Photocritical: constructive approach to visual art's Journal (original) (raw)

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28th May 2006

10th May 2006

7th May 2006

kalimdor_wilson @ 11:02pm:

I recently had a crash course in good composition. This is my first photograph taken with the intent of trying to be good compositionally on purpose instead of accidentally.

10th January 2006

wolffepsyche @ 11:53am: new here!

hi! just joined today. I'm excited to find a community that seems like it gives good feedback to novice photogs without being harsh. :)

I'm still developing my eye for composition, and would love some feedback. I can see some distracting things in this photo that could have been remedied with a slightly different angle (the dead tree growing out of his head, for instance) but additional feedback on what I could have done to make a better picture would be great.

I'm currently using a sony cybershot digital, which is completely frustrating in its lack of manual control, so none of my pictures will be all that technically proficient. I'm saving for a canon eos 20d.

11th October 2005

10th October 2005

7th October 2005

6th October 2005

7th October 2005

6th October 2005

_agelessbeauty @ 9:53pm:

i just took this tonight to test out my camera. i am aware that it is not the greatest photo - however i don't hate it, either.

anyway, i have a question about it. i didn't have the flash on-- so i assume that's why it is a bit darker. when i put the flash on and took it, it was crazy bright and white. i'm not sure if i have the settings weird, and i probably just have to go and mess around the settings again-- but any suggestions would be great.

5th October 2005

_agelessbeauty @ 11:26pm: We just bought a digital camera today; it's a Canon A520, 4.0 mp, etc etc.
I've always had a passion for photography, but I have never been overly ambitious.
I'm not quite sure how to go about photographing objects, subjects, landscapes, etc.
I know there is all this talk about happy accidents-- but I'm not really sure how to avoid that, and to take really top-notch pictures.

Any advice would be extremely helpful. Thank you so much.

2nd October 2005

blackbird__fly @ 4:24pm: 3 basically unrelated photos I've been busy/have not had camera access, so I haven't had much to share. Here are a couple.

( +2: I have no ideaCollapse )

I'd really like for this community to be more active, so if anyone has ideas for promotion that don't involve pissing people off, please feel free to let me know what they are, or go ahead and promote the community yourself.

11th August 2005

qnl @ 4:22am:

Aachen was one of my favorite cities in Germany.
Critiques are always welcome and massively appreciated!

  1. IMG_4965a
    family in Aachen

  2. IMG_4955a
    flower seller in Aachen marketplace

( Read more...Collapse )

crossposted to raptamakeout

29th July 2005

7th July 2005

30th June 2005

26th June 2005

25th June 2005

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