Robert Brandom | University of Pittsburgh (original) (raw)
Papers by Robert Brandom
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 12, 2019
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jul 16, 2001
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Apr 1, 1981
Blackwell Publishing Ltd eBooks, Nov 26, 2007
Philosophical Issues, Sep 6, 2018
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1976
Springer eBooks, 1986
Today we find ourselves at the outset of a golden age in the interpretation of Frege’s philosophi... more Today we find ourselves at the outset of a golden age in the interpretation of Frege’s philosophical writings. Judged by the number of articles, books, and seminars addressing his thought, interest in Frege is at an all-time high. More importantly, as Frege has come out of the shadow of Russell and Wittgenstein into the full light of critical attention, the degree of sophistication of discussion has achieved a quantum improvement. Many factors conspired to bring about this result, but two events may be singled out as having made special contributions both to the resurgence of interest in and to our greater understanding of Frege’s work.
Internationales Jahrbuch des deutschen Idealismus = International Yearbook of German Idealism, 2005
Ich behaupte folgendes: 1. Hegel zufolge unterscheiden sich lo gische Begriffe von bestimmten emp... more Ich behaupte folgendes: 1. Hegel zufolge unterscheiden sich lo gische Begriffe von bestimmten empirischen Begriffen durch ihre spezifisch expressiven Aufgaben. Während es nämlich aus prinzipiellen Gründen keine endgültige, stabile, expressiv abgeschlossene Klasse von ...
Topoi-an International Review of Philosophy, Jul 1, 2008
Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, 1997
European Journal of Philosophy, Dec 1, 2005
Philosophical Topics, 1987
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Jun 1, 1982
Problems of practical reasoning often arise as the result of a clash between two different points... more Problems of practical reasoning often arise as the result of a clash between two different points of view. What do we mean when we say that while from the point of view of prudence there is no reason to rescue one's drowning enemy, from the point of view of morality there is reason to do so? In this essay we examine how the idiom of points of view arises in practical discourse, and offer a clarification of it. We will be particularly concerned with a common argument for assigning a privileged status to the moral point of view, an argument which can be seen to be fallacious once certain features of Judgments made from a point of view are clearly discerned.
Philosophical Topics, 2008
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Aug 1, 1997
Im ersten Abschnitt von Sein und Zeit legt Heidegger eine neuartige Kategorisierung des Seienden ... more Im ersten Abschnitt von Sein und Zeit legt Heidegger eine neuartige Kategorisierung des Seienden sowie eine eigenständige Darstellung des ontologischen Projekts und folglich auch der Natur und Genesis der ontologischen Kategorien vor. Er nimmt ausdrücklich zwei Seinskategorien an: Zuhandensein und Vorhandensein. Vorhandene Dinge sind in etwa die objektiven, subjektunabhängigen, kausal zusammenwirkenden Gegenstände der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Zuhandene Dinge sind jene, die ein Neo-Kantianer als mit menschlichen Werten und Bedeutungen imprägniert beschreiben würde. Zusätzlich zu diesen Kategorien gibt es ein menschliches Wesen oder Dasein, in dessen Struktur der Ursprung der beiden dinglichen Kategorien zu suchen ist. Der vorliegende Aufsatz befaßt sich mit drei von Heideggers begrifflichen Innovationen: seiner Auffassung von Ontotogie in Begriffen eigengesetzlicher anthropologischer Kategorien, wie sie in der Bestimmung „Fundamentalontologie ist die regionale Ontotogie des Daseins" zum Ausdruck kommt; mit seiner entsprechend traditionskritischen Inanspruchnahme einer ontologischen Priorität des Zuhandenseins vor dem Vorhandensein, welches letztere für ihn in der fundamentaleren (Heidegger sagt „ursprünglichen") Welt menschlicher Bedeutungen wurzelt oder aus ihr abgeleitet ist; und schließlich die nicht-cartesianische Darstellung von Bewußtsein und klassifizierendem Denken als sozial und praktisch bestimmt. Abschnitt 1 enthält eine Interpretation von Heideggers Begriff der Fundamentalontologie und ihrer Beziehung zur „vulgären" Ontotogie früherer Philosophen. In Abschnitt 2 wird das Zuhandensein eingeführt: die Welt des Zeugs, in der jedes Element als praktisch konstituiert oder bedeutsam erfahren wird. Abschnitt 3 enthält eine Interpretation des Mitdaseins, des sozialen Modus des Seins, in dem die Welt des Zeugs gründet. Abschnitt 4 schließlich befaßt sich mit dem Übergang von der Zeugwelt, über die es keine Daten bezüglich der Art und Weise gibt, in der das beteiligte Dasein das Sein der Dinge nimmt, zur Welt der Dinge mit Eigenschaften, die sich nicht in ihren praktischen Gebrauchsmöglichkeiten für das Dasein erschöpfen.
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 2008
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 12, 2019
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jul 16, 2001
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Apr 1, 1981
Blackwell Publishing Ltd eBooks, Nov 26, 2007
Philosophical Issues, Sep 6, 2018
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1976
Springer eBooks, 1986
Today we find ourselves at the outset of a golden age in the interpretation of Frege’s philosophi... more Today we find ourselves at the outset of a golden age in the interpretation of Frege’s philosophical writings. Judged by the number of articles, books, and seminars addressing his thought, interest in Frege is at an all-time high. More importantly, as Frege has come out of the shadow of Russell and Wittgenstein into the full light of critical attention, the degree of sophistication of discussion has achieved a quantum improvement. Many factors conspired to bring about this result, but two events may be singled out as having made special contributions both to the resurgence of interest in and to our greater understanding of Frege’s work.
Internationales Jahrbuch des deutschen Idealismus = International Yearbook of German Idealism, 2005
Ich behaupte folgendes: 1. Hegel zufolge unterscheiden sich lo gische Begriffe von bestimmten emp... more Ich behaupte folgendes: 1. Hegel zufolge unterscheiden sich lo gische Begriffe von bestimmten empirischen Begriffen durch ihre spezifisch expressiven Aufgaben. Während es nämlich aus prinzipiellen Gründen keine endgültige, stabile, expressiv abgeschlossene Klasse von ...
Topoi-an International Review of Philosophy, Jul 1, 2008
Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, 1997
European Journal of Philosophy, Dec 1, 2005
Philosophical Topics, 1987
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Jun 1, 1982
Problems of practical reasoning often arise as the result of a clash between two different points... more Problems of practical reasoning often arise as the result of a clash between two different points of view. What do we mean when we say that while from the point of view of prudence there is no reason to rescue one's drowning enemy, from the point of view of morality there is reason to do so? In this essay we examine how the idiom of points of view arises in practical discourse, and offer a clarification of it. We will be particularly concerned with a common argument for assigning a privileged status to the moral point of view, an argument which can be seen to be fallacious once certain features of Judgments made from a point of view are clearly discerned.
Philosophical Topics, 2008
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Aug 1, 1997
Im ersten Abschnitt von Sein und Zeit legt Heidegger eine neuartige Kategorisierung des Seienden ... more Im ersten Abschnitt von Sein und Zeit legt Heidegger eine neuartige Kategorisierung des Seienden sowie eine eigenständige Darstellung des ontologischen Projekts und folglich auch der Natur und Genesis der ontologischen Kategorien vor. Er nimmt ausdrücklich zwei Seinskategorien an: Zuhandensein und Vorhandensein. Vorhandene Dinge sind in etwa die objektiven, subjektunabhängigen, kausal zusammenwirkenden Gegenstände der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Zuhandene Dinge sind jene, die ein Neo-Kantianer als mit menschlichen Werten und Bedeutungen imprägniert beschreiben würde. Zusätzlich zu diesen Kategorien gibt es ein menschliches Wesen oder Dasein, in dessen Struktur der Ursprung der beiden dinglichen Kategorien zu suchen ist. Der vorliegende Aufsatz befaßt sich mit drei von Heideggers begrifflichen Innovationen: seiner Auffassung von Ontotogie in Begriffen eigengesetzlicher anthropologischer Kategorien, wie sie in der Bestimmung „Fundamentalontologie ist die regionale Ontotogie des Daseins" zum Ausdruck kommt; mit seiner entsprechend traditionskritischen Inanspruchnahme einer ontologischen Priorität des Zuhandenseins vor dem Vorhandensein, welches letztere für ihn in der fundamentaleren (Heidegger sagt „ursprünglichen") Welt menschlicher Bedeutungen wurzelt oder aus ihr abgeleitet ist; und schließlich die nicht-cartesianische Darstellung von Bewußtsein und klassifizierendem Denken als sozial und praktisch bestimmt. Abschnitt 1 enthält eine Interpretation von Heideggers Begriff der Fundamentalontologie und ihrer Beziehung zur „vulgären" Ontotogie früherer Philosophen. In Abschnitt 2 wird das Zuhandensein eingeführt: die Welt des Zeugs, in der jedes Element als praktisch konstituiert oder bedeutsam erfahren wird. Abschnitt 3 enthält eine Interpretation des Mitdaseins, des sozialen Modus des Seins, in dem die Welt des Zeugs gründet. Abschnitt 4 schließlich befaßt sich mit dem Übergang von der Zeugwelt, über die es keine Daten bezüglich der Art und Weise gibt, in der das beteiligte Dasein das Sein der Dinge nimmt, zur Welt der Dinge mit Eigenschaften, die sich nicht in ihren praktischen Gebrauchsmöglichkeiten für das Dasein erschöpfen.
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 2008
Revisiting Richard Rorty, 2020
The text that opens this collection was also the very last essay presented at the Revisiting Rich... more The text that opens this collection was also the very last essay presented at the Revisiting Richard Rorty Conference. In “Rorty on vocabularies,” Robert Brandom writes a chapter with several connections to his essay in Rorty and his Critics, “Vocabularies of Pragmatism.” He explores Rorty’s vocabulary of instrumental pragmatism, its resulting “vocabulary vocabulary,” and Rorty’s public/private distinction. Brandom also appears at the very end of this collection, with an interview given at the conference in Braga: “Remembering Richard Rorty: an interview with Robert Brandom.”
This is a collection of previously published essays written for more general audiences than I usu... more This is a collection of previously published essays written for more general audiences than I usually address: for interested academics from all fields, for nonphilosophers, and for philosophers who might not share my somewhat specialized interests. The aim in each case is to introduce serious, substantive, controversial philosophical ideas without presupposing a lot of background or compromising either the integrity of those ideas or the precision of expression they deserve and require. Taken together, these essays present a more or less unified perspective on some of the largest issues concerning us essentially rational, discursive, normative beings as essentially rational, discursive, normative beings.
Was unterscheidet uns Menschen von anderen Lebewesen? Laut dem großen amerikanischen Philosophen ... more Was unterscheidet uns Menschen von anderen Lebewesen? Laut dem großen amerikanischen Philosophen Robert Brandom vor allem die Tatsache, dass wir in unserem Handeln und Urteilen Verpflichtungen eingehen und Verantwortung für das übernehmen, was wir tun und sagen. Wir leben in einem »Raum von Gründen«, insofern wir unser Tun stets rechtfertigen müssen und solche Rechtfertigungen auch von anderen verlangen. Menschliches Leben ist somit durch und durch normativ. In Wiedererinnerter Idealismus zeigt Brandom, dass der Ursprung dieser Einsichten bereits in der Philosophie Kants und Hegels zu finden ist. Seine fesselnden Studien beweisen die Aktualität und Bedeutung ihres Denkens für das Verständnis unserer Lebensform.
ISBN#0-674-54319-X 9, 1994
To Wilfrid Sellars and Richard Rorty without whom most of it would not even be implicit Copyright... more To Wilfrid Sellars and Richard Rorty without whom most of it would not even be implicit Copyright © 1994 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Page xxiv constitutes an extension of the copyright page. First Harvard ...
The logic of inconsistency: a study in non-standard possible-world semantics and ontology, 1980
Veritas, 2011
Este artigo analisa importantes elementos na recepção da filosofia de Hegel na atualidade. Com a ... more Este artigo analisa importantes elementos na recepção da filosofia de Hegel na atualidade. Com a finalidade de alcançar tal meta discute-se como a filosofia analítica acolhe a filosofia de Hegel. Para tanto se reconstrói a recepção da filosofia analítica em face de Hegel, notadamente a partir daqueles autores que foram centrais neste movimento de recepção e distanciamento de sua filosofia, a saber, Bertrand Russell, Frege e Wittgenstein. Outro ponto central do presente texto é a análise do livro de Paul Redding, Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought, em cotejo com a recepção de Hegel, desenvolvida aqui pela filosofia analítica. Ao final, mostra-se como é possível um diálogo produtivo destas correntes aparentemente contrapostas.
Here is an interview with professor and philosopher Robert Brandom, which took place in Pittsburg... more Here is an interview with professor and philosopher Robert Brandom, which took place in Pittsburgh on June 1, 2023. We discuss hermeneutical questions relating to his systematic works: the relationship between Making It Explicit and A Spirit of Trust, the place of Making It Explicit within the history of philosophy, coherence or divergences between his books. Objections and contentious interpretations of his thought are also addressed. Finally, more general questions about the mind, consciousness, naturalism, artificial intelligence and logic are elucidated.
Dutilh Novaes's new book is both original and important. 1 The Dialogical Roots of Deduction inve... more Dutilh Novaes's new book is both original and important. 1 The Dialogical Roots of Deduction investigates the relations between deduction and dialogue. Its approach is comprehensive, progressing along four interlocking, mutually-supporting dimensions: historical, philosophical, psychological, and in connection with mathematical practice. By doing that it substantially illuminates a number of distinctive features of deductive logical relations that philosophers of logic have found problematic or puzzling. These include the necessary truth-preservingness of deductive consequence relations, the irrelevance of the issue of whether or not one believes the premises and conclusions of deductive consequence relations, the distinctive sort of perspicuousness afforded by the possibility of unpacking deductive arguments into step-by-step chains, each of whose individual links is immediately cogent, and the nature of the normative significance of logical relations. There are substantial contemporary literatures devoted to each of these topics. But they are typically treated in isolation from one another. Perhaps the most impressive feature of the book, marking it as a landmark achievement in the field, is the fact that Dutilh Novaes offers a systematic, unified account that traces all of these phenomena back to the same source and persuasively explains them all on the same basis: the relation between deductive logical relations and dialogic practices. I think it is particularly worthwhile to get clear about the nature of the central, weight-bearing relation between deduction and dialogue that Dutilh Novaes uncovers and elaborates by means of the metaphor of "roots." I want to begin by making a suggestion about how we might characterize one fundamental philosophical idea that animates this metaphor, in the hopes of clarifying its philosophical significance by connecting it to some other ideas. The idea I follow up on is that Dutilh Novaes shows us (among much else), how to understand relations of deductive consequence (what is expressed by the turnstile) in terms of dialogic practices. Then I want to consider one way of following out the clues suggested by that formulation, so as to generalize Dutilh Novaes ideas by applying them to areas beyond those in which she introduces them: from thinking about our peculiar and rarified deductive practices to thinking about reasoning in general.
In this talk I consider three of Leibniz's master-ideas. Among his most innovative and important ... more In this talk I consider three of Leibniz's master-ideas. Among his most innovative and important ideas, they are integral elements of the framework within which all of his philosophical thought proceeds and develops. They articulate his central contributions to (what we would now call) semantics, logic, and metaphysics. Under the heading of " reason " , the first idea is his understanding the intentional contentfulness of ideas and perceptions, indeed, meaningfulness generally, most basically in terms of
Links to Brandom's 2020 University of Pittsburgh Ph.D. seminar on two forms of contemporary antir... more Links to Brandom's 2020 University of Pittsburgh Ph.D. seminar on two forms of contemporary antirepresentationalism. Videos of 14 lectures, and links to all the readings, handouts, notes, and audio and video recordings.
Townsend Lecture, University of California/Berkeley, 2013, 2020
ISSN 2075-6461. Sententiae, Volume XXXVІІІ, Issue 2, 2019., 2019
Ivan Ivaschenko interviews Robert Brandom--2019
In this conversation, American philosopher Robert Brandom talks about the historical background o... more In this conversation, American philosopher Robert Brandom talks about the historical background of his inferentialism, reconstructing the influence of his teachers Wilfrid Sellars and Richard Rorty.
This conference proposes to shed light on the work of the philosopher Richard Rorty. Rorty’s name... more This conference proposes to shed light on the work of the philosopher Richard Rorty. Rorty’s name is widely known within and beyond the departments of philosophy, but there have been few major conversations on his work in France, despite a strong editorial tradition and many workshops at several universities. If Rorty is known for his critical readings of the analytic tradition, the ethical and political aspects of his work still remain under-explored. We are thinking in particular of the continual relevance of his seminal 1983 text, ‘Postmodernist Bourgeois Liberalism’, given at a meeting on the social responsibility of intellectuals, which Rorty saw as an opportunity to explain certain tendencies in liberal thought that he considered naive. By focusing on the political aspect of Rorty’s work that engages his redefinition of liberalism, this conference aims to contribute to the study of the intellectual history, philosophical value and contemporary legacy of this aspect of his philosophy.
Three lines of enquiry characterise this conference’s approach: (1) we will examine whether Rorty’s emphasis on contingency, irony and post-modernity throughout his work remains relevant today; (2) we will illuminate Rorty’s approach to the arts, and their relationship with his liberalism ; (3) we will re-explore Rorty’s classic argument, which attempts to explain the functioning of language without recourse to the notion of representation.