Lost my computer... (original) (raw)
Ok, recently I have been watching "My Motherboard, My Self" a lot. Mostly because, while I was about to be in the middle of a move, my computer crashed. For 120mycomputerguytoldmeIhadlostEVERYTHINGIhadfromthepast4yearsduetoSpyware.(NoIdonotbackup,buttrueAiden−style,myBFjustboughtmea120 my computer guy told me I had lost EVERYTHING I had from the past 4 years due to Spyware. (No I do not back up, but true Aiden-style, my BF just bought me a 120mycomputerguytoldmeIhadlostEVERYTHINGIhadfromthepast4yearsduetoSpyware.(NoIdonotbackup,buttrueAiden−style,myBFjustboughtmea200 "external hard drive".)
ANYWAY, I lost all my saved SATC data, including my fabulous SATC wallpaper. I had a wallpaper that had a pic of Carrie in the middle (from the episode "Evolution", where Carrie is wearing a gold fish-net type top while at the bakery where Charlotte is trying to figure out if the pastry chef is gay). This has random SATC pics bordering it.
ANYWAY, I feel like an amateur again, so does anyone have any SATC wallpapers they want to share?