the pied piers (original) (raw)

Mickey had forgotten that Chris was as skinny as a toothpick and therefore had wriggled out of the rope he was bound by.

I mean, Chris was like a hamster, you know, they can get out of ANYTHING, it's quite amazing. They have bendable bones or SOMETHING.


//lol we need a plot because this is just bush beating now.

"YOU CAN'T RUN YOU HOBO, YOU'RE STILL TIED UP." Micky exclaimed chucking the spoon to the side and taking off after the hobo. "If you don't get back here I swear I'l dump this whole jar down your throat, and THEN some!" He continued to rant about stupid little depressed children and their problems. Stopping in the middle of the road, Micky took aim and hurled the giant jar at the hopping worm.


"KOFF KOFF PLEASE HELP KOFF ME WAIT nevermind." Chris stopped coughing, stood up. And then fell down again. "AHHHHHH TAPEWORMS OH MY GOOD LORD" and writhed on the ground. He screwed his eyes shut and his mouth was open and he was screaming and then.

He got up and ran away, ran away fastly.

/end short entry your turn.

Dropping him on the ground. "Oh, ew, coughing, germs, gross" Dusting off his hands Micky raised an eyebrow at Chris. "Did you just choke on your own spit? Like dude, that is so lame" Micky laughed while Chris squirmed on the ground in his coughing fit. Reaching into his costume he pulled out a big, round jar full of brownish, purple liquid with a label that said "Koff serup". He then proceeded to pull a spoon out of his back pocket and poured some of said liquid into it. He stood menacingly above the depressed little boy, spoon at the ready and dripping. "Are you going to stop coughing or do I have to use this?" To which Chris responded by...

I want somma that serrrrrup. P:

"BUT IF I DON'T BE SUCCESSFUL, I'LL END UP LIKE YOUUUUU!!!!!" sobbed Chris. "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME? NO! NO! HELLLLP! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED! ANYONE? HELP!!!" This obviously would do no good, because Chris had already established that there was no one else in the park except for the colourful mass, which was the clown, Mickey, who was the one kidnapping him. But despite this scariness, Chris could not help but wonder if where Mickey was taking him was in fact a happier place. But for now, Chris just let his tears flow down his already stinging cheeks. Today was a sad, sad, turning point awakening for Chris. Chris needed this. Chris needed to change because he was heading nowhere, as he already knew.

Chris struggled and kicked and bit at Mickey, which was very hard considering he was tied up, but Mickey did not give in. Chris did not know that this would indeed soon be beneficial to him, but he eventually gave up, showing that possibly deep inside him, he did want to be kidnapped? Chris kept sobbing, though. Because he was sad and all that. Sad people sob. It's what they do.

KOFF. KOFF. KOFF. Chris started hacking and coughing. KOFF. KOFF. "MICKEY, KOFF. HELP KOFF ME KOFF I KOFF AM KOFF CHOKING KOFF ON KOFF MY KOFF SPIT KOFF!!!!" I do not believe that Chris actually thought or even expected Mickey to respond at all, for Mickey probably would have just thought that Chris was faking his coughing just to get untied and free, for that is what I would do and what any other sensible person would do. But to this, Mickey responded...


lul I wrote a barrelfull of pigeons' worth of writing

yes, barrelfull of pigeons

A slap across the face. "GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF MAN!" Micky grabbed Chris's shoulders. "Calm down!" He looked him in the eyes. "Why must everything surround the fact of money and material things? You don't NEED any of it!" He stood tall and faced the sky. "Look at me. I am a clown, a wandering clown and I'm doing JUST FINE AND DANDY!" He exclaimed throwing his hands up. Turning back to Chris he began pulling things out of his sleeves, looking for something... Ah ha! Pulling out a long piece of rope he began to tie up Chris hauling him over his shoulder. "You need a vacation boy, let's go!" To which Chris responded by...


Omg, I had no idea what to write in return. xD
Your turn Neichelle.

Chris in return swatted the boquet of flowers out of Mickey's hands. He sobbed, "You're such a fake, fake, fake clown. See? You're proving my point. If I keep living, I'm going to turn into nothing! I'm failing all my classes, and you know what that means! If I do badly in school, I'll fail all my classes, and failing all my classes means I won't graduate, and if I don't graduate, I won't get into college, and if I don't get into college, I can't go to some upscale graduate school, and if I can't get into graduate school, I can't get a job, and if I can't get a job, I won't become the CEO of a company, and if I don't become the CEO of company, then I won't ever be successful, and if I don't be successful, then girls will never like me, and if girls will never like me, then I will never have a family, and if I don't have a family, then I'll be a failure, and even if I did have a family, I wouldn't be successful enough to support it, and if I couldn't support my hypothetical family, WHAT GOOD AM I?" Chris sobbed into his hands and kicked Mickey in the knee, to which Mickey responded with...

Current Mood: highhigh

"Why so serious my dear Watson?" Micky asked with hop and skip over to the unfortunate little boy. Micky was a clown. Former clown really but a clown anyway. He had a master's degree in stunts, jokes and all the necessary clowning paraphernalia. This young man seemed very down, and when there were down people around Mikcy's job was to cheer them up! Pulling a bouquet of flowers out of his sleeve Micky displayed it to Chris. "Let's turn that frown upside down!" He chuckled with a wide, wide grin. Chris in return...

-end- your turn Neichelle.

Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative

One day, Chris was walking through the woods and came to a park. Chris was doing alright today and didn't even think about dying! So at the park, there were no people. So this made Chris very sad. Chris didn't know what to do. So he sat down on a bench, and waited for some people to come. They did not. Chris did not know what to do, so he reached for his cell phone in his pocket... and there was a hole in his pocket, and his cell phone was gone. "THAT'S SO HANKIN' STUPID!!", said Chris as he stomped on the ground and proceeded to cry. All of a sudden, a bright mass of colours in the shape of a person came near him, and as he tried to see what it really was through his distorted vision because of the tears, the colourful mass spoke! And it said...

/end. your turn, elaine.