KKM lemma (original) (raw)
1 Preliminaries
We start by introducing some standard notation. ℝn+1is the (n+1)-dimensional real space with Euclidean norm and metric. For a subset A⊂ℝn+1 we denote bydiam(A) the diameter of A.
The n-dimensional simplex 𝒮n is the following subset of ℝn+1
{(α1,α2,…,αn+1)|∑i=1n+1αi=1,αi≥0 ∀i=1,…,n+1} |
More generally, if V={v1,v2,…,vk} is a set of vectors, then S(V) is the simplex spanned by V:
S(V)={∑i=1kαivi,|∑i=1kαi=1,αi≥0 ∀i=1,…,k} |
Let ℰ={e1,e1,…,en+1} be the standardorthonormal basis of ℝn+1. So, 𝒮n is the simplex spanned by ℰ. Any element v of S(V) is represented by a vector of coordinates (α1,α2,…,αk) such that v=∑iαivi; these are called a barycentric coordinates of v. If the set V is in general position then the above representation is unique and we say that V is a basis for S(V). If we writeS(V) then V is always a basis.
Let v be in S(V), V={v1,v2,…,vk} a basis and vrepresented (uniquely) by barycentric coordinates(α1,α2,…,αk). We denote by FV(v) the subset {j|αj≠0} of{1,2,…,k} (i.e., the set of non-null coordinates). LetI⊂{1,2,…,k}, the I-th face of S(V) is the set{v∈S(V)|FV(v)⊆I}. A face of S(V) is anI-face for some I (note that this is independent of the choice of basis).
2 KKM Lemma
The main result we prove is the following:
Theorem 1 (Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Lemma [1]).
Let Sn be the standard simplex spanned byE the standard orthonormal basis forRn+1. Assume we have n+1 closed subsetsC1,…,Cn+1 of Sn with the property that for every subset I of {1,2,…,n+1} the following holds: theI-th face of Sn is a subset of ∪i∈ICi. Then, the intersection of the sets C1,C2,…,Cn+1 is non-empty.
We prove the KKM Lemma by using Sperner’s Lemma; Sperner’s Lemma is based on the notion of simplicial subdivision and coloring.
Definition 2 (Simplicial subdivision of Sn).
A simplicial subdivision of Sn is a coupleD=(V,B); V are the vertices, a finite subset ofSn; B is a set of simplexes S(V1),S(V2),…,S(Vk) where each Vi is a subset of V of size n+1. D has the following properties:
- The union of the simplexes in ℬ is𝒮n.
- If S(Vi) and S(Vj) intersect then the intersection is a face of both S(Vi) and S(Vj).
The norm of D, denoted by |D|, is the diameter of the largest simplex in B.
An (n+1)-coloring of a subdivision D=(V,ℬ) of𝒮n is a function
A Sperner Coloring of D is an (n+1)-coloring C such that C(v)∈Fℰ(v) for every v∈V, that is, ifv is on the I-th face then its color is from I. For example, if D=(V,ℬ) is a subdivision of the standard simplex𝒮n then the standard basis ℰ is a subset of V and Fℰ(ei)=i. Hence, If C is a Sperner Coloring of D then C(ei)=i for all i=1,2,…,n+1.
Theorem 3 (Sperner’s Lemma).
Let D=(V,B) be a simplicial subdivision ofSn and C:V→{1,2,…,n+1} a Sperner Coloring of D. Then, there is a simplex S(Vi)∈B such thatC(Vi)={1,2,…,n+1}.
It is a standard result, for example by barycentric subdivisions, that 𝒮n has a sequence of simplicial subdivisionsD1,D2,… such that |Di|→0. We use this fact to prove the KKM Lemma:
Proof of KKM Lemma.
Let C1,C2,…,Cn+1 be closed subsets of 𝒮nas given in the lemma. We define the following functionγ:𝒮n→{1,2,…,n+1} as follows:
γ(v)=min{i|i∈Fℰ(v) and v∈Ci} |
γ is well defined by the hypothesis of the lemma andγ(v)∈Fℰ(v). Also, if γ(v)=i thenv∈Ci. Let D1,D2,… be a sequence of simplicial subdivisions such that |Di|→0. We set the color of every vertex v in Di to be γ(v). This is a Sperner Coloring since if v is in I-fact then γ(v)∈Fℰ(v)⊆I. Therefore, by Sperner’s Lemma we have in each subdivision Di a simplex S(Vi) such thatγ(Vi)={1,2,…,n+1}. Moreover, diam(S(Vi))→0. By the properties of γ for every i=1,2,… and everyj∈{1,2,…,n+1} we have that S(Vi)∩Cj≠ϕ. Let ui be the arithmetic mean of the elements of Vi (this is an element of S(Vi) and thus an element of 𝒮n). Since 𝒮n is bounded and closed we get that ui has a converging subsequence with a limit L∈𝒮n. Now, every set Cj is closed, and for every ϵ>0 we have an element of Cj of ϵ-distance from L; thus L is inCj.
Therefore, L is in the intersection of all the setsC1,C2,…,Cn+1, and that proves the assertion. ∎
- 1 B. Knaster, C. Kuratowski, and S. Mazurkiewicz, Ein Beweis des Fixpunktsatzes für n-dimensionale Simplexe, Fund. Math. 14 (1929) 132-137.