Volunteering – 2024 Summer Opening | Plum Village (original) (raw)

We would like to invite experienced practitioners in the Plum Village tradition to support us from July 2 – August 3 as volunteers in the 2024 Summer Opening (July 9 – August 1).

Practical Information

Volunteers will arrive on July 2 to settle in, meet the monastics and the volunteer team. We will learn, practice, play, and prepare for the retreat together.

Volunteers will also stay a few days after the retreat, departing on August 3, to help us wrap up the retreat and join the farewell gathering.

You will camp during the retreat and contribute €200 for your stay.

**We only consider applicants who have practiced at one of the Plum Village centers.

All volunteers, please provide:

Visiting the “Happy Farm”

Children program volunteers

We are looking for children program volunteers who are well-grounded in the Plum Village practice, know how to flow harmoniously as a team, and aspire to offer your presence, creativity, and care to the young ones.

This year, the German children’s program will be hosted by Lower Hamlet and is led and guided by German-speaking monastic siblings and volunteers with experience in working with children & together as a team.

As a volunteer you would arrive a week in advance so that everyone has time to settle in, we can get to know each other and prepare together for the children’s arrival.

To allow the children to experience PV and our practices with a lot of playfulness, creativity and interest, we are creating a special schedule for them, which will mostly run in parallel to the adult schedule.

Therefore, as a volunteer you will be fully immersed in this Children program and our practice is being there for the children with all our presence, heart & care.

Together in the team we will also have space to share with each other and to process our own experiences in this both demanding, but also very rewarding journey.

The Children’s program includes singing, playing, workshops, crafting, storytelling and performances, all infused with our mindfulness practices. For that, please feel free to bring along any instruments, games and props for sessions with the kids :)

It’s best if you already bring experience in caring for children, but most important are your joy and willingness to work together harmoniously in a team.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Teens program volunteers

We are looking for teens’ program volunteers who are well grounded in the Plum Village practice, know how to take care of your “inner teen”, and aspire to offer your presence, creativity, and care to the young ones.

The teens’ programs are in English and French. We also appreciate volunteers who can communicate in Spanish, Italian, German.

In 2024, the brothers will host the teen boys’ program in Upper Hamlet (UH), and the sisters will host the teen girls’ in New Hamlet (NH).

All General volunteers

Working mindfully, working joyfully for the sake of all beings

We dearly need the support of volunteers who are grounded in the Plum Village practice, are at ease among families and children – especially on hot days – and aspire to offer your energy and skills to the wider community.

You may be supporting the monastics in cooking, driving, translating, cleaning, setting the meditation hall, gardening, leading a group of retreatants … essentially, being part of the sangha family.

A lotus for you, a Buddha to be

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