_B_-bar equals (B + C)/2. |
τ, Δ, δ, D |
Quartic centrifugal distortion constants (MHz or kHz). |
H, h |
Sextic centrifugal distortion constants (MHz or kHz). |
L, ℓ, G, g |
Octic centrifugal distortion constants (MHz). |
P, p, F |
Dectic centrifugal distortion constants (MHz). |
eQqaa(X), ... χ aa(X), ... |
Nuclear electric quadrupole coupling constant along principal axis indicated for nucleus X (MHz). |
eQq η |
Product of the nuclear quadrupole coupling constant and the asymmetry parameter for the bending vibrational state. |
µa,b |
Components of the electric dipole moment along the _a_- or _b_-principal axes. |
α υ ,γ υ υ |
Rotation-vibration coefficients in the power series representing Bυ (eq 3). |
qυ |
_ℓ_-doubling constant (MHz). |
σ| |
, _σ_⊥ |
Q |
Molecular quadrupole moment relative to the center of mass (esu · cm2). |
α| |
- _α_⊥ |
_χ_⊥ , χ| |
χ xx - χ yy |
Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy. |
_g_⊥ , g| |
gxx - gyy |
Anisotropy of the molecular G tensor perpendicular to the molecular axis (_µ_N). |
_c_X or M |
Spin rotation constant related to nucleus X (kHz). |
_S_XY |
Spin-spin interaction constant between nucleus X and nucleus Y (kHz). |
α p , β p |
Ω-type doubling parameters, |
_p_eff |
Λ-type doubling constant in the 2Π1/2 state (MHz). |
a, b, c, d |
Magnetic hyperfine coupling constants (MHz) where, Here _µ_B is the Bohr magneton, _µ_N is the nuclear magneton, and _g_N is the nuclear _g_-value. |
A |
Spin-orbit coupling constants defined by the power series expansion, A = Ae + A(1) ξ + A(2) _ξ_2 + ... . |
(O)S |
Spin-rotation interaction constant (ref [21]). Coefficient in the Hamiltonian term (O)S N · S. This is related to ε ii's in Lin's notation [19] as (O)S = 1/3(ε xx + ε yy + ε zz). |
(ij)S,Tij |
Spin-rotation interaction constants where i and j are a, b, or c and the Hamiltonian term is Σ(ij)S NiSj. See Curl and Kinsey [21] and Bowater et al. [22] (for Tij notation) for correspondence to the notation of other workers. |
(O)I,aI |
Fermi interaction constant and coefficient of the I · S operator. (O)I = (16_π_/3)gI _µ_B _µ_N [Ψ(O)]2. |
(ij)I |
Magnetic dipole-dipole interaction constant in the Hamiltonian term (ij)I _SiIj_where i and j are a, b, or c. (ij)S = gS gI _µ_B µ_N [δ ij - (3_rirj / _r_3]Av . |
(ij)Q |
Nuclear electric quadrupole interaction constant in the term (ij)Q I_i_I_jwhere i and j are a, b, or c and (ij)Q = [eQ / 2_I(2_I_ - l)] (∂2_V_ / ∂i_∂_j). |
AS , BS , CS |
Combination of spin-rotation constants where AS = (aa)S + (O)I , BS = (bb)S + (O)I , and_CS_ = (cc)S + (O)I . |