Cute Is What We Aim ForMatt M. from From First to LastRuki from The GazettEDan from The Usedas well as just about any other band you can think of...Taken Characters ListAlso, original characters are allowed as long as they have a job (roadie, sound tech, merch guy, etc), as well as friends of the bands (real friends). Be creative, you could even be a reporter for Fuse, a VJ, whatever you want, the sky’s the limit. Any band can participate, the RP is a tour RP but it isn’t strictly based on Warped.(Want to be affiliates? IM BringMeKnives on AIM) (Comment on this) |
Tuesday, May 15th, 2007 |
_11:31 pm_[bigger_tigers] |
In the Land of Whimsy [part 1/?] Title: In the Land of Whimsy [part 1/?]Author: truffulafruit aka bigger_tigersPairing: Pete/MikeyRating: PG-13, for some swearsSummary: Pete and Mikey live a good life in the Land of Whimsy in their castle by their unicorn ranch.Authors Note: This is my first fic.Dedications: Thanks to indie_wonka for being a beta fish.Disclaimer: I don't own the band members... just the Land of Whimsy and the unicorns.(Follow the fake cut!)x-posted to dead_on_fic mcr_crack_fic petersboys and petexmikey (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Saturday, April 28th, 2007 |
_5:56 pm_[noelle19] |
Is this for real? Ch. 3 Title: Is this for real? Ch. 3 Pairing: Pete/AndySummary: Pete and Masturbation. Plure and simple.Rating: R to NC-17 Depending on how you feel about masturbationAuthor notes: Here you go. Another chapter in less then a week. I must love you all. HAHAHA! Enjoy everyone! It gets more interesting down the road too! ( Chapter 3Collapse ) Current Mood: accomplished (6 Comments |Comment on this) |
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007 |
_3:07 pm_[noelle19] |
Is this for real? Ch. 2 Title: "Is this for real?" (2/?)Rating: G/PG this chapter. However I expect it to get racier as it goes on.Pairing: Pete/Andy and mentions of Pete/PatrickSummary: This is going to be one interesting show... "Some fans won a private meeting with you. Something about standing in the cold in their underwear for 4 days straight. I don’t know all the details, but I’m sure they will be more then willing to explain it to you. Let’s go."Disclaimer: I do not own these guys. If I did, Patrick would NEVER be sad. He wouldn't have time to be sad... *giggles* This may or may not be IC. I just write. If you feel something is off, sorry. This came from my own brain. Blame it. Or Blame Dan. Dan is always a good person to blame. LOL!Authors note: This was written for meowshi because she came up with the idea. I just write the words as they come to me. And for spldangl22and lizard84, because they are awesome best friends. I dont think I could ask for better friends. ( Chapter 2Collapse ) Current Mood: creative (10 Comments |Comment on this) |
Friday, April 20th, 2007 |
_11:39 am_[noelle19] |
"Is this for real?" Ch. 1 Title: "Is this for real?" (1/?)Rating: G/PG this chapter. However I expect it to get racier as it goes on.Pairing: Pete/Andy and mentions of Pete/PatrickSummary: "You dont even DO guys."Disclaimer: I do not own these guys. If I did, Patrick would NEVER be sad. He wouldn't have time to be sad... *giggles* This may or may not be IC. I just write. If you feel something is off, sorry. This came from my own brain. Blame it. Or Blame Dan. Dan is always a good person to blame. LOL!Authors note: This was written for meowshi because basically she requested it. And, since I needed a break from the book I am writing, it gave me a great excuse. I dont know if this is exactly what you were looking for, but I kind of got an idea and ran with it. This first chapter is pretty boring, i know. I promise there will be more action in chapters to come. I hope you like this. :)( Chapter 1Collapse ) Current Mood: accomplished (6 Comments |Comment on this) |
Friday, April 13th, 2007 |
_5:24 pm_[bigger_tigers] |
I've never been good at writing slash... but I definitely support Pete/Mikey.So if anyone's looking for a pairing to write... that's one I enjoy and find a general lack of on most communities. (1 Comment |Comment on this) |