Ika Yuanita | Politeknik Negeri Padang (original) (raw)
Papers by Ika Yuanita
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) , 2024
This research aims todetermine propensity of household access to financial services and to examin... more This research aims todetermine propensity of household access to financial services and to examine their impact on helping reduce poverty in Indonesia, Nov-2018 until Feb-2019 by the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS), March 2019, around 315,672 households. To determine the propensity of household access to financial services, we use a probit model integrated with propensity score matching. With a quasi-experimental design, data were analyzed using the average treatment effect on treated (ATT) by household access to financial service within 77,602 households with access (treated) and 238,070 households without access (control) to financial services. Estimation of propensity score was used to reduce selection bias of ATT on the outcome variables. The empirical findings show that household poverty status was reduced which would have occurred if they had access to financial services. Accessing financial services as transitory income has a negative impact, thus we conclude it was an unfavorable income. For the poor, it is not yet significant enough but has a positive impact on increasing their expenditure per capita a month, averagely. Thus, the decrease or increase in their incomes didn't increase or decrease their expenditure in the short-run, but in the long-run, it occurred.
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis
Brand Image is a determining factor in decision making. This study aims to determine whether bran... more Brand Image is a determining factor in decision making. This study aims to determine whether brand image (brand image), location affect the decision of prospective students to continue their studies in college. The place of research is Padang State Polytechnic with 244 students who are the class of 2022 in the Department of Commerce Administration. The research method uses quantitative methods with data collection using questionnaires, primary data obtained using quantitative analysis with data processing tools using SPSS. Data analysis was performed with multiple linear regression (independent variables brand image and location, while dependent variable is decision making). The percentage contribution of the influence of brand image and location variables on purchasing decisions is 46%, while the rest (100% - 46% = 54%) is influenced by other variables that are not taken into account in this study. The limitation of this research is that the number of samples is still small, namely...
AMAR (Andalas Management Review)
Survival of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is important in uncertainty and rapid advancement of ... more Survival of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is important in uncertainty and rapid advancement of digitalization nowadays, which leads to significant changes in the business environment. SMEs must be able to be resilient and face turbulence to survive and maintain business continuity. To support this resilience, digital leaders are required to help enterprises transform and lead them to a more promising future. Thus, SMEs have a digital mindset so that they can recognize and exploit opportunities, as well as overcome the challenges of surviving in an increasingly dynamic environment. Based on Social Exchange Theory and Resource Base Theory, this study examines the relationship between digital leadership and SMEs resilience through the mediation of employee creativity. Based on a sample of 179 SMEs from various sectors in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using AMOS-SEM by assessing construct validity and reliability, as well as measurement and structural models. The analysis confirms...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen dan Ekonomi
The very rapid development of technology, information, and communication in the current era of gl... more The very rapid development of technology, information, and communication in the current era of globalization is very helpful and facilitates the work of the world community, one of which is currently popular is the internet. This study aims to determine the contribution of service quality and product quality to Indihome customer satisfaction in the city of Padang. The methodology of this research is quantitative research. The sample in this study was 100 customers who were taken by the purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that simultaneously service quality and product quality had a positive and significant effect on Indihome customer satisfaction in the city of Padang. While partially the service quality variable has no significant effect on Indihome customer satisfaction in the city of Padang, and the product quality variable has a positive and significant effect on Indihome customer satisfaction in the ci...
Jurnal Bisnis Kompetitif, Dec 11, 2022
This study aims to see the effect of service quality (Tangible, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assu... more This study aims to see the effect of service quality (Tangible, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy) on customer satisfaction and to determine the dimensions of service that are very influential in service quality at Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Solok City Branch. The method of data collection by distributing questionnaires using purposive sampling to 100 customers who came to the office of Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Solok City Branch. Data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction and has a significant effect partially and simultaneously with an influence level of 33.4%. The best dimension lies in the Tangible dimension and the lowest in the Empathy dimension. In order to improve service quality in order to maintain and improve service to customers, it is recommended that BNI Solok City Branch needs to pay attention to several items that have been tested in this study, so that BNI Solok City Branch can re-evaluate the performance of its officers/employees in providing good and quality service and provide convenience and security for customers in transactions, because in this study the lowest contribution of satisfaction is found in the Assurance and Empathy dimensions.
Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and t... more Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and traditional retailing. Modern retail is actually an extension of traditional retailers, which in practice apply modern concepts, the use of technology, and to accommodate the development of lifestyle in the community. Shopping habits of today's society were also shifted to the modern market is always interesting in the community. Therefore, the potential of modern retail growth will be faster in all the cities in Indonesia including people in Padang city. In line with a growing number of modern retail spending is also increasing in the city of Padang until 2014 amounted 136 modern retail. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of consumers in shopping at modern retail in the city of Padang. The Samples are 200 respondents modern retail consumers in the city of Padang using accidental sampling technique Non Probability sampling. Using data analysis techniques i...
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis, Oct 31, 2018
The objectives of the research are to identify the potencies and characteristics of cracker SMEs ... more The objectives of the research are to identify the potencies and characteristics of cracker SMEs and to analyze internal and external factors of upgrading enterprises scale strategies in Padang Munipacility. Data were analyzed by strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) and quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) methods. Cracker SMEs have the similar characteristics in production, marketing, human resources, finance, legal, and supports from relevant institutions. Also, the production uses semi-manual process, SMEs sell their products through direct selling, store offline and online with a limited market share with employees are 2-15 people. Capital is relatively low and a few unit of cracker SMEs have legalityand certification. Local government plays an important role in developing cracker SMEs upgrading enterprise scale. The main strength is local taste products, and the main weakness is a limited area of marketing. The major opportunity as culinary tourism, but they also face tight competition as the main threat. The development strategy of food SMEs competitiveness includes increasing cooperation to maintain continuity of raw materials between regions, developing centers of SME products, and increasing role of local governments, private companies or stateowned enterprises, and universities.
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai penilaian kinerja dosen yang dilakukan oleh Juru... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai penilaian kinerja dosen yang dilakukan oleh Jurusan perguruan tinggi Politeknik Negeri Padang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja dosen dilihat dari beberapa dimensi dan juga penilaian terhadap mata kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa apakah sudah mencapai standar yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 450 orang mahasiswa dari tingkat 1 sampai tingkat 3 pada Prodi Administrasi Bisnis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kinerj dosen benilai baik dan masih ada beberapa dimensi yang mendapatkan penilaian kurang baik seperti Kemampuan menghidup suasana kelasmasih mendapatkan nilai 2.56 atau masuk dalam kategori kurang baik. Dimensi lainnya yang menerima penilaian kurang adalah pemanfaatan pemakaian teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Dimensi yang mendapatkan nilai kurang akan di...
The Development of Syariah Bangking in Indonesia was started by the implementation of UU No. 23 i... more The Development of Syariah Bangking in Indonesia was started by the implementation of UU No. 23 in 2009 as a dual banking systen. This research purpose are to identify the characteristic customer behaviour by their preference using services in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility. Then, to identify the influence factors of the purchasing decision by customer using services in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility. Research design is descriptive-correlational, samples are consist of 100 number of customer using service in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility. Research metode is using crosstabulation analysis by Chi-Square Correlation with Pearson and Odds Ration calculations. The empirical result shows customer behaviour that represent by culture, social, costumre sharacteristic or personality, and psychological factors are significant t determine purchasing decision of customer using in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility with level of significant at a=0,05. Culture and soci...
The specific purpose of this study was identified bankruptcy predictors of rural banks (BPR); cla... more The specific purpose of this study was identified bankruptcy predictors of rural banks (BPR); classified BPR into groups bankrupt or not bankrupt through Discriminant Altman Z-Score approach; established, developed, and analyzed bankruptcy prediction model of BPR conventional in West Sumatera through logistic regression approach. Research designed as an organizational outcomes-exploratory approach with objects of BPR conventional has been operating in area of Bank Indonesia Padang. Sample obtained by purposive sampling technique and discriminant analysis of the Altman Z-Score during five years period (panel data) and logistic regression with model simulation as an analytical research method. The results indicates that capital risk, adequate risk, management risk, earning risk,and liquidity risk as proxy CAMEL ratios; size, market share, and customer number as BPR characteristics; inflation and interest rate as regional macroeconomic variables are significant to predict bankruptcy le...
This paper is a literature review, either in the form of research, studies, and articles and news... more This paper is a literature review, either in the form of research, studies, and articles and news in an effort to better understand the description of traditional retail management in P&D store through content analysis. Profiency and Drunken (P&D) store has been growing rapidly in Minangkabau since colonial periods, though has always been there because Minang people are "Urang Manggaleh". P&D store is retailer who directly buy goods of daily necessities such as rice, sugar, oil, soap, dried fish, tea, coffee, and others through a broker, then sell at retail to buyers with sliding price system explained that the trading activity is usually accompanied with festive bargaining and often aggressive. Directly, P&D store have contribution to economic structure and social education aspect in Padang Munipacility. Consumer behavior of P&D store in retail management is influenced by the ease and quality assurance of the traditional market, including market can sell more higher quali...
This study aims to find out what is needed by the company for prospective employees. Higher Educa... more This study aims to find out what is needed by the company for prospective employees. Higher Education is a producer of labor so that what is produced must be in line with industry needs. This research was conducted by survey method using a questionnaire instrument. The number of respondents was 139 people who were spread out in all regions with respondents being alumni users or company owners / managers who had been alumni from 2014 to 2018. The results of the study revealed that there were some skills that alumni had to have, namely foreign language skills, personality good and in accordance with job specifications, the ability to use computer equipment, communication skills and others. This ability has special requirements for alumni in getting jobs both private companies and state-owned or civil servants. The limitation of this study is that the questions raised are limited to alumni users but there are still many other questions that should also be important for universities and...
ABSTRAK Laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu sumber informasi serta media penting yang digunakan... more ABSTRAK Laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu sumber informasi serta media penting yang digunakan para pengelola perusahaan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. PT Acset Indonusa Tbk merupakan perusahaan konstruksi yang pertama kali menawarkan saham perdananya kepada publik pada 24 Juni 2013. 2017 PT Acset Indonusa Tbk mendapatkan proyek infrastruktur berupa jalan tol Jakarta-Cikampek dengan pengerjaan sebesar 49% porsi pekerjaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis rasio keuangan pada PT. Acset Indonusa Tbk periode 2013-2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif dan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rasio likuiditas PT. Acset Indonusa Tbk dalam keadaan baik yaitu perusahaan dapat melunasi kewajiban lancarnya dengan menggunakan aktiva lancar, aktiva lancar dikurangi persediaan dan kas. Rasio solvabilitas perusahaan dikatakan kurang baik, karena berada diatas rata-rata industri yaitu >50%, artinya aktiva perusahaan dibiayai oleh utang. Ras...
Bisnis Ritel di Indonesia secara umum dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua yaitu, ritel modern dan ... more Bisnis Ritel di Indonesia secara umum dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua yaitu, ritel modern dan ritel tradisional. Ritel modern sebenarnya merupakan pengembangan dari ritel tradisional, yang pada praktiknya mengaplikasikan konsep yang modern, pemanfaatan teknologi, dan mengakomodasi perkembangan gaya hidup di masyarakat.Terutama jika mengamati jumlah populasi penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2015 yang diperkirakan mencapai kurang lebih 250 juta jiwa. Kebiasaan berbelanja masyarakat saat ini pun juga bergeser, hingga pasar modern selalu diminati masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu maka potensi pertumbuhan ritel modern akan lebih cepat pada semua kota di Indonesia. Begitu juga dengan masyarakat Kota Bukittinggi, sudah terjadi pergeseran tempat belanja konsumen dari pasar tradisional ke Ritel modern. Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan jumlah tempat belanja ritel modern ini juga semakin meningkat di Kota Bukittinggi dari tahun ke tahun sampai tahun 2014 berjumlah 136 ritel modern.permasalahan yang akan ...
Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and t... more Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and traditional retailing. Modern retail is actually an extension of traditional retailers, which in practice apply modern concepts, the use of technology, and to accommodate the development of lifestyle in the community. Shopping habits of today's society were also shifted to the modern market is always interesting in the community. Therefore, the potential of modern retail growth will be faster in all the cities in Indonesia including people in Padang city. In line with a growing number of modern retail spending is also increasing in the city of Padang until 2014 amounted 136 modern retail. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of consumers in shopping at modern retail in the city of Padang. The Samples are 200 respondents modern retail consumers in the city of Padang using accidental sampling technique Non Probability sampling. Using data analysis techniques i...
Jurnal Akuntansi Manajemen, Mar 4, 2012
This research is aimed to identifiy empirical evidence in the prediction of financial distress wi... more This research is aimed to identifiy empirical evidence in the prediction of financial distress within textile and garment industries that listed by The Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2005-2008 with financial ratios predictor. Research design is explorative-case study approach, sample are consist of eight textile mill products and apparel and other textile products by purposive sampling method (four categorized by distress firms and four categorized by non-distress firms) in six years observation period. The statistic method is used to test on the research hypothesis is logistic regression. Overall, the results show that liquidity ratio (current asset-current liabilities ratio : CA/CL), profitability ratio (net income-total sales ratio : NI/Sales), financial leverage (current liabilities-total asset ratio : CL/TA), and net profit growth ratio (net profit growth-total asset growth : GNI/GTA) are significant and positively realationship variable to determine prediction of financial distress within textile and garment industries that listed by The Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2005-2008.
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis, Apr 30, 2018
The objective of research is to describe organizational climate and managerial skills, and princi... more The objective of research is to describe organizational climate and managerial skills, and principal performance of SMK in Padang City in order to improve educational quality of vocational unit.Research designed by descriptive-explanatory with population in this study are teachers of the public and private SMK in academic year 2016/2017. the population are 1,628 teachers with stratified random sampling technique (with 94 samples). Empirical finding shows that a few SMK principal carry out supervision with actions to all education units; ineffective school organizational structure;, school team coordination has not been created well, and the absence of school personnel performance and evaluation within a certain period. That also influenced by the climate of vocational organizations, both physical buildings and learning technology facilities. In addition, the education level of the vocational school principals about 51.2% graduated from the bachelor's degree, which determines managerial ability to manage school in a professional manner.
IOSR-Journal of Business and Management, 2023
This research aims to determine the impact of digital banking and job insecurity as a mediating e... more This research aims to determine the impact of digital banking and job insecurity as a mediating effect on the relationship on the turnover intentions of employees at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. regional office of South Jakarta. This study designed using a descriptive exploratory approach with a quantitative approach, samples consist of 178 employees related to PKWT, Bina BNI, and outsourcing classified by using a proportional stratified random sampling method. Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA) is used to examine the moderator effect of the research model with the residual test method. Empirical findings show that digital banking has a significant relationship impact to turnover intentions of employees at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. regional office of South Jakarta. meanwhile, job insecurity has a pure moderator and negative
effect, also significant affect to the relationship between digital banking and turnover intentions of the employees in PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. regional office of South Jakarta.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) , 2024
This research aims todetermine propensity of household access to financial services and to examin... more This research aims todetermine propensity of household access to financial services and to examine their impact on helping reduce poverty in Indonesia, Nov-2018 until Feb-2019 by the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS), March 2019, around 315,672 households. To determine the propensity of household access to financial services, we use a probit model integrated with propensity score matching. With a quasi-experimental design, data were analyzed using the average treatment effect on treated (ATT) by household access to financial service within 77,602 households with access (treated) and 238,070 households without access (control) to financial services. Estimation of propensity score was used to reduce selection bias of ATT on the outcome variables. The empirical findings show that household poverty status was reduced which would have occurred if they had access to financial services. Accessing financial services as transitory income has a negative impact, thus we conclude it was an unfavorable income. For the poor, it is not yet significant enough but has a positive impact on increasing their expenditure per capita a month, averagely. Thus, the decrease or increase in their incomes didn't increase or decrease their expenditure in the short-run, but in the long-run, it occurred.
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis
Brand Image is a determining factor in decision making. This study aims to determine whether bran... more Brand Image is a determining factor in decision making. This study aims to determine whether brand image (brand image), location affect the decision of prospective students to continue their studies in college. The place of research is Padang State Polytechnic with 244 students who are the class of 2022 in the Department of Commerce Administration. The research method uses quantitative methods with data collection using questionnaires, primary data obtained using quantitative analysis with data processing tools using SPSS. Data analysis was performed with multiple linear regression (independent variables brand image and location, while dependent variable is decision making). The percentage contribution of the influence of brand image and location variables on purchasing decisions is 46%, while the rest (100% - 46% = 54%) is influenced by other variables that are not taken into account in this study. The limitation of this research is that the number of samples is still small, namely...
AMAR (Andalas Management Review)
Survival of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is important in uncertainty and rapid advancement of ... more Survival of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is important in uncertainty and rapid advancement of digitalization nowadays, which leads to significant changes in the business environment. SMEs must be able to be resilient and face turbulence to survive and maintain business continuity. To support this resilience, digital leaders are required to help enterprises transform and lead them to a more promising future. Thus, SMEs have a digital mindset so that they can recognize and exploit opportunities, as well as overcome the challenges of surviving in an increasingly dynamic environment. Based on Social Exchange Theory and Resource Base Theory, this study examines the relationship between digital leadership and SMEs resilience through the mediation of employee creativity. Based on a sample of 179 SMEs from various sectors in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using AMOS-SEM by assessing construct validity and reliability, as well as measurement and structural models. The analysis confirms...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen dan Ekonomi
The very rapid development of technology, information, and communication in the current era of gl... more The very rapid development of technology, information, and communication in the current era of globalization is very helpful and facilitates the work of the world community, one of which is currently popular is the internet. This study aims to determine the contribution of service quality and product quality to Indihome customer satisfaction in the city of Padang. The methodology of this research is quantitative research. The sample in this study was 100 customers who were taken by the purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that simultaneously service quality and product quality had a positive and significant effect on Indihome customer satisfaction in the city of Padang. While partially the service quality variable has no significant effect on Indihome customer satisfaction in the city of Padang, and the product quality variable has a positive and significant effect on Indihome customer satisfaction in the ci...
Jurnal Bisnis Kompetitif, Dec 11, 2022
This study aims to see the effect of service quality (Tangible, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assu... more This study aims to see the effect of service quality (Tangible, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy) on customer satisfaction and to determine the dimensions of service that are very influential in service quality at Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Solok City Branch. The method of data collection by distributing questionnaires using purposive sampling to 100 customers who came to the office of Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Solok City Branch. Data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction and has a significant effect partially and simultaneously with an influence level of 33.4%. The best dimension lies in the Tangible dimension and the lowest in the Empathy dimension. In order to improve service quality in order to maintain and improve service to customers, it is recommended that BNI Solok City Branch needs to pay attention to several items that have been tested in this study, so that BNI Solok City Branch can re-evaluate the performance of its officers/employees in providing good and quality service and provide convenience and security for customers in transactions, because in this study the lowest contribution of satisfaction is found in the Assurance and Empathy dimensions.
Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and t... more Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and traditional retailing. Modern retail is actually an extension of traditional retailers, which in practice apply modern concepts, the use of technology, and to accommodate the development of lifestyle in the community. Shopping habits of today's society were also shifted to the modern market is always interesting in the community. Therefore, the potential of modern retail growth will be faster in all the cities in Indonesia including people in Padang city. In line with a growing number of modern retail spending is also increasing in the city of Padang until 2014 amounted 136 modern retail. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of consumers in shopping at modern retail in the city of Padang. The Samples are 200 respondents modern retail consumers in the city of Padang using accidental sampling technique Non Probability sampling. Using data analysis techniques i...
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis, Oct 31, 2018
The objectives of the research are to identify the potencies and characteristics of cracker SMEs ... more The objectives of the research are to identify the potencies and characteristics of cracker SMEs and to analyze internal and external factors of upgrading enterprises scale strategies in Padang Munipacility. Data were analyzed by strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) and quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) methods. Cracker SMEs have the similar characteristics in production, marketing, human resources, finance, legal, and supports from relevant institutions. Also, the production uses semi-manual process, SMEs sell their products through direct selling, store offline and online with a limited market share with employees are 2-15 people. Capital is relatively low and a few unit of cracker SMEs have legalityand certification. Local government plays an important role in developing cracker SMEs upgrading enterprise scale. The main strength is local taste products, and the main weakness is a limited area of marketing. The major opportunity as culinary tourism, but they also face tight competition as the main threat. The development strategy of food SMEs competitiveness includes increasing cooperation to maintain continuity of raw materials between regions, developing centers of SME products, and increasing role of local governments, private companies or stateowned enterprises, and universities.
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai penilaian kinerja dosen yang dilakukan oleh Juru... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai penilaian kinerja dosen yang dilakukan oleh Jurusan perguruan tinggi Politeknik Negeri Padang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja dosen dilihat dari beberapa dimensi dan juga penilaian terhadap mata kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa apakah sudah mencapai standar yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 450 orang mahasiswa dari tingkat 1 sampai tingkat 3 pada Prodi Administrasi Bisnis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kinerj dosen benilai baik dan masih ada beberapa dimensi yang mendapatkan penilaian kurang baik seperti Kemampuan menghidup suasana kelasmasih mendapatkan nilai 2.56 atau masuk dalam kategori kurang baik. Dimensi lainnya yang menerima penilaian kurang adalah pemanfaatan pemakaian teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Dimensi yang mendapatkan nilai kurang akan di...
The Development of Syariah Bangking in Indonesia was started by the implementation of UU No. 23 i... more The Development of Syariah Bangking in Indonesia was started by the implementation of UU No. 23 in 2009 as a dual banking systen. This research purpose are to identify the characteristic customer behaviour by their preference using services in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility. Then, to identify the influence factors of the purchasing decision by customer using services in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility. Research design is descriptive-correlational, samples are consist of 100 number of customer using service in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility. Research metode is using crosstabulation analysis by Chi-Square Correlation with Pearson and Odds Ration calculations. The empirical result shows customer behaviour that represent by culture, social, costumre sharacteristic or personality, and psychological factors are significant t determine purchasing decision of customer using in Syariah Banking in Padang Munipacility with level of significant at a=0,05. Culture and soci...
The specific purpose of this study was identified bankruptcy predictors of rural banks (BPR); cla... more The specific purpose of this study was identified bankruptcy predictors of rural banks (BPR); classified BPR into groups bankrupt or not bankrupt through Discriminant Altman Z-Score approach; established, developed, and analyzed bankruptcy prediction model of BPR conventional in West Sumatera through logistic regression approach. Research designed as an organizational outcomes-exploratory approach with objects of BPR conventional has been operating in area of Bank Indonesia Padang. Sample obtained by purposive sampling technique and discriminant analysis of the Altman Z-Score during five years period (panel data) and logistic regression with model simulation as an analytical research method. The results indicates that capital risk, adequate risk, management risk, earning risk,and liquidity risk as proxy CAMEL ratios; size, market share, and customer number as BPR characteristics; inflation and interest rate as regional macroeconomic variables are significant to predict bankruptcy le...
This paper is a literature review, either in the form of research, studies, and articles and news... more This paper is a literature review, either in the form of research, studies, and articles and news in an effort to better understand the description of traditional retail management in P&D store through content analysis. Profiency and Drunken (P&D) store has been growing rapidly in Minangkabau since colonial periods, though has always been there because Minang people are "Urang Manggaleh". P&D store is retailer who directly buy goods of daily necessities such as rice, sugar, oil, soap, dried fish, tea, coffee, and others through a broker, then sell at retail to buyers with sliding price system explained that the trading activity is usually accompanied with festive bargaining and often aggressive. Directly, P&D store have contribution to economic structure and social education aspect in Padang Munipacility. Consumer behavior of P&D store in retail management is influenced by the ease and quality assurance of the traditional market, including market can sell more higher quali...
This study aims to find out what is needed by the company for prospective employees. Higher Educa... more This study aims to find out what is needed by the company for prospective employees. Higher Education is a producer of labor so that what is produced must be in line with industry needs. This research was conducted by survey method using a questionnaire instrument. The number of respondents was 139 people who were spread out in all regions with respondents being alumni users or company owners / managers who had been alumni from 2014 to 2018. The results of the study revealed that there were some skills that alumni had to have, namely foreign language skills, personality good and in accordance with job specifications, the ability to use computer equipment, communication skills and others. This ability has special requirements for alumni in getting jobs both private companies and state-owned or civil servants. The limitation of this study is that the questions raised are limited to alumni users but there are still many other questions that should also be important for universities and...
ABSTRAK Laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu sumber informasi serta media penting yang digunakan... more ABSTRAK Laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu sumber informasi serta media penting yang digunakan para pengelola perusahaan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. PT Acset Indonusa Tbk merupakan perusahaan konstruksi yang pertama kali menawarkan saham perdananya kepada publik pada 24 Juni 2013. 2017 PT Acset Indonusa Tbk mendapatkan proyek infrastruktur berupa jalan tol Jakarta-Cikampek dengan pengerjaan sebesar 49% porsi pekerjaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis rasio keuangan pada PT. Acset Indonusa Tbk periode 2013-2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif dan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rasio likuiditas PT. Acset Indonusa Tbk dalam keadaan baik yaitu perusahaan dapat melunasi kewajiban lancarnya dengan menggunakan aktiva lancar, aktiva lancar dikurangi persediaan dan kas. Rasio solvabilitas perusahaan dikatakan kurang baik, karena berada diatas rata-rata industri yaitu >50%, artinya aktiva perusahaan dibiayai oleh utang. Ras...
Bisnis Ritel di Indonesia secara umum dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua yaitu, ritel modern dan ... more Bisnis Ritel di Indonesia secara umum dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua yaitu, ritel modern dan ritel tradisional. Ritel modern sebenarnya merupakan pengembangan dari ritel tradisional, yang pada praktiknya mengaplikasikan konsep yang modern, pemanfaatan teknologi, dan mengakomodasi perkembangan gaya hidup di masyarakat.Terutama jika mengamati jumlah populasi penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2015 yang diperkirakan mencapai kurang lebih 250 juta jiwa. Kebiasaan berbelanja masyarakat saat ini pun juga bergeser, hingga pasar modern selalu diminati masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu maka potensi pertumbuhan ritel modern akan lebih cepat pada semua kota di Indonesia. Begitu juga dengan masyarakat Kota Bukittinggi, sudah terjadi pergeseran tempat belanja konsumen dari pasar tradisional ke Ritel modern. Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan jumlah tempat belanja ritel modern ini juga semakin meningkat di Kota Bukittinggi dari tahun ke tahun sampai tahun 2014 berjumlah 136 ritel modern.permasalahan yang akan ...
Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and t... more Retail business in Indonesia can be generally classified into two, namely, modern retailing and traditional retailing. Modern retail is actually an extension of traditional retailers, which in practice apply modern concepts, the use of technology, and to accommodate the development of lifestyle in the community. Shopping habits of today's society were also shifted to the modern market is always interesting in the community. Therefore, the potential of modern retail growth will be faster in all the cities in Indonesia including people in Padang city. In line with a growing number of modern retail spending is also increasing in the city of Padang until 2014 amounted 136 modern retail. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of consumers in shopping at modern retail in the city of Padang. The Samples are 200 respondents modern retail consumers in the city of Padang using accidental sampling technique Non Probability sampling. Using data analysis techniques i...
Jurnal Akuntansi Manajemen, Mar 4, 2012
This research is aimed to identifiy empirical evidence in the prediction of financial distress wi... more This research is aimed to identifiy empirical evidence in the prediction of financial distress within textile and garment industries that listed by The Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2005-2008 with financial ratios predictor. Research design is explorative-case study approach, sample are consist of eight textile mill products and apparel and other textile products by purposive sampling method (four categorized by distress firms and four categorized by non-distress firms) in six years observation period. The statistic method is used to test on the research hypothesis is logistic regression. Overall, the results show that liquidity ratio (current asset-current liabilities ratio : CA/CL), profitability ratio (net income-total sales ratio : NI/Sales), financial leverage (current liabilities-total asset ratio : CL/TA), and net profit growth ratio (net profit growth-total asset growth : GNI/GTA) are significant and positively realationship variable to determine prediction of financial distress within textile and garment industries that listed by The Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2005-2008.
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis, Apr 30, 2018
The objective of research is to describe organizational climate and managerial skills, and princi... more The objective of research is to describe organizational climate and managerial skills, and principal performance of SMK in Padang City in order to improve educational quality of vocational unit.Research designed by descriptive-explanatory with population in this study are teachers of the public and private SMK in academic year 2016/2017. the population are 1,628 teachers with stratified random sampling technique (with 94 samples). Empirical finding shows that a few SMK principal carry out supervision with actions to all education units; ineffective school organizational structure;, school team coordination has not been created well, and the absence of school personnel performance and evaluation within a certain period. That also influenced by the climate of vocational organizations, both physical buildings and learning technology facilities. In addition, the education level of the vocational school principals about 51.2% graduated from the bachelor's degree, which determines managerial ability to manage school in a professional manner.
IOSR-Journal of Business and Management, 2023
This research aims to determine the impact of digital banking and job insecurity as a mediating e... more This research aims to determine the impact of digital banking and job insecurity as a mediating effect on the relationship on the turnover intentions of employees at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. regional office of South Jakarta. This study designed using a descriptive exploratory approach with a quantitative approach, samples consist of 178 employees related to PKWT, Bina BNI, and outsourcing classified by using a proportional stratified random sampling method. Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA) is used to examine the moderator effect of the research model with the residual test method. Empirical findings show that digital banking has a significant relationship impact to turnover intentions of employees at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. regional office of South Jakarta. meanwhile, job insecurity has a pure moderator and negative
effect, also significant affect to the relationship between digital banking and turnover intentions of the employees in PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. regional office of South Jakarta.