Adult Bone Marrow Cell Therapy Improves Survival and Induces Long-Term Improvement in Cardiac Parameters: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (original) (raw)

. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Jan 2.



Despite rapid clinical translation and widespread enthusiasm, the therapeutic benefits of adult bone marrow cell (BMC) transplantation in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) continue to remain controversial. A synthesis of the available data is critical to appreciate and underscore the true impact of this promising approach.

Methods and Results

A total of 50 studies (enrolling 2,625 patients) identified by database searches through January 2012 were included. Weighted Mean Differences for changes in left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (LVEF), infarct size, LV end-systolic volume (LVESV), and LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) were estimated using random effects meta-analysis. Compared with controls, BMC-treated patients exhibited greater LVEF (3.96%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.90, 5.02; P<0.00001), and smaller infarct size (–4.03%, CI: –5.47, –2.59; P<0.00001), LVESV (–8.91 ml, CI: –11.57, –6.25; P<0.00001), and LVEDV (–5.23 ml, CI: – 7.60, –2.86; P<0.0001). These benefits were noted irrespective of the study design (RCT vs. Cohort study) and the type of IHD (acute myocardial infarction vs. chronic IHD), and persisted during long-term follow-up. Importantly, the all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, and the incidence of recurrent MI and stent thrombosis were significantly lower in BMC-treated patients compared with controls.


Transplantation of adult BMCs improves LV function, infarct size, and remodeling in patients with IHD compared with standard therapy, and these benefits persist during long-term follow-up. BMC transplantation also reduces the incidence of death, recurrent MI, and stent thrombosis in patients with IHD.

Keywords: bone marrow mononuclear cells, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, remodeling, stem cells


Coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction (MI) cause significant mortality, morbidity, and economic burden1. Despite current medical and interventional therapies, myocardial tissue lost during MI is replaced by noncontractile scar followed by remodeling of the left ventricle (LV) and gradual progression to heart failure. Based on promising results from preclinical studies and clinical trials, a new therapeutic approach has gained vigorous momentum over the past decade – transplantation of adult bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) for heart repair. However, while BMC injection resulted in significant improvement in LV function and structure in many studies2,3, these benefits were mixed or absent in several others4-8. Although results from clinical trials and meta-analyses have documented that BMC transplantation is feasible and safe7, the efficacy of this approach for cardiac repair continues to remain unclear and controversial. In addition, the long-term persistence of benefits of BMC transplantation remains uncertain9.

Because of the relatively small number of patients even in pooled datasets7,10, satisfactory analysis of several key aspects of outcomes could not be achieved previously. These include the impact of BMC transplantation on long-term patient-important clinical outcomes, and the persistence of benefits during prolonged follow-up. While surrogate endpoints demonstrate benefit with BMC transplantation7, understanding the clinical impact of this new therapy on hard clinical endpoints is quintessential before mainstream application. With the reporting of several newer clinical trials5,6,11-47 since our prior review, we sought to systematically review the effects of adult BMC transplantation in patients with ischemic heart disease on clinical and surrogate endpoints.


Search Strategy

We searched MEDLINE, the Web of Science, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the reference lists of retrieved reports through January 2012 for studies of BMC transplantation in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) using the following terms: “stem cells”, “progenitor cells”, “bone marrow cells”, “coronary artery disease”, “myocardial infarction”, “acute myocardial infarction”, “ischemic cardiomyopathy”, “cardiomyopathy”, and “heart failure”. The complete search strategy is provided in Appendix 1.

Study Selection

Studies were included if they were: (i) randomized controlled trials or cohort studies with a control group; (ii) conducted in patients with acute myocardial MI or chronic IHD; (iii) conducted in patients who received percutaneous coronary intervention or thrombolysis or coronary artery bypass surgery; and (iv) designed such that patients in the intervention arm received BMC therapy either via intracoronary injection or intramyocardial injection, and patients in the control arm received standard therapy. Studies that had at least one month of follow-up and ≥10 patients as the total sample size were included. Because we used mean and standard deviation, studies that reported data using median and range, could not be included. Search criteria were set to include only human studies conducted in adults ≥18 years of age.

Studies that used circulating progenitor cells following granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) mobilization were excluded in order to avoid confounding direct effects of GCSF on the myocardium and BMCs. Studies that did not report pre- and post-intervention outcomes of interest were excluded. Studies published in languages other than English were excluded, except those for which abstracts were available in English.

Data extraction

Three investigators (VJ, MB, and AS) independently screened all titles and abstracts to identify studies that met the inclusion criteria and extracted relevant data using a standardized form. The outcome measures included changes in left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (LVEF), infarct size, LV end-systolic volume (LVESV), and LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV). The clinical outcome measures included: all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, heart failure, stent thrombosis, in-stent restenosis, target vessel revascularization, cerebrovascular event, and ventricular arrhythmia. Data with the longest duration of follow-up were included for primary and secondary outcome measures. LV volumes were estimated from LV volume indices when appropriate. Modes of imaging included echocardiography, cardiac MRI, left ventriculography (LVG), radionuclide ventriculography (RNV), and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) (Table 1). MRI and SPECT data were preferred over echocardiographic data for primary analysis when available. When multiple imaging modalities were used in one study, data by each modality were extracted to be included in subgroup analysis. Clinical trials with multiple publications with sequential follow-up durations or different outcomes were considered as one study. For studies with two intervention arms12,23,24,32,48 which involved two different doses (low dose and high dose of BMCs) or different routes of administration (intracoronary and intramuscular), data were combined using methods described in the Cochrane Handbook49.

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis

Source Sample size Mean follow-up duration (months) Study design Cell type BMC preparation, suspension, injection No. of cells transplanted Route of Injection Type of IHD Location of MI DES use Time from PCI and/or MI to transplantation Imaging modalities*
Akar et al,11 2009 50 18 Cohort BMMNC COBE spectra,injected same day 1.29 ± 0.09 × 109 IM w/CABG CIHD Multiple - 397 ± 467 d Echo (EF),SPECT (Vol)
Ang et al,12 2008 25 6 RCT BMMNC Lymphoprep,autologous serum,injected same day 85 ± 56 × 106 (IM)115 ± 73 ×106 (IC) IM or ICw/ CABG CIHD NR - >6 wk MRI
Assmus et al,532006 46 3 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, X-vivo 10,3-d culture beforeinjection 205 ± 110 × 106 IC CIHD Multiple 2470 ± 2196 d LVG
Bartunek et al,542005 35 4 Cohort CD133+BMMNC CliniMacs, PBS+1%HSA, injectedwithin 10 h 12.6 ± 2.2 × 106 IC AMI Multiple NR 11.6 ± 1.4 d LVG (EF,Vol), SPECT(IS)
Cao et al,15 2009 86 48 RCT BMMNC Lymphoprep,heparinized saline 5 ± 1.2 × 107 IC AMI Anterior DES78-85% 7 d Echo (EF,Vol), SPECT(IS)
Chen et al,55 2004 69 6 RCT MSC Culture expanded,heparinized saline 48-60 × 109 IC AMI Multiple NR 18.4 ± 0.5 d LVG (EF),PET (IS)
Colombo et al,162011 10 12 RCT CD133+BMMNC CliniMacs,saline+10% HSA 5.9 (4.9 to 13.5) × 106 IC AMI Anterior BMS 10 to 14 d Echo (EF, Vol)
Ge et al,57 2006 20 6 RCT BMMNC Lymphoprep,heparinized saline 40 × 106 IC AMI Multiple NR 1 d Echo (EF),SPECT (IS)
Grajek et al, 17 2010 45 12 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, X-vivo15+2% plasma,injected next day 2.34 ± 1.2 × 109 IC AMI Anterior BMS 5-6 d Echo
Hendrikx et al,582006 20 4 RCT BMMNC Lymphoprep,heparinized salineinjected next day 60.25 ± 31.35 × 106 IM CIHD Multiple 217 ± 162 d MRI
Herbots et al,18 2009 67 4 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, saline+5%autologous serum,injected within 4-6 h 17.2 ± 7.2 × 107 IC AMI Multiple NR <1 d Echo
Huang et al,19 2006(abstract only) 40 6 RCT BMMNC NA NA IC AMI Inferior NA NA MRI
Huikuri et al,202008 80 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Hypaque,heparinizedsaline+autologousserum, injectedwithin 3 h 402 ± 196 × 106 /2.6 ± 1.6 × 106 IC AMI Multiple DES 2 to 6 d Echo (EF),LVG (Vol)
Janssens et al,592006 67 4 RCT MSC Ficoll,saline+autologousserum, injectedwithin 24 h 172 ± 72 × 106 IC AMI Multiple NR 1 to 2 d MRI
Katritsis et al,602005 22 4 Cohort MSC &EPC Culture expanded,saline 2-4 × 106 IC AMI &CIHD Anteroseptal NR 224 ± 470 d Echo
Lipiec et al,21 2009 36 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Paque Plus,saline, injectedwithin2-3 h 0.33 ± 0.17 × 106 (CD133+)3.36 ± 1.87 × 106 (CD34+) IC AMI Anterior NR 3 to10 d SPECT
Lunde et al,4,13,14,612006, 2008, 2009 100 36 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, heparin-plasma, injectednext day 87 ± 47.7 × 106 IC AMI Anterior DES4-6% 6 ± 1.3 d SPECT (EF,EDV, IS),Echo (ESV)
Manginas et at,222007 24 11 Cohort CD133+andCD133-/CD34+ Ficoll, FC-Macs,injected within 1-2 hof isolation 16.9 ± 4.9 × 106 (CD133+)8.0 ± 4.0 ×106(CD 34+) IC CIHD Anterior - 43.9 ± 38.4 months Echo
Meluzin et al,23,24,262006, 2008 66 12 RCT BMMNC Histopaque,cultivated overnight (High Dose) 1 × 108(Low Dose) 1 × 107 IC AMI Multiple NR 7 ± 0.3 d SPECT
Meyer et al,9,67,68,702006 60 18 RCT BMC Gelatinpolysuccinatedensity gradient,injected within 6-8h 24.6 ± 9.4 × 108 IC AMI Multiple NR 4.8 ± 1.3 d MRI
Mocini et al,62 2006 36 3 Cohort BMMNC Centrifugation, PBS 292 ± 232 × 106 IM CIHD Multiple - NA Echo
Nogueira et al, 252009 20 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Paque Plus,saline+5% HSA,injected within 8.5 h 1.0× 108 IC AMI Multiple NR 5.5 ± 1.2 d Echo
Penicka et al,5 2007 27 4 RCT BMMNC BMNC concentrate 26.4 × 108 / 1.3 × 106 IC AMI Anterior NR 4 to 11 d Echo (EF,Vol), SPECT(IS)
Perin et al,63,64 2003, 2004 20 12 Cohort BMMNC Ficoll-Paque Plus,saline+5% HSA,injected within 4 h 25.5 ± 6.3 × 106 IM CIHD Multiple NA Echo (EF,Vol), SPECT(IS)
Piepoli et al,27 2010 38 12 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Hypaque,PBS+5% HSA,injected same day 24.88 × 107 (mononuclear)41.88 × 107 (CD45+) IC AMI Anterior NR 4 to 7 d SPECT
Plewka et al,28 2009 56 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Paque plus,saline, injectedwithin 2 h 14.4 ± 4.9 × 107 IC AMI Anterior NR 7 ± 2 d Echo
Pokushalov et al,292010 109 12 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Paque Plus,heparinized saline,injected same day 41 ± 16 × 106 IM CIHD Multiple - 9 ± 8 years Echo
Quyyumi et al,302011 31 6 RCT CD34+ Dynabeads (Isolox300i), heparinizedPBS+40%autologous serum,injected within 24-48 h 5-15 × 106 IC AMI NR DES50-60% 8.3 d (median) MRI
Ramshorst et al,41,422009 49 3 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, PBS+0.5%HSA, injected sameday 100×106 IM CIHD NA - >6 months MRI
Rivas-Plata et al,312010 34 27 Cohort BMMNC Lymphoprep,Hank's medium,injected same day 407 ×106 IM w/CABG CIHD NR - >4 wk Echo
Ruan et al,65 2005 20 6 RCT BMC NR NR IC AMI Anterior NR 1 d Echo
Schachinger etal,3,56,66 2006 204 4 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Hypaue, X-vivo 10, injected thesame or next day 236 ± 174 × 106 IC AMI Multiple DES13-16% 4.3 ± 1.3 d LVG
Silva et al,32 2009 30 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Paque Plus,saline, injectedwithin 8.5 h 1 × 108 IC AMI Multiple NR 5.5 ± 1.3 d RNV
Srimahacho-ta etal,33 2011 23 6 RCT BMMNC Isoprep, saline+2%autologous serum,injected same day 420 ± 221 × 106 IC AMI Multiple DES17-18% 57 ± 122 d MRI
Stamm et al,34 2007 43 6 Cohort CD133+ CliniMacs, injectednext day 1.08 × 106 to 8.35 ×107 IM w/CABG CIHD Multiple - 7.9 wk (median) Echo
Strauer et al,2 2002 20 3 Cohort BMMNC Ficoll, X-vivo15,heparinized saline,overnight cultivation 28 ± 22 × 106 IC AMI Multiple NR 8 ± 2 d LVG
Strauer et al,69 2005 36 3 Cohort BMMNC Ficoll, X-vivo15,heparinized saline,overnight cultivation 90 × 106 IC CIHD Multiple - 823.5 ± 945.5 d LVG
Strauer et al, 352010 391 60 Cohort BMMNC Ficoll, X-vivo15,heparinized saline 6.6 ± 3.3 × 107 IC CIHD Multiple - 8.5 ± 3.2 y LVG
Suarez de Lezo etal,36 2007 20 3 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Hypaque,heparinized saline,injected same day 9 ± 3 × 108 /17 ± 13 × 106 IC AMI Anterior NR 7 ± 2 d LVG
Traverse et al,6 2010 40 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, saline+5%HSA, deliveredwithin 8 h 1 × 108 IC AMI Anterior DES95% 3 to 10 d MRI
Traverse et al, 372011 87 6 RCT BMC Automated cellprocessor (Sepax)saline+5% HSA,injected within 12 h 1.47 ± 17 × 108 IC AMI Multiple DES69-78% 14-21 d (17.4) MRI
Tse et al,38 2007 28 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, PBS+10%autologous serum,injected same day 1.67 ± 0.34 ×107 (low)4.20 ± 2.80 ×107 (high) IM CIHD NA - NA MRI
Turan et al,39 2011 32 6 Cohort BMC BMAC, freshlyisolated BMCs 101 ± 20 × 106 IC AMI Multiple NR 7 d LVG
Turan et al, 402011 62 12 RCT BMC BMAC, freshlyisolated BMCs 9.6 ± 3.2 × 107 IC AMI Multiple NR 7 days LVG
Wohrle et al,43 2010 42 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, saline+2%albumin, injected at6 h (median) 381 ± 130 × 106 IC AMI Multiple DES28-31% 6.3 ± 0.8 d MRI
Yao et al,44 2008 47 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Hypaque,heparin-treatedplasma, injectedsame day 180 ×106 IC CIHD Multiple DES57-58% 13 ± 8 months MRI
Yao et al,48 2009 39 12 RCT BMMNC Ficoll-Hypaque,heparin-treatedplasma, injectedsame day 1.9 ± 1.2 × 108(single transfusion)2.0 ± 1.4 × 108(repeat transfusion) IC AMI Anterior DES33-47% 3 to 7 drepeat at 3 months MRI
Yerebakan et al,45 2011 55 18 Cohort CD133+ CliniMacs, injectednext day 6 × 106 IM w/CABG CIHC Multiple - >14 days (2-1,215weeks) Echo
Yousef et al,46 2009 124 60 Cohort BMMNC Ficoll, heparinizedsaline 6.1 ± 3.9 × 107 IC AMI Multiple NR 7 ± 2 d LVG
Zhao et al,47 2008 36 6 RCT BMMNC Ficoll, heparinizedsaline, injected sameday 6.59 ± 5.12 × 108 IM w/CABG CIHD Multiple - NA Echo

Quality Assessment

The quality of included RCTs was assessed by using criteria established by Juni et al.50, and the quality of cohort studies was assessed by using the modified Newcastle-Ottawa scale51.

Data Analysis

Statistical analyses were performed using the Cochrane RevMan version 5, and the results expressed as weighted mean differences (WMDs) for continuous outcomes, with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Data were pooled using the DerSimonian-Laird random-effects model, but a fixed-effects model was also employed to ensure the robustness of the model chosen and the susceptibility to outliers. Heterogeneity was analyzed using I2 statistic, with a significance level alpha = 0.05. For I2 statistic, heterogeneity was defined as low (25-50%), moderate (50-75%), and high (>75%). We planned to conduct sensitivity analysis if significant heterogeneity was found (I2 > 50%) for any one of the outcomes. For studies that reported mean±standard deviation (SD) at baseline and follow-up, but did not report the actual change (from baseline to follow-up) as (mean±SD), the change in SD was calculated using a standardized formula used previously to calculate changes in mean and standard deviation52. Peto odds ratio was calculated for clinical outcomes (all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, recurrent myocardial infarction, stent thrombosis, heart failure, in-stent restenosis, target vessel revascularization, cerebrovascular event, and ventricular arrhythmias).

Subgroup analysis and Sensitivity Analysis

Planned subgroup analyses were conducted based on: (i) type of study design (RCT vs. Cohort study); (ii) type of IHD (acute MI vs. chronic IHD); (iii) duration of follow-up; (iv) baseline LVEF of <43% vs. >43% (43% was the median LVEF at baseline in included studies); and <50% vs. ≥50% (LVEF <50% represents LV dysfunction); (v) timing of BMC transplantation after acute MI and/or PCI (<7 days vs. 7 to 30 days [7 days after acute MI/PCI was the median in included studies]); (vi) number of cells injected (<100×106 vs. >100×106 BMCs injected [100×106 was the median number of BMCs injected]; and <40×106 vs. >40×106 BMCs injected); (vii) type of BMC (bone marrow mononuclear cells [BMMNCs] vs. other select cell populations [CD133+ and CD34+ BMCs]); and (viii) method of cell preparation (Lymphoprep vs. other Ficoll-based methods), and the use of heparin in the final cellular suspension; (ix) location of MI (anterior vs. multiple areas); and (x) route of injection. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to explore heterogeneity (investigating the effects of route of injection, sample size in studies, median LVEF, and median number of BMCs injected).


Search Results

The initial search retrieved 1,724 reports, of which 1,544 were excluded based on the title and abstract. Following the exclusion of 36 review articles and 5 reports of ongoing trials, full-text analysis was performed on 139 reports, of which 89 were excluded because of unrelated outcomes and the use of G-CSF and circulating progenitor cells. The remaining 50 studies (36 RCTs and 14 cohort studies enrolling a total of 2,625 patients)2-6,9,11-47,53-70 that reported changes in LVEF, infarct size, LVESV, or LVEDV in patients who underwent BMC transplantation compared with standard therapy were included in the final analysis (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flow diagram of eligible studies of bone marrow–derived cell (BMC) transplantation in patients with acute myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic heart disease. GCSF indicates granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; and RCT, randomized controlled trial. IV, inverse variance.

Study Characteristics

Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of included studies. The median follow-up duration was 6 months (range: 3 months to 60 months) and the median sample size was 39 patients (range: 10 to 391 patients). The timing of BMC transplantation in patients with acute MI varied among the included studies (median 6.7 days; range: 1 day to 18.4 days), and the median number of BMCs injected was 100×106 (range: 2×106 to 60×109). The median EF of patients at baseline was 43% (range: 21% to 62%).

Study Quality

The quality metrics of included RCTs are shown in Table 2, while Table 3 summarizes the quality of cohort studies. All cohort studies and at least 15 RCTs failed to blind participants and/or caregivers; 7 RCTs did not provide adequate information on blinding of participants and caregivers; and blinding of outcome assessors was unclear in at least 3 RCTs. The loss and adequacy of follow-up in the eligible studies are provided in Tables 2 and 3. The follow-up was complete in most studies with shorter follow-up duration. In studies with longer follow-up, the percent of patients lost to follow-up was acceptable. The inter-reviewer agreement on these quality domains was greater than 90%.

Table 2.

Quality assessment scale for the randomized controlled trials included in the meta-analysis

Selection Performance Detection Attrition
Source of bias Was allocation adequate?* Was an adequate method of randomization described? Were groups similar at the start of the study? Were the patients/caregivers blinded to the intervention? Was the outcome ascertained blindly? What percent was lost to follow-up? Were all patients analyzed in the group to which they were assigned (intention-to-treat analysis)?
Ang et al,12 2008 Y N Y Y Y 8% N
Assmus et al,53 2006 Y N Y N Y 8.6% Y
Cao et al,15 2009 Y Y Y NR Y 0 Y
Chen et al,55 2004 Y N Y Y Y 0 Y
Colombo et al,16 2011 Y Y Y Y Y 0 Y
Ge et al,57 2006 Y Y Y N Y 0 Y
Grajek et al.172010 Y Y Y N Y 0 N
Hendrikx et al,58 2006 Y Y Y N Y 0 Y
Herbots et al,18 2009 Y Y Y Y Y 1% Y
Huang et al,19 2006 (abstract only) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Huikuri et al,20 2008 Y Y Y Y Y 3.7% Y
Lunde et al,4,13,14,61 2006, 2008, 2009 Y Y Y N Y 0 Y
Janssens et al,59 Lancet 2006 Y Y Y Y Y 10% Y
Lipiec et al,21 2009 Y Y Y N Y 5% N
Meluzin et al,23,24 2006, 2008 Y N Y NR Y 9% N
Meyer et al,9,67,68,70 2006 Y Y Y Y Y 0 Y
Nogueira et al 25 2009 Y Y Y N Y 0 Y
Penicka et al,5 2007 Y Y NR NR NR 11% N
Piepoli et al,27 2010 Y Y Y NR NR 0 Y
Plewka et al,28 2009 Y N Y NR Y 0 Y
Pokushalov et al,29 2010 Y Y Y N Y 24% Y
Quyyumi et al,30 2011 Y N Y N Y 8% N
Ramshorst et al,41,42 2009 Y Y Y Y Y 18% Y
Ruan et al,65 2005 Y N Y Y Y 0 Y
Schachinger et al,3,56,66 2006 Y Y Y Y Y 0 Y
Silva et al,32 2009 Y Y Y N Y 0 Y
Srimahachota et al,33 2011 N Y Y N Y 0 Y
Suarez de Lezo et al,36 2007 Y Y Y NR Y 0 Y
Traverse et al,6 2010 Y Y Y Y Y 0 Y
Traverse et al, 372011 Y N Y N Y 1.1% Y
Turan et al, 40 2011 Y N Y N Y 0 Y
Tse et al,38 2007 Y Y Y Y Y 7% Y
Wohrle et al,43 2010 Y Y Y Y Y 4.7% Y
Yao et al,44 2008 Y N Y N Y 0 Y
Yao et al,48 2009 Y Y Y NR Y 13% N
Zhao et al,47 2008 Y Y Y N Y 5.5% Y

Table 3.

Modified Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale for the Cohort Studies included in the meta-analysis

Selection Outcome
Source Representativeness of the exposed cohort Selection of the nonexposed cohort Ascertainment of exposure Incident disease Comparability Assessment of outcome Length of follow-up Adequacy of follow-up
Akar et al,11 2009 B A A A B B A A
Bartunek et al,54 2005 A A A A A B A A
Katritsis et al,60 2005 A A A A A A A A
Manginas et al,22 B A A A B NR A A
Mocini et al,62 2006 A A A A A A A A
Perm et al,63,64 2003, 2004 A A A NR A A A A
Rivas-Plata et al,31 2010 B A A A A NR A A
Stamm et al,34 2007 B A A A C A A B
Strauer et al,2 2002 A A A A A B A A
Strauer et al,69 2005 A A A A A B A A
Strauer et al,35 2010 A A A A A B A A
Turan et al,39 2011 A A A A A A A A
Yerebakan et al, 45 2011 A A A A A A A B
Yousef et al,46 2009 A A A A A A A A

Cardiac parameters.

Compared with the standard treatment group, BMC transplantation improved LVEF by 3.96% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.90, 5.02; P<0.00001; Figure 2), reduced infarct size by 4.03% (CI: –5.47, –2.59; P<0.00001, Figure 3), reduced LVESV by 8.9 ml, (CI: –11.57, –6.25; P<0.00001, Figure 4), and reduced LVEDV by 5.23 ml (CI: –7.6, –2.86; P<0.0001, Figure 5).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Forest plot of unadjusted difference in mean (with 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) change in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients treated with bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) compared with controls. The figure shows the summary of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies. Transplantation of BMCs resulted in a 3.96% (CI: 2.90, 5.02; P<0.00001) increase in mean LVEF. The overall effect was statistically significant in favor of BMC transplantation. WMD indicates weighted mean difference. IV, inverse variance.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Forest plot of unadjusted difference in mean (with 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) change in infarct scar size in patients treated with bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) compared with controls. The figure shows the summary of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies. Transplantation of BMCs resulted in a 4.03% (CI: –5.47, –2.59; P<0.00001) decrease in mean infarct scar size. The overall effect was statistically significant in favor of BMC transplantation. WMD indicates weighted mean difference. IV, inverse variance.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Forest plot of unadjusted difference in mean (with 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) change in left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV) in patients treated with bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) compared with controls. The figure shows the summary of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies. Transplantation of BMCs resulted in a 8.91 ml (CI: – 11.57, –6.25; P<0.00001) decrease in LVESV. The overall effect was statistically significant in favor of BMC transplantation. WMD indicates weighted mean difference. IV, inverse variance.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Forest plot of unadjusted difference in mean (with 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) change in left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) in patients treated with bone marrow-derived cells (BMCs) compared with controls. The figure shows the summary of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies. BMC transplantation resulted in a 5.23 ml (CI: – 7.60, –2.86; P<0.001) decrease in mean LVEDV. The overall effect was statistically significant in favor of BMC transplantation. WMD indicates weighted mean difference. IV, inverse variance.

Persistence of benefits during long-term follow-up

With analyses based on the duration of follow-up, the improvement in LVEF persisted for at least more than 24 months, and improvement in infarct size, LVESV, and LVEDV persisted for at least more than 12 months (Table 4).

Table 4.

Unadjusted difference in mean change in parameters in BMC-treated patients compared with controls based on the duration of follow-up

Follow-up duration Difference in mean 95% Confidence Interval P value
0 – 3 months 4.78 3.22 to 6.34 <0.00001
4 – 6 months 3.47 2.35 to 4.59 <0.00001
7 – 12 months 5.93 4.56 to 7.30 <0.00001
13 – 24 months 2.14 0.25 to 4.02 <0.03
> 24 months 6.91 3.37 to 10.45 0.0001
Infarct size
0 – 3 months –6.19 –9.73 to –2.64 0.0006
4 – 6 months –2.94 –4.60 to –1.29 0.0005
7 – 12 months –5.60 –9.67 to –1.53 0.007
> 12 months –2.39 –2.78 to –2.01 <0.00001
0 – 3 months –9.33 –13.66 to –5.00 <0.00001
4 – 6 months –5.68 –7.83 to –3.54 <0.00001
7 – 12 months –14.52 –19.35 to –9.68 <0.00001
> 12 months –9.47 –14.51 to –4.44 0.0002
0 – 3 months –2.92 –7.09 to 1.26 0.17
4 – 6 months –2.90 –4.92 to –0.89 0.005
7 – 12 months –7.65 –12.48 to –2.83 0.002
> 12 months –4.37 –7.84 to –0.90 0.01

Subgroup Analysis

Subgroup analysis showed that improvements in LV function, scar size, and LV volumes were significant irrespective of the type of IHD (acute MI vs. chronic IHD), except that BMC transplantation produced greater reduction in LVESV in patients with chronic IHD (Table 5). The benefits of BMC therapy were similar in patients with MI in any territory compared with those with anterior MI, although improvement in LVEDV was greater in the latter (Table 5). The impact of baseline LVEF was analyzed separately based on the median LVEF (43%) and the presence of LV systolic dysfunction (LVEF <50%). Results from both analyses showed that recipients of BMC transplantation with lower LVEF at baseline experienced significantly greater improvement in LVESV and LVEDV, with no significant reduction in LVEDV in recipients with baseline LVEF >43% and > 50% (Table 5). In patients with acute MI, BMC injection <7 days after acute MI and/or PCI produced similar improvements in EF, scar size, and LVESV compared with BMC injection between 7 and 30 days. The improvement in LVEDV was also significant when cells were injected at <7 days, while BMC injection between 7 to 30 days failed to reduce LVEDV (Table 5).

Table 5.

Subgroup analysis examining the impact of study design, type of ischemic heart disease, timing of transplantation, number of BMCs transplanted, and route of BMC transplantation, and left ventricular ejection fraction at baseline on outcome variables.

Outcome Difference in mean (95% confidence interval) P value for subgroup differences
Acute MI Chronic IHD
LVEF 3.48 (2.05 to 4.91) 4.94 (3.27 to 6.61) 0.19
Infarct scar size –3.73 (–5.29 to –2.18) –6.09 (–7.96 to –4.21) 0.06
LVESV –5.91 (–8.31 to –3.50) –16.34 (–23.98 to –8.70) 0.01
LVEDV –3.76 (–6.38 to –1.15) –7.81 (–13.8 to –1.83) 0.22
Anterior wall MI MI in any territory
LVEF 3.37 (1.48 to 5.26) 4.37 (2.91 to 5.82) 0.41
Infarct scar size –3.56 (–6.28 to –0.84) –4.85 (–7.27 to –2.42) 0.49
LVESV –8.15 (–12.03 to –4.27) –10.08 (–14.56 to –5.60) 0.52
LVEDV –13.73 (–22.2 to –5.27) –3.14 (–5.87 to –0.41) 0.02
Baseline LVEF <43 % Baseline LVEF ≥43%
LVEF 4.83 (3.37 to 6.29) 3.61 (2.05 to 5.18) 0.26
Infarct scar size –3.84 (–6.14 to –1.55) –4.52 (–7.07 to –1.97) 0.70
LVESV –13.93 (–18.27 to –9.59) –4.70 (–7.34 to –2.07) 0.0004
LVEDV –10.01 (–14.59 to –5.43) –2.19 (–6.08 to 1.69) 0.01
Baseline LVEF <50 % Baseline LVEF ≥50 %
LVEF 4.06 (2.87 to 5.24) 3.75 (0.81 to 6.69) 0.85
Infarct scar size –4.55 (–6.32 to –2.77) –3.03 (–5.84 to –0.23) 0.37
LVESV –9.88 (–12.91 to –6.86) –4.49 (–8.73 to –0.26) 0.04
LVEDV –7.18 (–10.69 to –3.68) –1.05 (–5.42 to 3.31) 0.03
BMCs injected <7 d after acute MI and/or PCI BMCs injected 7 to 30 d after acute MI and/or PCI
LVEF 3.91 (1.40 to 6.42) 0.43
Infarct scar size 2.68 (0.87 to 4.48) –4.78 (–7.91 to –1.64) 0.55
LVESV –3.56 (–6.0 to –1.12) –7.48 (–12.24 to –2.72) 0.35
LVEDV –4.89 (–7.48 to –2.3)–7.14 (–12.29 to –1.99) –0.12 (–4.48 to 4.24) 0.04
No. of BMCs <100 × 106 No. of BMCs ≥100 × 106
LVEF 4.69 (3.22 to 6.16) 3.54 (2.04 to 5.04) 0.28
Infarct scar size –4.35 (–6.45 to –2.25) –3.71 (–6.65 to –0.78) 0.73
LVESV –13.46 (–18.78 to –8.15) –4.52 (–6.67 to –2.37) 0.002
LVEDV –5.1 (–9.45 to –0.76) –4.52 (–8.30 to –0.75) 0.84
No. of BMCs <40 × 106 No. of BMCs ≥40 × 106
LVEF 1.88 (–0.49 to 4.25) 4.19 (3.06 to 5.32) 0.09
Infarct scar size –3.48 (–10.13 to 3.17) –4.22 (–5.73 to –2.71) 0.83
LVESV –13.59 (–32.68 to 5.49) –7.78 (–10.21 to –5.35) 0.55
LVEDV –7.30 (–20.31 to 5.72) –4.31 (–6.60 to –2.03) 0.66
BMMNC CD133+/CD34+
LVEF 3.84 (2.68 to 5.00) 3.05 (–0.19 to 6.29) 0.65
Infarct scar size –3.47 (–4.86 to –2.07) 0.94 (–2.85 to 4.74) 0.03
LVESV –9.13 (–12.08 to –6.17) –16.53 (–40.47 to 7.41) 0.55
LVEDV –6.47 (–9.00 to –3.94) –8.01 (–25.02 to 9.00) 0.86
Other Ficoll-based methods Lymphoprep
LVEF 3.94 (2.57 to 5.31) 4.44 (2.06 to 6.82) 0.72
Infarct scar size –3.81 (–5.98 to –1.65) –2.42 (–2.80 to –2.04) 0.21
LVESV –9.75 (–13.83 to –5.68) –6.46 (–8.88 to –4.05) 0.17
LVEDV –7.5 (–11.46 to –3.54) –9.54 (–27.93 to 8.85) 0.83
No heparin Heparinized Saline
LVEF 2.58 (1.22 to 3.95) 6.15 (4.30 to 8.01) 0.002
Infarct scar size –4.29 (–6.66 to –1.92) –4.58 (–6.37 to –2.79) 0.85
LVESV –4.84 (–8.4 to –1.27) –13.07 (–19.17 to –6.96) 0.02
LVEDV –6.41 (–12.29 to –0.52) –4.43 (–7.05 to –1.80) 0.55
IC - Chronic IHD IM - Chronic IHD
LVEF 3.43 (0.33 to 6.53) 4.94 (3.27 to 6.12) 0.40
Infarct scar size –3.99 (–8.3 to 0.32) –3.42 (–10.23 to 3.39) 0.89
LVESV –19.24 (–37.92 to –0.56) –15.64 (–24.95 to –6.33) 0.74
LVEDV –12.91 (–27.96 to 2.14) –6.39 (–12.78 to 0.00) 0.43
RCTs Cohort studies
LVEF 3.35 (2.19 to 4.50) 5.68 (3.54 to 7.82) 0.06
Infarct scar size –3.03 (–4.58 to –1.48) –6.80 (–9.85 to –3.75) 0.03
LVESV –6.58 (–9.30 to –3.86) –17.50 (–26.20 to –8.80) 0.02
LVEDV –4.15 (–6.78 to –1.52) –8.9 (–15 to –2.81) 0.16

Analysis based on the median BMC number (100×106) showed that injection of >100×106 BMCs produced similar improvements in EF, scar size, and EDV compared with <100×106 BMCs; while reduction in ESV was significantly greater with <100×106 BMCs. Additional analyses utilizing progressively lower BMC numbers showed that injection of >40×106 BMCs resulted in significant improvement in all 4 primary outcome measures (LVEF, scar size, LVESV, and LVEDV), while injection of ≤40×106 BMCs did not show improvement in any outcome (Table 5), indicating that 40×106 BMCs may represent the cut-off, below which BMCs fail to exert a majority of the desired benefits.

Regarding cell types, 36 studies used BMMNCs, 5 studies used BMCs, 6 studies used CD133+ and/or CD34+ cells, and 3 studies used MSCs and/or EPCs. Subgroup analysis showed that while BMMNC therapy improved LVEF, scar size, and LV volumes, the pooled effects of CD133+ and/or CD34+ cell therapy were not significantly different compared with controls (Table 5). The reduction in scar size with BMMNC therapy was significantly greater compared with CD133+/CD34+ cells. Analysis based on the methods of cell preparation showed similar benefits in LVEF, scar size, and LVESV when cells were isolated using Lymphoprep compared with other Ficoll-based methods (Table 5). Further subgroup analysis comparing studies that used heparinized saline vs. saline-based solutions without heparin in the final cell suspension showed greater improvement in EF and LVESV with heparinized saline, while improvements in scar size and LVEDV were comparable with both methods (Table 5). In 26 studies, cells were injected on the same day as BM harvest, and in 9 studies, cells were injected by the next day (Table 1). BMCs were cultured or cell injection was delayed for up to 48 h in 4 studies, and the time-frame was unclear in 11. Since information regarding storage condition, especially temperature during storage was not available in the vast majority, subgroup analysis was not performed.

Regarding the route of injection, all patients with acute myocardial infarction received intracoronary injection of BMCs. Therefore the impact of intracoronary vs. intramyocardial route of injection was analyzed in patients with chronic IHD. In these patients the outcomes were not significantly different between the two routes of BMC administration (Table 5). With regard to the design of included studies, the benefits remained significant when RCTs and cohort studies were analyzed separately (Figures 2-5), albeit with greater magnitudes in cohort studies compared with RCTs (Table 5).

Impact of BMC therapy on survival and clinical outcomes

Compared with patients who received standard therapy, BMC-treated patients experienced significant decrease in all-cause mortality (OR 0.39, CI: 0.27 to 0.55, _I2_=14%, P<0.00001), cardiac mortality (OR 0.41, CI: 0.22 to 0.79, _I2_=2%, _P_=0.005), recurrent MI (OR 0.25, CI: 0.11 to 0.57, _I2_=22%, _P_=0.001), and stent thrombosis (OR 0.34, CI: 0.12 to 0.94, _I2_=6%, _P_=0.04) (Table 6). There were trends toward reduction in the incidence of heart failure (OR 0.52, CI: 0.27 to 1.00, _I2_=4%, _P_=0.05) and cerebrovascular event (OR 0.28, CI: 0.08 to 1.07, _I2_=0%, _P_=0.06) in BMC-treated patients. The incidence of in-stent restenosis (OR 0.87, CI: 0.47 to 1.62, _I2_=0%, _P_=0.66), target vessel revascularization (OR 0.83, CI: 0.55 to 1.23, _I2_=0%, _P_=0.35), and ventricular arrhythmias (OR 1.14, CI: 0.52 to 2.53, _I2_=18%, _P_=0.74) were similar in BMC-treated patients compared with controls (Table 6).

Table 6.

Clinical outcomes in BMC-treated patients compared with patients receiving standard therapy

Outcome Peto OR 95% Confidence Interval P value
All-cause mortality 0.39 0.27 to 0.55 <0.00001
Cardiac deaths 0.41 0.22 to 0.79 0.005
Recurrent MI 0.25 0.11 to 0.57 0.001
Heart failure 0.52 0.27 to 1.00 0.05
Stent thrombosis 0.34 0.12 to 0.94 0.04
In-stent restenosis 0.87 0.47 to 1.62 0.66
TVR 0.83 0.55 to 1.23 0.35
CVA 0.28 0.08 to 1.07 0.06
VT / VF 1.14 0.52 to 2.53 0.74

Imaging modalities and outcomes

Significant differences were noted when the mean changes in LVEF, infarct size, and LVESV were compared among studies that used echocardiography, SPECT, MRI, or LVG for outcomes assessment. Specifically, improvement in LVEF in BMC-treated patients was significant when echocardiography or LVG were used and showed a trend toward improvement with SPECT, whereas the increase was insignificant with MRI (Table 7). Infarct scar size reduction was significant with both SPECT and LVG, but not with MRI (Table 7). Importantly, reduction in LVESV was significant with all imaging modalities, albeit the magnitude varied; while reduction in LVEDV was significant by echocardiography and SPECT, but not by MRI or LVG (Table 7).

Table 7.

Unadjusted differences in mean change in parameters in BMC-treated patients compared with controls based on the mode of imaging

Difference in mean 95% Confidence Interval P value for Z P value for subgroup differences
Echo 3.61 2.18 to 5.04 <0.00001 0.001
SPECT 2.60 −0.35 to 5.55 0.08
MRI 1.17 −0.60 to 2.95 0.20
LVG 7.08 4.77 to 9.38 0.0001
Infarct size
SPECT –2.41 –2.78 to –2.03 <0.00001 0.04
MRI –1.48 –1.48 to 0.91 0.22
LVG –7.01 –10.66 to–3.36 0.0002
Echo –15.81 –23.75 to –7.87 <0.0001 <0.0001
SPECT –7.02 –11.19 to –2.85 0.001
MRI –2.38 –3.89 to –0.87 0.002
LVG –14.44 –21.61 to –7.27 <0.0001
Echo –7.66 –13.08 to –2.25 0.006 0.08
SPECT –14.79 –24.22 to –5.35 0.002
MRI –2.39 –6.84 to 2.06 0.29
LVG –3.08 –10.25 to 4.10 0.4

Sensitivity analysis

Heterogeneity was explored by conducting sensitivity analysis based on the route of injection, sample size, median LVEF and median number of BMCs injected. All clinical trials in patients with acute MI used the intracoronary route for BMC injection. Analysis based on the route of injection, median EF and the median number of BMCs did not explain the heterogeneity (Table 5). Analysis of studies based on sample size (<50 patients vs. ≥50 patients) did not change the results and did not explain the heterogeneity.

Publication Bias

We drew funnel plots to seek evidence of publication bias: where inconsistency was high, the funnel plots were not interpretable; where inconsistency was low, the funnel plots were inconclusive.


Salient findings

Our meta-analysis of pooled data from 2,625 patients, the largest to date, demonstrate that adult BMC transplantation results in modest yet significant improvements in LVEF, infarct scar size, LVESV, and LVEDV. These results indicate that BMC transplantation can improve LV function and remodeling beyond those achievable with standard therapy. The persistence of LVEF improvement at least beyond 24 months and other enhancements at least beyond 12 months underscores the long-standing nature of cardiac repair induced by BMC transplantation. Importantly, and although assessed as secondary outcomes, our results also indicate that BMC-treated patients experienced significant reduction in all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, recurrent MI, and stent thrombosis compared with patients who received standard therapy. While the clinical trials included in this meta-analysis were not designed to assess the impact of BMC transplantation on long-term clinical outcomes as their primary outcome, these findings are highly significant from a therapeutic standpoint, and provide a strong basis for large scale clinical trials.

BMC therapy improves LV function and remodeling

The primary objectives of cell therapy are to improve LV structure and function and ameliorate patient symptoms. In this regard, results from individual clinical trials have been discordant with some trials showing improvement in diverse functional and clinical parameters with BMC transplantation, while others failing to document significant benefits. Based on data from 2,625 patients, the current results indicate that injection of BMCs in patients with IHD results in modest improvements in LVEF, infarct size, LVESV, and LVEDV. The improvement in LV systolic function is noteworthy as LVEF is an important prognostic factor in patients with acute myocardial ischemic injury71. It is also important to note that although the 3.96% increase in LVEF is not large, the other therapeutic options in these patients are able to offer only similar benefits72. In addition, BMC transplantation also improved postinfarct remodeling as evidenced by reduction in infarct scar size and LVEDV. These benefits may translate into superior long-term prognosis in these patients. The mechanisms underlying these benefits remain poorly understood at this time, although enhanced angiogenesis and reduction in apoptosis through paracrine effects of growth factors secreted by BMCs, differentiation of BMCs into cardiac cells, and activation of cardiac stem cells have all been suggested73,74.

The sustained nature of benefits

We performed additional analysis based on duration of follow-up to examine whether the benefits would persist during long-term follow-up. As shown in Table 4, the improvement in LVEF was robust even beyond 24 months, while the reduction in infarct size and LV volumes persisted for at least more than 12 months. These data indicate that the benefits of BMC transplantation on LV structure and function are not transient.

Patient characteristics

Notwithstanding this uncertainty regarding mechanisms, we analyzed data based on pre-defined subgroups attempting to identify the potential factors that may influence the observed benefits. When analyzed based on the type of ischemic heart disease, BMC transplantation in patients with chronic IHD produced greater reduction in LVESV compared with acute MI patients who received BMC therapy (Table 5). These findings indicate that beyond the acute setting, BMC transplantation can also effectively ameliorate LV remodeling, which is a chronic process. Further analysis revealed similar benefits irrespective of the location of MI, although the reduction in LVEDV was more pronounced in patients with anterior MI.

Analysis based on the median LVEF (43%) in recipients showed significantly greater reduction in LV volumes in patients with LVEF <43% at baseline (Table 5**). These differences in outcomes persisted when subgroup data were analyzed using a baseline LVEF of 50%, below which LV dysfunction is considered present. Importantly, BMC therapy failed to reduce LVEDV in patients with a baseline LVEF >43% (Table 5**). Together, these results indicate that LV remodeling outcomes are superior with lower baseline LVEF in recipients. Although no rigid cut-off value below which BMC transplantation would be ineffective could be determined, these data indicate that the benefits of BMC transplantation are greater in recipients with LV dysfunction at baseline.

Timing of cell injection

Following an acute MI, the initial inflammatory myocardial milieu progressively changes to that of a remodeled heart, and understandably the fate of injected BMCs and the outcomes of therapy may depend on the timing of cell injection. Interestingly, when BMCs were injected <7 days (the median interval) after acute MI and/or PCI, the improvements in LVEF, infarct scar size, and LVESV were similar compared with BMC injection within the 7 to 30 day period; however, improvement in LVEDV was absent with delayed BMC injection (Table 5). These results underscore the critical need for direct comparison of different timings of cell therapy after acute MI in prospective trials.

The impact of cell number

Since only a small fraction of injected cells is retained in the myocardium, the total number of BMCs injected may determine the degree of cardiac recovery. While the mean changes in LVEF, infarct size, and LVEDV were similar in patients who received >100×106 BMCs (the median number in included studies) and <100×106 BMCs, there was a greater reduction in LVESV in patients who received <100×106 BMCs. Upon further analysis with progressively lower BMC numbers, none of the benefits (improvement in LVEF, and reduction in infarct size, LVESV, and LVEDV) were observed in patients who received <40×106 BMCs, while improvements in all four outcome parameters were evident in those who received >40×106 cells (Table 5). However, a limitation in this type of subgroup analysis is the fact that these trials did not directly compare the effects of low vs. high dose of BMC transplantation. Moreover, clinical factors such as the timing after MI and the route of injection may also be responsible for the lack of benefits observed with lower number of BMCs.

Comparison of cell types

Since the initial demonstration of cardiac repair with Lin-/c-kit+ BMCs, a number of other BMC subfractions have been used for similar purposes. In subgroup analysis, BMMNC transplantation resulted in improvement in all four primary outcomes, whereas therapy with CD133+ and/or CD34+ cells did not improve LVEF, scar size, or volumes (Table 5). While this could be related to the small number of studies (reduced sample size) with these subsets, the benefits of specific subgroups of BMMNCs need further evaluation.

It is important to note that recent studies have documented the efficacy of myocardial repair with various adult cells from other tissues, including the heart. Indeed, the c-kit+ cardiac stem cells (CSCs)75 are considered optimally suited for myocardial repair because of their cardiac origin and inherent ability to differentiate into cardiac lineages. Consistent with the efficacy of CSCs to repair infarcted myocardial tissue following intravascular delivery76 and in the setting of an old MI77, intracoronary delivery of autologous CSCs improved LVEF by 12.3% and reduced infarct size by 30% after 1 year in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy in a recent trial78. In a subsequent study79, intracoronary injection of cardiosphere-derived cells reduced infarct mass and improved regional myocardial contractility in patients with acute MI and LV dysfunction. Thus, the efficacy of CSCs for cardiac repair needs to be compared with BMMNCs in future trials.

The importance of cell processing methods

It has been appropriately suggested that cell processing methods impact outcomes80,81. Therefore we performed subgroup analysis based on the specific method of density-gradient centrifugation, and the benefits were comparable with Lymphoprep vs. other Ficoll-based protocols (Table 5). Additional subgroup analysis showed greater improvement in LVEF and LVESV with the use of heparin in the final BMC suspension (Table 5). Importantly, BMCs were stored for various lengths of time, and further studies will be necessary to directly assess the importance of additional factors in this process.

Route of injection

In patients with acute MI, all of the included studies employed the intracoronary route. Therefore, we analyzed the impact of cell delivery approaches in patients with chronic IHD only. There was no significant difference between outcomes with intracoronary compared with intramyocardial administration in patients with CIHD (Table 5). Nonetheless, in clinical scenarios, the applicability and selection of intracoronary and intramyocardial routes will often depend on patient characteristics and logistics.

Improvement in survival and adverse outcomes during follow-up

With the growing number of cell therapy trials, it has become critically important to consider the overall clinical picture, which includes broader endpoints. In this light, and although analyzed as secondary outcomes, the ability of BMC transplantation to reduce all-cause as well as cardiac mortalities, incidence of recurrent MI, and stent thrombosis is noteworthy. The incidence of heart failure and CVA also showed a trend toward reduction. These data suggest that BMC transplantation may modulate other as yet unknown variables that may influence the overall outcomes positively.

The impact of imaging modality

The potential influence of imaging modality was analyzed for all primary outcomes. Interestingly, the improvements in LV functional parameters were more pronounced in studies that used echocardiography or LVG compared with those using MRI. It is important to note that the differences in mean change by MRI were uniformly directionally concordant with other modalities, albeit not statistically significant. Thus, these results need to be interpreted in light of the relative paucity of studies that have employed MRI for assessment of primary outcomes (Table 1). The increasing use of MRI in newer studies may provide additional data for effective comparison among various imaging modalities.


Our review demonstrates that BMC transplantation is safe in patients with IHD. The incidence of in-stent restenosis, a potential concern in patients treated with intracoronary BMC injection, was similar in BMC-treated and control patients. The incidence of other important clinical adverse outcomes, including target vessel revascularization and ventricular arrhythmia also did not differ between groups.

The selection of outcome variables

In this systematic review, we were able to analyze the primary variables that were reported in a majority of studies. However, it is important to note that these variables have inherent limitations in serving as accurate end-points of BMC therapy. For example, LVEF is known to be load-dependent and may be influenced by hypercontractile segments in the viable myocardium. Further, its prognostic significance diminishes with values >45%. Therefore, in future studies, it will be important to identify a combinatorial set of parameters that will reliably reflect the true impact of BMC therapy in patients with IHD.


The degree of heterogeneity observed among trials in this review is a limitation. This heterogeneity may have resulted from the differences in imaging modalities used to determine LV volumes and EF, BMC number and processing, timing and route of injection, and differences in baseline characteristics among the study populations. We conducted predetermined subgroup analyses for the mode of imaging, timing of BMC injection, and the number of BMCs injected. However, a limitation in subgroup analysis, although pre-defined, is that the number of studies included in one subgroup may be less than the other(s). This could lead to smaller sample size which may result in nonsignificant association. Nonetheless, the improvements observed across most of these subgroups (Tables 4, 5, and 7) suggest that the associations are likely valid. Sensitivity analyses based on sample size, baseline LVEF and route of injection also did not explain the heterogeneity. Most of these studies were conducted in small patient populations with a few exceptions, and did not focus on broad clinical outcomes.

In conclusion, the results of our systematic review suggest that BMC transplantation in addition to standard therapy in patients with IHD improves LV function and remodeling as well as patient-important clinical outcomes. Further large scale randomized studies are needed to critically evaluate the multi-faceted benefits of this promising therapeutic approach.


Although adult bone marrow cell (BMC) therapy for cardiac repair appears promising, divergent data from smaller clinical trials have generated lingering controversy over the nature and extent of benefits. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of pooled data from 50 trials to assess the impact of BMC therapy on clinically important end-points. Our results show that BMC therapy modestly improves left ventricular function and remodeling in patients with IHD, and these benefits persist during long-term follow-up. These data also suggest that BMC therapy is associated with reduced all-cause as well as cardiac mortality, and reduced incidence of recurrent myocardial infarction (MI) and stent thrombosis without any significant increase in adverse events. BMC therapy seems effective for both acute MI and chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy, largely independent of the location of MI. Patients with lower LV ejection fraction at baseline appear to benefit more. To be effective, injection of at least 40 million BMCs seems necessary, and the remodeling benefits seem more pronounced with earlier BMC injection. Although BM mononuclear cells are generally more effective compared with subpopulations, cell processing techniques deserve particular attention, because they influence the outcomes significantly. Finally, the magnitude of changes in various outcome parameters depends on the imaging modality, although the findings remain directionally concordant. Thus, larger clinical trials utilizing stringent methodology and broader array of outcomes are warranted to definitively determine the true utility of this novel therapeutic strategy for cardiac repair.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Renee Falsken for expert secretarial assistance.

Funding Sources: This meta-analysis and publication was supported in part by NIH grant R01 HL-89939


Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None

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