PokéFreaks! (original) (raw)

[07 Aug 2007|06:28pm]
I bought the Jirachi Wishmaker DVDDUDE! I saw POKEMON stuff at Hot Topic! HOT TOPIC! That's TOTALLY a first! I have NEVER seen or even EXPECTED pokemon stuff to be at Hot Topic. I was just shocked to see it there!
Diamond and PEarl at ToysRus [19 Apr 2007|08:26pm]
[ **mood** | anxious ] With the upcomming excitement over Diamond and Pearl April 22 I thought I would share how I will be celebrating it the day it will be released..ToysR'Us contacted me and I will be sharing in all the excitement of the release of the games by being the entertainment for the event this ToysRUs is doing...If any of you live or live near the Tampa area come on out..This party will sure to be a blast....and I would love to meet ya too...(o~_^o)We will be giving away poke prizes, giving away Pokemon Cards, Coloriong Sheets,I will also be doing Pokemon Face-Paintings,and I made a very special CD for this event that they will be playing throughout the store that I will later give it away as a prize,and coolest thing is you'll get to see my Pikachu Car as well as Ash and Pikachu......(o~_^o)....I'll post pics after this event as Maboroshi of RisingSun.net, world known for his cosplay photography will be there as well to capture the event for us..He captured Worlds for me one year and he took awesome shots..http://www.risingsun.net/albums/pokemonrocks/index.shtml
The Real Pika [10 Apr 2007|07:57pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] This is too darn Kewt not to share...It's a short Documentary of the real life Pika, although it's pronounced different it's still one of the most famous Pokemon of em' all..(o~_^o)....Now I want one for a pet but I think you need a wildlife license to own one and not only that I believe they are on the extinction list..http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7066578568747223192&hl=en
Happy Easter [08 Apr 2007|12:09pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] Happy Easter out there to all you Pokemon Fans...(o~_^o)A little fan art I drew for everyone here..
Anime TV [30 Mar 2007|03:37pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] I just thought I'd share this clip with all the Pokemon Fans Here..Here is a tv show called AnimeTV that comes on Thursdays at 8 that they did a little fan bio on me, we are towards the end of it....we are at the 4:34 time mark....Thanks so much Roy of Metrocon for making this happen when you filmed us back in January...and thanks to the cast and crew at BangZoom Entertainment for wanting to feature me.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWx9idUge9w&mode=related&search=
Merry Pika X-Mas [25 Dec 2006|12:01am]
Pika Flake [06 Dec 2006|06:06pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] This is pretty neat, thought I'd share with you all,What you do is virtualy create your very own snowflake design and once its made it joins the thousands of others as they fall on the webpage... Tis fun when you are bored plus it helps the Salvation Army..(o~_^o)http://www.popularfront.com/snowdays/Course you know I did a Pikachu Inspired one, Kinda sucks but its kinda tricky to create pika's shape with the tool they give ya..
[25 Nov 2006|01:43pm]
Does anyone here have Pokemon Ranger for DS? I'm finall buying one, and I want a Pokemon game, but I've read lots of bad reviews about it and wanted to know how everyone likes Ranger.This is one of my favorite pictures; click on it to make it much bigger!
Pika Float [23 Nov 2006|12:56pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and hope you get your share of Turkey and Goodies.....I'm one happy Pika, got to see the new Pika Float with the light up cheeks in the Macy's Parade..(o~_^o).(Wonder what they did with the old one..Hmm I just wonder what it would look like floating over my house...LOL)....Have a Happy Turkey Day everyone..Oh everyone vote for Pikachu...(o~_^o)athttp://www.ivillage.com
[23 Nov 2006|09:14am]
This com is awesome. I just joined, and it looks very, very cool. :DBut I do have a question: does anyone know why the voices in the anime have changed??? I used to LOVE the old ones, especially Ash's, but I hate it now. I know it's new people, but WHY did they get rid of the old ones??
Bug Jam Pokemon Style [14 Nov 2006|06:36pm]
[ mood** | awake ] Every year since 2000 I take part in the biggest VW show in the world The Bug Jam, I am always there to entertain the hundreds of spectators that attend this event while of course having my PikaBug on display, This year we had a mascot Pikachu costume and everyone was so amused by it..Kids were so Kewt..(o~_^o)..We passed out coloring sheets and hundreds of Pokemon Cards out to the kids...and took part in several activities throughout the day, putting on little shows and stuff..Thought I'd share pics from the event with all you Pokemon Fans..(Warning there are TONS of Pics)I have another show this Sat as well but its not as big as this one but all in all still fun.....( BugJam2006Collapse )**
The Network [12 Nov 2006|08:49pm]
Crossposted wherever possible.**The Network**A LiveJournal-based Pokémon RPG_A different sort of virtual reality._Welcome to the Network, or, in technical terms, the communications hub of the Storage/Retrieval System. All of us here are Pokémon fanatics, just like yourselves. Some of us are trainers. Some of us are researchers. Some of us are something else altogether. The purpose of the Network is simple: connect to each other and share information. For some of us, it's a godsend. We can find the information we need and tell the story of our adventures – or misadventures – openly within the space of a few minutes online.This is our story. We laugh. We cry. We're there for each other as a family – a virtual family. We endure everything from the drama of love and lust to the… unusual quirks of a few drunk legendaries.What we're about to face, however, is something dark and sinister, and it's watching our every move with virtual eyes.Team Rocket is coming.Description: The Network is a LiveJournal-based Pokémon roleplaying game. Characters rely primarily on their journals to tell their stories, although scenes can be played out through instant messenger and posted on a special LiveJournal community or simply played out on LiveJournal directly. Either way, you play your selected character(s). You detail their lives through their eyes. And most of all, you have fun doing it. Crack is just as encouraged as angst.What We Need: Canon characters not shown here are especially needed, even Team Rocket members who know how to keep their identities fairly secret until the end. We've also got room for eight more OCs, so if you'd rather play an original character, now's a great time to sign up.Contact?: If you have any questions, then feel free to contact banzaisebastian or blackjackrocket. You may also post on the OOC community, nbeat.
Pokemon Pumpkin Class [29 Oct 2006|09:52pm]
[ mood** | creative ] Thought I'd share this cool class I just taught tonight at my store..worked my shift today till 4 pm and then had my pokemon pumpkin class, class was supposed to be 4:00 till 5:30 but we all had so much fun and talked for hours about pokemon that the class extended till 7:00 pm, needless to say I was at work today for 11 hours..But thats ok I had fun today during the class..Kids were really into pokemon and I told them all kinds of new info and stuff as they snacked on the Halloween cookies and fruit punch I also supplied for the class...I love working with kids, from my parties to teaching them art, so funny when they call me Miss Belle, Felt like a kindergarden teacher or something but it was Kewt..So below are the pics from today's Pika adventure..Enjoy..(o~_^o)( PokemonPumpkinClassCollapse )**
Photoshoot [02 Oct 2006|10:10am]
[ mood** | amused ] Man am I tired from the Photoshoot yesterday..So Hot and every chance I got I searched for water..My new Ash wig is so much tighter then the others and I have such a screaming headache right now still..But other then that I so cant wait to see Mab and Jade's Pics from yesterday, they were the photographers from teh famous cosplay site risingsun.net..Took so many awesome shots..So glad to see everyone again at the Famous Lake Eola..Everyone rocked in there costumes and had a great time with everyone....Took a few pics on my camera so you can see the crazyness in my new Ash costume, till Mab and Jade's pics are up here are some of mine in the meantime..Thought I'd share since teh fever of Diamond and Pearl are getting more and more intense..(o~_^o)( PhotoshootCollapse )**
Pumpkin Chu's [28 Sep 2006|07:06pm]
[ mood** | creative ] Well tis the season for Pumpkins, Halloween is just around the corner and I already created mine, there on display at Michaels where I work full time when I'm not doing my Pokemon Events..There a big hit at the store thats for sure...(o~_^o)Thought I'd share them and a cute fan art I drew to go along with the festive spirit..( ChuPumpkinsCollapse )**
Mystery of Mew [27 Sep 2006|09:32pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] Wow by far the 8th Pokemon Movie Lucario and the Mystery of Mew is by far the best Pokemon movie yet to date..I had already seen the Japanese version Mew and the Wave Guiding Hero last year with its Japanese release but now I finally got my copy of the English translation one..It was so hard to find in stores, looked at 3 places then a friend found it for me at Sams club...But I'm so happy that when I was Veronica Taylors escort back in July that she told me she was Ash's voice in the 8th movie and was amazed I already made the costume to that film a year before...Actually I made the costume before it even hit theaters in Japan using only 3 ref pics to make it from...So with the original voice actors that makes the movie 10 times better then if it were the new actors..Dissapointed the bonus DVD is the 10th aniversaty special though..I refuse to watch it knowing what I know what really happened...But anyways made this special CG in honor of the release of the movie here in the US finally...I'm Ash of course and my friend Jamie who also is May in my Chu Cru cosplays Mew in the pic..
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