⚓ T317529 Opt-outs for desktop improvements on pilot wikis (original) (raw)

Opt-outs for desktop improvements on pilot wikis


We would like to document the opt-out rates for the Vector 2022 skin on pilot wikis

Acceptance criteria

Event Timeline

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 12 2022, 12:13 PM

ovasileva raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.

Comment Actions

@ovasileva, here is the summary of vector-2022 optout rate on pilot wikis. Let me know if you have any questions.

Vector 2022 skin opt-out rate of editors on pilot wikis where it is the default.

wiki_db Editor (at least 1 edit) Active editors (at least 5 edits) Optout users Optout rate of editors(percentage) Optout rate of active editors(percentage)
arywiki 161 36 11 6.83% 30.56%
bnwiki 6711 1927 140 2.09% 7.27%
dewikivoyage 487 163 46 9.45% 28.22%
euwiki 2685 947 76 2.83% 8.03%
fawiki 32631 10775 515 1.58% 4.78%
foundationwiki 67 35 0 0% 0%
frwiki 94058 26666 3581 3.81% 13.43%
frwikiquote 317 85 25 7.89% 29.41%
frwiktionary 1911 607 239 12.51% 39.37%
hewiki 14025 4766 702 5.01% 14.73%
incubatorwiki 1413 839 0 0% 0%
kowiki 9954 3660 435 4.37% 11.89%
plwikinews 127 40 21 16.54% 52.50%
ptwiki 53533 12855 1671 3.12% 13%
ptwikinews 95 26 11 11.58% 42.31%
ptwikiversity 334 125 8 2.40% 6.40%
srwiki 4003 1316 284 7.09% 21.58%
thwiki 4073 1521 229 5.62% 15.06%
trwiki 20736 5414 1185 5.71% 21.89%
vecwiki 159 28 19 11.95% 67.86%
viwiki 12245 3826 630 5.14% 16.47%
viwikibooks 57 18 16 28.07% 88.89%


Vector 2022 skin opt-out rate of registered users on pilot wikis where it is the default.

wiki_db num registered users optout users optout rate(percentage)
arywiki 6467 11 0.17%
bnwiki 386587 140 0.04%
dewikivoyage 47204 46 0.10%
euwiki 138883 76 0.05%
fawiki 1145806 515 0.04%
foundationwiki 51327 0 0%
frwiki 4454347 3581 0.08%
frwikiquote 69789 25 0.04%
frwiktionary 333232 239 0.07%
hewiki 999976 702 0.07%
incubatorwiki 2579164 0 0%
kowiki 750297 435 0.06%
plwikinews 18507 21 0.11%
ptwiki 2798652 1671 0.06%
ptwikinews 25993 11 0.04%
ptwikiversity 35541 8 0.02%
srwiki 311262 284 0.09%
thwiki 430905 229 0.05%
trwiki 1422470 1185 0.08%
vecwiki 32135 19 0.06%
viwiki 878364 630 0.07%
viwikibooks 16528 16 0.10%


Comment Actions

The 'optout rate (percentage)' column is misleading as it does not reflect the percentage of users that opted out from the number of users that tried Vector2022, but is rather the proportion of users who opted out / total number of users (however that is defined, either active or registered). So I would say that these numbers are underestimated, if you want to know what is the percentage of people that tried the new skin and then opted out. You need to have the number of people who tried.

Comment Actions

Hi @GoEThe - the majority of these wikis have had the Vector 2022 skin as the default for 1+ years at the time this data was taken (some large wikis like French and Portuguese Wikipedia have had the new skin for 2+ years at the time this data was analyzed). This means that editors (who have 1+ edit in the previous year) and active editors (with 5+ edits in the previous year) will have seen the new default during this time in order to make their selection.

Comment Actions

Fair enough, I misunderstood what the columns meant. Thank you for taking the time to reply.

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