The Political Graveyard: Denmark (original) (raw)

Honorary consuls in U.S. territories representing Denmark

Aalborg: George M. Hanson (Consul 1918)

Aarhus (Århus): John E. Kehl (Consul 1918-20)

Copenhagen: John M. Forbes (Consul 1816-19) — Henry B. Ryder (Consul as of 1874-84) — Olof Hansen (Vice Consul as of 1874-97) — Wickham Hoffman (Consul General as of 1883-85) — Orlando H. Baker (Consul 1892-94) — Robert J. Kirk (Consul as of 1897) — John C. Ingersoll (Consul as of 1898-99) — Jules Bloom (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1898) — Jules Blom (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1899) — Raymond R. Frazier (Consul 1902-05) — Albert G. Michelson (Vice & Deputy Consul as of 1905-06) — Victor Juhler (Vice & Deputy Consul 1906-09) — Axel Permin (Deputy Consul General 1907-09) — Axel Permin (Deputy Consul General 1909-12) — Victor Juhler (Vice & Deputy Consul 1909-11) — Axel Permin (Vice & Deputy Consul General 1913-15) — Edward D. Winslow (Consul General as of 1914-17) — Axel Permin (Vice Consul 1915-18) — William H. Gale (Consul General 1917-18) — Maurice P. Dunlap (Consul 1917-18) — Baylor L. Agerton (Consul 1917-19) — Erland Gjessing (Vice Consul 1918-38) — Carl Borge Gunderson (Vice Consul 1918) — Joseph G. Groeninger (Vice Consul 1918-20) — Emil Sauer (Consul 1919) — Romeyn Wormuth (Consul as of 1919-21) — Maurice P. Dunlap (Consul 1919-20) — Henry C. A. Damm (Consul 1919-20) — Julius C. Jensen (Vice Consul as of 1921-26) — William George Roll (Vice Consul as of 1921) — Marion Letcher (Consul General as of 1921-26) — Maurice P. Dunlap (Consul 1921) — Howard F. Withey (Consul as of 1924) — Ellis A. Johnson (Vice Consul as of 1926-29) — William H. T. Mackie (Vice Consul 1926-29) — North Winship (Consul General 1928-31) — Carl Birkeland (Vice Consul as of 1929) — Edward M. Groth (Consul 1929-33) — J. Stanford Edwards (Vice Consul 1929-38) — Fred K. Salter (Vice Consul as of 1932) — Louis G. Dreyfus, Jr. (Consul General as of 1932) — R. Borden Reams (Consul 1937-40) — Lucien Memminger (Consul General as of 1938)

Elsinore (Helsingør): Rigner L. Ulstrup (Consular Agent as of 1884)

Esbjerg: Romeyn Wormuth (Consul 1918)

Odense: Maurice P. Dunlap (Consul 1918)

Ribe: William George Roll (Vice Consul 1918)

Rønne: Charles Bistrup (Consular Agent as of 1884)

Apalachicola, Fla.: Solomon M. Brash (Vice Consul 1897-1907)

Baltimore, Md.: Thomas Whitridge (Vice Consul 1892-95)Morris Whitridge (Vice Consul 1896-97)Morris Whitridge (Consul 1898-1903)Holger A. Koppel (Honorary Vice Consul 1905-35)George Harry Ponder (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Boise, Idaho: Walter S. Bruce (Vice Consul 1891-1907)

Boston, Mass.: Gjert Lootz (Vice Consul 1884-99)Gustaf Lundberg (Consul 1895-1922)Niels Hjalmar Larsen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Norman Svend von Rosenvinge (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Brookings, S.D.: Christian Larsen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)

Cedar Falls, Iowa: Viggo Lyngby (Honorary Vice Consul 1904-07)

Charleston, S.C.: Charles E. Wunderlich (Vice Consul 1866-77)D. E. Huger Smith (Vice Consul 1877-1902)James M. Seignious (Vice Consul 1901-07)Hans Wilhelm Bagger (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Ashmead Forrester Pringle, Jr. (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Chicago, Ill.: Christian H. Hansson (Consul 1898-1907)Karl Marius Sorensen (Vice Consul 1907)Reimund Baumann (Consul as of 1925-39)

Cincinnati, Ohio: Philip Henry Hartmann (Vice Consul 1872-97)

Cleveland, Ohio: Mark L. Thomsen (Vice Consul 1904-07)Niels Anthon Christensen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935-50)

Denver, Colo.: Viggo Egede Baerresen (Vice Consul 1903-07)Wolf C. Hansen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935-50)

Detroit, Mich.: Peter Sorensen (Vice Consul 1884-1907)Aage Emanuel Olsen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)George Peter Everson (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Emporia, Kan.: Thyge Söegaard (Vice Consul 1882-96)

Fargo, N.D.: Henry Krogh (Vice Consul 1882-1907)Walter Peter Christensen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Galveston, Tex.: Jens Möller (Vice Consul 1882-96)Frederick W. Blake (Vice Consul 1897-99)Jens Möller (Vice Consul 1900-07)Carl Christian Biehl (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)George Henry Wolfer (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Guánica, P.R.: Enloe L. Lowry (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1921)

Honolulu, Hawaii: Henry R. Macfarlane (Consul 1883-1907)Robert Benjamin Booth (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Frank Elbert Midkiff (Honorary Consul as of 1950)

Houston, Tex.: Edmond Peter Pincoffs (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Karl Wilkens Tidemann (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Humacao, P.R.: Antonio Roig (Vice Consul 1901-07)

Kansas City, Kan.-Mo.: Jep Hansen Mailand (Vice Consul 1897-1907)

Little Rock, Ark.: August Sundholm (Vice Consul 1889-1903)

Los Angeles, Calif.: Ryan Asger Grut (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935-50)

Louisville, Ky.: Charles E. Currie (Vice Consul 1897-99)Charles E. Currie (Consul 1899-1907)

Lovelock, Nev.: Peter Anker (Vice Consul 1895-1922)Peter Anker (Vice Consul 1922-UZ )

Manila, Philippine Islands: Robert Henry Wood (Consul 1900-07)Gerrit Pieter Datema (Honorary Consul as of 1935)

Mayagüez, P.R.: Alberto Bravo (Vice Consul 1901-07)José Oscar Bravo (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Minneapolis, Minn.: Andrew Nissen Johnson (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935-50)

Mobile, Ala.: Joseph R. Edwards (Vice Consul 1876-77)William H. Leinkauf (Vice Consul 1892-1901)Louis Donald (Vice Consul 1902-07)Thomas Stone Leatherbury (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Neander Douglas Cunningham (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

New Orleans, La.: Hermann F. Klumpp (Consul 1877-92)Oscar R. Lanng (Consul 1893-99)Thyge Söegaard (Vice Consul 1896-1907)Ingemann Olsen (Honorary Consul as of 1935-50)

Newport News, Va.: Hugo Arnal (Vice Consul 1900-07)V. D. Andersen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Norfolk, Va.: Charles M. Barnett (Vice Consul 1902-07)V. D. Andersen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Walter Knox (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Omaha, Neb.: Frank V. Lawson (Honorary Vice Consul 1923-50)John Holst (Honorary Vice Consul 1935)

Panama Canal Zone: Colman Sasso (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Samuel Levy Maduro (Honorary Consul as of 1935)Wladimir Ishoy (Honorary Consul as of 1950)

Parker, S.D.: LeRoy Lawrence Madsen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Pascagoula, Miss.: Hubert F. Krebs (Vice Consul 1883-96)

Pensacola, Fla.: William M. Oerting (Vice Consul 1873-97)Charles McKenzie Oerting (Vice Consul 1895-1907)

Perth Amboy, N.J.: I. P. Holm (Vice Consul 1902-07)

Philadelphia, Pa.: Edward S. Sayres (Vice Consul 1862)J. N. Wallem (Vice Consul 1895-1907)Ludvig Theodor Brehm (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)

Ponce, P.R.: Carlos Armstrong (Consul 1900-07)Alberto Armstrong (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Angel A. Sanz (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Port Arthur, Tex.: N. M. Nielsen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)

Portland, Maine: Magnus A. R. Lindberg (Vice Consul 1874-77)

Portland, Ore.: William Eisen (Vice Consul 1902-07)Sherman Harkson (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Andrew Christian Nielsen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Racine, Wis.: Peter B. Nelson (Vice Consul 1892-1907)

SAINT Louis, Mo.: C. E. Ramlose (Vice Consul 1902-07)Clifford Corneli (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

SAINT Paul, Minn.: John C. Nelson (Vice Consul 1896-1907)

SAINT Thomas, V.I.: Reimund Baumann (Honorary Consul General as of 1921)

Salt Lake City, Utah: Peter Hansen (Vice Consul 1892-1907)Jans Marius Hansen Lund (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Holger M. Larsen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

San Francisco, Calif.: H. H. Birkholm (Consul 1898-1910)Paul Bernhard Ryder (Consul as of 1950)

San Juan, P.R.: T. G. I. Waymouth (Vice Consul 1901-07)Frantz Adolf Charles Hastrup (Honorary Consul as of 1935-50)

Savannah, Ga.: Christen M. Holst (Vice Consul 1865-97)Johan B. Holst (Vice Consul 1899-1907)Aage Georg Schroder (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)

Seattle, Wash.: John P. Jacobsen (Vice Consul 1894-1907)Mogens Grove Bildsoe (Honorary Consul as of 1950)

Story City, Iowa: W. D. Gandrup (Vice Consul 1882-1903)

Tampa, Fla.: Harry B. Roberts (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935)Paul Walter Petersen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1950)

Vieques, P.R.: Victor Duteil (Vice Consul 1901-07)

Washington, D.C.: André L. Bagger (Vice Consul 1886-95)

West Palm Beach, Fla.: Anders S. Andersen (Honorary Vice Consul as of 1935-50)

Wilmington, N.C.: Rudolph E. Heide (Honorary Vice Consul 1870-95)Alexander S. Heide (Vice Consul 1895-1911)