3/11/08 03:02 pm - bettymonroe_ - AWESOME EVENT! NOT A PICNIC, BUT AS MUCH FUN! The Vancouver East Cultural Centre's Youth Program & IGNITE! Youth Week Festival, in association with FRUIT BASKET variety night present: GENDER BLENDERa discussionATTENTION: YOUTH AGED 15 - 24Are you interested in gender/queer/sex issues, activism, living, love? Do you have genitals, and/or are a human being? Do you like to talk? Do you like to listen? If you answered YES! to any or all of the above you are invited to join us and take part in a respectful, candid, confidential discussion about sex, love, gender, sexuality, and more. Please bring a piece or two of fruit to contribute to the yummy smoothie making-process, a pillow to sit on, and an open mind. Although there will be "fruit" in this basket, all foodstuffs are invited. Part of a complete meal.7:00 PM, Friday, March 14th, Green Thumb Theatre (1885 Venables)-- next door to the Cultch, around the back!Questions? Hit up Virginia & Fiona at cultchfruit@gmail.com |
6/23/07 12:05 pm - bettymonroe_ - Picnic Picnic! The long awaited, highly anticipated PICNIC PICNIC!!!!!111Date: Monday, June 25, 2007Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pmLocation: Jericho ParkStreet: W. 4th and Alma-ishCity/Town: Vancouver, BC Food: Watermelon cut into triangles, grapes, cherries, potato salad, sandwiches, peanut butter and jam/jelly, honey, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, anything your grandmother might make, anything from a picnicky picture book that you read when you were little,Drink: Lemonade, no boozes!Dress: Flowy, 40s, 50s, giant ant costume, whatever picnic garb means to you.Props/inspiring words: yogi bear, wicker baskets, checkered blankets, ants, bees, wasps, grassAs always: No drugs, no dogs, please bring foods to share with a few people at least! ^_^ |
5/14/07 08:37 pm - bettymonroe_ - Promo Banner! Spread the word about picnic_summer using our awesome promo codePicnic_Summer is a community which will announce the upcoming series of bi-weekly themed picnics taking place in the Vancouver BC area! It’s good times! Come on out and join us!copy n' paste! |
5/9/07 02:48 pm - bettymonroe_ - Hello & rules Hello!Welcome to Picnic_Summer. As you probably know, Picnic_Summer is a community which will announce the upcoming series of bi-weekly themed picnics taking place in the Vancouver BC area.Here are the rules, there aren't many, but they're important.Rules1. Please try to stick to the theme and dress code, and bring some food to share. (don't be a mooch!)2. Please do not come intoxicated/bring illegal substances: if you do so, you will be asked to leave. If you wish to bring a moderate amount of alcohol and promise to be responsible with it, that’s O.K. but don’t bring your house party.3. No pets please.4. Music, props, costumes, elaborate party games are all very welcome and encouraged!5. No beef, pork or lamb. All fish, seafood, poultry, and things containing gelatin must be clearly labeled. A lot of our participants are vegetarian/lacto-ova-pesca vegetarians (if you are vegan, make sure you bring something you know you can eat).6. New folks are welcome! Newcomers are encouraged to be as theme-y as they can. |