pirates_of_sky (original) (raw)
Random Scenario Meme
at January 10th, 2015 (01:48 am)
- Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
- Go to RNG and enter 1-7 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
- Have fun!
( Random Scenario MemeCollapse )
Random Scenario Meme
at May 30th, 2013 (12:36 am)
at April 4th, 2013 (11:08 pm)
how's my driving DARKRANGER
at January 31st, 2010 (09:29 pm)
darkranger’s HMD
HMD :So here it is. My official HMD post for all my muses. Please leave constructive critism about my characters. Wank and flames will be ignored. If I’m not doing something right, explain what I’m doing wrong so I can try and fix it.
Comments are screened, anon is on, IP logging is off. Be sure to list the character AND game in the subject line. ♥
roleplay profile DARKRANGER
at April 19th, 2009 (08:56 pm)