planet_gsa - Profile (original) (raw)
Gay Straight Alliances
gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, questioning, allies, etc
Journal created:
on 30 December 2003 (#1734506)
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
This is a community for GSA's to post about
starting new GSAs, maintaining GSAs, talk about
what went on and was discussed at meetings,
events, city organizations, news, news in
politics, every spectral thing!
agly, allies, ani difranco, bagly, beautiful thing, bend it like beckham, bigender, bisexual, boy meets boy, but i'm a cheerleader, civil unions, fragly, gay, gay marriage, gay pride, gay straight alliance, glaad, glsen, gsa, homosexuals, lesbian, ma vie en rose, melissa etheridge, pricilla, queer as folk, questioning, rainbows, rob halford, spectrum, straight, transexual, transgendered, trick, youth pride
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