Should not transform named HTML entites into numeric HTML entities (original) (raw)
CX2: Should not transform named HTML entites into numeric HTML entities
CX2 should not transform things like – into their numeric equivalent - because they are a lot less understandable.
Example on frwiki "Félicie de Hauteville" : original translation
(c. 1078 - c. 1102) compared to (c. 1078 – c. 1102)
(c. 1070 - 3 février 1116) compared to (c. 1070 – 3 February 1116)
(avant 1101 - ?) compared to (before 1101 – ?)
(1101 - 1er mars 1131) compared to (1101 – 1 March 1131)
Event Timeline
We may need to check if this is a side-effect of the content sanitization done for content coming from MT services (or if it is something that can be fixed as part of it). May be related to T213257.
@santhosh - there are several issues that I'd like you to review:
(1) I was checking the fix in cx2-testing on the same article translation: en:Felicia of Sicily -> fr:Félicie de Hauteville. The only MT option in cx2-testing for en-fr translation is Yandex which does not work, so the translation fell back to 'Copy original content'. I used this option for translating problematic content, e.g. (c. 1078 – c. 1102). The result: (c. 1078 – c. 1102) was translated with 'Copy original content' to (c. 1078 - c. 1102) upon publishing.
(2) Translating (en_>es) with MT Apertium (the text is changed to 'Lorem ipsum' in the sample below for avoiding "too much unmodified text" warning), I still see – -> –
'''Id magna nec elit laoreet commodo quis eget nisi''' (c. 1078 @– c. 1102) es un nombre que está utilizado para una.
- [[Sofía de Hungría|Sophia]] (antes de que 1101 @– ?), mujer de un húngaro noble
- King [[Esteban II de Hungría|Stephen II de Hungría]] (1101 @– 1 Marcha 1131)
- Ladislaus (?)
CX2 should not transform things like – into their numeric equivalent -
The numeric equivalent for – is not - (
Dec | Hex | Entity |
– | – | – |
There is no entity equivalent for -:
(4) – represents en dash, a dash that is used for ranges which is correctly used in the article for (c. 1078 – c. 1102). – is used for hyphens which is incorrect to use for (c. 1078 - c. 1102) according to English grammar rules.
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