Assembling millions of short DNA sequences using SSAKE (original) (raw)


Summary: Novel DNA sequencing technologies with the potential for up to three orders magnitude more sequence throughput than conventional Sanger sequencing are emerging. The instrument now available from Solexa Ltd, produces millions of short DNA sequences of 25 nt each. Due to ubiquitous repeats in large genomes and the inability of short sequences to uniquely and unambiguously characterize them, the short read length limits applicability for de novo sequencing. However, given the sequencing depth and the throughput of this instrument, stringent assembly of highly identical sequences can be achieved. We describe SSAKE, a tool for aggressively assembling millions of short nucleotide sequences by progressively searching through a prefix tree for the longest possible overlap between any two sequences. SSAKE is designed to help leverage the information from short sequence reads by stringently assembling them into contiguous sequences that can be used to characterize novel sequencing targets.




High-throughput DNA sequencing instrumentation capable of producing tens of millions of short (∼25 bp) sequences (reads) is becoming available (Bennett, 2004). The two most striking attributes of this technology, the large read depth and short sequence length, make it suitable for re-sequencing applications where a known reference sequence is used as a template for alignment. However, the ability to decode novel sequencing targets, such as unsequenced genomes or metagenomic libraries is limited. Twenty-five mers are far more ubiquitous than Sanger-size reads (500–1000 bp) in any given genome. Since the sequence complexity increases by a factor 4 for every base added, the likelihood of observing redundant sequences increases dramatically with decreased read length for sequences shorter than 20 bp. The read length needed to achieve maximal uniqueness varies depending on the genome being sequenced, its size and repeat content (Whiteford et al., 2005). Although some studies have explored the feasibility of de novo genome assembly using 70–80 bp reads (Chaisson et al., 2004), none describe tools for de novo assembly of shorter sequences.

Here we present an application to assemble millions of short DNA sequences. The Short Sequence Assembly by progressive _K_-mer search and 3′ read Extension (SSAKE) program cycles through sequence data stored in a hash table, and progressively searches through a prefix tree for the longest possible _k_-mer between any two sequences. We ran the algorithm on simulated error-free 25mers from the bacteriophage PhiX174 (Sanger et al., 1977), coronavirus SARS TOR2 (Marra et al., 2003), bacteria Haemophilus influenzae (Fleischmann et al., 1995) genomes and on 40 million 25mers from the whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequence data from the Sargasso sea metagenomics project (Venter et al., 2004). Our results indicate that SSAKE could be used for complete assembly of sequencing targets that are 30 kb in length (e.g. viral targets) and to cluster millions of identical short sequences from a complex microbial community.


2.1 Material

The PhiX174, SARS TOR2 and H.influenzae genomes were downloaded from GenBank (GenBank identifier J02482, AY274119 and L42023, respectively). All possible 25mers were extracted from both strands for these genomes. Sequences were selected at random to simulate up to 400× read coverage for the viral genomes and up to 100× read coverage for H.influenzae. Forty million 25mers were selected at random from the Sargasso Sea WGS metagenomics data obtained from the Venter Institute (

2.2 SSAKE algorithm

DNA sequences in a single multi fasta file are read in memory, populating a hash table keyed by unique sequence reads with values representing the number of occurrences of that sequence in the set. A prefix tree is used to organize the sequences and their reverse-complemented counterparts by their first eleven 5′ end bases. The sequence reads are sorted by decreasing number of occurrences to reflect coverage and minimize extension of reads containing sequencing errors. Each unassembled read, u, is used in turn to nucleate an assembly. Each possible 3′ most _k_-mer is generated from u and is used for the search until the word length is smaller than a user-defined minimum, m, or until the _k_-mer has a perfect match with the 5′ end bases of read r. In that latter case, u is extended by the unmatched 3′ end bases contained in r, and r is removed from the hash table and prefix tree. The process of cycling through progressively shorter 3′-most _k_-mers is repeated after every extension of u. Since only left-most searches are possible with a prefix tree, when all possibilities have been exhausted for the 3′ extension, the complementary strand of the contiguous sequence generated (contig) is used to extend the contig on the 5′ end. The DNA prefix tree is used to limit the search space by efficiently binning the sequence reads. There are two ways to control the stringency in SSAKE. The first is to stop the extension when a k_-mer matches the 5′ end of more than one sequence read (−_s 1). This leads to shorter contigs, but minimizes sequence misassemblies. The second is to stop the extension when a _k_-mer is smaller than a user-set minimum word length (m). SSAKE outputs a log file with run information along with two multi fasta files, one containing all sequence contigs constructed and the other containing the unassembled sequence reads.


SSAKE assembly of 4208 PhiX174 reads took 0.84 s on a single 2.2 GHz two dual-core CPU AMD Opteron™ computer with 4 GB RAM and yielded a single contig bearing 100% sequence identity (sum of identical base matches between two sequences divided by the contig length) with the PhiX174 genome (Table 1). On the same hardware, we were able to assemble the SARS-associated coronavirus de novo into a single contig having 99.91% sequencing identity with the genome. The read coverage needed to achieve this was 20 times higher than for PhiX174. Increased coverage was needed to insure only one valid path could be taken to assemble all reads. Assembly of H.influenzae reads was impaired by the presence, in the genome, of 28 perfectly repeated segments ranging in size from 70 to 5723 bases and 29 766 repeated 25mers. At best, we were able to assemble 7.3 million sequence reads into 284 contigs equal or larger than 75 bp and totaling 1.78 Mb. Of these contigs, 241 showed single, unique, full-length alignments to H.influenzae, and covered 1007 kb (54.62% of the genome) with 99.43% sequence identity. The remaining 43 contigs totaled 776 kb and all incorporated _k_-mers that mapped to repeats, causing broken alignments between the contigs and the genome.

Table 1.

Short read assembly of PhiX174, SARS TOR2 and H.influenzae genomes using SSAKE on a single 2× 2.2 GHz dual-core AMD Opteron™ CPU with 4 GB RAM

Species (size bp) Input random 25mers Coverage Run time (s) Contig N50 length (bp) Genome covered (%) Mean sequence identity (%)
PhiX-174 (5386) 4208 20 0.84 5382 99.92 100
SARS TOR2 (29 751) 476 016 400 45.13 29 744 99.98 99.91
H.influenzae (1 830 023)a 7 316 203 100 580.53 22 230 54.62 99.43
Sargasso Sea metagenome 40 000 000 NA 9.2E + 4 423 NA 92.29

Forty million 25mers generated at random from Sargasso Sea genome shotgun Sanger-reads (Venter et al., 2004) were assembled using −m 16 in ∼25 h on a 1.4 GHz Opteron™ computer with 32 GB of RAM using at most 19 GB RAM. Up to 11% of the reads used as input to SSAKE were assembled into contigs equal or larger than 100 bp, totaling 12.8 Mb. Unassembled reads accounted for 32.5% of the input sequences. The remaining reads were found in short contigs (26–99 bp). To evaluate assembly accuracy, we aligned all contigs ≥100 bp to a publicly available assembly of the Sargasso Sea WGS data using wuBLAST (Gish, 1996–2005, For this assembly, 99.6% of SSAKE contigs aligned to known Sargasso Sea contigs. The overall sequence identity of SSAKE contigs was 92.3%. Perfect alignments would not necessarily be expected due to the non-clonal nature of the members of this microbial community (Venter et al., 2004). We benchmarked SSAKE on two separate Opteron computers (described above) using sets of 1 k, 10 k, 100 k, 1 M, 2 M, 5 M 10 M and 40 M random 25mers simulated from the Sargasso Sea metagenomics WGS data. We found that the assembly running time followed a linear trend on both machines (data not shown). Consistent with this trend, a fast 2.2 GHz computer chip with sufficient RAM (32 GB) would assemble 40 M sequences in ca. 10 h.


We have shown that with high-sequencing depth, short sequences can be used for de novo assembly of small DNA targets (e.g. viral genomes) that are up to 10's of kb in length. For larger and more complex sequencing targets, such as bacterial genomes, short reads can be rapidly and stringently assembled into contigs that accurately represent the non-repetitive portion of the genome. It is clear that the best approach for de novo sequencing of targets more complex than viral genomes will likely involve some combination of Sanger reads and assembled short reads. For metagenomics, our simulation involving 40 M short reads from the Sargasso Sea WGS data indicate that these types of reads can be used to produce conservative contigs in a robust and tractable manner, while minimizing probabilistic errors. As a stringent, efficient assembly tool SSAKE is expected to have broad application in de novo sequencing.


The authors thank Martin Krzywinski for his insights on efficient _k_-mer search. S.J.M.J and R.A.H. are Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholars. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the British Columbia Cancer Agency.

Conflict of Interest: none declared.


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