pgsm_bssm - Profile (original) (raw)

Compare storylines from Pretty Guardian Sailormoon to Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon and the Manga. This community is the mastermind of reesepbc and pyxlperfect. We created this community so that fans would have a safe haven to compare all aspects of Sailormoon and relish in their fandom!

We are a fairly open community, and hold and bear no grudges to others. We welcome you to express your thoughts, and questions about SailorMoon in all forms. If you feel you are being treated unfair or unkindly then feel free to email or leave a comment for me reesepbc . And the problem will be rectified in a timely and orderly fashion. ^_^


Be nice, no flames allowed. (( We take this to heart, so the first time you are caught flaming you will get 1 warning. After that we will definately ban you from this community.))

Please respect everyone in this community, we are here to talk about and learn more about or help out those who want to know more about SailorMoon.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts, and ideas.

Please place spoilers behind an LJ-cut.

Images posted to the community should be under an LJ-cut.

You are free to post icons and banners and such as well, just make sure it's all behind an LJ-cut.

All forms of SailorMoon are up for discussion in this community, we welcome all fans.

We welcome and encourage artistic abilities as well. If you have fanfics, fanart and so forth feel free to share it.

If you have your own community or websites etc.. feel free to advertise here.

This is an open community so we welcome one and all. Just respect one another, and the rules.

Comments by non-members ARE SCREENED. If you have something to say, you might as well just join :)