DA Gallery Worth A Look (original) (raw)
07:17 pm - DA Gallery Worth A Look
So I've been doing a bunch of research for a 1880's dress I'm making (completely non-Phantom related) and did a Google of a certain kind of bustle-- and got a surprising number of Phantom pics in the first few results.
Well, of course, what kind of phan would I be if I didn't look to see what the hell Phantom stuff had to do with Canfield bustles, and it ends up what the two have in common is Opergeist.
Check out his dA page at http://opergeist.deviantart.com/; he not only does lovely and detailed Phantom art, but also interesting costuming takes on not only Phantom stuff, but a host of others you probably have some interest in too (going by my own experience of certain overlaps in fandoms).
It's definitely worth a look. Bonus: His Phantom is largely Leroux-based! :D