Oleg Zhernokleyev | Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (original) (raw)

Oleg Zhernokleyev

Was born on April, 4, 1967 in Lviv (Ukraine).
Educational Background
• Vasyl Stefanyk PreCarpathian University, the post-graduate course in history of Ukraine, 1994
• Ivano-Frankivsk state pedagogical institute, 5-year diploma in history and social science, 1991

Employment History
• Head of the Department of World History in Vasyl Stefanyk PreCarpathian National University, 2006
• Teacher of PreCarpathian university, 1997–2006
• Research Fellow of the Institute of National Relations and Political Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
(now – I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), 1995–1997

Academic Degrees
• Y. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Doctor of Historical Sciences in World History, 2007
• Y. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Candidat of Historical Sciences in History of Ukraine, 1995
Thesis for a doctor’s degree: “National sections of Austrian social democracy in Galicia and Bukovina (1890–1918)”.

Fields of Interests
• History of the social democratic movement in Galicia and Bukovina as the parts of Austrian-Hungary
• Ethnic and political processes in the western region of Ukraine in the first half of 20th century
• History of Catholic Church and relations between denominations

Major Publications

1. Жерноклеєв О. Третій чин. Миряни в католицьких чернечих спільнотах: нариси історії. Івано-Франківськ: Фоліант, 2014. 232 с.
(Oleg Zhernokleyev. The Third Oder. The laity in Catholic religious communities: Essays on history. Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2014. 232 p.)

2. Жерноклеєв О.С. Національні секції австрійської соціал-демократії в Галичині й на Буковині (1890–1918 рр.). Івано-Франківськ: ВДВ ЦІТ, 2006. 536 с.
(Oleg Zhernokleyev. National sections of Austrian social democracy in Galicia and Bukovina (1890–1918). Ivano-Frankivsk: VDV CIT, 2006. 536 p.)

3. Жерноклеєв О.С. Українська соціал-демократія в Галичині: нарис історії (1899–1918). К.: Основні цінності, 2000. 168 с.
(Oleg Zhernokleyev. The Ukrainian social democracy in Galicia: a history essay (1899–1918). Kyiv: Basic Values, 2000. 168 p.)

4. Жерноклеєв О.С., Райківський І.Я. Лідери західноукраїнської соціал-демократії. Політичні біографії. К.: Основні цінності, 2004. 283 с.
(Zhernokleyev O., Raykivski I. Leaders of the West Ukrainian social democracy. Political biographies. Kyiv: Basic Values, 2004. 283 p. )
Supervisors: Prof. O. Karpenko, Prof. M. Kuhutiak



Papers by Oleg Zhernokleyev


Aktualʹnì pitannâ u sučasnìj naucì, Jun 22, 2024

Анотація. Проведені в 1860-х рр. політичні реформи в Габсбурзькій монархії були важливим кроком в... more Анотація. Проведені в 1860-х рр. політичні реформи в Габсбурзькій монархії були важливим кроком в напрямку демократизації системи державного управління цієї країни. Зокрема, створення центрального парламенту в столиці та місцевих законодавчо-представницьких органів у провінціях долучило населення до процесів управління державою за допомогою делегування туди його представників. Народи імперії було включено в політичне життя, в них з'явилася можливість розвивати власний національний рух та формувати еліту суспільства. Участь у виборчих кампаніях формувала в людей повагу до демократичних інститутів, засвідчувала можливість впливу на державну та регіональну політику. Особливо важливими були місцеві законодавчо-представницькі органи влади, які вирішували життєво необхідні питання для мешканців коронних країв, зокрема в господарсько-адміністративній, бюджетно-фінансовій та культурноосвітній сферах. Водночас основним недоліком була застаріла виборча система, яка ділила суспільство на курії за майновими ознаками та забезпечувала чисельніше представництво багатшим верствам суспільства.


Стаття присвячена проблемі участі українських соціал-демократів у русі за реформу Галицького край... more Стаття присвячена проблемі участі українських соціал-демократів у русі за реформу Галицького крайового сейму в Австро-Угорщині в 1908-1914 рр. Українська соціал-демократична партія Галичини й Буковини (УСДП) як складова багатонаціональної, федеративної австрійської соціал-демократії діяла на основі її ідеології та програми. Сподівання на мирні, поетапні соціалістичні перетворення в суспільстві легальним шляхом, унаслідок здобуття більшості в парламенті та інших законодавчих і представницьких органах були одними з ключових у практичній політичній діяльності партії. Оскільки перемозі на виборах перешкоджала стара, антидемократична політична система, цілком логічно, що головною метою та центральним пунктом політичної боротьби партії з кінця ХІХ ст. стало загальне виборче право-спочатку до парламенту, а згодом і до сейму. Після проведення в 1907 р. парламентської реформи в епіцентрі боротьби опинився Галицький крайовий сейм. Боротьба за демократизацію виборів до сейму була офіційно визнана як одне з першочергових політичних завдань УСДП. У рамках цієї боротьби партія в 1908-1913 рр. проводила численні масові заходи в багатьох містах і селах Галичини, активно співпрацювала з польськими та єврейськими соціал-демократами, а також з іншими українськими політичними силами, зокрема радикалами й націонал-демократами. Разом із тим, застаріла, недемократична система голосування на виборах до сейму зумовила те, що власне партійне представництво українських соціал-демократів у Галицькому крайовому сеймі мало епізодичний характер і в цілому, попри значні організаційні зусилля та наявність яскравих особистостей, переважно було результатом сприятливого збігу обставин.

Research paper thumbnail of The Idea, Structure and Social Significance of Sodalities of Our Lady in Galicia at the End of the 19TH – Beginning of the XX Centuries

Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood

An attempt has been made to characterize the peculiarities of sodalities of Our Lady in the conte... more An attempt has been made to characterize the peculiarities of sodalities of Our Lady in the context of the Society of Jesus social activities in Galicia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is noted that the Sodality of Our Lady is a religious society of laypeople united by a certain professional or social affiliation, each of these congregations had its own statutes and was under the guidance of church authority. It was found that sodalities of Our Lady are the most common type of spiritual associations founded and cared for by the Jesuits, and the establishment of religious societies is a special part of the missionary work of the Society of Jesus. It is emphasized that the Jesuits not only founded sodalities but also led and constantly cared for their development. Based on the statutes and contemporary periodicals, the essence and purpose of creating these religious congregations in Galicia have been analyzed. Special attention is given to the role of sodalities of Our L...

Research paper thumbnail of The Third Order in the Underground: Lay Organizations of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Precarpathian Region in the 1970s-1980s

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Dec 22, 2014

The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) in the structur... more The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) in the structure and activity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), which functioned underground. It is emphasized that the historical roots of the Third Order are traced back to the 13th century when spiritual life of specific lay communities was regulated by the Franciscan and the Dominican Orders, and later, by the Carmelite Order. Between 1900 and 1930s lay communities of the UGCC became noticeably active. A characteristic example of their activity is the well known Rules for laypersons of the Basilian Order drawn by Metropolitan Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky. In the 1970s (the Soviet time, when the UGCC worked underground), there appeared the Redemptorist and the Basilian Third Orders in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Their members kept in safety different cult objects, held underground Divine Services, meetings, had spiritual practices, did catechesis, etc. On the whole, these lay communities had played an important role in the UGCC underground activity up till the late 1980s.

Research paper thumbnail of Escape into Creativity: Thoughts on the Margins of a New Work about Vasyl Stefanyk

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Jul 28, 2022

The 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk, the outstanding Ukrainian short stories wri... more The 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk, the outstanding Ukrainian short stories writer and public figure, was celebrated with the appearance of a number of significant, fresh and interesting publications dedicated to his personality. This notable event brought to life works of various genres and volumes: among them there appeared a fundamental 3-volume collection of the writers' works and a relatively small interdisciplinary research compilation authored by the scholars of our university, it's primary aim has been to better understand Stefanyk as a person and a master of the word. Resulting from scientific research and reflection, the focus of scientists has shifted to the problem of personal loneliness (Velykochyi et al., 2022, p. 95). As a writer Stefanyk offers an unsurpassed in strength and depth depiction of human experiences of borderline states: a painful awareness of mortality and ending of the earthly path, fears of solitude, weakness, old age, protection which cannot be warned away even through a sacred archetype of one's own home, family home (Velykochyi et al., 2022, pp. 67-91). As a representative of Galician intelligentsia of that time, he sympathizes with his literary characters primarily because "they were themselves, they did not deny or shy away from themselves"; for himself he chooses the role of an impersonal onlooker witnessing the drama of the Pokuttia village, eventually he becomes his literary prototype of that dichotomy of the "leading stratum" in Galicia (Halychyna) at the beginning of the XX century, which served as both the driving and braking force of social and cultural development (Velykochyi et al., 2022, pp. 56, 63). Consequently, as a public and political figure Stefanyk delivers passionate electoral speeches campaigning as a bright emotional leader, he is actively engaged in the daily parliamentary work in the Austrian parliament, yet, during the whirlwind of the turbulent events of the Ukrainian revolution of the early XX century later he remains strangely detached holding on the position of an observer most time (Velykochyi et al., 2022, pp. 22, 29, 32-33). Apparently, he was ready to painstaking toil on daily basis and thoroughly perform his direct duties, as he saw meaning and significance in his social work (although he would constantly subject everything to doubts), yet he would shy away from public roles or taking the lead, especially during uncertain moments of social bifurcations, when the future was quite debatable, and intuition (usually inherent for such kind of people) hinted at less than pleasing outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnopolitical Processes in the Hutsul and Boykos Regions in the 1920s (On the Documents of Local Authorities of Stanislaviv Voivodeship)

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Jun 1, 2022

The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism ... more The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism have a deep historical retrospective. The Second Polish Republic attempted to change the map of regionalism, in particular in the Ukrainian Carpathians, inhibited by the Ukrainian ethnographic groups of Hutsuls, Boykos, Lemkos. This attempt was unsuccessful and the local population didn't support it. How did the regional Polish government see these processes? Despite the significant amount of work on the given subject, the period of the 1920s is not sufficiently researched. This article focuses on the political sources of identification, namely the activities of parties and public organizations in the Hutsul and Boykiv regions of 1924-1929 within the Stanisłav Voivodeship, it studies them through the perception of local Polish authorities. The unpublished documents of the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsk region make up the source base of the study. The analysed documents prove that the Ukrainian national identity of the Galician Hutsuls and Boykos in the 1920s was real and functional. It was the active position of political parties as well as cultural-educational, cooperative and other organizations, the position with a distinct Ukrainian ethno-national character that played an important role in its "formation" and manifestation. The most popular parties were the Ukrainian National Democratic Union and the Ukrainian Socialist Radical Party, both of them clearly stated their disagreement concerning the issue of the Ukrainian lands being a part of Poland and they strived for an independent Ukraine. Pro-Polish parties were far from very popular. Compared to Hutsulshchyna, Galician Boykivshchyna was characterized by an obviously higher degree of ethnical politicization. The ethno-political processes of the 1920s in the Hutsul and Boykiv regions resulted in the establishment of the Ukrainian national self-consciousness. In practice, on the local level even Polish officials did not question the national roots of Hutsuls and Boykos and them being Ukrainian; this fact only adds to the artificial character of the following Polish policy of local "regionalisms" of the 1930s. In general, the imaginary picture of the ethnical-political process in the region, provided by the local authority documents, was objective. The question whether it influenced the political decision-making process is open and still to be studied.

Research paper thumbnail of The youth of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn (1926-1944)

Historia i Świat

The article highlights the youth of a well-known Ukrainian, scientist and economist Bohdan Dmytro... more The article highlights the youth of a well-known Ukrainian, scientist and economist Bohdan Dmytrovych Hawrylyshyn (1926-2016). Important factors that affected further development of his worldview and personality are traced. Important facts from the life of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn over the researched period are clarified on the basis of the memories left, interviews, and other sources.

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Oct 30, 2017

This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic cha... more This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic characteristics of the Roman Catholic monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia as a part of the Galician Crown land of Austria-Hungary in the early 20 th century. In the second half of the 19 th century, the Roman Catholic monastic communities renewed their activity after a period of decline in the epoch of Enlightenment. The analysis indicates two features that characterize the contemporary Galician monastic Orders-a significant predominance of female members and active social work among the population of the region. Quantitatively, the Roman Catholic monastic structures considerably exceeded those of the Greek Catholic Church.

Research paper thumbnail of Escape into Creativity: Thoughts on the Margins of a New Work about Vasyl Stefanyk

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Reviews - Velykochyi, V., Monolatii, I., & Derkachova, O. (2022). (Un)Expected Stefanyk. Brustury... more Reviews - Velykochyi, V., Monolatii, I., & Derkachova, O. (2022). (Un)Expected Stefanyk. Brustury: Discursus.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnopolitical Processes in the Hutsul and Boykos Regions in the 1920s (On the Documents of Local Authorities of Stanislaviv Voivodeship)

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism ... more The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism have a deep historical retrospective. The Second Polish Republic attempted to change the map of regionalism, in particular in the Ukrainian Carpathians, inhibited by the Ukrainian ethnographic groups of Hutsuls, Boykos, Lemkos. This attempt was unsuccessful and the local population didn’t support it. How did the regional Polish government see these processes? Despite the significant amount of work on the given subject, the period of the 1920s is not sufficiently researched. This article focuses on the political sources of identification, namely the activities of parties and public organizations in the Hutsul and Boykiv regions of 1924–1929 within the Stanisłav Voivodeship, it studies them through the perception of local Polish authorities. The unpublished documents of the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsk region make up the source base of the study. The analysed documents prove that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Національні секції австрійської соціал–демократії в Галичині й на Буковині (1890–1918 рр.)

Івано–Франківськ: Видавничо–дизайнерський …, 2006

... галицької та буковинської соціал-демократії разом із залишками партійного діловодства збереже... more ... галицької та буковинської соціал-демократії разом із залишками партійного діловодства збережена в архіві Віктора й Фрідріха ... Федералізація СДРПА за національною ознакою, виникнення на теренах сусідньої Російської імперії Бунду та єврейської організації в ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Third Order in the Underground: Lay Organizations of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Precarpathian Region in the 1970S-1980S

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2015

The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) inthe structure... more The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) inthe structure and activity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), which functionedunderground. It is emphasized that the historical roots of the Third Order are traced back to the13th century when spiritual life of specific lay communities was regulated by the Franciscan andthe Dominican Orders, and later, by the Carmelite Order. Between 1900 and 1930s lay communitiesof the UGCC became noticeably active. A characteristic example of their activity is the well knownRules for laypersons of the Basilian Order drawn by Metropolitan Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky.In the 1970s (the Soviet time, when the UGCC worked underground), there appeared theRedemptorist and the Basilian Third Orders in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Their members kept insafety different cult objects, held underground Divine Services, meetings, had spiritual practices,did catechesis, etc. On the whole, these lay communities had played a...

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic cha... more This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic characteristics of the Roman Catholic monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia as a part of the Galician Crown land of Austria-Hungary in the early 20th century. In the second half of the 19th century, the Roman Catholic monastic communities renewed their activity after a period of decline in the epoch of Enlightenment. The analysis indicates two features that characterize the contemporary Galician monastic Orders – a significant predominance of female members and active social work among the population of the region. Quantitatively, the Roman Catholic monastic structures considerably exceeded those of the Greek Catholic Church


Research paper thumbnail of 1.	Жерноклеєв О. Римо-католицьке чернецтво у Східній Галичині на початку ХХ ст. // Історія релігій в Україні: науковий щорічник. Вип. 28. Ч. 1. Львів: Логос, 2018. С. 474-486.

Oleh Zhernokleiev The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century... more Oleh Zhernokleiev
The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century
The article deals with the overall quantitative, structural and socio-demographic characteristics of Roman Catholic monkhood in Eastern Galicia as a part of Galician crown land of Austria-Hungary in the early 20th century. It is noted that the second half of the 19th century was a time of recovery of the Roman Catholic religious communities in this region after a period of their decline in the era of enlightened absolutism. A social portrait of Roman Catholic monkhood in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was characterized by a significant predominance of women as well as active educational, social, charitable and other work among the population. Numerous Roman Catholic monks in the region considerably overcame in terms of quantity the relevant structures of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. In particular, there were only 274 Greek Catholic monks and nuns as of 1911 in Eastern Galicia while various Roman Catholic orders and congregations had 2210 respectively, being illustrative of an eightfold quantitative precedence of the latter. The active and numerous monkhood to some extent compensated the lack of Roman Catholic clergy, and this was important for the Galician Poles in terms of their attempt to preserve their “possession status” (their dominant presence) in the region where Ukrainian population prevailed.
Key words: monkhood, Roman Catholic Church, Galicia.

Research paper thumbnail of 56.	Жерноклеєв О. Регулярні треті ордени в підавстрійській Східній Галичині на початку ХХ ст. //  Історія релігій в Україні: Науковий щорічник. Львів: Логос, 2017. Випуск 27. С. 183-189.

The Regular Third Orders in the Austrian Eastern Galicia at the beginning of the 20th century T... more The Regular Third Orders in the Austrian Eastern Galicia
at the beginning of the 20th century
The article deals with the general characteristics of the structure, main centers and activities of the regular Third Orders of the Roman Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia as a part of Austria-Hungary. The author concludes that during this period in the Austrian part of Habsburg monarchy (Cisleithania) the Regular Third Orders had more than five hundred houses, with almost five thousand inhabitants. The vast majority of tertiaries were women. Among them the representatives of different branches of the Franciscan Order were noticeably dominated quantitatively, but the Servites, Dominicans, Carmelites and some others were also quite numerous. At that time there were at least 29 houses with 228 regular tertiaries, mostly Franciscan on the territory of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lviv. The main areas of their work were the schooling and education of children and youth, nursing, social care of the poor and other charitable activities.
Keywords: Third Order, Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Galicia.


In the article the information about the basic types of original sources for history of christian... more In the article the information about the basic types of original sources for history of christian confessions, which are saved in the funds of the State archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region, is generalized and systematized. Description of most and major documentary collections and separate unique documents of archive is given with a view to possibilities of their use in the newest scientific receaches in history of Church, study of a particular region, genealogy.
Key words: historical sources, documents, history of Church, State archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region.
У статті узагальнено й систематизовано інформацію про основні види першоджерел з історії християнських конфесій, які зберігаються у фондах Державного архіву Івано-Франківської області. По-дано характеристику найбільших і найважливіших документальних колекцій та окремих унікальних документів архіву з погляду можливостей їх використання в новітніх наукових студіях з історії церкви, краєзнавства, генеалогії. Ключові слова: джерела, документи, історія церкви, Державний архів Івано-Франківської області.


Олег ЖЕРНОКЛЕЄВ ВЕЛИКИЙ СКИТ У ДУХОВНОМУ ЖИТТІ ЄВРОПИ ЕПОХИ БАРОКО Великий Скит у Карпатах : у 3 ... more Олег ЖЕРНОКЛЕЄВ ВЕЛИКИЙ СКИТ У ДУХОВНОМУ ЖИТТІ ЄВРОПИ ЕПОХИ БАРОКО Великий Скит у Карпатах : у 3 т. -Т. 1 : Патерик Скитський. Синодик / за ред. М. Кугутяка. -Львів : Манускрипт-Львів, 2013. -726 с.

Research paper thumbnail of National Sections of Austrian Social Democracy (1890–1918): The Experience of Comparative Historical Research


Україна: культурна спадщина, національна свідомість, державність. 18/2009 472 Олег ЖернОклеєв ДІЯ... more Україна: культурна спадщина, національна свідомість, державність. 18/2009 472 Олег ЖернОклеєв ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ ВОЛОДИМИРА ТЕМНИЦЬКОГО ЯК ГОЛОВИ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ СОЦІАЛ-ДЕМОКРАТИЧНОЇ ПАРТІЇ У 1917-1918 РОКАХ Охарактеризовано суспільні погляди та політичну позицію володимира Темницького на початковому етапі української революції. Ключові слова: УСДП, володимир Темницький, українське питання, соборність.


Aktualʹnì pitannâ u sučasnìj naucì, Jun 22, 2024

Анотація. Проведені в 1860-х рр. політичні реформи в Габсбурзькій монархії були важливим кроком в... more Анотація. Проведені в 1860-х рр. політичні реформи в Габсбурзькій монархії були важливим кроком в напрямку демократизації системи державного управління цієї країни. Зокрема, створення центрального парламенту в столиці та місцевих законодавчо-представницьких органів у провінціях долучило населення до процесів управління державою за допомогою делегування туди його представників. Народи імперії було включено в політичне життя, в них з'явилася можливість розвивати власний національний рух та формувати еліту суспільства. Участь у виборчих кампаніях формувала в людей повагу до демократичних інститутів, засвідчувала можливість впливу на державну та регіональну політику. Особливо важливими були місцеві законодавчо-представницькі органи влади, які вирішували життєво необхідні питання для мешканців коронних країв, зокрема в господарсько-адміністративній, бюджетно-фінансовій та культурноосвітній сферах. Водночас основним недоліком була застаріла виборча система, яка ділила суспільство на курії за майновими ознаками та забезпечувала чисельніше представництво багатшим верствам суспільства.


Стаття присвячена проблемі участі українських соціал-демократів у русі за реформу Галицького край... more Стаття присвячена проблемі участі українських соціал-демократів у русі за реформу Галицького крайового сейму в Австро-Угорщині в 1908-1914 рр. Українська соціал-демократична партія Галичини й Буковини (УСДП) як складова багатонаціональної, федеративної австрійської соціал-демократії діяла на основі її ідеології та програми. Сподівання на мирні, поетапні соціалістичні перетворення в суспільстві легальним шляхом, унаслідок здобуття більшості в парламенті та інших законодавчих і представницьких органах були одними з ключових у практичній політичній діяльності партії. Оскільки перемозі на виборах перешкоджала стара, антидемократична політична система, цілком логічно, що головною метою та центральним пунктом політичної боротьби партії з кінця ХІХ ст. стало загальне виборче право-спочатку до парламенту, а згодом і до сейму. Після проведення в 1907 р. парламентської реформи в епіцентрі боротьби опинився Галицький крайовий сейм. Боротьба за демократизацію виборів до сейму була офіційно визнана як одне з першочергових політичних завдань УСДП. У рамках цієї боротьби партія в 1908-1913 рр. проводила численні масові заходи в багатьох містах і селах Галичини, активно співпрацювала з польськими та єврейськими соціал-демократами, а також з іншими українськими політичними силами, зокрема радикалами й націонал-демократами. Разом із тим, застаріла, недемократична система голосування на виборах до сейму зумовила те, що власне партійне представництво українських соціал-демократів у Галицькому крайовому сеймі мало епізодичний характер і в цілому, попри значні організаційні зусилля та наявність яскравих особистостей, переважно було результатом сприятливого збігу обставин.

Research paper thumbnail of The Idea, Structure and Social Significance of Sodalities of Our Lady in Galicia at the End of the 19TH – Beginning of the XX Centuries

Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood

An attempt has been made to characterize the peculiarities of sodalities of Our Lady in the conte... more An attempt has been made to characterize the peculiarities of sodalities of Our Lady in the context of the Society of Jesus social activities in Galicia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is noted that the Sodality of Our Lady is a religious society of laypeople united by a certain professional or social affiliation, each of these congregations had its own statutes and was under the guidance of church authority. It was found that sodalities of Our Lady are the most common type of spiritual associations founded and cared for by the Jesuits, and the establishment of religious societies is a special part of the missionary work of the Society of Jesus. It is emphasized that the Jesuits not only founded sodalities but also led and constantly cared for their development. Based on the statutes and contemporary periodicals, the essence and purpose of creating these religious congregations in Galicia have been analyzed. Special attention is given to the role of sodalities of Our L...

Research paper thumbnail of The Third Order in the Underground: Lay Organizations of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Precarpathian Region in the 1970s-1980s

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Dec 22, 2014

The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) in the structur... more The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) in the structure and activity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), which functioned underground. It is emphasized that the historical roots of the Third Order are traced back to the 13th century when spiritual life of specific lay communities was regulated by the Franciscan and the Dominican Orders, and later, by the Carmelite Order. Between 1900 and 1930s lay communities of the UGCC became noticeably active. A characteristic example of their activity is the well known Rules for laypersons of the Basilian Order drawn by Metropolitan Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky. In the 1970s (the Soviet time, when the UGCC worked underground), there appeared the Redemptorist and the Basilian Third Orders in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Their members kept in safety different cult objects, held underground Divine Services, meetings, had spiritual practices, did catechesis, etc. On the whole, these lay communities had played an important role in the UGCC underground activity up till the late 1980s.

Research paper thumbnail of Escape into Creativity: Thoughts on the Margins of a New Work about Vasyl Stefanyk

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Jul 28, 2022

The 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk, the outstanding Ukrainian short stories wri... more The 150th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Stefanyk, the outstanding Ukrainian short stories writer and public figure, was celebrated with the appearance of a number of significant, fresh and interesting publications dedicated to his personality. This notable event brought to life works of various genres and volumes: among them there appeared a fundamental 3-volume collection of the writers' works and a relatively small interdisciplinary research compilation authored by the scholars of our university, it's primary aim has been to better understand Stefanyk as a person and a master of the word. Resulting from scientific research and reflection, the focus of scientists has shifted to the problem of personal loneliness (Velykochyi et al., 2022, p. 95). As a writer Stefanyk offers an unsurpassed in strength and depth depiction of human experiences of borderline states: a painful awareness of mortality and ending of the earthly path, fears of solitude, weakness, old age, protection which cannot be warned away even through a sacred archetype of one's own home, family home (Velykochyi et al., 2022, pp. 67-91). As a representative of Galician intelligentsia of that time, he sympathizes with his literary characters primarily because "they were themselves, they did not deny or shy away from themselves"; for himself he chooses the role of an impersonal onlooker witnessing the drama of the Pokuttia village, eventually he becomes his literary prototype of that dichotomy of the "leading stratum" in Galicia (Halychyna) at the beginning of the XX century, which served as both the driving and braking force of social and cultural development (Velykochyi et al., 2022, pp. 56, 63). Consequently, as a public and political figure Stefanyk delivers passionate electoral speeches campaigning as a bright emotional leader, he is actively engaged in the daily parliamentary work in the Austrian parliament, yet, during the whirlwind of the turbulent events of the Ukrainian revolution of the early XX century later he remains strangely detached holding on the position of an observer most time (Velykochyi et al., 2022, pp. 22, 29, 32-33). Apparently, he was ready to painstaking toil on daily basis and thoroughly perform his direct duties, as he saw meaning and significance in his social work (although he would constantly subject everything to doubts), yet he would shy away from public roles or taking the lead, especially during uncertain moments of social bifurcations, when the future was quite debatable, and intuition (usually inherent for such kind of people) hinted at less than pleasing outcomes.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnopolitical Processes in the Hutsul and Boykos Regions in the 1920s (On the Documents of Local Authorities of Stanislaviv Voivodeship)

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Jun 1, 2022

The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism ... more The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism have a deep historical retrospective. The Second Polish Republic attempted to change the map of regionalism, in particular in the Ukrainian Carpathians, inhibited by the Ukrainian ethnographic groups of Hutsuls, Boykos, Lemkos. This attempt was unsuccessful and the local population didn't support it. How did the regional Polish government see these processes? Despite the significant amount of work on the given subject, the period of the 1920s is not sufficiently researched. This article focuses on the political sources of identification, namely the activities of parties and public organizations in the Hutsul and Boykiv regions of 1924-1929 within the Stanisłav Voivodeship, it studies them through the perception of local Polish authorities. The unpublished documents of the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsk region make up the source base of the study. The analysed documents prove that the Ukrainian national identity of the Galician Hutsuls and Boykos in the 1920s was real and functional. It was the active position of political parties as well as cultural-educational, cooperative and other organizations, the position with a distinct Ukrainian ethno-national character that played an important role in its "formation" and manifestation. The most popular parties were the Ukrainian National Democratic Union and the Ukrainian Socialist Radical Party, both of them clearly stated their disagreement concerning the issue of the Ukrainian lands being a part of Poland and they strived for an independent Ukraine. Pro-Polish parties were far from very popular. Compared to Hutsulshchyna, Galician Boykivshchyna was characterized by an obviously higher degree of ethnical politicization. The ethno-political processes of the 1920s in the Hutsul and Boykiv regions resulted in the establishment of the Ukrainian national self-consciousness. In practice, on the local level even Polish officials did not question the national roots of Hutsuls and Boykos and them being Ukrainian; this fact only adds to the artificial character of the following Polish policy of local "regionalisms" of the 1930s. In general, the imaginary picture of the ethnical-political process in the region, provided by the local authority documents, was objective. The question whether it influenced the political decision-making process is open and still to be studied.

Research paper thumbnail of The youth of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn (1926-1944)

Historia i Świat

The article highlights the youth of a well-known Ukrainian, scientist and economist Bohdan Dmytro... more The article highlights the youth of a well-known Ukrainian, scientist and economist Bohdan Dmytrovych Hawrylyshyn (1926-2016). Important factors that affected further development of his worldview and personality are traced. Important facts from the life of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn over the researched period are clarified on the basis of the memories left, interviews, and other sources.

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Oct 30, 2017

This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic cha... more This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic characteristics of the Roman Catholic monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia as a part of the Galician Crown land of Austria-Hungary in the early 20 th century. In the second half of the 19 th century, the Roman Catholic monastic communities renewed their activity after a period of decline in the epoch of Enlightenment. The analysis indicates two features that characterize the contemporary Galician monastic Orders-a significant predominance of female members and active social work among the population of the region. Quantitatively, the Roman Catholic monastic structures considerably exceeded those of the Greek Catholic Church.

Research paper thumbnail of Escape into Creativity: Thoughts on the Margins of a New Work about Vasyl Stefanyk

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Reviews - Velykochyi, V., Monolatii, I., & Derkachova, O. (2022). (Un)Expected Stefanyk. Brustury... more Reviews - Velykochyi, V., Monolatii, I., & Derkachova, O. (2022). (Un)Expected Stefanyk. Brustury: Discursus.

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnopolitical Processes in the Hutsul and Boykos Regions in the 1920s (On the Documents of Local Authorities of Stanislaviv Voivodeship)

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism ... more The events of recent years have shown the need for regional studies. The problems of regionalism have a deep historical retrospective. The Second Polish Republic attempted to change the map of regionalism, in particular in the Ukrainian Carpathians, inhibited by the Ukrainian ethnographic groups of Hutsuls, Boykos, Lemkos. This attempt was unsuccessful and the local population didn’t support it. How did the regional Polish government see these processes? Despite the significant amount of work on the given subject, the period of the 1920s is not sufficiently researched. This article focuses on the political sources of identification, namely the activities of parties and public organizations in the Hutsul and Boykiv regions of 1924–1929 within the Stanisłav Voivodeship, it studies them through the perception of local Polish authorities. The unpublished documents of the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsk region make up the source base of the study. The analysed documents prove that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Національні секції австрійської соціал–демократії в Галичині й на Буковині (1890–1918 рр.)

Івано–Франківськ: Видавничо–дизайнерський …, 2006

... галицької та буковинської соціал-демократії разом із залишками партійного діловодства збереже... more ... галицької та буковинської соціал-демократії разом із залишками партійного діловодства збережена в архіві Віктора й Фрідріха ... Федералізація СДРПА за національною ознакою, виникнення на теренах сусідньої Російської імперії Бунду та єврейської організації в ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Third Order in the Underground: Lay Organizations of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Precarpathian Region in the 1970S-1980S

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2015

The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) inthe structure... more The paper highlights the role of communities of monks and nuns (the Third Orders) inthe structure and activity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), which functionedunderground. It is emphasized that the historical roots of the Third Order are traced back to the13th century when spiritual life of specific lay communities was regulated by the Franciscan andthe Dominican Orders, and later, by the Carmelite Order. Between 1900 and 1930s lay communitiesof the UGCC became noticeably active. A characteristic example of their activity is the well knownRules for laypersons of the Basilian Order drawn by Metropolitan Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky.In the 1970s (the Soviet time, when the UGCC worked underground), there appeared theRedemptorist and the Basilian Third Orders in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Their members kept insafety different cult objects, held underground Divine Services, meetings, had spiritual practices,did catechesis, etc. On the whole, these lay communities had played a...

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic cha... more This study involves the analysis of the overall quantitative, structural and sociodemographic characteristics of the Roman Catholic monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia as a part of the Galician Crown land of Austria-Hungary in the early 20th century. In the second half of the 19th century, the Roman Catholic monastic communities renewed their activity after a period of decline in the epoch of Enlightenment. The analysis indicates two features that characterize the contemporary Galician monastic Orders – a significant predominance of female members and active social work among the population of the region. Quantitatively, the Roman Catholic monastic structures considerably exceeded those of the Greek Catholic Church


Research paper thumbnail of 1.	Жерноклеєв О. Римо-католицьке чернецтво у Східній Галичині на початку ХХ ст. // Історія релігій в Україні: науковий щорічник. Вип. 28. Ч. 1. Львів: Логос, 2018. С. 474-486.

Oleh Zhernokleiev The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century... more Oleh Zhernokleiev
The Roman Catholic Monastic Orders in Eastern Galicia in the Early 20th Century
The article deals with the overall quantitative, structural and socio-demographic characteristics of Roman Catholic monkhood in Eastern Galicia as a part of Galician crown land of Austria-Hungary in the early 20th century. It is noted that the second half of the 19th century was a time of recovery of the Roman Catholic religious communities in this region after a period of their decline in the era of enlightened absolutism. A social portrait of Roman Catholic monkhood in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was characterized by a significant predominance of women as well as active educational, social, charitable and other work among the population. Numerous Roman Catholic monks in the region considerably overcame in terms of quantity the relevant structures of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. In particular, there were only 274 Greek Catholic monks and nuns as of 1911 in Eastern Galicia while various Roman Catholic orders and congregations had 2210 respectively, being illustrative of an eightfold quantitative precedence of the latter. The active and numerous monkhood to some extent compensated the lack of Roman Catholic clergy, and this was important for the Galician Poles in terms of their attempt to preserve their “possession status” (their dominant presence) in the region where Ukrainian population prevailed.
Key words: monkhood, Roman Catholic Church, Galicia.

Research paper thumbnail of 56.	Жерноклеєв О. Регулярні треті ордени в підавстрійській Східній Галичині на початку ХХ ст. //  Історія релігій в Україні: Науковий щорічник. Львів: Логос, 2017. Випуск 27. С. 183-189.

The Regular Third Orders in the Austrian Eastern Galicia at the beginning of the 20th century T... more The Regular Third Orders in the Austrian Eastern Galicia
at the beginning of the 20th century
The article deals with the general characteristics of the structure, main centers and activities of the regular Third Orders of the Roman Catholic Church in Eastern Galicia as a part of Austria-Hungary. The author concludes that during this period in the Austrian part of Habsburg monarchy (Cisleithania) the Regular Third Orders had more than five hundred houses, with almost five thousand inhabitants. The vast majority of tertiaries were women. Among them the representatives of different branches of the Franciscan Order were noticeably dominated quantitatively, but the Servites, Dominicans, Carmelites and some others were also quite numerous. At that time there were at least 29 houses with 228 regular tertiaries, mostly Franciscan on the territory of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lviv. The main areas of their work were the schooling and education of children and youth, nursing, social care of the poor and other charitable activities.
Keywords: Third Order, Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Galicia.


In the article the information about the basic types of original sources for history of christian... more In the article the information about the basic types of original sources for history of christian confessions, which are saved in the funds of the State archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region, is generalized and systematized. Description of most and major documentary collections and separate unique documents of archive is given with a view to possibilities of their use in the newest scientific receaches in history of Church, study of a particular region, genealogy.
Key words: historical sources, documents, history of Church, State archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region.
У статті узагальнено й систематизовано інформацію про основні види першоджерел з історії християнських конфесій, які зберігаються у фондах Державного архіву Івано-Франківської області. По-дано характеристику найбільших і найважливіших документальних колекцій та окремих унікальних документів архіву з погляду можливостей їх використання в новітніх наукових студіях з історії церкви, краєзнавства, генеалогії. Ключові слова: джерела, документи, історія церкви, Державний архів Івано-Франківської області.


Олег ЖЕРНОКЛЕЄВ ВЕЛИКИЙ СКИТ У ДУХОВНОМУ ЖИТТІ ЄВРОПИ ЕПОХИ БАРОКО Великий Скит у Карпатах : у 3 ... more Олег ЖЕРНОКЛЕЄВ ВЕЛИКИЙ СКИТ У ДУХОВНОМУ ЖИТТІ ЄВРОПИ ЕПОХИ БАРОКО Великий Скит у Карпатах : у 3 т. -Т. 1 : Патерик Скитський. Синодик / за ред. М. Кугутяка. -Львів : Манускрипт-Львів, 2013. -726 с.

Research paper thumbnail of National Sections of Austrian Social Democracy (1890–1918): The Experience of Comparative Historical Research


Україна: культурна спадщина, національна свідомість, державність. 18/2009 472 Олег ЖернОклеєв ДІЯ... more Україна: культурна спадщина, національна свідомість, державність. 18/2009 472 Олег ЖернОклеєв ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ ВОЛОДИМИРА ТЕМНИЦЬКОГО ЯК ГОЛОВИ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ СОЦІАЛ-ДЕМОКРАТИЧНОЇ ПАРТІЇ У 1917-1918 РОКАХ Охарактеризовано суспільні погляди та політичну позицію володимира Темницького на початковому етапі української революції. Ключові слова: УСДП, володимир Темницький, українське питання, соборність.

Research paper thumbnail of Національні секції австрійської соціал-демократії в Галичині й на Буковині (1890–1918 рр.) / National sections of Austrian social democracy in Galicia and Bukovina (1890–1918)

Національні секції австрійської соціал-демократії в Галичині й на Буковині (1890 -1918 рр.) Івано... more Національні секції австрійської соціал-демократії в Галичині й на Буковині (1890 -1918 рр.) Івано-Франківськ Видавничо-дизайнерський відділ Центру інформаційних технологій 2006 УДК 94(436)+329.14 ББК 63.3(4A)5 Ж 59 Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (протокол № 3 від 31.10.2006 р.) Ж 59 Жерноклеєв О.С. Національні секції австрійської соціал-демократії в Галичині й на Буковині (1890 -1918 рр.). -Івано-Франківськ: Видавничодизайнерський відділ ЦІТ, 2006. -536 с. ISBN 966-640-183-5