Hogwarts' Teachers Union, since 2007.'s Journal (original) (raw)
Hogwarts' Teachers Union, since 2007.'s Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded inHogwarts' Teachers Union, since 2007.'s LiveJournal:
Friday, August 10th, 2007 | |
_5:45 pm_[professorpimp] |
Silly kids and their silly problems Today while I was on my break comparing the colors suitable for the interior of a house by myself, some little girl came into my class and threw herself at me. I mean, it's not the first time, but pimp slapping her for her insolence isn't technically legal here, so I had to appeared like I cared.You know what her problem was? Her twit ass boyfriend had told her that he wanted a break! Why the hell do I care?! Do I seem like the person suited for this. Just because I know all about matching fashionably does not make me a sensitive guy. So I just told her to tough it out and if she felt like seeing someone I could call an old acquaintance and get her a discount, I mean really.What's wrong with these kids!! Current Mood: ![]() |
Monday, July 9th, 2007 | |
_2:53 am_[finn_swindle] |
Nurrgh. *Finn Swindle stumbles into the Teacher's Lounge somewhat drunk with sleep deprivation*Well hell, my fair friends, this place is dead!*Nobody is in the room as they are all asleep in their chambers**Finn rummages in the ice chest for some popsicles.* Current Mood: ![]() |
Sunday, June 10th, 2007 | |
_2:51 pm_[professorpimp] |
I fea many things... Hey...who the hell took my chocolate milk from the stupid refrigerator? Anyway...*grumble*...How's everyone's class going so far? Stupid kids in mine don't seem to understand the complexity of wallpaper, scoff!Sometimes I wonder why the hell I moved here in the first place, I do miss Pollo Loco so *looks off into the sky*. Ummm, anyway, yes, now I have to go and try to steal milk from the kitchens. Wish me luck! Current Mood: ![]() |
Saturday, June 9th, 2007 | |
_10:36 am_[profgigicortez] |
Professor GiGi Cortez walked slowly down the dark corridor. She knew they were there, lurking in the shadows... the portraits. A soft cough echoed through the corridor. She screamed, not knowing which direction it came from. "Don't come any closer! I know you're there! I know what you're up to! You'll never succeed!" She began to run but started rolling abruptly when she encountered a stair case. THUD! Another cough sounded through the darkness, sounding suspiciously like maniacle laughter. (7 Comments |Comment on this) |
Friday, June 8th, 2007 | |
_9:53 pm_[finn_swindle] |
Bam! *Professor Finn Swindle enters the teacher's lounge*He says: Shit, guys, this place is empty... Oh, nice avatar! Esmeralda's work, I presume?*cricket*"Professor Swindle sighs* (5 Comments |Comment on this) |